Mage Network

Chapter 264

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 264: Sinister Star River, slave sales, floating astronomy

Tang Shidao finished talking with the three people of the charm Molan Jiwu Yue, and immediately began to find the news of the big curse mission.

Soon, he understood why the three were worried.

In the world of Masters, the land of forbidden is not a dangerous place. Because it can use the body Strength, you can also use the instrument and alchemy items. It only prohibits the Master’s own Incantation, and even the aura and innate talent can’t help. Therefore, the powerful Master is more like a fish in the land of ban.

Limit the task.

For example, the Magic Ocean is only allowed to use a primary spell, which is not dangerous. Because Captain Blackhu retained the contract of ‘death is return’, there is no danger of death.

For example, Wu Yueer is limited to the task of changing movement technique, and it is not dangerous.

Because it is really at the end of life and death, the aid magistrate can not be willing to die without violating the contract. The violation of the contract will become the anti-Mage at most. If you are lucky, you will be able to wash away the punishment and the consequences will not be too serious. Even if the relationship between the two sides is good, Wu Yueer does not pursue the responsibility itself, and eventually there is no fart.

Even if it is quite a task of ‘the spell is forbidden’, there is no danger to a strong person.


The big curse mission ‘Sin Star River’ is very different.

First, it does not only have contractual restrictions, it is also mandatory to prohibit the use of all spells, which means that you want to use the treatment or resurrection to default. Plus it also bans the instrument and the strength of Strength, so you are likely to be killed by a general bullet.

It’s not like the magical ocean, it’s just out of death.

You are finished when you die in the evil star river.

The second point is that the Sinister Star River is the Ultra-Grade Technology World. It is in the Endless-Void and is also the Master Chamber. I believe that the insiders also know the existence of the Master. Is the insider friendly or hostile? A mage with no curse and only a curse, how dangerous is it against the Starfleet?

Hehe hehe.

Even a mage like himself, a big cloud can slowly kill a planet, but… if the planet is finished, can you still live? There is no strength, there is no spell shield, and the ‘suffocation’ of the vacuum of the universe can kill one’s own life.

More arrogant, you can starve you without food.

The third point.

The contract includes a special requirement: below the holy place!

Tang Shidao has not entered the sacred world. I don’t know how many masters of the great sacred man have a great curse, and I don’t know if there are any kinds of big curses. However, Tang Shidao knows that there are very few characters with double curses below the Holy Land, let alone one curse. Therefore, a master of a great curse wants to fight hard against the fleet of the evil star river, hehe, a collapsed star cannon is gray.

Even the general bad luck thing.

Suddenly exploding around, you are not a Defence curse, you are basically dead. Unless your curse is called Grand Rebirth, anyone can be killed by a little thing.

At last.

This task also has the fourth point of the egg pain: as long as it has been accepted once, the failure has broken away, the same person can not repeat the second time!

What does it mean?

The meaning is… Master Network Library or your father, if you are not being shot by a bullet for one second, but the countdown 10 seconds of death, you can ‘automatically abstain’ to withdraw from the mission. However, there is only one chance for everyone. If you go back to the Master Net, you will never have a second chance.

“Xiaojin, have you heard the mission of the Sinister River?” Tang Shidao knows that Xiaojin is more ‘learning’ and has recently been diligent in learning. He is completely regarded as a life steward.

“Master, Xiaojin suggests that you have a way to save your life.”

“Yes.” Tang Shidao is sure.

“What is it?” Xiaojin immediately asked, it seems that it is really worried about security.

“The big replacement of the Master’s evil spirits, and the ‘Puppet’ I made using the grass of life.” Tang Shidao explained.

“That’s good.” Xiaojin sighed in relief and asked: “What do Master want to know?”

“The sinful star river mission prize. I am very surprised that this task did not mention prizes from beginning to end.”

“Because the wizard who released the mission has long since died. Master, the sinful star river has a higher degree of freedom than the magical ocean. You can do everything except the contract. If you have the ability, take the whole sinful star river for yourself. Can. Killing people like murder inside, like to grab the planet and grab the planet, anyway, it is a land of nowhere.”

“Just like this, you can’t attract a big curse.” Tang Shidao knows that this is not the real reason.

“Why are so many people who like to go for only one reason: the mage who created the sinister star is also the master of the great curse, and is the sacred strongman. The rumor is the first person in the reign of the Holy Land. Master, you know, Tie Zong is a holy place. The first person in the refining device, he is the first person in the reign of the Holy Land. On the status of fame, he is probably similar to the white-faced Headmaster and Mr. Black.

Tang Shidao understood it as soon as he heard it.

The four words of the Grandmaster of the refiner are enough, not to mention the first person in the reign of the Holy Land. Don’t talk about him, even if Tie Zong left the ‘treasure’, there are countless people who are taking risks.

Consider a small half day.

Tang Shidao found the white beauty, saying that he needs to retreat for a while, probably when the wood star is unified.

Bai Meiren is obedient and obedient. She knows that the Disciple of Liu’s Zongmen needs self-cultivation.

Prepare a little.

Tang Shidao entered the isolation training ground of the underground city of Jinghua, and displayed the ‘egg’ block to enter the state of sleep repair. Prior to this, Tang Shidao also let Xiaojin wake himself up when Wood Huaxing was unified. Then, enter the Master Network, and Official begins the curse of the Sinister Star River.

Tang Shidao did not change back to Da Yun Yun and Big Whirl. With a big Puppet, you don’t have to attack Strength.

in contrast.

