Mage Network

Chapter 280

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 280: Dust settled, floating astronomy

When the fire star clusters gather into the column.

The first big celebration is not the palace group of the Shuhua Kingdom, but an unexpected person: Lei Dazhuang!

This cargo packaged the entire holy lake cruise, invited all the people to participate in the celebration, happy as if to become the king of the fire of the magic king is not Tang Shidao but he. The people who received the invitation did not refuse, even if they were not available, they sent a representative of the confidant.

At this moment.

The generals of all forces have already known that the wind has changed!

“Our Youth Alliance was crazy for the first time, but I didn’t expect it to be just a luxury party. hā hā, Ghost sister, did we choose the wrong alliance lord.” Youth Alliance gathered at the celebration, some acquaintances also made jokes . Most people are very relaxed, and very few people don’t understand.

For example, Luo Han, the grandson of the domestic cabinet of Shuhua, he did not understand.

From yesterday to today.

After Lei Dazhuang’s imitation of the fat chamber, the 桓鋈怂 桓鋈怂 摹 摹 踊鸹 踊鸹 踊鸹 source, the whole person’s spirit is different. Rohan is also a smart person, but after all, he is only an ‘ancient man’ who lives in the country of Shuihua. Even if he studies hard, he needs time to improve himself.

“Miss Blue, Ray Alliance lord Why is this high-profile? I remember he has been very cautious, this banquet is not like his intention.” Rohan asked the ghost sister.

“No, this is the nature of the fat.” Ghost sister indifferently said.

“Luo did not understand.”

“Let’s say this, before the fat man has been hiding himself, trying to maintain the current situation, not letting his brother and his motherland suffer a bit of damage. Now, he does not have to do this, he can easily do it himself.” Explain.

“Luo did not understand. Miss Blue, the brother of Ray Alliance lord… Well, Don Majesty is unlikely to be hurt, and Your Majesty does not need the protection of Ray Alliance lord?”

“Generally, I don’t need it. In fact, the fat man has always had this kind of worry. Don’t talk about him, we are also worried. The things that the Tang Emperor has are too precious, but the force is only the Shuhua and the Muhua. This is the face of Strength. The land of the emperors may be easily flattened.”

“We have giant spirits and ghost costumes.” Rohan knows what he is holding.

“Yes, the landlord’s fear of the country is only the Liu’s sect. But as the Tang Emperor takes more and more things, the site is getting bigger and bigger, it is difficult to protect some people will have bad ideas. You know us If you are willing to lose both, you may not be able to fight with the Tang Emperor. Ray Alliance lord is worried that his brother will not end well, so he has always tried his best to maintain the relationship, including giving the Emperor Star some benefits, or giving a golden apple or the like. “”

“Realliance lord and Your Majesty are asking for benefits, not for the development of Youth Alliance?”

“You misunderstood, Luo Young Master. The fat man is just a freshman, and there are so many brains. He only knows that his brother is flying, and there are countless people staring in the dark, so share some brother’s stuff, let everyone not stretch. Poisoned hands. In the establishment of a large company in Dihuangxing, almost all of them will face this process. You used to be the same, you need to give permission to the master.”

“Well, I understand. Why is it different now?”

“Because there is only one country in China, the Emperor Kingdom is the modern country, and the level of science and technology is more than 20 or 30 years. Experts have estimated that the military strength of the Devil’s Kingdom is at least three times that of the Emperor. Our country only has Some big cities are prosperous, the Devils are different, it is relatively average, and every city is prosperous. The overall economy and military are far superior to us, and it is the existence of our imperial star countries that cannot fight together.”

“So, Ray Alliance lord no longer has to worry about Your Majesty.”

“Yes. The fat man received the news of the fire of Huaxing, the first time he ordered: stop giving the golden apple. You know, he used to need to hand over these things to the kings of the land, let them less the idea of ​​the Chinese.” Now, he has no such scruples. Luo Young Master, the people of our time are very simple, it is possible to fight to find a way, must be beaten but can only bow.”

Rohan wants to ask: You may not have played the Liu’s ancestral door before.

But think about it and don’t ask.

He suddenly realized that the Liu’s sect was a ‘possible’ very terrifying existence, and this ‘may’ itself has an undetermined nature. The general artillery can not kill the giant spirit, and there is no gun can not kill the ghost clothing. However, they are still likely to use the nuclear weapons to kill the Tang Emperor Your Majesty and even kill the Liu’s sect.

As long as there is a possibility, one thing, those who are greedy have bad thoughts.

It is different now.

Fire Star is more than three times the ‘absolute’ of the Military Strength. More importantly, Fire Star is on another planet, only its attacking Imperial Star, and the Earth King cannot attack it. This ‘absolute’ and Liu’s sect’s ‘possibility’ are two concepts. Fire Star is a number, and Liu’s sect is a guess. Digital comparisons, results are always more intuitive than guessing.

Therefore, the Emperor Star dared to check the Liu Zongmen, but definitely did not dare to check the Huaxing.

Received the news.

Xiao Jin is also very surprised by the reaction of Lei Dazhuang. Tang Shidao, who is a buddies, understands very well. After all, he has lived in Zulong for so many years.

“Master, he thinks we will be in danger before the fire star is in the list?”


