Mage Network

Chapter 248

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 248: Source or true me? Awakening, astronomy

Master Network does not need anyone to shoulder the heavy responsibility.

This is not an empty talk.

As long as the adulterman Scarecrow was not killed in a day, nothing happened to the Master. Therefore, hard work, leisure and leisure, Master Network really does not need you to back what pot. You can do this task, you can do it or not; you can do this or not. Anyway, no one is reluctant to do anything.

Even in dangerous places like Continent, there are so many cracks in Void that you want to be safe, as long as ‘open’ allows everyone to enter freely.

Turn back.

If the effort is to enjoy life, then the sight… is it happy, or is this group happier?

“Dao Shi, what do you think? This is a pool party, can you put away your emperor’s thoughts of worrying about the country and the people.” Lei Dazhuang will not be strange because of his identity. In his opinion, even if this brother has four hands and eight legs, he is still his own brother. Unless Tang Shidao does not recognize himself, the brother will never change.

“Sorry, fat, I am distracted.” Looking at the group, Tang Shidao faintly caught something, but did not catch it for a while.

The maids sent the wine.

Tang Shidao took over and ignored the autumn waves of the beautiful women in the water.

Watching the white beauty play with the monks. Unexpectedly, she did not compete for strength and strive to compete with female monks. Tang Shidao can see that the white beauty has practiced the dragon dance, and the water is excellent. It is not as good as the monk of the fish tail. However, now Bai Meiren is a general girl, playing with a sly, simply holding a female slut, pretending not to swim, let the scorpion fly.

“When you come, what atmosphere is destroyed.” Lei Dazhuang came over with fruit wine and was very speechless to this buddy.

Why are you staring at the white beauty?

The cabbage that is sent to the mouth, you still have no arch.

“Fat, you are very leisurely.” Tang Shidao’s inner subtle feelings are getting stronger and stronger, and there is a taste that he is completely out of place.

“Young Alliance’s development is too smooth, my alliance lord is natural and nothing to do. When the boss is so cool, moving the mouth, everyone will rush to finish. Taoist, I feel that you are getting tired, not hard to practice, right? Lei Dazhuang asked.

“I look like a tired one?”

“Unlike, you are tired.” Lei Daqiang nodded.

Tang Shidao is speechless.


Well, it seems that I am a bit too busy. Looking at everyone, Tang Shidao can hardly feel the way before. As long as one induction, I can bring the movement of the whole water star into my mind. If a flower is not open, you can estimate what color it is; if you don’t eat a dish, you can estimate what it tastes; if a song is not sung, you can estimate what rhythm it is.

The Ao Neng and the Constitution can resonate with the fluctuations in energy, and the Dark Jin Bloodline provides an over-enhanced Constitution.

In a sense, he is infinitely close to the gods.

One turn.

Tang Shidao is lost in thought again.

Lei Dazhuang is speechless and does not persuade. Everyone continued to play, but they all had a little more cautious… The appearance of Tang Shidao was a bit damaging. Time is unknowingly past, everyone is a little tired. Bai Meiren returned to the shore, and the seat was occupied by Lei Da Zhuang. He could only sit down slightly near Tang Shidao.

“Beauty, you will dance dragons and dragons right?” Tang Shidao saw the white beauty who was slightly shy and whispered.

“Yeah.” The white beauty whispers like a mosquito, and the complexion is even more humiliating.

“Why are you swimming with a monk?” Tang Shidao was strange. You know that swimming is great, why do you want to play like a dry duck?

“They are sluts. They are all fairies in the water, and they like to take me like this, so they play very well.” Bai Meiren whispered.

Tang Shidao.

The mind crossed a divine light.

He understands the meaning of the white beauty… The slut is a swimmer and likes to express their expertise. Bai Meiren is very good at swimming, but he is pressing on himself to let the monks perform. Because the monks like this to help people who can’t swim, Baimei people are willing to let the people perform. In reality, there is often also a kind of ‘holding’ character… The white beauty is the supporting role of the singer.

Upon hearing this sentence, Tang Shidao not only felt the goodness of Bai Meiren.


Tang Shidao also knows what happened to him… It’s too big to open!

