Mage Network

Chapter 272

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 272: Sinful Star River Nine, I am the Reaper, Astronomy

At the beginning of the war, it was difficult to stop.

After all, the sinful star river has too many forces, and there are countless people behind it. Besides, no one wants to retreat to this place. As a last resort, the major legions can only fight to the end. Tang’s enterprise is also a well-known group in the evil Star River, but Tang Shidao has never been involved in the research and development of high-end starships, and only accounts for the low-end arms market.

Therefore, there was no part of Down’s business at the beginning of the war.


The destruction of a starship may only require a magical cannon. The relative value of a single starship’s individual armor and energy guns is enough to fight for several years. When the mainstream starships arrayed, banged, destroyed, and consumed, everyone quickly lost a lot.


Once again, the war requires soldiers and robot warriors to go into battle.

Because Down’s corporate research has upgraded the technology of individual flight aircraft, the role of the mechs on the battlefield is not small.

At this stage, it is still the home of the starship.

After the war, the small-scale battle is the confrontation of the ‘fleed infantry’. Occasionally, when the Assassin’s Mech attacked the Starship and snatched the right to drive, everyone began to realize that this insignificant Mech is still of great use. Although the mechs can not pretend to win, they can continue to harass each other and strive for greater advantage. Therefore, the orders of Down’s enterprises have increased rapidly.


The war has become more and more fierce, and all the major forces that have blushed their eyes have wanted to have a big reshuffle.

At this moment.

As Tang Shidao expected, those behind the scenes once again reached out to sin the Star River. They provided a lot of resources for the major legions, all of which were intended to be shuffled in this incident so that they were more likely to find the final legacy.

See the changes in the major legions.

Tang Shidao realized two things: First, the apostles are not the same heart. Every self-proclaimed god is equal to a country, and they may cooperate, but they will never be close to each other. So the apostles seem to cooperate, in fact, they are competitors. After all, there is only one legacy, and no one wants to give up.

The second thing, Master Network is not blind to this matter.

According to the information received by the Ministry of Resources, when the pirates brought in a large amount of resources, there were more than a dozen super-large-scale damages at the entrance to the Sinister River. This is not a robbery, the other party completely destroyed everything, including starships and resources.

There is no doubt that this is the Master’s approach.

Tang Shidao’s conjecture is probably that some wizards don’t want to sin the Star River to input too many resources, causing more confusion. They ‘pass by’ or start with the largest batch of resources to wave off these starships and resources. These wizards are definitely all powerful, and they didn’t want to grab this thing.

Because of this situation.

The apostles of the gods can only transport small quantities in small batches to avoid being slapped by the mages.

The war continues.

The starships of the major legions are getting less and less.

Rebuilding is becoming more and more difficult due to the destruction of the production plant. Slowly, the low-end weapon became the mainstream. Small warships, single-armed mechs, mechanical chariots, and in all, the existence of Down’s corporate is becoming more and more important. As the war expanded, Down’s business quickly became the largest arms supplier.

No one noticed at this time, and now is in a strange loop.

The major forces fought and the war caused losses.

The apostles transported resources and Down rebuilt weapons.

Then, the major forces continue to fight.

Everyone in the faint feeling feels like a whirlpool. Everyone is constantly investing in life and resources, and constantly investing in wealth and strength. However, no one wants to give up and still seek victory. The Tang enterprise has also been plagued with disasters. Some of the lost or unpaid legions continue to sneak into and snatch and cut meat from this largest arms dealer.

There is something strange about it.

In the days of the war, the Tang company grew bigger and bigger, and there was a feeling of being deliberately cultivated.


several years.

Time has passed unconsciously, and the war of the evil Star River has slowly spread to the point where no one can stay out of the way, and everyone is caught in this chaos. Because the price of the starship is too great, the forces of all parties choose mechs and small warships. Therefore, Down’s enterprise became the biggest winner in this special chaos, expanding into a unique arms giant.

Another few months.

The war made everyone exhausted, and some people hidden in the dark began to act.

In their view, the harvest time has arrived.

“Don Grandmaster, there is a lady named Grande looking for you. She is recommended by shareholders and has access to it.”

“Hey? Please come in.” Tang Shidao is learning every day, practicing every day, and looking for clues about the ‘Holy Ring’ every day.


This task is not so easy, and there is still no gain so far.

“Hello, Tang Feng Grandmaster, I am very happy to meet you.” The man is a charming human woman, followed by six beautiful women: “My name is Grandi, I represent my Master.” Say hello to you.”

“Please sit down, Miss Grande, what are you doing?” Tang Shidao said.

“Tang Feng Grandmaster, let’s not explain directly to the bend?”

“So much the better.”

“I want to invite you to join my Master. Please forgive me for straightforwardness. You don’t have much ability, but your business is very good, and the resources in your hands can control the war of the evil Star River. So, I can give You have a chance.” Granti said a little aloof and remote.

“I do not quite understand.”

