Mage Network

Chapter 274

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 274: What is Rolling, Floating Astronomy

What is the most important thing in the evil sacred sacred river?

The gods want the products of Yuan Ding.

Master Curse wants the great curse left by Yuan Ding.

Tang Shidao wants the refiner technology of the first refiner of the Holy Land! As a refiner, Tang Shi did not attach importance to the ‘Holy Ring’. He had eight great curses and was not interested in the unknown curse left by Yuan Ding. However, just because he is also a refiner, Tang Shidao is very keen to know what technology was invented by the first refinery in the Holy Land.

Yuan Ding can be called the first refinery of the Holy Land. He is definitely not a person with a vain name.

I didn’t have the ability to do it myself. I couldn’t turn a little in the holy place.

Tang Shidao couldn’t help but be disappointed when he got the stars and stars. This kind of harvest is too little, and it doesn’t match the difficulty of the big curse. This holy ring may be liked by others, but does not include itself. At this moment, at the moment of starting, the Holy Ring slammed a special kind of induction: it could not be opened!


It also requires some kind of condition to open, and it doesn’t currently meet its requirements.

Tang Shidao couldn’t help but laugh at the unusual feeling.


The world’s freak is not the only snake mage!

Tang Shidao also realized that things were not finished before he was able to get the privilege of the sinister Xinghe Master. Now it’s true that I’m right, Yuan Ding’s mission is pitted, and there’s still no clue.

What should I do next?

Tang Shidao can’t help but fall into meditation.

at this time.

The crowd on the other side.

The leaders of the regiments who received ‘limited one day’ leave’ had an eggache. They know that the Master will not pretend that he will start tomorrow after the war. Moreover, this opponent is still the sixth sage, he will never eat his own words.

Get out of the way?

Can not be done. If you don’t get it, you can run away like this, and you can’t get the ‘Apostle’ status when you go out.

The gods are not Master Mage Masters, they do not necessarily keep their promises.


Not at all.

The situation is very clear now. The Sixth Sage has already found the remains of the Yuanding Grandmaster, and is infinitely close to completing the mission. Once he completes the mission, he gains the authority of the sinful Star River Master’s Chamber of Secrets, leaving only the dead end… No legion has beaten the Master, and it is even less likely to win the Master Master with authority.

It’s not a go, it’s not a stay.


They think about it, but unfortunately, Tang Shidao is completely inaccessible now.

Even if they threaten some members of the Tang family, they don’t care: “Do you want to kill us? It doesn’t matter, we have already extracted the genes, and we can save them at any time. Although the clones have some shortcomings, but normal life. No problem. We have also heard that the Sixth Sage has a resurrection, a rebirth and a retreat, perhaps waiting for Mr. Tang to resurrect us.”

The managers said: “Do you want to negotiate? Hehe, what qualification do you think is negotiating?”

The technicians said: “Starship, we have. Mech, we are more. Technology, we are better. Strength…hehe, Mr. Tang is the sixth sage, the master of your dog legs, the existence of those gods.” , what qualifications do you have to negotiate?”

The receptionists said: “How about the Jiuxing technicians, there is no need to talk.”

The workers said: “You nine star technicians are dead and only touch the corner of the refiner. Mr. Tang is who, Mr. Tang is the full-loader Grandmaster. You have not touched the technology, Mr. Tang has been tired of it. ”

The guards said: “You have been robbing Mr. Tang’s shares and not spending a penny. I have been borrowing Mr. Tang’s money and have not paid it again. I have seen you not pleasing to the eye, saying good things. If Mr. Tang really gives you a chance. Negotiations, I must desperately say bad things about you, and I will not let you fall to the end.”

The leader of the legion sent personnel, and the news received was worse than one.

Up to the top technician.

Down to the lower level workers.

No one in the entire Down family is willing to help the major legions. They not only refused, but even prepared to fight hard, not let the major legions benefit. In the face of this ending, some people intend to join hands and fight hard to make a plan. Another small group is planning to evacuate and collect things in a short time and evacuate the place.


The people of Tang’s enterprise did not agree: “Don’t let them take away those rare materials. Mr. Tang promised to start a war in a day, which does not include us. You guard, factory, wear mech, drive small spaceship, let us stop These bastards take away the resources of the Sinister River.”

The guards also cheered: “Don’t be afraid, they only have one day, and they will die when the deadline expires.”

The factory people also went into battle: “Spell, stop them, don’t let them run so easily.”

This is the time.

The army of Tang Shidao has not yet started, and the guards and workers of the Tang enterprise have taken the lead. The major legions are not in the heart of this small fight, and the guards and factory rebellions can be flattened without ten days and eight days. It is a pity that they do not have ten days and eight days. If they do not withdraw from them within one day, they will have to go to the sixth sage who has the five major curses.

If you are not afraid to face to face, a planet cannon can be eliminated. After all, this is a special area limited to the big curse, the Master does not have super physical and resurrection means.


The sixth sage does not spell the spell with himself, and the sixth sage has more stars than himself. Even Down’s companies can continue to produce. It’s just that Military Strength can’t fight the Sixth Sage himself, plus the effect of the magic spell that can’t be dispelled by Magic. You have to be careful when you have the full force, not to mention the remaining Strength.

