Mage Network

Chapter 244

The latest chapter of Master Network, Chapter 244: Magic Ocean 8, wisdom is not bad, obsessively different, floating astronomy

“I heard that the Sixth Sage entered the magical ocean with dozens of ships?”

“Yes, the dragon squad’s summoning eagle conveyed the news. A total of twenty-four ships lost 18 ships as soon as they came in, leaving only six ships to the island. The strange thing is that they traded some food and water and sailed. Still sailing with a wooden boat.”

“hehe, stupid.”

“It can’t be said that the sixth sage does not know the taboos of the magical ocean. He still doesn’t know that wooden boats are easy to get into trouble.”

“hehe, this is not a fool. What started in the big nautical planet, who would be so stupid. If the instruments and treasures are not seen, they will use all their strength. The idiots will not do this. If there is a lake, help.” This sixth sage has already been out of the game. Forget it, don’t inquire about him, the door will open. He does so much, and ultimately it is cheaper for us.”

“Well, I can’t listen to it. He has ordered a gunman who shoots the eagle, so he can’t monitor it anymore.”

“Hehe, what is the use of it now, we have been understood.”

The door to the magical ocean opens, the competition begins, and the mage who works with each other becomes a competitor. Tang Shidao makes it difficult to sharpen the eyeliner in the air. However, the really clever Master is still in doubt… The Sixth Sage’s actions are too weird.

It is simply an idiot’s behavior.

First of all.

In the big nautical planet, he is desperately operating. This is useless, because the Master of this plane World is Captain Black, he is the Master here. If you manage well, Captain Blackhu doesn’t like it or you can slap it. Tang Shidao still does this, obviously not normal thinking.

Second point.

It is also foolish to make a large number of sea-going ships, because the magical ocean cannot use wooden boats.

Well, even if the Sixth Sage is coming in for the first time, he should understand that after a disaster. However, he still continues to make mistakes, which is too abnormal. If Tang Shidao is really so brainless, how can he get the sage certificate. The mage may be a fool, such as a man like this, but the Master Network is absolutely not stupid, will not issue a Master’s certificate to a fool.

A small number of Masters are suspicion, and do not understand why the Sixth Sage has been acting idiots.

Most of the Masters don’t care.

Because it is not important, the competition begins and everyone is already an ‘enemy’. The more stupid the enemy, the more you will gain.

Black Raven Fleet.

The crow once again prompted: the sea monster came.

At this time, even the crew knew that the wooden boat was very unfavorable for navigation. Before the old man on the island said: wooden boats are food! This sentence proves that the magical ocean has some taboos, such as wooden ships must be unfavorable for navigation.

“Don, I want to fully develop.” Hu Xian also wondered Tang Shidao’s move, but did not stop it. Entering the magical ocean, she does not need to stay.

“Well, can you deal with sea monsters?”


The lake fairy has summoned another water monster. When the giant fish in the sea emerged, the seawater around it quickly frozen. Without waiting for it to notice, some transparent and smoked water monsters are already close to it. As the ant colony is attached, the giant tooth fish will soon be frozen. The giant fish also struggled, but the surrounding sea area was frozen, and it eventually escaped the means of the lake.

The crew cheered and thought that they would not have to abandon the boat.

at this time.

A group of six-winged birds flew in the air.

The lake fairy beckoned, and a water monster appeared on the ice, quickly absorbing the ice force and quickly emitting a large amount of frost and fog, turning the entire area into a sea of ​​fog. The six-winged birds are not stupid. They don’t have a vision. They immediately turn around and fly high, and don’t venture into this cold fog.

“Adjust the direction, the East.” Tang Shidao ordered, and said: “Huxian, if you find that the seabed has a relic, you need to investigate, you stop.”

“Don, you don’t seem to be interested?” Lake Fairy is getting more and more strange.

Too bad.

Does the Sixth Sage want to continue this ‘idiot’?

“It takes about half a month to find the giant ship. I will explain it to you. Now, I am still waiting.” Tang Shidao said softly.

“Good.” Lake Xian did not ask.

In terms of strength, Lake Xian is much stronger than Tang Shidao. She is a mage above the Holy Land. Although she is not as good as Mrs. Wuyun, she also has very strong strength.