“Why, Master, they are just a bunch…”

“The fat man doesn’t know that I am a mage, and I don’t know the things of Liu’s sect. In his mind, the golden giant Puppet and the dragon ring called ‘Giant’ are the strongest weapons. The Earth King has nuclear weapons, he is worried. Some people will do things. After all, I have a lot of good things.”

“Even if it is a giant spirit and a dragon, the Emperor Star will not win.”

“Well. He doesn’t know. He is only afraid of madmen throwing missiles on my head. So I try to make good use of the parties. Now that I have a fire country, he knows that he can let go and celebrate the first time.” ”

“This idea is too…”

“Xiao Jin, you also think that the apostles threaten me very much, right?”

“They compare… Hey, I understand. Master doesn’t have big support, Master also has some Strength that Xiaojin doesn’t know.”

“Yes, I am not proud, I am not afraid of them.” Tang Shidao said with a slight smile.

He is very clear.

Until the emergence of the Fire Star, everything in the Earth’s Star is really settled!

before this.

The mysterious singer of the Liu Zongmen, the ancient army of the Shuhua Kingdom, and the elf race of the Muhua Kingdom, may all be able to deal with it. The only ones that are modern Civilization and more advanced in the past 20 or 30 years, the Diwangxing countries are absolutely afraid to reach out. Population, economy, military, and fire star all have far-reaching attractions. This intuitive figure is like a person with a pistol who never gets a machine gun.


The Diwangxing countries initiated an exchange proposal to discuss the exchanges with the Emperor Kingdom. Excalibur technology, primary artificial intelligence, alloy material technology, etc. are all better than the Imperial Star. Although not too far, the technology is better and the technology is better. On the other hand, the Devil’s Kingdom is also very interested in the music and culture of Dihuangxing.

This time, please ask, Lei Dazhuang did not have the first time to find Tang Shidao.

Because it is no longer needed.

In addition to the passage of the Zhalong State’s communication bill, the other four Alliances… Well, let go and dry. You have no courage to throw bombs on my brother’s head. Who cares for you? Even if it is useless to pass the words of Lucy and Danny, they can know who is bigger and more reliable.

It can be said.

Since the entry of the Fire Star, the Devil Kingdom sent elites to join the Youth Alliance, and the status of the entire Youth Alliance has instantly increased tenfold.

Lei Dazhuang, the alliance lord, is a real name, and no longer needs to be careful to ease the relationship.

“Taoist, open the tour, let everyone see and play in the past. As long as the two sides get used to it, everyone will not be afraid. In addition, some devil students will go to Huajing School and go on a race exchange course. The devil is not bad with us, the skin is red, and there are more short corners. Everyone gets used to it.”

Lei Dazhuang does not need to ask for benefits.

If there is no Fire Star, he may still have to worry about the brother. Now there is the Devil’s Kingdom supporting the waist, how come cool.

“Fat, what do you think is the strongest weapon in our division?”

“Giant spirit, it should be much harder than the dragon.” Lei Dazhuang seriously thought about it, and felt that the giant spirit is more powerful.

Looking at Xiaojin next to him, I thought it really.

Master is not wrong.

This product does not know how much resistance your brother has, and even the gold giant Puppet is really powerful. It is no wonder that this cargo has been running on both sides, and it turns out that both sides will fight. Think again that he is just a freshman student and he doesn’t know much about it. It is not surprising that he has such concerns in his heart.

“Dao Shi, is there a stronger weapon?” Lei Dazhuang found that Xiao Jin’s look was a bit wrong.

“Yes, but you don’t need to inquire. Fat man, I have ordered the head of the demon king’s special member, Rosa Rosa, to join the Youth Alliance and become one of the representatives of the demon kingdom. You will need help later, such as the negotiating elite, the courageous The guard, who is better than the handsome bodyguard, wants to ask her directly. I have given orders, and the Emperor’s Congress fully supports the Youth Alliance.”

“Well, the Devil’s Guards first gave me a group. As the saying goes, Fu is not returning hometown like Jinyi Night Walk. I don’t have to look at the complexion now. I don’t want to pull a team of aliens back and go.”

“With you, you are happy.” Tang Shidao smiled.

This is Lei Da Zhuang.

Don’t think that he will rely on his mind to do things, he only depends on his mood.

The negotiation was completed.

Finally, everything is on track.

The people of the Chinese people have developed smoothly, and the elves have worked hard to improve them. The Emperor Kingdom secretly selected 5,000 female warriors to become new apostles. On the side of the landlord, the countries began to work hard to develop without any idea. The fat man has no pressure, he will do it himself, why do you want to do it. On your own side, um, don’t need to inform the Emperor.

After all, as the king of the demon kingdom, the power is in the grip, and it is not necessary to use the name of the sect.


Now everyone is returning to it, and everything is smooth.

When the dust of the original World was settled, Tang Shidao began to open the fourth portal. After the fire of Hua Xing, Tang Shidao felt that it was better to act personally. What kind of strange race is a pair of faces, and you will be at least indiscriminate.

on the other hand.

Charm, Lan Ji, Wu Yueer and Qingyan Fox are trying hard to find the materials of the ten missions. I believe they will find them soon. They owe their own feelings, need to give them a chance to repay, and accept their help to be a true friend.

Wait until the ten missions are completed, and then it is the special mission that Mrs. Wuyun said, related to summoning spells.

And then.

Going to the World of the Holy Master… So before that, the 5th Star mission of Jinmu Shuiyue must be completed.

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