Mage Network

Chapter 242

The latest chapter of Master Network, Chapter 242: Magic Ocean 6, Rhythm Shadow, Astronomy

With the order of Tang Shidao, all the crew moved out the collected lucky items. The crows are one person, picking up lucky objects and flying to the glowing vortex. Some large crows are also pulled up with ropes, dozens of hands together, and large pieces of lucky items are sent to the illuminating vortex. There are no steps, no rituals, just throw in one piece.

Then… nothing happened!

Except for Tang Shidao, Hu Xian and the savage trio, the other crew members could not see a Magic flash flashing Sky. They only saw an idiot captain picking up the lucky objects that had been painstakingly collected.

“Continue, this time we collect objects with the name ‘Courage’.” Tang Shidao continues the miraculous command.

The crew licked their chests.

Distressed, the beloved idiot captain is addicted to play with water.

But is there any way?

Follow suit.

Dear captains, however, set up new ports again and again, giving the islands once and for all, and distributing the money once and for all to make everyone happy and happy. In the harsh world where maritime and pirates are not divided, the captain is simply a reincarnation of the god of goodness. Don’t talk about collecting famous items, even if they let them die, they are happy to do so.


With the rise of new seaports, the Black Raven Fleet is already a powerful force.

Oh, except for pirates.

Because the Black Raven fleet has a kind of ‘paranoia’ style of defiance against pirates, let alone meet in the middle, as long as you hear pirates, catch up with the dry shelves. The pirates heard that the Black Raven Fleet was not hating the teeth. It was the first night when they heard it, or they turned around and fled. The pirates are not stupid, the Black Raven fleet has more than a thousand ships, and there are flying soldiers… no one can win!

I am confident that I can kill the fish.

The second collection.

In less than half a month, Tang Shidao received an unexpected news: Someone is collecting ‘courage’ and ‘smart’ items! These fleets are collected earlier than themselves, such as the Master’s team’s Dragon Fleet collecting “good” items from the very beginning.

“Don, they seem to have felt it early, what do we do?” Hu Xian did not notice before.

“Guess it, they are not stupid. It doesn’t matter, it’s just cooperation without competition. Commanding the crew to give up collecting courageous items, we are looking for ‘good faith’ items. Just a simple one, don’t repeat. In addition, let people spread the news, It is said that our Black Raven fleet is looking for good faith items. As long as they hear the wind, they will know how to do it.” Tang Shidao has another new order.

The crew heard the new order and asked what to do if they collected the courage.

Tang Shidao called the stay, placed in the center of a square in a port.

Who loves to take it.

Because the big nautical planet was communicated with seabirds, the forces of all parties soon received news. Hearing a ‘Thousand Ships’ fleet sent a message, the unknown sea merchants and pirates were scared. What is the concept of a thousand ships? The normal concept, a thousand people are rushing, not to mention a thousand ships. Quickly, they first inquired about the news and avoided this giant.

At this time, the mages also received the news.

“Abandon the integrity of the goods, put it in the center of the square of the port. Since the sixth sage gave up the courage, we should cooperate with the action. Before the real treasure is revealed, we have no meaning in the competition.” The Dragon Fleet released the news for the first time. They are the team with the largest number of mages.

“Abandon the integrity of the goods, we change one.” Some small teams have only one or two or three, and they do not want to resist.

“What are they doing, not looking for a device?” Some Masters don’t understand.

“Is these items an important clue? Well, I am looking for it.” And the Master noticed that he joined the ranks.

No matter what everyone thinks.

The ‘goodness’ items that the Dragon Fleet is looking for are not in the hands of everyone. The ‘good faith’ items that the Black Raven Fleet needs are also given up, not competing with the giants.

Think of the Black Raven fleet.

Thousands of ships fleet!


Earlier, I thought that the Sixth Sage was out of the game. I didn’t expect that the family was just a woman, and I was ready to fight.

Think again, the Black Raven fleet has begun collecting lucky items before, and it seems that they have found some clues. Deep thought, the sixth sage should have no such brains? He came in for the first time… Well, it must be the idea of ​​Hu Xian. Lake Xian is the strongest of the Star Master Tower, and it would not be strange if she was.

