Mage Network

Chapter 213

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 213: The Mystery of Black Turtle, Astronomy

The sorcerer faintly said that everyone was shocked. After the horror reaction, everyone immediately shouted and shouted to see the Tang Emperor Your Majesty. They do not doubt the words of the sorcerer, nor do they doubt that someone dares to pretend to be the emperor. The sergeant is blind. She never has to look at things. If she is not right, the young Master will definitely deny it for the first time.

However, he talked about sitting, and it is true that he is himself.

Tang Shidao just waved gently: “You don’t have to pay more, get up. Xiaojin is not telling you to abolish the rituals, don’t care about this set of hands or nods. Please sit down, I am just a visitor like everyone. ”

“many thanks Your Majesty.” The crowd got up, but did not dare to be truly rude.

Emperor of the Shuihua Kingdom.

The unification of more than 1,800 years of chaos.

more important.

He also has the identity of an immortal.

Believe it or not, Ten Giants, Ultra-Grade’s huge Turtle City, these are not mortal owners. Even if I haven’t seen it with my own eyes, these things have already spread to the world. On the bright side, the frog frog breathing method is passing on the states and supplying all the Chinese people to practice. In the dark, a mysterious ‘Golden Apple’ Qizhen has long been known by the powerful.

Therefore, no one doubts the statement of the Tang Emperor.

The common people are blind letters, and the dignitaries have their own channels of information to know all this.

“Tang Huang Your Majesty is coming, don’t know what advice?” The teacher is very generous, she knows that people are different.

“Do you feel me?” Tang Shidao smiled and asked.


“Then why do you know my identity?” Tang Shidao asked again.

At this time everyone is also stupid.

What does induction mean?

Does the sergeant have extraordinary means to see people?

“The eyes of the women are invisible, but they still get a lot of things from the ‘seeing’. Even if they are the iron man who built the road and built the city, the women can see the difference. In the country of Shuhua, there are only two people who can’t see it. Tang Emperor Your Majesty You and the Golden Fairy. The rumored Golden Fairy is just a small person with a slap in the palms and wings. The Tang Emperor Your Majesty has a low-key private visit and can approach the crowd. Naturally, it will not be a golden fairy.” said the sergeant.

“Well, it makes sense.” Tang Shidao knows that the sergeant can’t see himself, because his total magic energy is too large, even if it is a magic spring, she can’t feel it.

It is as if you can see the lights, but you can’t see the sun.

The sergeant is guessing.

She also guessed it.

“Tang Huang Your Majesty hasn’t said why?” asked the sergeant.

“I am looking for Azure Dragon White Tiger Vermilion Bird Black Turtle, and now I am visiting around. Because the water China has not yet unified the land, I have not been able to find clues to open the other four sisters. Also idle, just look for something that might exist.”

“Then the Tang Emperor Your Majesty found the woman here?” The sergeant knew there was an abnormality. But she is not a mage after all, and she does not know much.

“Yes, I am definitely here.”

“Is there a green lake next to it? The female girl has raised a lot of water turtles, but there is nothing like the Azure Dragon Black Turtle.” The sergeant said frankly.

“No, from a certain point of view, you are Black Turtle.” Tang Shidao is not joking.

“The women don’t understand.” The teacher was slightly surprised.

at this time.

Everyone listened and was shocked.

The sergeant is the ‘Black Turtle’ spirit beast? Don Majesty is a fairy, shouldn’t it be impossible to talk nonsense?

“There is a technique called transformation, which can change into a different body shape to enhance Strength or achieve special effects. For example, I have such a device that can make me a Tiger Warrior. I slightly suppressed Stress and allowed you to ‘see’ my look.” Tang Shidao didn’t use the tiger ring, but it was just a cover.

A wave of hands.

In an instant, the whole person turned into a majestic and tall tiger model.

The people around were shocked.

A few steps back, and quickly take care of you, please forgive the sin of the instrument. Tang Shidao only waved them up, not strange. At this time, the sergeant really saw a hot vision of the tiger. She was very surprised, but asked: “Tang Majesty, this is the shape of the White Tiger?”

Tang Shidao waved his hand: “No, it’s just a transformational skill.”

The Emperor of the Emperor said: “Tang Huang Your Majesty thinks that the woman also knows this skill? Please forgive the woman, the woman does not know that she has this kind of fairy.”

“Now I am also wondering why you don’t know why you have it.”

“Can Tang Ma Youry be wrong?”

The sergeant questioned that all the people were sweating. Sister, you are questioning the emperor… No, you are questioning the immortal.

Tang Shidao doesn’t mind: “No, I’m sure there is a ‘Black Turtle’ totem behind you. It’s the reason you can be incarnate. Please believe that I haven’t peeked at your bath. I have the ability to see the surroundings. Everything, for example, the teapot contains twenty-four leaves, and the white jade pendant, such as Jin Xian’s owner, has a black spot inside. Let’s say that the red-haired warrior has half a copper arrow in the left chest. You can see it right?”

The crowd was amazed, but the sergeant nodded: “Yes, I can see, but I don’t know if copper is iron.”

At this moment.

The martial arts quickly replied: “Returning to Your Majesty is indeed a bronze arrow. The injury suffered by the villain four years ago when he was involved in the crusade of the Copperstone Mountain thief has not been cured.”

Before he finished, Jin Xian also smashed the white jade pendant.

Look closely, and sure enough to have gray spots.

