Mage Network

Chapter 214

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 214: Spirituality, Astronomy

After listening to Jin Xian’s speech, Tang Shidao immediately understood the arrangement of the snake mage.

The snake mage did dig a very large pit, but it did not deliberately blame the younger generation, it gave enough reminders. First, you can find the first clue within 100 meters of the sergeant. Secondly, you can find the second clue by inquiring about the habits and hobbies of the sergeants. Furthermore, inquire about people with similar hobbies nearby to find a third clue.

This arrangement shows one thing: the shelf that puts down the aloof and remote of the mage is really being integrated into this low-force World. After that, as long as you are not stupid, you will naturally get the final answer.

in contrast.

If you are arrogant and lonely, and think that all beings are worthless, then your senses will be strong and you will not find clues. Unless you exceed the Snake Master’s Strength level, these hidden messages are always ‘transparent’.


Tang Shidao found Jin Yiwei’s residence to investigate the dead snake woman, and also asked some people who once loved turtles and snakes.


Tang Shidao thought about the intention of the snake mage while waiting for the news.

Let go of pride.

Low-key integration.

The snake mage is not only talking about the truth of being a man, but also explaining the reason for practicing Strength. The Scarecrow said earlier that there is no magic spell. It took a long time for this sentence to understand, not because it derived a lot of useful spells, nor because it was the reason for the derivation of the million curse ‘God’s Ark’, but it… the Master’s certificate!

The first time I got the High-Grade Mage Voucher was because of the bronze dragon’s mission.

The second time I got the Guru Master’s certificate because I defeated the Leopard.

There is a small problem here.

Before you defeated the leopard teeth, you have a curse and a curse. However, the Master Network did not give affirmation. It was not until the death of the Yuanzu tree spear that it was recognized. The Scarecrow said that the big library was given on record, which is not very credible. If this is the case, you will get a curse, Master Network should give a top Epic Master certificate.

At that time it was not completely certain.

Going back.

Self-cultivation of the big curse has spawned new spells, silver shadow Puppet, gold giant Puppet, demon cloud. Even more, the fusion of eclipse and lunar eclipse was born colorless. What did the Harvest Master Network give? No, I didn’t give it.

it is good.

Even if the curse is an unknown thing in the Master’s network, it does not know that it has a curse.

Then, the original black flame’s body is strengthened, and it reaches the realm of ‘egg-one’. Does it know?

it is good.

As far as the algorithmic network is concerned, it does not matter.

The Yuanzu tree spear is something that strengthens with its own enhancement. It is a musical instrument. Does the Master Network still don’t know?

it is good.

As far as the algorithm is concerned, the algorithm does not matter.

I am desperate to work hard, and the practice of the Tigers has transformed into a Thunder Tiger Man.

God pattern!

What did the Master Network give? No, there is no giving. The master mentioned that mentioning the king of law, you will die? Do not give, just don’t give it! The most unsolvable, from the most scum summoned crows to derive the million curse ‘God Wings’, the Master Network immediately gave a Sage Master certificate! It is not the king of law. It is a sage certificate that skips the rank of the king of law, and is one hundred times higher.

Take a look.

Think about it.

Upon reaching this step, I still believe that the Master Network is a fool to see your ability to give evidence.

There is no relationship with the magic for a dime.

There is no relationship with the strong and weak one.

There is no relationship with the record of a dime.

Jindi is the fastest full level, the fastest full spell, the fastest VIP account of the fastest full instrument, he can not even match a primary mage voucher. What kind of fart can the Junior Master’s certificate have? Add 1 point mana! The slag in such slag is not given one. It can be seen that the evidence given to the comparison record is false.

The dead people do not lose their lives.

The Scarecrow did not lie, it just did not say: Master Network has its own set of standards, completely ignoring Strength and ignoring the standards of Bloodline.

Recalling your own bronze dragon mission, defeating the leopard tooth, and deriving the magical arachnid spells, these three things are not necessarily conditional, and the reward may be the result of your own efforts. However, these three things are absolutely the trigger conditions for the Master’s credentials.

Now compare again.

The Snake Master is exactly the same as the Master’s Voucher… It doesn’t require you to be very powerful, just you need a special Aptitude.

For example, Yulong Xianren, the heritage of this goods is the most straightforward explanation: I don’t need you to have Strength, I have, and the Strength I left for you is Ultra-Grade. I need you to have other things, something outside of Strength. You didn’t, you didn’t qualify.

