Mage Network

Chapter 279

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 279: The Relics of the Real Maniac: The Devil of All Lives, Astronomy

When everyone retired from the Chamber, the Speakers of the Purgatory Council all left, and move towards Tang Shidao. For the first person to come forward: “Your Excellency, just rude. Introduce yourself, my name is Magic Chihou, the president of the current Purgatory Parliament. God has long predicted that you will come…”

A few simple words.

Magic Chihou will explain the things of the Emperor’s Cup and the Blood of the Emperor.

“There is still such a story. I understand, I want to ask if someone has drunk this cup of blood?” Tang Shidao understands that the Purgatory Council does not know the existence of the Master Network, only know Abyss. But they know Magic, because the Abyss demons know some spells.

“No. Your Excellency, not that we didn’t try, but we can’t afford it.” Magic Chihou slowly opened the box.


A magical cup is quietly placed, with a glass of lava that glows.

“It can’t be drunk.” Mo Chi Hou raised his hands and sent his hands to Tang Shidao. He whispered: “All Lifeforms can be turned into ashes as soon as they touch this ‘blood’, including the hardest bones. We also try After loading with heat-resistant metal, the result is the same. In addition to the Magic Horn, nothing can carry it. Your Excellency, this is God’s life and your test. If you have no ability to drink it, please You leave us…”

“Give me.” Tang Shidao reached out and took the Magic Horn Cup and found that the blood was not hot, only a slight warmth.

It melts everything not because of warmth, but because of spell effects.

Tang Shidao holds the magic corner cup.

Suddenly poured a little on the ground. In an instant, the speaker’s complexion changes wildly, the ground changes rapidly, and it becomes hot and soft like lava erosion. Everyone exclaimed that Tang Shidao waved again and all the speakers were ‘floating’.

At this time, the lava erosion on the ground began to expand.

Slowly spread to the outside.

Tang Shidao waved the wall and floated all the staff and guards into the air. Everyone floating is horrified, and I don’t know what Tang Shidao means. They have seen this scene, because the blood of the Emperor has been sprinkled, and several cities have been burned into lava pools. This has happened several times in history.

In this case, unless the lava pool is expanded to a certain extent, the blood of the fallen Emperor will float to the top.

There are no tools to extract.

Only the Magic Horn can reload it, otherwise the lava pool will never dissipate.

“Your Excellency, this…”

“I know.” Tang Shidao slowly picked up the magical cup and drank the blood of ‘God’ little by little. Everyone looked at them with wide eyes. They saw similar movements. The testers immediately turned into a fly ash as long as they touched their fingers. It is not directly dripped into the mouth, and any contact with Lifeform must be burned to ashes.

The people in front of me have already finished drinking one bite and have not turned into ashes.

Is he the new god in Legend?

After drinking.

Tang Shidao threw the Magic Horn Cup to the big talker, Mao Chihou, and reached out to recruit some blood from the ground lava. Floating into the palm of his hand, Tang Shidao looked at it for a while, and poured the blood into his mouth with his palm. At this time, the ground lava stopped growing, but it did not go out at once.

A group of people floated in the air, watching Tang Shidao drink the blood of the ‘God’, and there was a burst of ecstasy.

God is coming back!

This is the new god!

Tang Shidao waved a spell, a frost quickly reduced the temperature of the ground. Less than a few breaths, the ground turned into a blackened frozen soil. Waving the crowd floating in the air, and indicating that the guards coming from nearby left, Tang Shidao said to the demon president of the Red Chihhou: “This is not complete, it is still a drop of blood, where is it?”

Amazing Chi Hou, immediately called: “Hey, right. There is a drop in the Red Crescent Volcano, we took a drop to do scientific research. Your Excellency Please come with me, I will immediately prepare the plane to take you past. Guard, Guard…”

Tang Shidao waved his hands: “No trouble, you can imagine where the Red Crescent Volcano is.”

The magic red hou was amazed and did it.

Next second.

A Famen channel leading to the Red Crescent volcano opened, and Tang Shidao stepped forward. A group of Speakers followed, and the guards responded quickly. They are a little hard to believe, just a few steps to the far side of the other hemisphere.

Mo Chi Hou signaled the guard communication, indicating that the army should not attack Tang Shidao flying to the top of the volcano.

At this moment.

Tang Shidao determined that the middle of the volcanic lava pool was the last drop of blood. Beckon, take it, drink it slowly. For a moment, Tang Shidao felt that he had harvested three things: first, a full million mana; second, a million curse ‘the demon possessed’; third, a never heard of a spell… no It is better to say that it is a training method than it is, it is called: the devil of all beings!

Receiving the heritage, Tang Shidao’s heart is slightly strange.

One million mana and a million curse are matched with it. It is not surprising that what is really puzzling is the demon of all beings.

What is the training method in Master Network?

The three most obvious are: monks’ physical exercises, hunter training, and meditation. Of course, professional skills such as alchemy and refining are also counted in the training category, but the basic training in general sense is the first three. The devil’s devil is not a professional skill, it is also the basic training method… the fourth kind that Master Network has never heard of!

Even more unexpected.

The demon of all beings is unique, consistent with the characteristics of the curse but not a curse.

The only meaning… the entire Master Network just owns it.

Open the book of the law.


The devil is not in the book of the law, it is in another book: the colorless book.

