Mage Network

Chapter 243

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 243: Magic Ocean 7, the real mission location, floating astronomy

“Although I don’t believe it, it should be the door opened by the Sixth Sage. No one except him can get it done before us.” The Dragon Fleet sighed.

“Hey, there are a lot of ways to open the door. Maybe he is just a moment of luck.” Some of the Masters are not convinced.

“hehe, fight hard, and finally it is cheaper for us.” The portal opens for everyone to enter, and other mages are certainly not polite.

“It should be the skill of Hu Xian, Tang Shidao came in for the first time.” Some Masters doubt who is the real winner.


The hidden arrangement of the legendary mage was opened, and all the wizards moved toward the glowing vortex.

Maritime businessmen and pirates can’t do this.


The reason is very simple, they do not have such strength.

“Captain, are you going to enter the colorful whirlpool?” The crew members were scared and had a deep fear of the colorful whirlpool.

“This is our goal.” Tang Shidao came in for the first time, I really don’t know what they are afraid of.

“Captain, there are a lot of sea monsters on the opposite side. We are going to die. Captain, can we stay?” Some young crew members dare not go, they grew up listening to this terrifying story. When they grow up, they also know that this is not a story, it is a real thing. Whenever the colorful vortex appears, the sailor entering the opposite side will encounter the sea monster.

“Of course I can stay, I will not force you.” Tang Shidao understood.

There is a magic spring opposite.

The Great Nautical Planet is a normal World, with no Devil-Beast and no sea monsters.

Behind the colorful vortex is definitely the magic environment, otherwise there is no such thing as a sea monster. The old crew members looked awkward and explained that they had seen it with their own eyes. The lake fairy nodded slightly, also said that the opposite is indeed the world of magical ocean. Tang Shidao thought about it and divided the fleet of thousands of ships into dozens of groups and continued to operate here. They will be much slower if they don’t work for a crow, but slowly recruiting water can also make up the work.

“We are waiting for you to come back, Captain.” The seafarers were heartfelt gratitude and said that they must wait for the captain to return.

Tang Shidao only smiles and does not speak.


Tang Shidao entered the colorful whirlpool with twenty-four ships, most of which were old crew members. They are not afraid of death, just want to sail for the last time.

Say goodbye to everyone, the fleet sailed into the colorful whirlpool.

After a burst of water and fog, Tang Shidao immediately sensed: There is a new world of magic and energy! It is not a small magic spring, not a medium-sized magic spring. Here is the nourishing environment of a large magic spring.

The book of the law of law unfolds, four invisible ghost crows fly into the sky, and move toward all sides.

In the blink of an eye, four are flying.

In a few seconds, Tang Shidao immediately received the first message. According to preliminary estimates of the invisible Ghost, the planet is extremely large, at least one hundred times larger than the large nautical planet. The invisible ghost crow has not yet flown far, and the size of the star can also be estimated after flying high.

“Be careful not to exceed the 10 point.” Lake Xian prompts that it is still the scope of the contract.

“Know.” Tang Shidao naturally does not make mistakes.

Anxiety is not the size of the planet, but the safety of the surrounding waters.

Invisible ghost crows fly.


“There was trouble. I ordered that all the staff turn around and go southeast at full speed. There is a group of giant ancient whales in the northwest, and our ship is probably not enough to hit.” Tang Shidao monitors the dangers around him through the eyes of invisible ghost crows. In this limited environment where only the ’10’ mana is cast, the wizard can’t fight with the monster.

Don’t say that you are weak, that is, the summoning object does not rival the giant sea beast.

The crew immediately alerted the police and turned around at the same time. They absolutely believe in the command of the captain, because the crows inspected by the sky are the captain’s eyes.

Through the invisible ghost crow.

Tang Shidao also saw a giant island in the southeast. There are human cities on the island. It is best to talk to those people first. It’s not the same as before. The boat is still a good ship, the steering wheel is still a master, but the ocean is not just the ocean.

“All the staff are careful, seabed has octopus sea monsters come out.” Hu Xian suddenly alarm, she has been monitoring underwater movements.

Everyone has a heartbeat and be careful.

No ten breaths.

Eight giant tentacles protruded out of the sea and immediately entangled a large ship. In the Sky, one hundred sharp-eyed rifles move toward the same tentacle at the same time. As a result… Konjac can hurt the tentacles, but the effect is not great, but there is a feeling of angering the big octopus.

“Captain, let’s go first.” The tentacle was too big, and the entangled ship was tilted as soon as it was pulled.

Seeing that the shooting was invalid, the crew also gave up their self-help.

I only hope that the captain will run smoothly.

Tang Shidao was moved a little more funny, thinking that the general people really couldn’t understand the Master: “Listen to my command, give up the 16 ship, and all the staff are ready to escape.”

The crew of the 16 ship was a bit silly.


Where are you?

Jumping into the sea?

Before they responded, all the other big ships turned and accelerated to leave the place. The crew of the 16 number did not shout, thinking that the captain could escape. Before they thought about it, a crow flew down behind them, hugged them with their hands and flew to Sky, and flew over to other ships.

At this time the crew were also stupid.

Can you play like this?


The big octopus couldn’t help but see the crew being taken away. Only quickly toss the big ship, and then slowly smashed it.

“I remember you, when I find a big chain, I will lift you up and dry it.” Tang Shidao lost a boat as soon as he came in, and his heart was annoyed.

At this time, Lake Fairy pointed his finger at Sky.

A crew member also found out.

There are a lot of long-horned geeks flying in the sky, they all look like a falconry rabbit.