As the news spreads.

The big nautical planet began to have a different flow, and some of the things that were usually unimportant quickly turned into rare items, and all of them were collected by the outsiders who could order the monsters. The pirates dared to reach out at the beginning, and they even succumbed to dozens of waves. They also completely disappeared, and they dared not compete for such items.

The sea merchants are the coolest.

Because the captains of these monsters are very generous, they never change their money… as if money is not important to them.

Black Raven Fleet.

The crew are also painful and happy.

The pain is that the ‘heart is kind’ ship elder brain is too stupid, no matter how precious and precious treasures are not valued, but staring at those unimportant idle objects. Happiness… You are not happy every day counting money. The two sailors of Lake Xian are super-powerful, and they can find some treasures every once in a while.

The captain with abnormal brain does not like gold coins.

In addition to the reward.

Every time you enter the harbour, the best food, the best wine, the best meat, what to buy and what to buy. The merchants at the docks all smiled and the captain of the black crow had a ship order every time he arrived. There are a few ships, dozens of ships, and everyone has a share, never fail.


The Black Raven fleet is becoming more and more popular, often hearing the arrival of the Black Raven fleet, and the Governor of the Harbour has personally welcomed.

To know.

This giant has not only brought trade goods, but also brought endless business opportunities. Thousands of ships, the group of rich and oily seamen came over, and the whole island immediately entered the ‘prosperous mode’. Besides, the captain of the black crow is also the sly monster of ‘buy and buy’, and it is uncomfortable to blame without sprinkling money.

You can suspect that Captain Black’s brain is not normal.

But you can’t doubt his wallet.

It doesn’t take long.

Whenever the New Raven Fleet comes, people will be cheered. The pirates have lost their lives, the caravans are madly pooled, and countless supplies are pouring in. Everyone is preparing for a trade carnival. What kind of good faith items are used for collection? People have already prepared to put them in the docks and exchange money in advance. The captain of the black crow who has the ‘gold coin aversion’ will definitely double the price for your item. It is definitely not a short coin.

Slowly, people can’t wait for the Black Raven fleet to come to Hong Kong.

They have not arrived yet?

It doesn’t matter.

Look for him.

With the money in stock, I am afraid that the Black Raven Fleet will not be able to afford the price. In particular, if you have a good faith item, you can rent a boat to go out to sea and find a black crow fleet to make a deal. Worried about pirates? Hehe, you have a kind of robbery to try. Grab the integrity of the goods, see the Black Raven fleet not to hunt you tens of thousands of nautical miles to blame.

Looking at the scene of ‘Wan Wan to the DPRK’.

The heart of this class of lake fairy is shocked.

In the usual way, she can slap everything in front of her eyes with a slap. However, the contract limits a primary spell, and she can’t play too much Strength. Lake Xian is not shocked by Strength, but by Tang Shidao’s ability to control. Listen to the Comptroller’s Report: Our fleet is gradually making a profit. At this moment, the lake fairy can not help but think deeply.

Tang Shidao has been sprinkling money and spending money crazy.

did not expect.

This money-spending operation has slowly brought profits.

Because of the large volume of trade?

Because the caravans have come over to trade, turning the Black Raven fleet into a floating island at sea?

Lake Xian suddenly became interested.

She decided to take a look at the changes from start to finish.


Enter a new undeveloped island. The boatmen are skilled at working, and the arak people follow the logging. The sailors camped and built houses. The miners began to mine, and some built a refinery. Merchants sorted out the market and started trading goods. The lake fairy stood in the high place and looked like a group of ants… No, like a group of machines, everyone moved towards one direction.

When the people nearby came over and a large number of merchant ships settled in, it soon became a brand new seaport.

To go for the preparation of boarding.

I want to stay hard to build my own house.

They all believe that… this place is their new home! The captain of the black crow will be left to them, and will certainly sign orders for food and shipbuilding to ensure that everyone can successfully cross the difficult period of new life. Once life is stable, they will not be embarrassed.

