Mage Network

Chapter 265

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 265: Sinister Star River II, unprovoked malice, floating astronomy

There is a saying in Master Network: The harder the task, the bigger the harvest!

This is not to say that the teacher can’t post a task that needs to go through the nine hundred and eighty-one to get a lollipop, but someone will release it and no one will pick it up. Even more, others despise your mission and even spit with you. The ridiculous spell ban is seemingly scary, but it is not a big death, because all he needs is food.

For the mage, the task difficulty of demanding food is equal to 0.Level 1.

This time.

Sinister Star River is limited to the use of the Great Mantra, and there is no life guarantee, so it must be the task of ‘Nightmare difficulty 99Level 9’. This shows that its harvest must be great. Although there is nothing on the surface, no one feels that the sacred refiner of the mission will tease everyone. If you are an emperor, you will never bury yourself in the grassy graves on the edge of the mountain to play the whole world.

It’s true that only the grass head grave is not a joke, but you can’t build a pyramid.

Tang Shidao also has his own considerations when choosing this task.

Think back to the beginning.

When I first entered the Master Network, I only did tasks such as escorts and fights. At that time, I needed to take the mainstream route and I needed to improve my strength.

It is now.

The task of escorting and fighting has been of little significance, and nothing has been achieved.

Experience such a task.

Tang Shidao is very sure of one thing, the Master has similar quirks… Don’t pay attention to Strength, only pay attention to innate talent and understanding!

Therefore, the Master Network basically does not have the task of ‘you destroy a universe, I will give you an artifact.’ If there is such a ruler left, the original Master will certainly not ask you to destroy the universe, but will ask you to create one. Because creation is much more cumbersome than destruction, it is much more testable.

The sinful Star River died on the first day of the two great cursing mages, which gives everyone a reminder: come pretty, not right!

In the information of the loser.

One thing that reminds me the most: War is not the most useful means!

This is their reminder and their mission!

Nowadays, everyone knows that difficulties are still going on, which means that the meaning of practice is greater than the harvest. So the purpose of this time Tang Shidao is very simple: practice big Puppet!

“Go, go.” The gimmicks of the Shantou orcs pushed hard, and they looked like ‘you will shoot without leaving me.’

Their language is very weird, but Tang Shidao, who is a mage, can understand.

On the surface, it is only pretending to be incomprehensible.

Walking all the way, walking through the isolation belt of the port, it is a worse World. Numerous metal towers rise to the sky, like rows of large copper tubes. There is almost no room for the ‘city’ in front of it, like a densely over-exposed bamboo forest, all of which are filled with high-rise buildings made of metal.

The air is floating with copper, iron and iron, and it has a smell of Pythium.

Outside the city.

The garbage piled up into a mountain, and the sewage river was surrounded by the ‘mountain’. There are still many young figure crawling in the garbage mountain. Occasionally, the garbage is stepped down in the river and even rolled down into the sewage river. In such a harsh environment, some strange insects and small beasts were also hidden. The children or rats were not paying attention and were immediately dragged into the garbage hole to eat.

There is only one type of plant on the surface, vine.

Tang Shidao estimates that other plants cannot survive, and only the vine can survive the building. Even if there are vines with seams, they are sent to the mouth by hungry old people or children, and then the people who eat are poisoned.

“This slave is a technician… No, no, no, no. Don’t look at him young, don’t look at the face… There are electronic secret files… See you, Tang Feng, Rank 6 technician… Ok, I don’t Know what the meaning of the Rank 6 technician is. In a double fold, just be our 3rd Star technician… No, no, I can’t sell this price, plus 30%… No, it’s too low, I would rather find another. Buyers… Well, let’s take a step back. You can add 20%. No, you have to look at his young face, think about it, play a gene extension agent, how long can this slave work for you… Ok, 15%, no more.”

After a slap in the face, Tang Shidao heard that he was bought and sold by 115 Ojin Gold.

Next to it is a female bodybuilder captive, she is worth 50 secret silver coin, which is half a gold coin… one can change her 230.

The technician is really worth the money.

The female soldier’s captive was bought and immediately put on a collar, and then the three guards looked at the man’s hood and vented their accumulated evil fire.

Tang Shidao was put on a bracelet.

After activation, the purchase of the deaf owner gestures and records the speech message.

Tang Shidao tried to say a few words.


This stuff translated a paragraph of the monk: this is the tracker, also the detonator, don’t want to escape. I spent 1500 Aukin to buy you, you have to earn this money back. I don’t care who you were before, now you are my worker. I don’t need you to be polite to me, I only need you to make money. If you understand, give me a nod, or I will let the guard blow your head.

Seeing this passage, Tang Shidao nodded gently.

The monk was very satisfied and passed another paragraph: it was very calm, and it was a technician with skills. Don’t worry, you are very valuable here, I won’t kill you easily, unless you don’t have the skills and don’t work. Follow me, remember, don’t mess with anything.

After reading it, Tang Shidao nodded again.

These guards can really blow their heads in one shot, but wanting to kill them is also a ‘silver shadow Puppet’ thing. The mission began, desperately worthless, not to mention Tang Shidao believes that ‘war’ is not the solution.

Everyone starts.