At this time everyone was shocked. It’s a fairy, you can see the number of tea leaves inside the teapot, you can see the spots inside the jade pendant, and you can see the untaken arrows in the body of the pawn wearing the leather armor.

If this eyesight is used to gamble jade…hehe, people are immortals, how can they personally seek such a small profit.

“Tang Huang Your Majesty thinks that the Black Turtle totem behind the woman is a kind of Strength?” The sergeant didn’t know that there was a totem on his back, and the maid who had the bath had never seen it. But she can see what the general people can’t see, so it’s no surprise that the Tang Emperor Your Majesty can see something unusual.

“Yes, I just don’t understand why you don’t know at all.”

Tang Shidao is really strange.

I feel that I am only one step away from the answer. However, I still can’t really grasp the clue of the snake mage.

“So, what is the plan for the Tang Emperor Your Majesty?”

“I don’t use anything. Some things are like an Enigma. I can’t solve it if I don’t find it. Fortunately, I know at least how to find these clues. You can rest assured that I won’t bother your life, I will be slow. Slowly find the real reason.” Tang Shidao certainly does not force the scorpion to do experiments, and the snake mage’s pit is not so easy to fill.

Right now.

Tang Shidao is very sure that he must walk into the 100 steps of these ‘clues’, otherwise it will not trigger.

“Then, the woman is always waiting for the instructions of the Tang Emperor Your Majesty. If nothing happens, the woman will not send the Tang Emperor Your Majesty.” The sergeant did not bargain after listening to it, but simply sent the guest. She doesn’t know where she is from self-confidence. In short, she feels she can face anyone with peace.

Even if the guest is an emperor or a fairy, she still feels that she can be calm.

This is a feeling.

The sergeant also follows his own feelings of life.

Others were a little shocked and thought that the sergeant was too bold.

“I will come again.” Tang Shidao left. Before leaving, he nodded with Jin Xian, and said that you are worried about the old country of North China. I already know and will handle it well. Jin Xian saw this gesture and knew that his concerns were no longer. In the Shuhua State, Bu Yiwei and Huang Yiwei are not the most powerful existences, and Jin Yiwei is not.

For those who have already committed something, the most feared is… ghost clothing!


Even if the Shuhua country is in a big chaos, no one dares to jump out and compete with the Tang Emperor. A fairy who can command ghosts and gods, who dares to test the front.

Tang Shidao did not go far away from the manor’s estate.

Meditation is set.

Quietly thinking about what I have overlooked.

The sergeant is definitely one of the ‘answers’, but unfortunately he still has a little bit of clues. The sorcerer himself does not know the Black Turtle totem, which is the same as his own ‘Complete Constitution’, it appears, but it has no effect. The snake mage can’t leave a ‘no effect’ clue, and definitely something worse.

The mind is unclear.

Simply, Tang Shidao returns to the Grand Master Library to view information about the beast.

The result was unexpected.

There are a lot of such Worlds like ‘Xiandao’ in Master. There are also a lot of Devil-Beast like Azure Dragon Black Turtle. According to the Scarecrow, the fairy and Devil-Beast are just different names, and the Master and the Immortal are also different names. Therefore, Black Turtle can be considered a special Devil-Beast.


“There are even Voids.” Tang Shidao found some more important news.


Tang Shidao thinks that things are not simple.

How strong is the snake mage’s strength, and it has not been confirmed for the time being. However, Yulong Xianren has a solar eclipse. It is a friend of Yulong Xianren, and at least has similar strength. Such a character is definitely not just a game of playing turtles and snakes. It is very likely that the snake master and the Yulong immortal have recreated these things for important reasons.

There is a feeling of faintness: they are deliberately avoiding the Master Network to do this.

Tang Shidao does not feel that the Master Network is harmful.

It is just a platform.

There is no good or evil on the platform, and the Scarecrow is not the kind of person who likes to interfere with the actions of others. So why do snake masters and Yulong immortals do this?

Recreate them and protect them from extinction?

Train a group of powerful Devil-Beast and then directly invade Endless-Void?

Or skip something other than the wizard net making spells?

The strangest.

The snake mage still left the ‘Black Turtle’, just on the sergeant’s body. Maybe she is not the only one, this totem will spread by one person, I believe that after the death of the sergeant, it will automatically attach to another person. So what I don’t understand is… isn’t this still staying inside the Master Network?

Is it that Void is too dangerous, and the snake mage does not dare to let it go.

“Tang Huang Your Majesty.” Tang Shidao sat on the stone to meditate, Jin Xian did not know when it came.

“Is there something, gold business owner?”

“Don’t dare. Don Majesty, the little man has a little news, is it useful?”

“Hey, you talk about it.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. It is like this… Because the villain is a businessman, I especially like to think about the business. The sergeant is certainly not a business opponent, but the villain has also inquired about her news. One of them, in five years. Before, the sergeant did not like to raise turtles, and never used to be divined. Until the last five years, the sergeants slowly liked to raise turtles.”

“Useful news, but gold merchants seem to have more than these words.”

“Yes, Your Majesty, the villain also heard another thing. Five years ago, a woman liked snakes very much, and she was addicted to the Lian Family. Five years ago, she was suffering from a snake woman. Unexpected death. Then, the sergeant seems to immediately start to like turtles.” Jin Xian said.

When it comes to this, things are clear.

If two things don’t matter, the fool doesn’t believe… The snake and the turtle are originally the prototype of the Black Turtle.

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