Mage Network

Chapter 281

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 281: The most unexpected harvest, floating astronomy

The enthusiasm of the fire of Huaxing is on the right track.

This also means that all forces must put aside their unnecessary thoughts and strive to do their part. For Tang Shidao, it took a long lap to return to the original point, as if it was unnecessary. In fact, the results of the two are different. You don’t have to expose the identity of the Master, even the Liu’s sects don’t have to borrow, and life is completely calm.


In the original World plane, Tang Shidao only wanted to be a general person, and he did not want to give up his identity as a human being. As the Scarecrow said, the Master Network is a place to ‘walk around’. No matter what you harvest or what Strong you have, you shouldn’t give up on yourself and change others.

If the warrior is stronger than the human being, it becomes a warrior, and the gods are powerful and become gods.

What is the meaning of one’s own existence.

In the mind of Tang Shidao, the Master is just a ‘Strength’, not a true self. If you want to give up on Strength, you don’t need to work hard. Find a god or ask the Scarecrow whether you want to be an apostle. You can fly to the top in a second.

Practice is very troublesome, but this is the ability to truly belong to you.

The life of Dihuangxing is also very troublesome, but this is the home that truly belongs to you.

Everything returns to normal.

Tang Shidao arrived at the Fire Star in the first time, reshaped the ring of Mars and opened the fourth portal to the Tuhua Star. Prior to this, Tang Shidao first compiled the harvest of the distant Ancient Devil. Far Decient Devil, which is sent to the universe to find the planet of life, finds 43 unmanned planets, from dinosaur planets to glacial planets, from monster planets to plant planets, every species.

Earlier, Tang Shidao transformed a ‘Zhulong Star’ to move the youth Alliance and the Diwangxing countries into immigration.

The remaining 42 pieces are given to the apostles, let them learn and govern first.

There are also twelve planets around the Fire Star, and Tang Shidao has built a portal to allow the demons to explore the site and collect resources. This is really not to strengthen the force, just to find something to let the people of the Devils State do.

Speaking of the war of Strength.

The fire star is not as good as any planet in the Sinister River, but the force of the evil Star River is also invisible. Therefore, Tang Shidao really does not need to take the fire of the Huaxing star as a soldier. Giving the portal just let them not idle, continue to work hard and continue to develop.

Trivial matter.

Official Stepping into Tuhuaxing, Tang Shidao horse rises to a strange feeling: the clue of the fourth foundation of life weaving is here!

The transfer door is open.

There are a lot of strange ‘people’ around me… No, there should be a lot of strange ‘ghosts’.

“The phantom?” Tang Shidao himself is a mage, and you can see at a glance what this new ethnic compatriot is. This place is different from the modern city of Chinatown, which is a pure wilderness World. There is no building on the surface of the earth, not one. The ghosts here are all phantoms, not enough energy, they can’t even get a small stone.

They are different from the ghost costumes. The ghost costumes rely on the magic to produce Strength, and the ghosts here are 0.

“I am from your sister planet, looking for the compatriots left by the ancestors. Is there any elder who can talk to me?” Tang Shidao called and found that there are some strange tactics on this planet: the solace transforms the array.

Some of these arrays are abandoned and some are still in operation.

“Excuse me, is the guest really a compatriot from afar?” Hearing the words of Tang Shidao, a group of ghosts floated forward. They don’t have facial features, they don’t see expressions, but they can feel that they are really excited.

“Yes. I have unified Water Huaxing, Muhuaxing and Huohuaxing, and the compatriots of Tuhuaxing and Jinhuaxing are not reunited.”

“Oh…” A group of ghosts listened to excitement.

They have no sound and no expression. Except for Masters like Tang Shidao, the average person can’t communicate at all.

For strangers, they are also not hostile.

Because ghosts are not physically harmed, or they can’t touch ordinary things. They are like shadows, as if they lived in different dimensions. Therefore, they never worry about the threat of outsiders.

“People please come with us.” The ghosts lead the way and lead Tang Shidao to an underground cave.

There is a subterranean space for a secluded energy conversion array.

It is also the gathering point of ghost people.

The ghosts themselves can penetrate the mud and go straight into the ground. In order to lead Tang Shidao, they deliberately walked into the tunnel. Tang Shidao can also make a ‘ghost change’ spell to penetrate the material, but Tang Shidao does not want to cast a spell.

For a while.

Tang Shidao went to the underground cave, and the ghosts who received the news early were gathering together. Tens of thousands of ghosts came, they were very curious and surrounded Tang Shidao as a rare species. They also know the existence of their compatriots, but they did not expect to be completely different from their race.

In the cave, the size of the ghosts is different.

The smallest is the appearance of children, the largest is three or four meters high. Tang Shidao also can see that the larger the ghosts, the longer they are.

“We have never met an outsider before, and internal communication does not require a name. So, you call me a ‘great ghost’, compatriots, I welcome you on behalf of the ghosts.” The most ghosts claim to be giant ghosts, he goes forward Talking on behalf of ghosts. The name is a ghost, but the temperament is owned by the ‘scholar’.

“My name is Tang Shidao, you can call me Tang.” Tang Shidao nodded.

