Mage Network

Chapter 263

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 263: Perfect, Astronomical

When he heard the invitation of Bai Meiren, Tang Shidao felt that there was nothing wrong with it. She is such a person, obviously with a look of a very bad country, but it is just a traditional girl with a simple mind. I feel that the white circuit of the white beauty is like a track. She may see the scenery on both sides of the track, but she will never deviate from one step.

In some ways.

White beauty is like a spell, either effective, or no effect, no half, half of the middle is not finished.

She didn’t think about it, maybe, maybe, almost.

If you admit that you have reached the 60 score to take her hand, you don’t want to take it when 59 points to death; if 70 points can lick her waist, you can’t get it when you are in 69. Before stealing a kiss, Bai Meiren is not only shy, but also a feeling that you have done something wrong. If this is a game, then the beauty of the White Beauty NPC has dropped a few points.


Tang Shidao feels that there is nothing wrong with the ‘seeing parents’ step. This is very beautiful.

“Dad, Mom, this is my boyfriend, Tang Shidao.” Bai Meiren introduced her boyfriend very regularly. The voice was very small. After the talk, the whole person seemed to have lighted his whole body and was so shy that he was about to get under the table. .

The rest of the three faces are opposite each other and have no idea what to say.

White father white mother is also a helpless face.

They are very clear about what character their daughter is, and it is not surprising to say that it is a ‘freak’ in modern society. Looking at the daughter who shyly bowed, the white mother couldn’t help, and she thought that the Emperor in the land would not know the emperor of the country. Don’t say that you are secretly falling in love, even if you have visited the street a few times, walked a few steps, bought something, and ate what food, these things are all studied.

The Emperor鈥檚 preferences, this is also an important research project for some people.

“Don…Tang…” White father squatted a few times, so I don’t know if it is called the Tang Emperor or the name.

“Uncle, call me Xiaotang.” Tang Shidao answered.

“Hey, um, Xiao Tang, let’s talk a little bit.” White Father slowly got up, Bai Meiren looked up slightly and glanced at it as if there was a father who didn’t bully Adao’s prayer. White father is also speechless, knowing that the daughter is a ‘clumsy’ person, but did not expect to be awkward to this extent.

You can bully this boyfriend.

There are no hundred and eighty of Jinyiwei outside the gate.

“Okay, uncle.” Tang Shidao patted the white beauty’s shoulder and said that I could handle it.

A small step followed the walk out of the balcony.

A long time ago, Jin Yiwei had checked the information of Baifu Baimu.

So Tang Shidao knows both of them.

Bai Fu is called Bai Xuefeng, father is an artist, a fan of Qixian Guqin, mother is also an artist, a master of Erhu, Bai Xuefeng has been deeply influenced by art since childhood.

The white mother is called Mo Qingzhu, father is a musician, a fan of modern piano, mother is also a musician, a violin master, and Mo Qingzhu has been deeply influenced by music since childhood.

When Bai Xuefeng was young, he was a bit rebellious. He didn’t want to inherit his family and wanted to be an actor.

When Mo Qingzhu was young, he was also very rebellious. He didn’t want to learn musical instruments and wanted to be an actor.

Because Bai Xuefeng refused to be a ‘younger brother’ of a rich woman, the road of the actor was on the street.

Because Mo Qingzhu refused to be a ‘younger sister’ of a certain rich man, the road of actors also rushed to the streets.

Bai Xuefeng was in love with Mo Qingzhu when he was in love. The first time he held hands, the first hug, the first kiss.

When Mo Qingzhu and Bai Xuefeng fell in love, it was also the first love, the first time to hold hands, the first hug, the first kiss.

In the end, the two completed their adult ceremony on the wedding night.

When receiving this information, Tang Shidao felt deeply: If Bai Xuefeng and Mo Qingzhu are not together, it must be a thief to smash the dog’s eyes! In the same way, this information can also be extended, why they cultivated the beauty of the white beauty… Because the white beauty grew up from this ‘perfect’.