The movements of the big cloud and the big whirlpool are too big, and it is easier to use the disaster.

not to mention.

As a Grandmaster, you don’t have to rely on a big curse to eat.

Because the Master Mantra who failed in this task left a lot of relevant information, Tang Shidao certainly won’t miss the opportunity to study. In a sense, this is a shared benefit of the Great Curse Circle. Because there are very few people who have great curses in the Master, everyone is more united than the general Master. You don’t need to know, you don’t need to meet, and the Master Curse has a sense of identity for the Master.


The Master Curse is a rare species.

The first reason is that the Master Curse Master can advance into the Holy Land and then enter Endless-Void to start a new competition, so there is very little Legend left in the Master Network.

The second reason is that another part of the cursed mage has not yet made a name, and is still working hard.

Not everyone is the first division.

Naturally, not everyone dares to open up.

So all kinds of factors add up, and the Master Curse Master that everyone can hear is very rare.

Study the information.

Before starting the mission, Tang Shidao deliberately found an insignificant little person, the representative of Guangling Continent cooperation merchant: Shanghong!

I heard the strange request of Tang Shidao.

Shanghong did not talk about it.

“Don Grandmaster, do you want to enter the sinister river as a ‘captured technician’? This… is it too difficult for you? Don Grandmaster, the sinister star is not a safe place, it is limited to the use of the curse. Although you have Five curses, but no resurrection or healing type spells, it’s a place that doesn’t easily survive.”

“I know that in addition to brute force, the technician is probably the safest type of person. Shanghong business owner, this thing will bother you, I hope that fewer people know better.” Tang Shidao does not think there is anything. Wronged, he is a mortal, not aloof and remote.

“Since Tang Grandmaster’s idea has been fixed, please give me a confidentiality contract.” Shanghong Office got it.

However, he volunteered to sign a confidentiality contract.

And he has to freeze himself, stay asleep until Tang Shidao returns, and don’t communicate with anyone.

This is not only pleased.

This is his response to Don Grandmaster’s ‘trust’.


Under the arrangement of Shanghong, Tang Shidao became a ‘Tang Feng’, becoming one of the masters and one of the technicians who entered the Void Planet to mine minerals. Because of an internal leak, a group of pirates acquired the Coordinate of the mine, which invaded a large number of robots and a part of the slave. Very unfortunately, the technician ‘Tang Feng’ had no time to escape and was taken by the pirates.

After Tang Shidao was detained, Shang Hong immediately went to sleep.

The pirates searched again in Void and then went to the location of the Great Mantra mission: Sinister Star River!

At this time, Tang Shidao knew.

The Sinister River has always been a paradise for slave traffickers. Because Endless-Void has infinite energy and countless planets, it has born countless kinds of living bodies. Among these living things, some are suitable for eating, some are suitable for work, and some are suitable for use as combat tools.

Because the battle of the sinful Star River is constant, there are also a lot of slaves needed, and it has become a paradise for pirates.

If in the Master Network, a Master can crush this group of guys.

But in Void, it can’t be crushed twice. It doesn’t make sense to deal with them. Today, a new group of pirates will reappear tomorrow. Endless-Void is too big, so large that even the Master Network is only a bubble in the ocean, so you can’t control it.


There are countless Voids like the Sinister River, and whoever manages it.

According to the information of the loser.

There are many ways to enter the Sinister River, and each can succeed.

Pretending to be a businessman, pretending to be a pirate, pretending to be a luck mercenary, posing as a criminal who flees, in short, allowing anyone to enter here. Pretending to be a smashed technician… Well, Tang Shidao is the first one. If you do not enter the game, you will give life and death to the goddess Fate. Normal people will not choose this way.

Sinister Star River is not a fun place, and it may die at any time after entering.

The spacecraft enters the entrance to the Master’s Chamber.

For a moment.

Tang Shidao Most of the ability ‘disappears’…Strength partition, the body is no different from the general; the aura of the spell is completely closed, the body is no longer agile, the vision is no longer excellent; all the little curses and curses are isolated, only The big curse can be used. At this moment, Tang Shidao feels that he is attacking hundreds of millions, but the blood volume is only 1 points.

If there is no accident, a bullet can end itself.


The pirate’s spacecraft was parked in a special airport, and Tang Shidao was escorted by a group of Shantou orcs, indicating that he was leaving the spacecraft. At this time, the channel has some other slaves. There are rats, lizards, humans, three hands and four feet, and some are Devil-Beast.

During the walk, a werewolf stopped a little.

The gimmicks of the Shantou orcs did not shout at all, and they smashed directly. In the bright red splash, a few monks were quickly drilled around, and the meat was directly grabbed and stuffed into the mouth.

Tang Shidao Wei Jing paused.

The Shantou orc pirate did not shoot, only used the top of the gun to the top, indicating that he was going. This shows that the technicians are very valuable slaves, and they don’t want to spend money with them.

Go down the spaceship.

In front of you, this is already an ugly world of sour and awkward!

The squadrons of the squad are packed with ports, in addition to various slaves, some are defeated soldiers, and even giants or strangers with special abilities. The gunshots are occasionally ringing, and the guns are splashed with red, blue and green colors.

Not far from the high platform.

Some are male orcs and soldiers, and some are women of all ethnicities who are stripped of light. More special, there are also some small beasts.

In short.

Now in this place… life is just a worthless commodity!

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