Mage Network

Chapter 246

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 246: Magic Ocean 10, Great Whirlpool, Astronomy

The big nautical planet became a night, and the mage who had been meditating in the same place sensed it.

The first island of sailing has lost 99%, leaving only some pirates who are not known about things. When the pirates walked up the street and found that the merchants were gone, the pedestrians were gone, and even the beggar was gone. In the horror, I broke into the store, and the store went to the building. Everything except the big items was packed and taken away. Look at the restaurants, the museums, the pubs, and even the busiest dockyard factories.

When I wake up, the whole harbor has become an empty city.

Not long after the pirates found some bodies, it was their sentinel. What the sentinel might have discovered last night, but it was too late to be killed. A shot through the throat, a shot wearing a forehead, they have no chance to call.

“What about people?” The pirates were frightened.

“All of them go out to sea?” Someone trembled, this is the only possibility.

“All the people? Are the beggars on the side of the road going out together?”


No answer, no one knows the answer. Pirates are not masters after all, they don’t know much. Some pirates who saw the vortex restarted faintly guessed, and they couldn’t believe the general man had the guts to enter the Sea Monster World. It was sent to death. I didn’t know how many people died before.

Will not succeed.

No matter how large the fleet, entering the illuminating vortex encounters the Shanghai blame only the dead end.

the other side.

I believe that the people gathered by the captain of the Black Raven are equally worried, but they grew up listening to the story of the sea monster. There must be sea monsters behind the illuminating vortex, and you will definitely encounter it. Soon, when they entered the magical ocean and saw the huge black giant ship on the island at first glance, they knew they were safe. As the captain of the Black Raven promised, they will live in a new World with a sweet smell of air in the future.

Abandon the wooden boat.

Remove the goods.

Board the giant ship.

When people actually saw the sea monster, they were already on the absolutely safe ship. When they saw the sea monsters devour the wooden boat, they were not afraid. There was a feeling of watching the movie.

“The other wizards are all out, let’s go back.” Tang Shidao did all this and returned to the glowing vortex with a small iron boat.

“Okay, I am not interested in the instrument.” Lake Xian has no opinion.

“Boss, anyway, there is time, we don’t catch a little fish?” Quarry is still an iron obsession with ‘food’.

“The next time I have time, I will go to your planet to take a look and try to find a way to help you solve the food problem.” Tang Shidao did not dare to fully commit. Because the barren orc planet only grows long trees, it must be influenced by some special factors. If you want to help yourself, you must always find a solution.

“Well, okay.” I am convinced that I am the boss.

The lake fairy only smiles and does not speak.

Food is never a problem for the Master. Even if Tang Shidao can’t solve the ugly problem, it is enough to find a planet to grow food. If you say that a mage can’t afford a planet, you will laugh at people when you go out.

Return to the big nautical planet.


All the illuminating vortices disappear again. Tang Shidao Opens the book of Wanfa and verifies his own harvest… Sure enough, one hundred magical ocean planets are the same Master Chamber. Because the power of the legendary mage is too strong, the things he cast are naturally enormous. Due to the contractual relationship, Tang Shidao could not enter.

After the harvest is completed, everything else goes back to the Master Network.

Quickly return to the first island.

The mage who had meditation in place had already stopped cultivation. As soon as the illuminating vortex disappeared, their induction was interrupted immediately, and one second was not bad. At this point, they no longer know what is happening is an idiot. The crowd gathered and prepared to return.

At this time, the sky was flashing.

“hehe hehe, it seems that you still haven’t finished the task. It’s a pity.” Captain Blackhu flashed his figure and shook his boat anchor, saying that you still didn’t find this thing: “So, I will not return it to you.” If you are interested, please come back next time.”

The mission is over.

Captain Blackhu naturally showed up and he was a little surprised to see that there were more than 30 people left.

Then sense the harbour.

Residents are gone, leaving only 1%.

Where are they going?

Are they forced by these mages to become sailors to get out of the sea? Forget it, it doesn’t matter, even if you take it to feed the fish, it doesn’t matter. I am no longer a pirate, but the ‘God’ of this World. The people of general will die in the dead, and they don’t care.

A group of people returned to the Master Network.


Those who had previously been out of the mission flashed, all looking at Tang Shidao.

However, no one asked.

“I listen to you, the sixth sage, Tang Shidao. I didn’t expect you to finish.” Captain Blackhu said with a smile.

“Politely you should call me a Tang Grandmaster, I can afford it.” Tang Shidao only indifferently said. I didn’t pay much attention to Captain Black Hu, only opened the book of Wanfa, and finally verified my gain: success!

The Snake Master’s mission is complete!

The rudder steering wheel enters a state of ‘to be activated’.

The magical sea mage secret room left by the legendary mage, a hundred and a hundred large planets that are one hundred times larger than the big nautical planet, is now fully incorporated into his book of law. At present, there is no return to the magical ocean, and the legendary Master’s ‘benefits’ have not yet begun.

“hehe, Don Grandmaster…” Captain Blackhu sneered. I only want you to be a fool like Grandmaster, and the Mastermaster of is too worthless.

He also knows that the people in front of him have the title of hunting Grandmaster and the Grandmaster of the refining, and they are not too arrogant.