Perfect family atmosphere, perfect parental story, perfect life track.

All kinds of additions.

This constitutes the ideological model of Bai Meiren’s inner idealization.

Bai Xuefeng and Mo Qingzhu have been married for so long that they have not quarreled in one rack… To see this paragraph, Tang Shidao only wants to tear the report.

Bai Xuefeng and Mo Qingzhu are still as sweet as lovers in the present… When I saw this paragraph, Tang Shidao wanted to stick the report and tear it again.

Think about it.

Growing up in this family, how big is the white-eyed brain, she simply regards her parents as a template for her life.

If this is the whole story, that is not enough.

A beautiful to perfect, perfect to idealized beauty does not attract bees, this is simply impossible. If it does happen, there must be a very reasonable reason. Therefore, there is still a character in the intelligence, the second boss of the original tea city political axe, Wang Gui… the noble person of Bai Family!

Unlike the white parent white mother, Wang Gui is the opposite life setting.

Since childhood, I have not received much education.

By my own efforts, I mixed a few small factories and a proper upstart.

Just as life is proud, Wang Gui suddenly finds that his wife is not his own, and his son is not his own. Then check that even his parents are not their own. In addition to money, everything in his life is false. Because of his early discovery, his money has not been pitted, but the result is that this poor man who is desperately trying to get to today is crying and crying.

It happened to be at this time.

In the corner of the park.

Wang Gui saw a small luoli of powdered jade, holding a piece of bread, and said the words of ‘uncle, give you something’. It turned out that Wang Gui, who was awkward, was regarded as beggar. Looking up to see a pair of handsome couples, and then look at this small and delicate little luoli.

Wang Gui, who took over the bread, was crying and dizzy.

After that, check it out.

Wang Gui found that the couple was also a bad luck egg. Originally, he wanted to be a star but did not enter the dyeing tank. He was flying tens of thousands of miles. But they were not defeated by life. Instead, they worked very hard to continue their lives. Their stories were simply beyond the bustling city.

After that.

Wang Guizhen made it. He decisively sold the factory and took the money back to his hometown that he had forgotten when he was proud. Construction of farms, fish ponds, campaigning for village heads, step by step to lead the village to develop rich. The change that follows is not the reversal of the plot, but it is a matter of course that Zu Longguo will not be treated with sincerity. If there is anything that accelerates Wang Gui鈥檚 life, it is probably a divorced woman who is almost sick with the same illness.

Coincidentally, this woman’s parents are the daughter of a leading city in Chacheng.


Wang Gui went all the way and eventually went to the position of Chacheng No. 2.

In this period of time.

Wang Gui has never forgotten the Bai family and has always sheltered the family. It can be said that in Wang Gui’s mind, the Bai family is the inner ‘perfect’, a beautiful near-belief, a beautiful one who does not want to be destroyed by anyone.

“This child gave me a piece of bread when I was most stumbling in my life.”

Wang Gui said this more than once.

Therefore, anyone who has got a countertop in Chacheng knows who the asylum seeker of Baimei is.

Because of this, the white beauty is never harassed.

When I saw this information, Tang Shidao knew that half of the white legend’s ‘legendary story’ was written by parents, and the other half was Wang Gui’s successor.

The perfect opening, the perfect succession.

Now, this script has been handed over to him.

“…She is a more ideal child and a very stubborn child. I can’t and don’t want to persuade her. I just hope that you are good to her. Some things don’t force her. Although it is stupid, she is very obedient from childhood to age. I have never beaten her. So, Xiao Tang, I don鈥檛 want the first person to beat her is the one she likes.鈥?Bai Xuefeng said solemnly.

He stood in a parenting position for the daughter.

He knows what kind of status he has in front of him and knows that he has no qualification for bargaining.

“Of course, I promise that she will not fight in this life. Uncle, believe me, I have the ability and sincere hope that the white beauty will live in her ‘Fairy Tale’ ideal World, and no one will destroy this. Perfect.” Tang Shidao promised.

