Mage Network

Chapter 247

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 247: Wings, Astronomy

Tang Shidao always thought that the curse is less and less, and there should be many people.

At the time of the magical ocean mission, the lake fairy said: not few, but very few, the few most famous people in the major legal circles have only a few people. Of course, this does not count those characters in the holy world who are not known or have been low-key. Originally, Tang Shidao didn’t quite understand it. After I got the mana to return to the aura, I felt my heart.

The reason why a spell is precious is not its prototype, but the sequence it can derive.

For example, your own big Puppet has no eggs.

However, once the new spells such as Puppet and Golden Giant Puppet are derived, the significance of the big Puppet is a hundred times higher.

Get the big whirlpool.

Tang Shidao subconsciously thought… The legendary Master’s ‘trouble’ was involved in himself. Because there are fewer curses, this thing must cause competition. The general mage will not doubt what benefits he has, but the person associated with the legendary mage, his friend, his enemies, his competitors, these people must be suspicious of themselves.

Maybe they can’t be sure that they took the big whirlpool, and didn’t even know what the legendary mage had grabbed. In short, they will suspect that they have a legacy.

Of course, Tang Shidao did not mind.

The Master Network is a safe zone.

Once in Void, who has few competitors… The anti-Mage who wants to die the most has a big basket.

“Look, it’s the captain of the black crow, and the captain of our black crow is back.”

“Captain Black Raven…”

“Black Raven!”

“Black Raven!”

“Black Raven!”

Seeing that Tang Shidao floated in the air, not far from the sea, people in the giant ship saw it. Seeing it is Tang Shidao, they immediately shouted. Whether it is the immigrants of the Great Nautical Planet or the inhabitants of the original magical ocean, they are grateful to the captain of the Black Raven.

Because of the hard work of the captain of the Black Raven, he had a safe place to live and boarded the Giant Crab Black Ship sailing the ocean.

In the past, everyone has been unable to leave the island.

Now, everyone can safely drive the Giant Crab to sail, and even the sea monsters are no longer afraid.

The voices on the sea are screaming.

May hear the movement, a giant octopus sea monster came out. Seeing someone in the air seems to be a familiar person I have ever seen. It immediately fiercely stretched out the tentacle and tried to grab the Little Guy and eat it. Obviously, it’s a mistake… Sky’s people don’t limit the task of 10 casting.

“It’s you.” Tang Shidao smiled.

As soon as the hand is lifted, an angry squid will bring the big octopus out of the sea.

At about the same time, Sky’s clouds stretched out dozens of ‘arms’. These clouds were armed with sharp knives, and the big octopus was cut into hundreds of pieces in an instant, thrown on the deck of the back of the Giant Crab. Tang Shidao rumored at high altitude and ordered: “Bake it! This guy ate my first boat and I will eat it later.”

“Oh…” The people on the ship are crazy.

What is this Strength?

do not know!

They only know that this is the strength of their captain, and they can easily kill the legend of the sea monster!

The captain is the embodiment of the sea god!

A group of people are excited and busy. Sea monster, who doesn’t want to taste something. The captain’s first order to eat, he must take out 2% hundred cooking skills. I heard that this sea monster has eaten the captain’s boat. Everyone must eat it back and not eat it.

Tang Shidao did not care for everyone cheering.

A wave of hands.

The anger was rolled up again, and a seabed, a Giant Turtle, was rolled up.

Giant Turtle looks at the people floating in Sky and barely knows that he is definitely not an opponent. The kind of deterrence is like a mountain, there is no room for resistance. Tang Shidao flew down and landed directly on the top of Giant Turtle’s head, reaching out for the first time to turn Devil-Beast’s ability to ‘inspire wisdom’.

In a blink of an eye.

Giant Turtle immediately had a feeling of what he understood for a moment.

It still doesn’t know what the wizard is, what the giant ship is. It only knows that the person in front is very strong and strong, so strong that he can control his own life and death… No, he can completely Lord this sea, even if all the sea monsters can not match him, even a hundred times more is to die.


Giant Turtle has also received a method of practicing ‘the monk’s physical strength’, a self-reinforcing method.

“I know that you don’t understand it right now. It doesn’t matter. Learn slowly and learn slowly. Don’t hurt these humans. They are civilians I shelter. I will also ‘guide’ other marine Devil-Beast. You can cooperate, too. You can compete with each other. Don’t worry that this ocean is not enough for you to use, it can be expanded. Remember, don’t use your Strength to destroy Human World.” Tang Shidao told.

At this point, Giant Turtle was a lot smarter and nodded.

It doesn’t quite understand inside, why does the Lord say that the ocean can continue to grow bigger? Is the ocean not a fixed size?

Tang Shidao also ignored its doubts.

The characteristic of the Master Chamber is that the more Magic Lifeform and Magic Springs, the more space there is for the Master Chamber. The magical ocean is the same, as long as the powerful Devil-Beast is more, it will automatically expand the scope here. The Master Chamber has never worried that Devil-Beast is too much and there is not enough space. On the contrary, hope that the more Devil-Beast is, the better.

Giant Turtle swam away.

Tang Shidao senses the whole planet and looks for sea monsters with innate talent.

Lock the target.

Tang Shidao also transmits the flash, giving a good part of the sea monsters a ‘wisdom revelation’ effect. Finally, return to the boat staff to eat a grilled octopus. Say goodbye to everyone, and send it to the second magical ocean planet to start a new round of wisdom. In just ten days, Tang Shidao has selected a large number of sea monsters on one hundred magical ocean planets to give wisdom.