In terms of knowledge, Lake Xian is much more than Tang Shidao. She has been in the Master Network for a long time, and has gone through more tasks, and she is also very self-study.

On the endowment, Hu Xian is not worse than Tang Shidao. She is born to be a water fairy Bloodline, much stronger than human beings, and there is no less savvy and hard work than anyone else.


She is more familiar with the magical ocean. She can’t guess what Tang Shidao is doing.

Along the way.

The lakes with full firepower almost swept past, freezing sea monsters, and dispelling the birds with cold fog. Even if there are strong birds, the water monsters on the sea can also bow and shoot, completely fearless. Four soft water monsters are guarded by the lake fairy. In case of urgency, they can be turned into a flowing water shield to reduce the damage, or quickly leave the lake fairy.

Mana cast limits 10 points, but the number of summoned beasts is only related to the mana ceiling.

The lake is full of firepower, and the sea is full of water monsters.

Most of the month.

Hard to reach the destination, the lake fairy did not stop once in the middle. She knew there were seabed relics on the way, but the significance of stopping the boat was not significant. Now she is only wondering what Tang Shidao has always been stupid to do.

“Abandon the ship, don’t, we boarded the island.” Tang Shidao another wonderful command.

I heard this.

The crew took the musket and ventured into the island. Expedition is a must-have job for sailors. It used to be a crow. The lake fairy commanded the water monster to walk in the front, and the axe was used to protect Tang Shidao and the lake fairy.

Without any accidents, normal treasure hunt is no difficulty for the Master.


Into the hole.

Explore the Subterranean ruins.

“Captain, there are ghosts, our muskets can’t kill them.” Soon, the crew frightened and quit, reporting trouble.

The lake fairy only frowned and directed the monster to withstand the attack.

The phantom is not physically attacked, but Magic is very effective. Unfortunately, only one Magic is allowed here, otherwise a holy light can be removed. The water monster’s water gun and ice arrow have a little effect, barely able to withstand.

“Don, do you need to force it in?” Lake Xian called a group of water monsters, and proposed to take the steering wheel directly into it.

“Don’t worry, I am still waiting.” Tang Shidao looks like ‘I have given up treatment’.

Lake Fairy is even more strange… The goal is right in front of you. What are you waiting for?

Not much to ask.

Command the monster to withstand the constant flow of ghosts.


This fight is a whole day, and the ghost is still not killed. As a last resort, everyone retreats and rests waiting for the next day. Tang Shidao has been sitting still in meditation, and Hu Xianxin doubts that he will attack the second attack. Then the third day, the fourth day, the fifth day…

On the eighth day, Tang Shidao reached out and summoned four new acers: “The evil crow ghost.”

This kind of acer is a translucent gray shadow.

It is clear.

They are as phantoms as invisible ghosts.

The sorcerer is similar to the gorilla-like demon-like crow, but the legs are longer and faster. Holding a hook in one hand and a machete in the other, the form is very scary. No matter who can see, they are the weapon to deal with ghosts. Sure enough, the sorcerer’s prisoner’s prisoner came forward, hooked and threw, hooked a ghost and immediately dragged it back, and then opened the long scorpion to devour the energy of the ghost.

“Are you ready to start?” Lake Fairy asked.

“Still waiting.” Tang Shidao still keeps meditation while releasing more crows.

In less than two days, the ghosts are getting less and less.

Another day.

The evil spirits prisoner completely cleaned up all the ghosts, and finally found that the ghost was born from a small magic spring. At the end of the game, the evil spirits prisoner surrounded the place, no matter how many ghosts were born, they were pulled and eaten by a hook.

Tang Shidao took the black steering wheel and slowly found an underground secret room.

Install the steering wheel.

Start the agency.

At this point, the entire island was shaken. Slowly, the island quickly rises, and a giant ‘crab’ bigger than the island crawls out slowly… It is a moving castle made by Alchemy-Material ‘Iron Metal’. The black Giant Crab climbs out and all the parts are activated by the energy of the magic spring, which slowly walks into the sea.

Collapse the giant claws and crab feet, which gradually became a weird giant ship.

“We have a boat.” Tang Shidao is still meditating, just saying: “Huxian, now directed by you, what you are looking for when you want to find something.”

“What about you?”

“I am still waiting.”