Together with the chaos of the original fire, the leaders of the regiments could not run without running.

“Abandon those rare resources, we evacuated with a small spaceship.” Some people decisively gecko tail.

“Puzzle, kill this small group of shards, I can still be afraid of a group of guards for so long.” Some people violently retaliated, they must not kill these guards.

“Let’s wait and see, our goal is to kill Tang Shidao. Even if he is allowed to escape from the sinister river, the task limits him from entering.”

There are still some people who understand the task and they are thinking about the last fight.


The heads of the major legions were also forced to retreat by the Great Mantra, but as long as they found the target position, killed or forced the Master, the other party did not have a second chance to come in again. The Sinister River has special mission restrictions, and the major legions have always relied on this Rule to survive. This time, you may not be able to repeat history.


The idea is good, but the reality is cruel.

the next day.

In addition to the safe withdrawal of some of the slaughtered slaves and technicians, the remainder is a very small number of legion members. Still entangled, still waiting to see, still waiting for a counterattack, they all saw a desperate picture.

First of all.

A large number of silver shadow Puppets appear in all important transmission anchors. They are extremely fast, and even star ships can’t capture their shadows.


A large number of gold giants Puppet hovered with a golden giant sword, guarding each anchor point to prevent everyone from passing smoothly.


The speed is fast, the mighty bronze dragon Puppet directly dominates Sky, and the squadron cut off all the retreats.

The most desperate.

On the neighboring planet, which is entangled with the Tang’s corporate guards, hundreds of super-sized spider Puppet climbed out like a bandit, then leaped into the air and flew directly onto the Starship. Their size is not much smaller than the largest starship, and the attack method is very different. The eight feet are pierced, the giant tails are nailed in, and countless blue light seems to flow into the interior of the starship.

With a burst of explosions, the entire starship was torn apart. There are countless small spiders in the interior, as if the tide is generally ‘flooding’ without the entire starship.

After complete destruction.

These little spiders return to the giant spider body like water.

Then, pounce on other targets again.

On the battlefield, the small and medium-sized starships are no more than the Mother-Nest spider Puppet. Once they are caught on the climb, they are only half of the spiders. When the little spiders are looted like tides, the small and medium-sized starships can’t hold it for a minute.

“Sculp the giant spiders and blow up the starships.” There is also a fierce person in the legion, roaring and commanding.

Naval gun bombardment.

Self-explosive start.

Not much trouble, the Mother-Nest spider Puppet was blown up by scientific weapons. It is a pity that the major legions did not have a chance to cheer. They could see that countless magical energy were gathering, as if the sponge had absorbed water and penetrated into those Fragment. Slowly, the crushed Mother-Nest spider Puppet ‘recovered’. In this place where Magic Power is abundant, the curse is just like a duck.

“If you can’t kill, the curse is a permanent effect, unless we have a magical purification device. Right, do we have this kind of thing?”

Someone suddenly woke up.

There are also ways to deal with the big curse, the methods taught by the gods.


“How come?”

“Because it has not been used, it has been abandoned for many years. The only remaining ones, we sold it to a company for research.”

“That… that company?”

“It’s the Tang company, the general. We lost, everything is in the other’s calculations.”

“No, we still have a chance. Find him, the adjutant, smash his planet or starship, he will definitely die.”

“We are just mortals. We can’t deal with a mage, let alone the Master. If there is no task limit, the Sixth Sage may be the first person under the Holy Land. General, we are mortal, we don’t even know the spell. What. No effort to overcome the gods, miracles are deceptive.” Looking at the more abandoned planets on the screen, a giant spider, the adjutants know that the trend has gone.

This is not a war.

Even if everyone has the ‘strongest strength’, the hard-spoken sixth sage may not win, not to mention exhaustion.

The adjutants did not say a word: the human heart has changed.

Even if the Sixth Sage does not do it, the people who sin the Star River will unite and use the resources of the Down Enterprise to fight us who are exhausted. The Sixth Sage has started from many aspects, and those members of the Down family who have become accustomed to ‘stability’ do not want to return to the ‘chaotic’ period.

This day, it has changed.

When the countless starships flew out of the abandoned planets and attacked the remaining forces of the various military forces several times, everyone lost resistance to Will. There is no choice to surrender, this is a brain-initiated attack, it is only a thorough implementation. The only hope is that everyone forcibly rushed through the blockade of the gold giant Puppet and the bronze dragon Puppet, and strived for a chance to escape the evil star river.


There is no such possibility.

Everyone has neglected the silver shadow Puppet, they are the fastest and most dangerous killer. They have little effect on the Master, and they deal with the general people. They can kill the battlefield like a melon. Even if the soldiers fired guns, these weapons could not capture the shadow of Puppet.

Less than one day before and after.

When the last shot stopped, the major corps had all been annihilated. No one survived and no one escaped.

at this time.

The sinful Star River is separated from the intervention of the gods and returned to the Master’s control.

at the same time.

There is also a small change in the ‘Holy Ring’ in the hands of Tang Shidao.

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