Not long after, the deaf boss bought some animal workers and female slaves. On an armored cart, several female slaves who refused to serve the monks were smashed, thrown out of the car, and shredded by wild dogs in a blink of an eye. Surprisingly, there are also some monks and rats who compete for these ‘meats’.

There are four other technicians on the cart.

They are all different races, one is a lizard, a cyan skin, one is a scales, and one has four arms.

Five technicians sat in the car with food and food.

Dozens of animal workers are locked in a cage, which is worse than a group of pigs to be slaughtered.

The team entered the city.

It feels like a group of ants drilling into a copper mountain.

There are few spaces inside the city, and the street lights are still in the lower areas. Along the way, the team ran rampant, and some of the beggars that could not be avoided were directly crushed into blood. Tang Shidao saw a lot of children on the street full of metal smell, including different races.

When parking and shopping.

The store showed some merchandise and the guards were careful to trade. At this time, a clever leopard child jumped out and grabbed a bag of food with lightning, and it was far away after two or three. The store owner roared and raised his gun at the leopard’s child. Compared with firearms, Leopard people are more flexible and die.

Let Tang Shidao be surprised.

The store owner shot the leopard child and broke the bag of food. As a result, he did not seem to vent his anger, raised his gun and shot at a group of children next to him, shooting all the unrelated children.

If you agree, a group of rats and wild dogs will be pulled out immediately, and these ‘meats’ will be quickly towed away.

Shots were heard from time to time in the dimly and narrow iron stink streets.

I don’t know who fell down.

After another walk, the deaf boss asked the guards to buy some wine.

At this moment.

Tang Shidao saw another picture similar to warmth. Behind the copper window sill, a face of a kind-hearted purple skin old man moves towards a group of children handing out bread. Gently waving, the children did not dare to approach. It may be too hungry, a fox man quickly rushed over and grabbed the bread. There was no entrance to the entrance, and a purple-blue snake in the window lit out and suddenly bit the foxman.

When the snake devours the fox child, he is still stuffing his mouth into his mouth.

Tang Shidao can’t imagine how much it is hungry.

The snake eats the child, the child only picks up a small bread… The most amazing ending is coming. The old man took away half of the bread and still waved with a kind smile, indicating that the children came and took it, as if to say: you take it Eat, as long as you are not caught by the snake, the bread is yours.

What about children?

Did not go!

When they saw a strange snake eating their own little friends, they still did not leave.

Tang Shidao guess.

Perhaps the fox child is not the first to be eaten, and there are people who have been eaten before it. It is conceivable that there will be a hungry child ‘Shekou eater’ for a while. It feels like a big piece of gold is placed on top of a mine. Do you still want it?

Maybe the old man saw Tang Shidao always looking at it.

He waved his bread.

Beckoning, provoking, seems to be saying… Come, I just like to hang a child, do you dare to come?

Tang Shidao suddenly burst into a burst of unhappiness.

Although there are countless such cases in the Sinister River, this provocation is still very hot. Nor does it require a big Puppet. Tang Shidao refers directly to one of the guards, a strong but brainless orc, sending a message: Are you a tactical belt that is broken?

The orc is very strange: yes, will you fix it? This is also a weapon, not for you, a technician.

Tang Shidao Resend: Give me your repair kit, if you don’t feel relieved, you can point me at the gun.

The orc thinks, it seems to make sense.


Tang Shidao only took two minutes to fix his tactical belt, and sent him a message: I helped you, you help me teach the old man.

The orcs did not answer and raised the gun.

The horrified face of the snake-raising old man only lasted for a second, and then his head was blown up.

Hearing the scream, the family of the snake-raising old man screamed out with a knife. At first glance, it is a private guard, and immediately turn pale with fright. I didn’t dare to scream, I dragged the body back and closed the window for the first time, as nothing happened.

The orc compares with the thumb and Tang Shidao only smiles.


Tang Shidao couldn’t smile again… The children were robbing the fallen bread. Nail, teeth, short angles, and the ‘weapons’ that can be used by their little friends are used. Looking at a group of children fighting for a piece of bread, Tang Shidao knew that he couldn’t help them, and only sent the old snake-raising man who made himself unhappy.

The orc suddenly sent a message: there are no good people here!

Tang Shidao smiled, message: Thank you, I need to repair things next time, I will help you.

The orc was overjoyed and sent another paragraph: Next time someone who wants to kill, tell me, I will help you kill.

Think about it again: no one here should not die.

Xiao Xiaolu has such an effect, Tang Shidao is also satisfied. I am not proficient in mechanics, because the Far Ancient Devil is familiar with it. Fortunately, the Sinister River is based on the Magic Stone Crystal, and all technologies are biased toward refining. There are no unscientific instruments here, but there are very scientific magical uses.

The top magical machinery may not be able to do it yourself, but the most basic thing can’t help but the Grandmaster.

“From now on, here is your new home.”

The monk boss took all the technicians to a prison-like place.

One per person.

A large pile of parts and materials.

“You only have ten days to do anything to prove yourself. If you don’t have enough materials, you can apply. If you need to learn, you can learn on the smart bracelet. If you don’t have the last product, then I will pull you out to feed the wild. Dog.” The monk gave the first exam.

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