“Your goal is not this Giant Crab moving castle? Don, what do you want to do? Here is the magical ocean. It is not only you who can do this, but the dragon fleet or other mages. If we don’t speed up, we can only The remnants are gone.” Lake Xian couldn’t help but ask.

“Wait for another four or five days.” Tang Shidao whispered.

“Well, you don’t owe me anything, don’t say it with you.” Lake Fairy laughed. Not an illusion, the sixth sage is really playing some idea.

The conversation is over.

Going out to sea.


The ship of Giant Crab with iron metal, the sea monsters have not come to bother. First, they don’t like iron boats. Second, the Giant Crab moving castle is too big. It is simply a sea moving city. Even if the sea monsters climbed up, they couldn’t help it. The strange birds were even more hopeful and flew away.

Three days later.

Suddenly, no reason, all the colorful vortex disappeared.

at the same time.

Tang Shidao opened his eyes and smiled.

Hu Xian has been paying attention to Tang Shidao and seeing this situation also knows that the situation has changed.

No need to ask.

Tang Shidao slowly explained: “The time is up, I let the sharp-eyed rifle surround the first island, and the number of 100,000 is blocked. I left the lettering to warn those who meditate, as long as they go out into the sea, the sharp-eyed rifle will There are 100,000 magic light rays hitting them, which does not violate the contract.”

The lake fairy does not understand: “They will not go out to sea, but only until the end.”

Tang Shidao continues: “Maybe, I need a guarantee. Some of the wizards have not entered the vortex before, and now everyone is entering the magical ocean. In other words, there is no master on the ocean of the big nautical planet, only the left. I have left a raven soldier.”

The lake is in the heart of the earthquake.

Next sentence.

Just listen.

“Miss Hu Xian, I didn’t believe that the ‘legacy’ was in the magical ocean from the beginning.” Tang Shidao smiled and said: “I believe that everyone is not stupid, there is no reason why you can’t find it. There is a reason, reason. There can be only one: it is not on the magical ocean.”

“So you…” Lake Fairy is a little sweaty.

Is this sixth sage in the experience of ‘swallowing’ everyone?

Still counting all the task mages?

Tang Shidao whispered: “Since it is not in the magical ocean, it can only be a big nautical planet. However, the big nautical planet has been searched for a long time. Everyone knows no. So, where is it? Miss Hu Xian, now you think about it. What have you neglected?”

The lake fairy is stunned and is in deep trouble.

Pretty but strange.

He couldn’t understand at all: “Boss, there is only a device here, there is nothing there.”

Tang Shidao nodded: “This is the test of the legendary mage. It is not so easy for the younger generation to take the heritage of Senior. At least it is a bit of a test. It is very simple…”

“The whirlpool of the boat.” Hu Xian suddenly interrupted.

“What, second child, what are you talking about?”

Lake Xian is just looking at Tang Shidao: “There is a glowing whirlpool and a boat whirlpool in the big nautical planet. There are whirlpools in the magical ocean and sea monsters eating boats. The illuminating vortex is shared, and the boat is also shared. But the legendary mage stays. A hint… don’t eat iron boats! Don, are you secretly building iron ships on the big nautical planet?”

Tang Shidao nodded lightly.

“Why wait for all the wizards to come in…” Hu Xian asked, suddenly stopped.

No reason.

Because you want to swallow it alone.

What is the whole world, what is the name of the earthquake, all are smoke screens. Tang Shidao didn’t believe that the treasure was in the magical ocean at the beginning. He always stared at the big nautical planet. Other mages are not unwise, they are too anxious.

In fact.

The first island is not a trick, it is also a hint… indicating where things are starting.

The mages only know that the magical ocean has a treasure, possesses a ritual, and the nautical planet has nothing.

Therefore, they are bent on entering the magical ocean.

Ignore the beginning.

“It’s not that you are smarter than them, Tang, because you have been obsessed with ‘tasks’ rather than instrumental treasures from the beginning. You don’t even think about finding a tool, you just want to complete the task, so you notice that they ignore it. Something. I am very surprised, Tang, why do you have to complete the task?”

Tang Shidao only smiles and doesn’t talk…because the snake mage.

The snake mage left an ark steering wheel.

Although it is different from Captain Black’s ‘Anchor’, the mission is the same. You don’t want the legacy of the legendary mage, but you can’t take the legacy of the snake mage.

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