“Welcome to you again, Don. We are very happy, and finally hope for this day.” The ghost is very excited, and the energy of the body is shaking.

“Can you tell me something about here, the giant ghost?”

“Of course.” The ghost is really unconcerned.

Maybe he thinks that outsiders are not threatened and can’t hurt ghosts, so he doesn’t need to hide anything.

The ghost is slowly explained.

Tang Shidao listened carefully and slowly learned about the situation here. First heard, there is no country here. Ghosts can’t build, and they can’t touch anything. They have nothing else to do except to wander around the planet. The ghosts are observing everything and marching in all directions. Because ghosts hardly die, they also have something like ‘Knowledge’.

The ghost’s Knowledge is word of mouth and cannot be recorded in books.

It can be said.

Every ghost is very knowledgeable and likes to share. But they all prefer to understand and understand the natural world. Every kind of animal, every kind of plant, they know everything. The wind and rain of nature, the mountains, the lakes and the sea, they are also clear.

Although a book does not, every ghost person is a small Knowledge library.

on the other hand.

There is no war in the ghost race.

They can’t hurt the outside of Lifeform, there is no fight inside, they like to live in peace. The struggle will make them weak, small, and even die, so the ghosts are not interested in fighting. Tang Shidao also heard that there is a certain limit on the total number of ghosts, because there is only one kind of food: solitude. An energy generated by the pygma conversion matrix is ​​actually a modified version of Magic energy.

Ghosts don’t need other energy, they can live for a long time as long as they suck a little.


The number of singularity conversion squads determines the number of ghosts.

“Those tactics are not damaged, but they have not been manufactured. Our god ‘Ghost King’ Your Excellency said: One day, someone will perfect these squads and even create a better savvy conversion matrix. At that time, the race of the ghosts can really rise. If the people can’t build the solitude, then we still need to wait.” The ghost said frankly.

“I understand.” Tang Shidao can understand. The ghost is waiting for the compatriots, but the ghost king is waiting for a wizard to arrive.

If a team of interstellar Civilization scientists come.

They can’t build a singularity conversion squad. They are not the ones the ghost king needs, and they can’t get the ghost king’s legacy.

Small half day time.

After listening to the detailed description of the ghost, Tang Shidao knows that there is an ‘unfinished homework’ here. The title that the ghost king deliberately left will be solved by the descendants. The pylon conversion matrix is ​​the profession of the scroll master, and the general mage can do it with hard work. This array of laws is not complicated, as long as it is possible for members of the Master Network to learn.

It is really a fool to learn, and it is ok to find a reel master.

In other words.

Ghost King is not leaving a problem, but leaving an option for ‘Mage Network Members’.

You are not a mage, you are not in conformity.

“Don, you are going to…” The ghosts looked forward slightly, including the ghosts around them. They all know that the Psyllium Conversion Array represents their own ‘food’, and this food also represents their survival and reproduction. If there is enough food, they can even get a stronger Strength from it.

“I will build them. This is not my profession, but it is still impossible for me to change the stagnation of the stagnation.”

“Ah…Thank you! Thank you, Tang!” The ghost was excited and thought about it and said: “Tang, the ghost king Your Excellency once said: He left something about life and death. If you can build a phantom conversion matrix, please be aware that there may be something happening at the time of your work, please don’t miss it.”

“Hey, I am understood, thank you.” Tang Shidao was slightly surprised, and he was quick to thank the giant ghost.

Listen to what he meant.

The ghost king left something, but it is not necessarily handed to you.

This time, the ghosts mentioned the existence of the Master, and also knew that the existence of the Master is a secret, they will not mention to people other than the ghost. The ghost is not the race created by the ghost king, but his optimized race. The normal phantom can’t multiply, but the ghost can breed, so it is in line with the characteristics of the race. In a sense, the Ghost King is also the founder of the Ghost Race.

Ghost King once specified: The person who can help the race of the ghost is the new ‘king’, must be the identity of the Master. He ordered the ghosts to follow the Master’s footsteps and strive to grow to a greater and stronger level.

The conversation is over.

Tang Shidao also didn’t want to waste time, turned into a ghost, and quickly flew to the first Subterranean.

As you approach it, it is not unfinished. It has been built, but it has not yet been activated. Tang Shidao stretched his hand and realized that he needed 50 mana to activate the array. This is not a payment of mana, it only requires energy activation.

So simple?

Tang Shidao is very strange, what is it, this is not a problem at all.

Reach out and get into the magic.

When the Phantom Transforming Array is activated, Tang Shidao instantly receives the most unexpected gift, the resurrection spell… Reincarnation!

Ok? that’s it?

So easy to get the legacy of the ghost king?

It’s that simple?

Do not!

This is impossible!

Reincarnation is a very rare exchange-like spell. It requires 50 mana cast, half the million spells, and 50 times the resurrection. Having this spell sounds great, but there are 72 singers in the album of the snake mage… With this ability, can the ghost king compare with the Yulong immortal couple who have the curse? And what is the comparison with the devil who has the ‘devil of all beings’?

The 72 people selected by 5 people cannot have this degree.

This is not right.

There must be something more important.

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