Immediately after exiting, you will exit the Magic Ocean and return to the Master Library.

Unfasten the shield.

Seeing the scarecrow’s eyes, Tang Shidao couldn’t help but ask: “Is there something?”

The Scarecrow only said: “Nothing, the book of Wanfa is yours, how do you like to study how to study. Juvenile, are you interested in making your research public?”

“No.” Tang Shidao flashed away, not a bird scarecrow.

Since the Scarecrow did not disclose his research experience, Tang Shidao would not be so stupid.

Only two… no one else, I can’t learn if I want to learn.

The book of Wanfa is only two books.

Opening his eyes again, Tang Shidao is waking up from a giant black egg shell. The black egg shells are scattered, turning into energy flow to the body, and the magic pet Xiaojin is waiting.


“No more, just a hundred days. Master Network has a perfect time to connect, the return must be the moment you just woke up. Master, whether you sleep for a night or sleep for a hundred days is unchanged.” Xiaojin Softly.

“Is there an accident in the middle?”

“No, Master. There is a star wall isolation here, even if there is an accident, it will not disturb Master. If you have to wake you up in the middle, this time is still the time you return from the Master.” Xiaojin explained.

“Well, how is the journey of Shuihuaxing?”

“The western countries are as shattered as an avalanche. There is no possibility of confrontation. The Youth Alliance did a good job. They persuaded many people to surrender and reduce many unnecessary wars. However, there are still some mad believers who refuse to accept the rule. I have not After all, the army was crushed, and their royal family and royal powers were removed. It will take about two months for the planet to enter the unification.”

“Black door?”

“It has already been opened. The Southern Confederation only entered the 95 people, leaving five places unused. This time is a duplicate of the abandoned city star, is the Master going?”

“No, tell Weiying to let them use their quota.” Tang Shidao commanded.

At present, only wisdom revelation is obtained, but there is no clue to the next Kind of Knowledge. It is useless to enter the Black Gate. What’s more, the waste city star has already recorded the transmission channel mark, and it is the same as World in one plane. If you want to use a transmission technique in the past, the black door will not open.

The water Huaxing star has only four clues to the other planet.

It is only possible to acquire a second small light group by controlling five planets.


I have to wait for trouble again.

After experiencing the test of Magic Ocean’s ‘special mission’, Tang Shidao understands that powerful Strength is not absolutely useful, and a contract may limit you to death. The Scarecrow once said this: If you want to break the Rule of the Master Network, at least, you have to win me first, and then there is that possibility.

In other words.

As long as Strength is under the Scarecrow, any Master must abide by the contract. You can not sign, you must abide by the contract when you sign it.

The heritage of the snake mage is certainly not a contract.

However, it may be ten times more troublesome than a contract. The ark steering wheel needs ‘real time’ task synchronization, which is equivalent to the real contract. If you want to get the legacy of the snake mage more smoothly, you must follow certain rules. It’s not enough to have only Strength, you need a wealth of Knowledge and friends to help.

Sending a message to the pretty orc tribal population, Tang Shidao asked Xiao Jin to prepare some food.


Open the book of Wanfa and return to the magical ocean again.

Tang Shidao took out the rudder wheel of the ark and carefully activated it. For a moment, the rudder wheel of the Ark began to overflow with the magic energy, and quickly reorganized and shaped, from the steering wheel to the cabin, from the cabin to the giant ship, and finally continued to expand, a large number of green plants and a lot of soil also emerged. When the whole ‘Ark’ completely reshaped, it turned into an empty island.

The empty island ark… This is the real name of the moving castle.

Tang Shidao doesn’t care what it does.

Look at the latest clue, on the occasion of the completion of the empty island ark mission, another object, hey, its mission needs also presented… 鲲 wings!

Seeing this mission, Tang Shidao can’t help but for a long time.



Tang Shidao is also not sure what his mood is. Seeing or synchronizing real-time tasks is only very speechless. Such a mission mage network does not necessarily have it? Even if there is, what reason do you do it yourself? After experiencing the magical ocean, I believe that some wizards must be wary of themselves.


If you need wings, what do you need for the next moon palace?

Tang Shidao think about giving up treatment right away, it’s a headache, let it go. Leaving the magical ocean, using the book of Wanfa to relocate the empty island ark, I don’t want to use it for the time being. After doing all this, Tang Shidao walked out of the palace and flew to the holy lake near Huajing.

The white fat ginseng queen sleeps on the Xianlian in the city of Yunzhong.

五个Black Turtle and other five gatekeepers are practicing.

Familiar people are also a group of friends who are playing with water in the holy lake. Bai Meiren, Lei Da Zhuang, Luo Han, Ghost Sister, and a large group of youth Alliance. Of course, the pool party has such a rare beauty, and it is definitely based on the group.

“A road.”

“Taoist priest.”

“Your Majesty.”

“Tang Huang.”

A lot of people called different things and nodded their heads.

Bai Meiren wore a conservative swimsuit with ‘anti-Frugality’ and was surrounded by a group of female monks. She practiced the technique of ‘fish and dragon dance’ and the whole person is as flexible as the mermaid. Lei Dazhuang, holding Lucy and Danny, looked at the white beauty with a look of resentment, saying that her conservative swimsuit violated the basic law of swimming. Ghost sister is also a conservative swimsuit, a group of beautiful women around, the body of the fabric adds up only a handkerchief size.

Or, it’s not as good as the half sleeves of the maids.

See a group of people who are so ‘free’.

Tang Shidao also relaxed and left everything behind. Suddenly think: Are you happy, or are these people happy?

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