“Well, I hope you can do it.” Bai Xuefeng believes that the people in front of him have the ability to do it, but I really don’t really care about it later.

After that.

Seeing to leave the two, the white father and white mother have a feeling of losing.

“Husband, Tang Huang, is he really sincere?”

“Wife, I don’t know. But I believe that our little baby is lucky, even the heavens are petting her. The status of the Tang Emperor should not need to behave in a playful manner, I hope and hope that he is sincere.”

the other side.

Tang Shidao did not bring the white beauty back to the palace. On her shy face, she only faintly saw the expression of ‘most let you kiss.’

Suddenly, Tang Shidao felt that Bai Meiren actually understood it well.

As long as you walk into her ideals and persistence.

Walking around the night market, Tang Shidao only squinted at the white beauty’s pink face and finally sent her home.

At this point, things have come to an end.

Then there is the daily schooling, dating, shopping, and eating a variety of food. It must be said that Bai Meiren is really a very hard-working person. Every day, he insists on practicing physical fitness. The spirit turtle breathing method, including learning the language of deaf and elves, can’t be spared except for dating. Despite this, her academic performance is still not the same.

Strong, medium and mediocre, and efforts can only be maintained at the level of the average person.

“Do you want to be smart, beautiful? I have a way to do it, such as a certain ring.” Tang Shidao holding a white beauty, sitting on the green embankment of the holy lake to watch the sunset.

“I don’t want to.” Bai Meiren quietly leaned halfway on Tang Shidao’s chest.


“Because I think my parents have given me the best things, I can’t afford more. Adao, I am so stupid, would you hate me?”

“will not.”


“Because I think your parents have given me the best things, I can’t afford more.”

In this situation, the sunset is sinking.

that’s it.

As time passed, Tang Shidao waited for the unification of Muhuaxing.

Less than half a month.

Charm, Lan Ji and Wu Yueer suddenly sent a message: “Don, you want to accept the ‘big curse mission’ recommended by Hu Xian?”

Tang Shidao remembers this: “Yes, I have time to give it a try, is there a problem?”

The three of them were in a hurry.

Lan Ji hurriedly said: “Don, do you know that the mission killed four great cursed mage? Two of them did not survive a day.”

Tang Shidao A slight accident: “Hey, is it so dangerous?”

Wu Yueer also eagerly said: “Tang, no, it is not a dangerous problem, but it does not allow any spells except the curse. You may not understand it. This is not a violation of the contract and it can be solved by the inverse master. Incomplete isolation. For example, on my planet, it is not allowed to use the Incantation other than the movement technique. In fact, you can use it forcibly, and at most it becomes an inverse wizard. The big curse task is different, then you want to Violation of the contract to cast resurrection can not be cast.”

Tang Shidao understood: “Is it similar to the land of forbidden?”

Charm should be: “Yes, the area of 鈥嬧€媡he Great Mantra is similar to the Land of the Demon. It bans all spells except the Mantra, including the instrument and the Strength.”

Lan Ji went on to say: “Don, I said it straight. The curse is not in the Master’s network. It is a special Master Chamber of Endless-Void. It is called “Sin Star River” and is similar to Ultra-Grade Technology. World. This task is now still being done by the Master, but none of the ones actually completed.”

“Okay, let me think about it first.” Tang Shidao decided to ask for it.

“Don, if… If you really want to go, remember to take back the big curse we borrowed.” Charm and Lan Ji immediately said that they were not so easily intimidated.

In theory, their borrowing contract has a 10,000-year use limit.

However, they are willing to return them at any time.

“Thank you, I have a measure.” Tang Shidao smiled.

I thought: In fact, I am the Eight Great Mantras, but you can not only preach the five major curses. All spells except the Sinister Stars banned the Great Curse are dangerous in the eyes of others. However, I don’t think so.

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