Its role is very simple, adding a layer of ‘magic phase’ to any user’s body. For example, if you are a human being now, you will use the magical creatures of the red skin and the forehead. You can also grow magic wings, magic tails, magic scales or magic armor. In the same way, the self-destruction of the tiger can also be covered with a layer of magic, such as sharper magical claws and whip tails.

In short.

The devils of all beings are like an ever-changing ‘magic armor’, and all shapes match.

See the details.

Tang Shidao also found the level of ‘one being a phase’, indicating that the demons are still at the level of ‘one’. This is not the type of deformation is one, but the level of the Strength level is one. Like the colorless one and the egg one, the sentient beings also take the simplest method of grading. Tang Shidao also knows that these ‘Rank 1 skills’ can’t be upgraded before they enter the 1st Ring, and they all reach a certain limit.

The sacred mages have the steps of the 1st Ring 2nd Ring, and the sentient beings are also in the same phase as the sentient beings.

Think about it.

This demon is very arrogant, it is simply a ‘crazy’. Previously it tried to create something that was comparable to the Master level, and later it was really created.

Looking back at the crowd, Tang Shidao didn’t think much about it. When the mind is moving, the whole body becomes red, and a pair of magic horns grows on the forehead, and the eyelids turn into gold in a flash. At this time, the body is stronger, the muscles are not exaggerated by the orcs, but they are much stronger than the humans. At this time, Tang Shidao was slightly strange: the devil’s body is not a carapace.

The skin has a perfect touch and the double angles sense the change in energy.

The creatures are like a pattern of armor, but not a real armor. Strictly speaking, this should be a magical phase evolution, or a real deformation. The appearance changed, the body’s five senses were perfectly preserved, and the acumen even improved a little.

Tang Shidao became a ‘magic man’ landing, and everyone was shocked by ecstasy.

Same as God said.

The new god can perfectly inherit his Strength and bring unprecedented changes to the demonic race.

“Your body Inheritance has the Strength of the Emperor, right?” Tang Shidao also accepted the Magic’s Knowledge after gaining the demon. Look at the seventy-two speakeres and immediately know that they have the ‘seal’ of Strength.

“Yes. God has been killed, and the Strength of our Purgatory Council can only be awakened by the new god. Moreover, God has left a sentence.”

“What?” asked Tang Shidao.

“The Holy Land is the beginning.” He didn’t know what this sentence meant, but he remembered to convey this sentence.

Tang Shidao Wei Wei, I thought this is probably a reminder of the Emperor.

Don’t think too much.

Reach out.

Gently press on the top of the head of Magic Chihou. Just one click, in an instant, the body of the magic Akao radiates a red light. In a twinkling of an eye, his whole body began to spurt flames and quickly swept into the air. Soon, these flames were distorted and transformed into a Abyss demon with a height of more than 100 meters, a back wing and three shoulders.

“Your Excellency… No, Master.” The three devils whispered and shook the sounds.

Tang Shidao also waved the second speaker to the front and summoned Xiao Jin. When the second person became a hundred-meter demon with four arms and four arms, everyone yelled. Here is the devil society, they are not afraid of the devil.

On the contrary, the devil is their god.

“Master, these are…” Xiaojin came and saw the situation in front of him slightly surprised.

“Refer to the Purgatory Council of Abyss.” Tang Shidao indifferently said.

“Oh, understand, the third planet is the society of the descendants of the devil. Master, are you going to develop a group of apostles?” Xiao Jin’s knowledge is wider than that of Tang Shidao, and he knows what the Purgatory Council is.

“Well, different people adapt to different places, and the devil has a place that suits them.”

“Alright. Master, is this a unified country?”


“That saves things, even the war does not need.” Xiao Jin only wants to complete the Master’s mission as soon as possible, do not care about these Strength. With the Master’s spell pool, the 100-meter troll is just a fleshy foot. The Apostle’s Strength has a direct relationship with the Master. The stronger the Master, the stronger the Apostle’s Strength. Just now, the mana shared pool suddenly increased by one million mana, almost doubling.

Therefore, the influence of the apostles has doubled in an instant.

A group of demons or a group of demons, it doesn’t matter, it will help the Master’s career.

Ask a little.

Xiaojin quickly made up his mind: the Master’s affairs must be concealed, and the Master claimed that the Master is the applicator of the Magic Corner Cup. It is the designated heir of the first generation of the gods, and uses this excuse to receive the entire fire star.

“Yes, God made it.” The devil and other presidents have no opinion at all.

They already know that the new god has a strong and unstrength of Strength, and there are a lot of techniques to extend life and practice strong body. The science they are proud of is not worth mentioning in front of the Master. The Master has mastered a starry sky and has StarCraft technology that is hundreds of times better than them.

and so.

Now they just hold the Master thigh, the Master can’t pick up anything.

“Call me a golden fairy, don’t make a mistake. There is another point, the devil’s lineage has the ‘awakening’ possibility. You slowly learn to study slowly, try to wake up some demons to become better fighters. Although awakened into demons Not very good, but it is better than not awakening.” Xiaojin reminded, do not care about this group of helpers.

Single Strength.

More than 5,000 elf apostles, any one can hang this group of ‘devils’.

Things are agreed.

one day later.

Dihuangxing, Shuihuaxing and Muhuaxing have received news that the new compatriots just found are: a group of demons!

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