“Apostle.” Granty clarified and said: “You used to be a mage, you must know what the apostle is. My Master is a god, he wants to find something in the Sinister River. If you are willing to cooperate When you leave the Sinister River, Master can give you an apostle status.”

“If you refuse?”

“hehe, Tang Feng Grandmaster, I think you misunderstood one thing, here is not your turn.” Granti gestured, a woman behind her began to slowly deform. This is not a metamorphosis, but her race is a metamorphosis. Soon, the metamorphosis became the appearance of Tang Shidao, and Granti laughed and said: “Is it? Tang Feng Grandmaster, we can hold Down’s business without you.”

“This deformation was detected by a mechanical test.”

“No one will check.” Grantie chuckled, a pair of Zhizhu in the grip: “I am not afraid to tell you that all your shareholders are our collaborators. They have some who are not my Master, but also other gods. Subordinates. You don’t have the best technology, and you don’t have strong backing. We only look at your excellent business ability.”

“Thank you.” Tang Shidao thought, I just copied the method of the Emperor’s entrepreneur.

“So you cooperate, we will get a good businessman. If you don’t cooperate, we don’t mind using another ‘Tang Feng’ to replace you. Don’t doubt our ability. At the beginning, some people refused us to be the female, and later They have all disappeared. The Sinister River is not your territory, it has always been in the hands of the gods.”

“Well, I understand why the former generals died.” Tang Shidao smiled.

“What do you mean?” Grantty suddenly found that things were a bit wrong.

It’s too calm.

The people in front of you are not at all like being threatened.

Tang Shidao indifferently said: “The original sinful star river is a peaceful land. I heard that a group of women have subverted all this. I didn’t believe it. It is not surprising that it is a group of ‘women’s apostles.’ Although you can’t use Magic, you can The sign of the gods draws people. As long as you pull some deputies and kill the main officer, the entire army can be included in the palm.”

Grande pulled out the gun and carefully looked around.

I found that there were no guards around and I was already removed by the shareholders.

There is only one assistant mechanical spider on the side that may be lethal, and Granti immediately fires a mechanical spider in one shot, eliminating the last possibility.

Tang Shidao has no action.

Here, a shot on my own heart can not stand.

However, they do not have this opportunity.

“Before you were deliberately cultivating the Tang’s business to expand and grow right? When everyone is tired, you will jump out and harvest it. Now, as long as you join forces to control the productivity of the Down’s business, you can achieve this small group. Victory, dominance against the evil star river. Of course, you need to compete inside, but it is much easier to kick others away.”

“What the hell are you?” Grantty pointed her gun at Tang Shidao.

“The Great Curse Master.”

“What?” Grande hearing this big shock, just want to shoot, dozens of spider feet smashed from the air like a spear, and instantly locked a group of deformed nails on the ground. Quickly, more than a dozen transparent body spiders fell from the air, and they all had long, sharp and long legs.

At this moment.

The spider that had just been blown up by Granti slowly recovered and stood up again.

“Do you see it clearly? Unless the magic can be dissolved, the curse product is not destroyed. Absorbing a certain magic energy, the curse can be re-remolded, this is the characteristic of its permanent effect. Miss Granti, you choose the wrong Opponent.” Tang Shidao looked at the Granti who was nailed to the table and opened the smart bracelet to open a new picture.

An abandoned planet, slowly shining in countless mines.

Not a while.

A large number of intact starships flew out one by one, which is five times larger than a regular legion.

Change one screen.

It was also a poisonous misty planet, and a lot of starships flew out slowly. This amount is nothing at the beginning of the war, but now everyone is losing a lot, and the major forces cannot fight this Strength alone.

“this is……”

“Yes, it’s all mine.” Tang Shidao continued to change the picture, or the picture of the starship flying inside the planet: “The person who reported my own private legion was me. It was me who took the Tang mineral and blamed others. It was me who provoked the war, looting Down’s weapons and mechs or me. During the war, Down’s companies were snatched away by 60% of minerals and resources, of which 40% was my own.”

“You…” Grande was scared.

This person is counting everyone?

How can it be.

“You must be very strange, I have been under everyone’s eyes, how is this done. About this… I don’t want to say, you have no qualification. Because the war you can’t maintain the Galaxy network, it also falls to my hand. It’s up. With these starships and mechs, it’s enough to flatten you. You’re not mistaken, I’m not going to be a giant, I’m going to sweep you away.”

“You are enemies with the gods.”

“Well, I have heard it on the first day of entering the Master. This sentence is meaningless. Don’t think that you call yourself “God” to play with everyone. The Master of the Master Network is just too lazy to pay attention to you. Really want to do it, destroy the entire sinful star river and countless people can do it. Well, I am too boring to say so much. Finished, goodbye.”

Tang Shidao In a word, the spider’s pointed claws have killed a number of deformed monsters, and the toxic energy disintegrates their bodies.

At this time.

Looking at the starships flying in the smart bracelet image.

Tang Shidao thought: This picture is good, more spectacular than the movie effect. What complexes will the generals who see the forces of this picture be? How do they respond? Well, think about it all with a little expectation.

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