Mage Network

Chapter 273

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 273: Sinister Star River 10, the end is the beginning? Floating astronomy

When the war hit everyone exhausted, some people thought that it was time to harvest, and things were always under their control.

However, a turning point made everyone confused.

“…The above is the story of the gods and the first refiner of the Holy Land ‘Yuan Ding’ Grandmaster, which is the cause of the birth and transformation of the evil sacred river. I can’t tell you what the so-called gods are looking for, I don’t know, Or I am looking for it now. In short, this farce is over. I declare as the Master of the Master. This place is back to the Master.”

Sin Star River’s star network.

Tang Shidao personally released the speech and made a part of the story of love and death.

Of course, the things about the Holy Ring were not revealed, because the gods did not know what Yuan Ding had made, but probably guessed its role.

When I heard the news, everyone was scared.

The most shocked is the generals, who have been secretly promised the status of ‘apostles’ and have long known about things. Unexpectedly, some people dared to jump out and openly confront the ‘spirit’.

The general person is also the head of the bomb.

According to the “Tang Feng” Grandmaster, Tang Feng Grandmaster is a curse mage?

Is he fighting against the gods here? Or is this a contest between the Master Network and the gods?

“I don’t call Tang Feng, my name is Tang Shidao.”

In a word.

The people frowned again.

“You didn’t guess wrong. The sixth sage who had five curses outside was rumored to be me. Frankly, I just wanted to sneak in, secretly complete the task, and then unconsciously evacuate and let no one know. But, see the evil star river I changed my mind. After I found out the story of the Yuanding Grandmaster, I was more certain that I would have to clean up the place as a refiner.”

No one is talking.

This is not the sixth time that the sixth sage has declared his Strength.

Since the charm of Mo and Lan Ji ‘borrowing’ Da Yun Yun and the Great Whirlpool, people know that this young sixth sage is coming sooner or later.

“Yuanding Grandmaster has been trying to turn the evil star river into a peaceful land, but because his technology has been shackled, it has been destroyed in the face of unrecognizable. This is not a task competition, this is not hostile, this is the word of the refiner. Oh, so no matter who is here, I declare that it is over.”

In a word, everyone can hear the taste of ‘being enemies with the gods’.

Workers in the Tang enterprise can not help but secretly worry.

In their minds, Tang Feng… No, the sixth sage Tang Shidao is their ‘Teacher’ and the greatest benefactor. It is inevitable to be enemies with the gods…

At this moment.

A few masters who sneaked into the sinister river laughed, and they did not feel that it was a serious matter to be enemies with the gods.

In the eyes of the Master.

The so-called god is just a strong mage.

“After a day, I officially attacked and destroyed all the squadrons of the Sinister River. I will give you a day to leave. I also know that the gods promised you the ‘Apostles’, so trouble you to go back and find your master. If there is no master. I don’t want to leave, please disarm immediately and hand over to the local security network for supervision. I have the confidence to play with me, wait, I will attack immediately after one day.”

All the generals of the legion can understand that this is no longer a melee.

This is one person for everyone.

“I know that some people still hold hope and wonder if I am a savior. I want to recruit some forces to maintain the rule of the evil sin. I am sorry, you are wrong, I am not a savior. Frankly, if everyone Resist the end, I don’t mind killing the sinful Star River’s life to ‘0’. I am a refiner, and for me it is only the place left by the Yuanding Grandmaster, not the people here.”

Everyone listened to the cold.

The sixth sage is not joking. If everyone is really arrogant and self-sustaining, he will really empty the whole place.

The general people secretly cheered, they will not resist.

in contrast.

They are expecting this ‘stability order’ for too long.

“Maybe some people will think: our gods and masters will control everything. This overestimate one’s capabilities can’t fight the gods. This sinful star river will remain the same. If you think so, I have to say sorry… no. Kind of possible! I believe that you all know what the Master Chamber is. The sinful Star River is the Master Chamber. It is something that can be taken. Any Master can do it, just find the authority left by Yuan Ding.”

Everyone was shocked.

They all know what the Master Chamber is.

They also know that once a mage regains authority, the entire sinister river is a ‘private toy’.

“You must be guessing, how long does it take for my young wizard to gain authority? One month? One year? Ten years? It is a pity that it is not…” Tang Shidao’s speech is expanding, and it is a hollow area inside a planet. An underground palace that is somewhat similar to a large library.

Tang Shidao is standing here to speak.

Slowly explain: “I have been standing here. It may take only a few days, even hours, and the Master’s authority for the evil Star River is owned by me.”

Seeing this picture, the generals of the regiment were desperate.

Tang Shidao’s permission does not mean victory, but this means that everyone wants to fight with the master of the cage in Tang Shidao’s ‘cage’.

This is basically courting death.

Even if the Legion team is stronger, Tang Shidao loses… He has the authority to modify the Rule: you can use Full Magic.