“Āiyā, the kittens and puppies are running out to bully people? Then I am not too polite.” Tang Shidao called out the fire crow and instructed the fire crow to burn the feathers on the wings of the strange birds. He also ordered the sharp-eyed rifle to fly against the past and shoot the eyes of the strange bird.

“There are too many of them to stand up, and the sails are bad.” Lake Xian knew the trouble at a glance.

“I still have a giant rifle.” Tang Shidao is not eager to summon, a giant savage crow flies up and fights.

The weird birds are even smaller, but they are extremely fierce.

In the face of the giant murderer they are not mistaken.

“Captain, we use a musket…”

“Look at the fun. Rest assured, my crow can’t finish.” Tang Shidao signaled that your guns were not enough to scratch. Summoning a beast is made by mana. As long as the mana is sufficient, you can continue to re-call. The least fear is desperate.

At the beginning.

The long-horned geeks can still take advantage of the point. When the giant crows are more than one, the fire crows ignite their wings, the magic of the crows shoot their eyes, and the long-horned geeks become prey. Only a small group of die, long-horned birds are horrified.

Tang Shidao barely grabbed a few, and the long-horned geeks that fell into the sea were eaten by the big fish.

Command the giant rifle to attack.

Grab a few big fish.

Tang Shidao found that these fish were not normal. Not only are they huge, but some have long crab claws or shrimp feet, and they are always weird. Tang Shidao is not polite, the giant murderer killed and let the crew cook. Only one bite was found, and these big fish not only tasted very good, but also had a very small amount of magic energy. The crew can’t absorb it, but the wizard can use the improved Constitution.

“Be careful, the big Sea Serpent is coming.” Lake Fairy is very beautiful.

“Throw away a few big fish, let’s go first.” Tang Shidao has no way at all. Mana cast is limited to 10 points, and the Master can’t really do anything. If you can use the Strengths yourself to shoot these sea monsters, unfortunately these are forbidden.

The fleet is sailing.

All the way to the strange fish in Shanghai, the strange birds come to visit from time to time, making Tang Shidao have no temper.

Without waiting for the giant island, the ship has lost more than half of it.

Finally, there are six large ships left.

If there is no strange fish in the vicinity of the island, it is hard to say whether there is any leftover.

“Not convinced, Don?”

“No, I have already guessed it. The harder the task, the bigger the harvest. If the relics of the legendary mage are so easy to find, Captain Blackhu has already completed it. He is the only mage of this World, and can not activate the relics of the anchor. First search hard and start again. He can’t do it, we must be more difficult.” Tang Shidao boarded the island and found a large number of residents hiding.

They are afraid of the boat and are afraid of any outsiders.

The invisible ghost crows were monitored in the air and found that there were no docks on the island… these aborigines did not go out to sea!

Maybe because there are too many people in the Black Raven fleet.

The island residents carefully sent an old man to come and ask questions, and he also offered a small box of treasures.

Tang Shidao and Hu Xian look at each other.

I found that the old man’s body is very healthy. He is at least one hundred and fifty years old, but his actions are not slow. He is completely weak and old. The old man is very wary of outsiders, only claiming to be the mountain old man. He hopes that foreign guests will leave as soon as possible and not stay on the island. He also said that if he does not enter the island, he can give some food and clean water, and don’t give money for free.

Tang Shidao can see the meaning of the other party ‘please go quickly’ and understand it. Just ask: “What is the black monument on the mountain?”

Mountain old man: “This leader, we don’t know. It was sprayed from the sea when the sea was angry, just fell on our island.”

Tang Shidao added: “Do you mind if we take it away?”

Shan old man Yixi: “Of course I don’t mind. We don’t know what it is. If you don’t enter the island, I will help you move…”

Tang Shidao waved his hand: “You don’t have to worry, we don’t grab things. You use gold coins. I will buy some clean water and wine with you. If you don’t worry, you can send someone to send us. We don’t set foot on the island.”

The mountain old man was happy, and immediately ran back to tell everyone to make a deal and send them away as soon as possible.


In some transactions, the two sides took their own needs, and the residents even changed some swords and muskets as weapons for self-protection.

Before leaving.

Mountain old man reminded me: “Captain Black Raven, I don’t know where you are from, what do you want to do. But our ancestors have an ancestral warning: never use wooden boats to go out to sea, wooden boats are food. We don’t understand what it is. Meaning, but always keep the ancestral training.”

Tang Shidao smiled: “Many thanks, let me know.”

The mountain old man also laughed: “Yes.”

The six ships will leave the port again.

Tang Shidao immediately let the crows lift the black monument. The dark monuments have no words or patterns.

“It’s pretty, give me a pot of water.”

“Okay, boss.”

Tang Shidao took the kettle and fell down on the black monument. Slowly, the water is sucked in and then transpired to form a unique landscape. There are islands, clouds, and reef whirlpools, just like a corner of the sea.

I thought about it.

Tang Shidao summoned the demon-type crows and let them pick up the hammer to break the monument.

The stone was broken and a one-meter diameter steering wheel appeared.

“Is the creation of the iron mother material? Don, you can actually find clues?” Lake Xian was surprised.

“It should be the starter of a giant ship. Miss Lake Xian, I am wondering, how do you do it by moving forward?”

“The ship was eaten, by the water monster or the fisherman with a runaway. Then carefully explore the remains of the island, or the temple of the seabed. The dragon fleet has the highest harvest, I don’t know if they have found the iron boat. I was last time The electric blame is dead, and there is not much to find out.” Lake Fairy is indifferently said.

Under the contractual restrictions, the Master is not good at mixing.

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