The blink of an eye disappears and returns to his original World.

at this time.

The crowd is still waiting, I hope someone will ask.

Tang Shidao is the book of Wanfa in his hand. There is only the Scarecrow and the ‘Wei Er’ object he only has. This is known to everyone. However, they do not know what they are writing. The book of Wanfa is only a pure black color, and any spell can’t spy on the content… This straw has long been described. I can’t do it now.


“You bastard, what did you do?”

Hu Xian just wanted to ask questions, and Captain Black Hu suddenly flashed back. Not for whom, only staring at Tang Shidao, who holds the book of Wanfa.

The crowd did not understand, but it was certain that Captain Black Hu had suffered a big loss.

Tang Shidao ignored the captain of Black Hu.

Only in the information of the various sea monsters in the magical ocean, it is found that the legendary mage is also purposefully cultivated.

“Tang Shidao, what did you do?” Captain Blackhu squatted again.

“Task.” Tang Shidao indifferently said.

“My… my things are gone. Why? You must have done what, you robber, you stole my things.” Captain Blackhu shouted.

“As long as I violate a contract, I will become an anti-Mage. Does the Master Network prompt you to become an anti-Mage?”

“This… no! It must be you, you must have stolen it. You cheated the Master Network, right? You must have deceived the Master Network.”

Everyone listened to nothing.

Deceive the Master Network.


The signing of the contract is, yes, it is not, who can deceive the Master Network… The Scarecrow can’t do it.

“Do you want to say this thing?” Tang Shidao closed the book of Wanfa and slowly pulled out a small ‘anchor’ key that could be combined with the anchor of Captain Black.

See the boat anchor and look at the half of the black captain’s hand.

All the Masters are frowning.

“You found it?” Captain Black Hu is also awkward.


“Impossible. Since you found it, why didn’t you complete the task?” Captain Blackhu squatted again.

“Because the contract has provisions: the aided mage can collect the items and instruments he finds, and can take away his own spoils. This anchor is also one of the items. If it is submitted to you, this magical ocean mission will be completed. but……”

“But what?” Captain Blackhu asked urgently.

“But I don’t want to give it to you.”


Hearing such a sentence, Captain Blackhu stunned.

Because he greeted the Master’s ‘deposit’, he deliberately gave the contract of his own treasure. I have not thought about it, this quest item is also in the contract. Or Captain Blackhu does not believe that someone can complete it, and even if it is completed, it will be handed over to himself.


Tang Shidao shook the anchor, calmly said: “You think you are smart, deliberately use everyone as a monkey. Is this interesting? Before I went in, I promised that the Master friend would try not to complete the task. I followed everyone’s wishes. Actually. Not only me, I believe that other people will not give you the anchor.”

Captain Blackhu was amazed.

Turn to everyone.

Everyone really has a look that ‘it doesn’t give you’.

“Captain Black Hu, now you know who is the monkey?” Tang Shidao chuckled and slowly put the boat anchor back into his pocket.

“No! It’s mine!”

Captain Blackhu surprised and angry, incarnation of large sea monster lightning.

Before the greed of a variety of derivative spells, Captain Blackhu’s strength is not weak. Lightning strikes did not hurt the body, but shredded Tang Shidao clothes and took the anchor back. However, the next second… he became a rebel!

The captain of Black Hu was slightly stunned and suddenly remembered that this place was a ‘safe area’.

No war.

Do not snatch.

“Hey, the Master is against the Master, and Laozi doesn’t care…” Captain Blackhu screamed.

After waiting for the drink to finish, everyone has gone back dozens of steps.

A slight horror.

Captain Blackhu originally wanted to scream a ‘cogue’, and suddenly he sensed a familiar figure… Scarecrow.

A harmless to human and animals.

You are a grandfather for spending money.

A staff member who does not have to be the same thing.

“Hey, you are actually doing things on my site. Why don’t you go a little further? Just pick a place.” The Scarecrow disappointed. No spells, no hands-on, just a sigh… Captain Black Hu disappeared!

Not blasting.

Not powdered.

Nor is it swallowed up by energy.

He disappeared like this, as if he was directly ‘smeared’. Captain Blackhu disappeared, his mana, his spells, his instruments were turned into Magic energy flowing back to the bookshelf of the big library… except for two small anchors.

The Scarecrow dropped one of them to Tang Shidao.

The other piece bounced back to the big nautical planet.


Nothing then.

No matter what happens, the major event is a trivial matter for the Scarecrow. It doesn’t know how many things it handles in a second. What hates it is that Captain Blackhu makes it a little ‘busy’… The Scarecrow hates being busy, it just likes to sneak.

Everyone saw that there was not much left.

It is not too common for the Scarecrow to kill a counter-instructor who violates the contract.

The lake fairy nodded and disappeared.

Brutal force is more than a gesture, indicating that I am waiting for you to help.

Tang Shidao waved goodbye and waited for everyone to disappear. Immediately opened the French mask and cast a spell into one of the magical oceans. As soon as you stepped in, all the illuminating vortices immediately converted a strange energy, and quickly reorganized into a spell and moved to Tang Shidao. It is: Majestic!

Tang Shidao is slightly surprised.


The heart is very strange: I have not heard that this legendary mage has a big curse. Did he die because of this great curse?

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