Then, he alone can hang everyone.

The authority of the Master’s Chamber of Secrets is higher than everything else, and the rats in the cage are no longer strong enough to compete with the Master of the cage.

“You have one day, including the looted technicians and slaves can leave. I have arranged enough flying ships to help you leave, as long as you apply to the Star Network to leave. After a day, whether I can get permission, I The Starship Forces will launch an offensive, destroying all armed Strength and letting it return to calm.”

Everyone understands when I hear this.

Tang Shidao, the sixth sage, gave two choices: First, leave and return to his life. Second, stay, and then join the evil sacred river to rebuild this area in the way of the Sixth Sage. The Sinister Star River is the Master’s Chamber of Secrets. Staying is equivalent to accepting the shelter of the Sixth Sage.

Civilians do not have to choose, they are not willing to leave.

The sinful star river is too big.

Except for a few planets, most of them are developing or untapped planets. As long as they have a stable order, they can live well wherever they are.

The speech was completed.

The generals of the Legion began to act, and the first time contacted whether to resist. As long as you defeat or kill Tang Shidao, the curse mission fails, and this place is still under their control. There is spiritual support behind them, they may not be able to fight.

The curse that secretly sneaked into the task applied for leave, leaving quietly.

They don’t want to stay long.

Once the mission is completed, Tang Shidao gains permission, and those who do the task will automatically ‘expel’. In order to avoid misunderstanding, they simply leave first. They are not clear above the sacred world. Under the holy world, few people can really compare with the sixth sage. They don’t want to offend such a colleague.

In the interstellar technology area, the message spreads.

In addition, the entrance to the Sinister River is open, Tang Shidao’s speech is not finished, and the attention network of the Master Network and Void has received news.

For some tycoons, this is just a mission.

However, when the Six Sages took a slap in the face of the gods, most of the Masters laughed. Special refiners, the first sect of the Holy Land, Yuan Ding, was ‘tucked’ by the gods. They also had no face on their faces. Now, this slap is gone.

“White Headmaster, will Tang have something?”

“will not.”

“Why? He can offend a group of gods.”

“First of all, this is just a task, not a major event. Besides, they want to deal with Xiao Tang, Master Network can not agree. Especially the refiners, the technology is not as good as Yuan Ding, Strength far exceeds Yuan Ding There are as many people as there are. If Xiao Tang really got the technology of Yuan Ding, maybe the gods would pull down their faces and buy his products.”

“If they take Tang? It’s not working now, after the holy world…”

“Dragon Boxing, Master Network is still a strong god?”


“If you use the Scarecrow’s words: No matter the anti-Mage or the gods, it’s just a group of clowns that can’t even achieve their ideals. Longquan, do you know why the Scarecrows look down on the gods? Because they can’t work hard, they want to snatch others’ results. The people who really have the Strength never ignore the gods. For example, the Queen of the Stars, the gods in her mouth are just a bunch of lazy pests.”

“I understand. It was actually a kind of protection when Mr. Black Phase gave Tang a visit card.”

The white phase Headmaster has nothing to say.

He knows that this is actually a warning. Master Network and Void have a tacit understanding of each other: children don’t care about us, if you Sir hit a child, hehe, then don’t blame us for letting go.

This tacit understanding is the same for the inverse mage and the gods.

It is easy for a holy man to deal with a general mage. There is still protection in the Master Network, and how to kill when you enter Void. However, you can try it out. If the gods deal with Tang Shidao, he has not yet started, and there are countless people coming in at the beginning. At that time, it was not an apology, it was absolutely your life.

Did the Scarecrow keep a hand on the gods who invaded the Great Library?


No one at all, it will kill you!

Tang Shidao also knows that he owns this Rule and he is not worried about his safety within the scope of Master. Regardless of whether the mission is important or not, the gods want to enter the Master Network to deal with themselves. His first encounter must be a Scarecrow. If he can win the Scarecrow, he is not safe where he is. If he can’t win, then he is just a corpse.

Even when it comes to Void, the ‘parents’ of the Master Network will not let the gods mess.

For a sinful star river to fight with themselves, the gods are not so stupid.

The mission is just a game.

The loser is not likely to hack the champion with a knife. Void has too many good things, but only one copy of his life, no one will lose his life for a little treasure.

The gods and the Master Network are just not harmonious, and have not yet reached the enemy’s point.

Tang Shidao opened the remains of the Yuan Ding Grandmaster.


There is only one small thing suspected of being a planet in the will, only the size of table tennis, and a strange aura around it.

“This is a holy ring?” Tang Shidao was not happy.

Related technology?

What is the authority of the evil star river?

Yuan Ding itself is also a curse mage, his curse? The first refiner of the Holy Land, he can not reach this level, which means that … the task is not finished?

Is this a new beginning?

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