“Everybody, I am sorry. I have to sit still for a while, you continue.” Tang Shidao took a few steps back, sat down again and quickly entered the meditation mode. The action is like a veteran, and the whole god is infused into a new realm.

Bai Meiren did not know what enlightenment he offered, only a little quiet, try not to close.

Lei Dazhuang waved and gestured to continue.

The holy lake is too big to move at random.

At this time, Tang Shidao is doing one thing… reverse restart, return to human source! Take all the spells, take all the Strengths, and take all the Knowledge, simply and let yourself return to the original state of mankind.

This is not cultivation, it is a kind of self-control.

The words of Bai Meiren are half of the revelation, and the book of Dafa is the enlightenment of the other half.

Tang Shidao is closing the energy resonance of the Ao Neng and the Constitution, and also shutting down the extraordinary vibration of the original black flame. No, it should be said that it seems to put all the spells into the book of Wanfa. Tang Shidao is doing everything. ‘Body’Strength puts back a position.

This is not self-weakening.

This is a kind of regulation.

If the general person’s Strength is 1 and Tang Shidao is 1, then Tang Shidao is ignoring 99999999 and returning to 1.

Why are you not like people?

Because my ability is too strong.

Whose ears can hear the sounds of tens of thousands of kilometers away, whose eyes can see the stars of the night sky, whose skin can sense the magical energy fluctuations in the air… This is not the rhythm of normal people, nor the rhythm of human beings. Although this is not a bad thing, Tang Shidao does not like the feeling of this ‘god’ now.

After all, there is no such thing as a book of law.

So where does the excess Strength return?

Complete Constitution!

At the beginning, I got the revelation of the perfect Constitution from the transformation of the meteorite, but there has been no movement. Tang Shidao understands the reason…because I have never been a person before.

A god cannot be understood from a single point of view.

I can’t understand a person from a god’s perspective.

Meditate in meditation.

Tang Shidao All the inductions are rapidly reduced, as if from a sun’s rays slowly turn into a solar eclipse, and then slowly become a shimmer, and finally attributed to the basic state of Source. When Tang Shidao was completely naturalized, unexpectedly, the Qualitative Change, which had not been static before, became ‘Complete Constitution’. At the same time, he is still on the basis of the completion of the Constitution of the ‘complete feeling of one’.

More surprisingly, the completion of the Constitution also prompted the clues of the second branch… complete smell.

No need for epiphany.

No revelation is required.

Like the ability of Yuanzu Yuanling, Tang Shidao ‘automatically knows’ that his next promotion is ‘Complete Constitution II’. At that time, the sense of perfection will be upgraded to two, and a new kind of perfect smell will emerge. It is estimated that further, that is the new realm of the completion of Constitution III.

of course.

At present, only the completion of Constitution, there is only one branch basis.

The most shocking Tang Shidao… The Ao Nai and the Constitution and the Dark Jinu Bloodline were completely suppressed. The completion of the Constitution is like a new book of the law, which is included in both. At this moment, Tang Shidao has a kind of ‘detached’ spell and Knowledge of the Knowledge, generating something that truly belongs to him.

Master’s net spells.

Snake Master’s Knowledge.

Then… my own perfect Constitution.

Three three points?

Or three or one?

Not important.

Tang Shidao opened his eyes again and found that this World has completely changed.

The midday sun is very arrogant.

There was some heat on the body, and there was some slight pain in the skin… It was all right to put the sun on the side for a minute before baking.

The fog of the holy lake is a bit cool.

The taste of gin is somewhat pungent.

The reflection of the beach is a bit dazzling.

Most importantly, the sense of hearing and the sense of sight of the largest amount of information collected are returned to the original… Tang Shidao can no longer see the distant clouds, and can no longer hear the whispers of the stars. It is even said that the fat man holding Lucy and Danny is saying nothing can be heard.

“Your Majesty…Your Majesty…your tea.” The maid whispered twice, and she was holding the Yulan Iced Tea.

“Well, thank you.” Tang Shidao whispered, smiling and taking the iced tea.

Before a minute.