They also know that the pirates are afraid of the ‘black crow flag’. As long as this flag is here, the pirates are absolutely afraid to commit crimes.

Seeing this situation, Lake Fairy understands a bit.

This is a whirlpool.

The vortex of interest.

As long as it works according to a certain Rule, it can bring benefits to everyone. Of course, the Black Raven Fleet is the most important force guarantee. Without force, pirates can easily destroy it.

Time passes by.

The Black Raven fleet is also getting bigger and bigger, with more and more crews and more and more new seaports.


By the time the other mage recalled, they were already filled with the message of the Black Raven Fleet, and they no longer had to inquire. Being overtaken, the fleet of the dragons that were thrown away is also strange: “Do you want to do business? It’s useless, here is the plane of Captain Blackhu, what do the Sixth Sage want to do?”

At this point, other wizards began to laugh.

“A ridiculous move.”

“Does he want to save these people? Hehe.”

“Oh, useless. Captain Blackhu is a poor character at first glance. No matter what order is established by the Sixth Sage, Captain Blackhu can be completely destroyed in just one month.”

“The practice of being foolish is purely a waste of time. When the wizard is so kind and has a fart.”

“hehe, really so kind to practice resurrection, go to the savior to cure those soldiers.”

The mages laughed.

Perhaps it is clear that it is useless to do so, perhaps with a guilty heart.

In short, no Master agrees with this approach.

This plane World is Captain Black, he is the Master here. No matter what the outsiders do, the result continues according to the temperament of Captain Blackhu. According to the character of Captain Blackhu, the Sixth Sage would help him raise a group of Golden Roosters, and he would kill the wine. The mud is mud, and the Master Network can’t help it.

Lake Xian also wants to understand.

But she is pretty sure one thing…Tang Shidao is not a fool! A wise man is desperate to do stupid things, then he must have a reason to be stupid.

During this time.

Tang Shidao has a translucent gray shadow around him.

Just the beginning.

This shadow is just a crow. Not long after, it turned into an upright aunt. Later, it gradually became humanized, with only a little more wings. Recently, it is not it, but ‘he’.

A translucent shadow, a human figure, the appearance of an old man.

It was just empty hands at the beginning.

Slowly, he added a Magic Staff and a cat.

Of course he is still a shadow, translucent like a fog-like shadow. This gray shadow has always followed Tang Shidao. Gradually, he started to act on his own. It seems like a busy Teacher, constantly copying what, constantly researching. Even more bizarre is that this gray shadow has the act of casting and practicing, completely the same as human beings.

Gray Shadow has not caused any damage all the time… It has no Strength, just a phantom.


Everyone looks at the feeling of a ‘sacred inviolability’, as if this shadow has the supreme power.

“The second child, is he the legendary mage?”

There is only one rib in the brain.

However, he sometimes speaks more directly to the core.

“Of course not.” Lake Fairy said: “The legendary mage is dead. Unless the Master has a file, and then use a special method to resurrect him, otherwise he can not be reproduced in any way. This is the Tang spell, probably that’ Invisible Ghost’s Mutation illusion.”

“He is obviously a human being, although it is translucent.”

“It’s like an image, a piece of music, a picture. Tang feels some energy rhythm and then presents it according to his own imagination.”

“Then why can’t he talk?”

“He is not a human. Contract protection, the past can not be re-emerged. This is just Tang’s imagination, not really happening… Well, I fell asleep, you don’t bother.” Lake Fairy closed his eyes. Suddenly remembering that it is too difficult to understand such a difficult problem, it is more difficult than plugging a planet into a pinhole.

“Well, sleep well.” Pretty people don’t bother with the sleeping person.

He is used to it.

The boss and the second child are ‘sleeping’ every day, and there are not many times in a blink of an eye.

Two big slackers, who only sleep, are too lazy to eat.

Like yourself, even if you fall asleep, you will dream about eating.

that’s it.

Time passes by.

Two months later, the Black Raven Fleet put all the good faith items, the vortex is not the same, and the colorful brilliance.

Tang Shidao and Hu Xian blinked at the same time.

At the same time opening: “The door is finally open.”

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