Don’t say that a general maid is so close to the side that even the wizard who casts the invisibility and the disappearance is close to 10,000 meters.

Holding iced tea.

There was a chill in the glass cup, and there was a feeling of ‘too cold, let go.’

A minute ago.

There is no problem in holding a piece of ice for a thousand years.

Sniffing the sweet taste of iced tea, I can’t smell how sweet it is now. Before, he even estimated how many micrograms of sugar he added. The coldness of the glass cup is very uncomfortable, and the palm has a bad feeling of gradually freezing and getting paralyzed.

Put down the cup and scan the crowd.


I can’t count how many people here… fifty, sixty, or more? Tang Shidao closed his eyes and used the extraordinary memory brought by meditation to re-remember, but found that he had not seen it at first glance.

This is of course not normal.

A minute ago, I could calculate the grass blades of a grassland at a glance.

Look up at Sky again.

Instantly open the extraordinary Constitution of the Constitutional restrictions. In a flash, the sight of the star river came back, and the hearing of the earth came back. The air swiping the microwave, you can clearly determine the number of people here, even their gender, size, weight, age, health.

Return to the general state of the person again.

Tang Shidao blinked and found that he couldn’t see the wood carvings of the paintings that were hundreds of meters away.

Pick up the glass cup and take a light drink.

Eighteen herbs.

Four kinds of sugar.

A spring water.

A kind of animal milk.

Six kinds of petals… In the moment of drinking, Tang Shidao is clear about the use of these herbs and spring water. What’s more, ice tea is in the abdomen. Tang Shidao seems to see the prototypes of 18 kinds of herbs. Their plantings, their growth, their initial roots, and even the land they grow can be counted.

Tang Shidao was slightly surprised.

The nose sniffs…nothing to discover, only sweet.

Eyes gaze… just a cup of light brown tea.

Listening and listening to the ear… I heard that there is a ghost.

Only the taste is effective?

Is this the effect of ‘complete feeling of one’? Tang Shidao exhales for a long time and closes the induction of the Constitution.

Take another drink.


Nothing, just a sweet thing.

Take a long breath.


Tang Shidao feels that he has completely returned to the state of ‘mortal’. The sun in the sky is very arrogant, the mist of the holy lake is very cool, the sound of the monks is very beautiful, the beauty swimsuit is very beautiful… everything is completely returned to the normal human audiovisual.

“Adao, do you like this kind of tea?” Baimei people saw Tang Shidao drinking tea and came over to help pour a cup.

“Well, thank you.”

Tang Shidao whispered, and suddenly found: Bai Meiren is really beautiful!

Her skin is like a white jade, her figure is like a godsman, her face is like a pen. Despite wearing a conservative swimsuit, a pair of white long legs still shine with dazzling flesh. As if, you can still feel its softness and elasticity. The slender legs, the lovable body of the S-curve, and the white and shameful face that was stared at the blush.

Unnaturally, Tang Shidao’s heartbeat has accelerated.

Slowly, Tang Shidao’s face also had a rush of heat, as if returning to the boy who dared to sneak a peek at the time.


Listening to Tang Shidao, he breathed a sigh of relief, and the white woman’s shame was redder.

“Sit.” Tang Shidao gestured.

Tang Shidao can control everything about himself. As long as he is willing, don’t let the heartbeat slow down and let the heartbeat stop. The shame on your face can also be cleared, as long as you liberate the Source state of Constitution, you can make your face into ice.

But… this is me!

Originally, I am!

The white beauty took a little care and sat down carefully. For a moment, the two silently, as if they could hear their heartbeat.

At this moment.

Bai Meiren only felt that his face was in a fever, as if there was an unknown warmth that swelled up and occupied the whole body, temporarily letting himself forget everything.

Tang Shidao also has a similar feeling.


There is also an unimaginable Strength explosion that instantly spans space and time. In the blink of an eye, the body of this ‘mortal’ is born, grown, thrived, transformed, sublimated… just this uncultivated and meditation-free In the silence, a nearly incredible odd shape is formed.

Obviously, it is only the weakest state of returning to the true self.


Complete Constitution One: Enter a successful state!

“Let’s set a date.”

“Ah… um…”

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