The snake mage also does not need the successor to have Strength, and the big sputum that it leaves is an extraordinary guarantee.

What does it need?

It needs to be able to completely clear comprehension ‘life weave’ to the successor.

In a sense.

The Snake Mage is like an emperor. It doesn’t need Crown Prince to be a champion, nor does it need a Crown Prince. It only needs a person who knows how to govern the country. It has built a huge architecture, it may not be completely perfect, or it may require a person to continue to maintain. In short, only the successor of Strength is not its choice.

“Reviewing Your Majesty, we have inspected the suspected person forty-six. Even earlier, because it was too old, it could not be verified at one time.”

“Is there some people who are one of them to die and the other suddenly have a hobby?”

“Yes, the sorcerer happened to be one. The sorcerer suddenly liked the water turtle in the five years ago, five years ago when the snake woman died. Another seventeen years ago, a lover of the mountain turtle The turtle mother died, and then the snake woman suddenly became a snake. Another forty-nine years ago, a snake-raising woman died, and then it was the turn of the turtle mother-in-law. There is still a record, the time is too short to be confirmed. Only rumors.”

“All are women?” Tang Shidao noticed an important issue.

“Yes. Forty-six people who are cultivating turtles have men and women, but all of them are women.”

“You have worked hard, report to Wei Ying, and reward you.”

“many thanks Your Majesty Hong En, this is the internal affairs of the servant position, do not dare to take the lead.” A group of Jin Yiwei loudly drink, and I am very honored to be able to help.

“There is no such thing as a reward. Continue to investigate such strange things, not necessarily like raising a snake to raise a turtle, or it may be something. You are looking for a ‘similarity’ event, such as what someone particularly likes to do, When he dies, the other likes to do similar things, understand?”

“Your Majesty is assured, and the job is clear.” Jin Yiwei is not a fool. He has been educated by experts and he is also a wake-up person.

What’s more.

After tracing the people like the scorpion and the like turtles, they also touched it.

“The face is white and tender, what is your name, do you seem to have something to say?” Tang Shidao commanded, and it was sensed that some of the Jinyiwei people were abnormal.

Everyone turned their heads.

A small-faced Jinyiwei Xiaoqi quickly bowed his hand to salute: “Return to Your Majesty, the affair of Lin Wu, the South Chinese, and some mythological Legend in his hometown.”

Tang Shidao smiled: “I am not interested in the myth Legend, you have another chance.”

Lin Wuyiyi immediately said: “Your Majesty, it is not ridiculous to hide the job, but it is ridiculous to know what it is. It is like this… We have a habit of worshipping Vulcan in the South China, and we need witches to dance and even set fire. However, the actual people who step on fire have smeared a special kind of oil, which is equivalent to a fake performance.”

“Well, keep going.”

“The arrogant job has heard a rumor, similar to the news that Your Majesty needs. It is rumored that one of these witches is really not afraid of fire. Just one person, she is really fearless. When she dies, she will take this.” The Inheritance of the fearless fire is given to others. So… the job…”

“Very good, you can raise the officer Rank 3 and personally lead a team of people to return to South China to investigate the matter.” Tang Shidao knows that there is a problem.

If the rumors are not false, this is the same as the sergeant.

I heard the imperial order.

A group of Jinyiwei arched the hand, and Lin Wu was overjoyed. Seeing Lin Wu’s news, he promoted Rank 3, and the rest of Jin Yiwei also worked hard. Inquiring about the news is the best thing they are good at. In this respect, they can’t get credit. They are also white and mixed.

Tang Shidao is very emotional.

The sixth sage of his own, a powerful Ultra-Grade who can cover the entire water bloom, was actually led by a Jinyiwei flag.

It can be seen that there are no useless people in the world.

Even if these people are so small that they can be ignored, they are like the herbs in the hands of alchemists. If they are used properly, they can always play an unexpected role. The Master is born to be a ‘born’ person, but ‘WTO’ is not a mistake. Strong and weak are like yin and yang, light and dark, virtual and real, and it always has complementary functions.

If not… that is why you are incompetent, you can’t find it.

Tang Shidao is about to go to find the sergeant.


A hint of divine light flashed through my mind.

If the sacrifice witch of Nanhua has the ability to be afraid of the fire, what does the sergeant have? Harmony with the magic energy? What is the use of this? Or, the snake master left such Inheritance, what does it want to tell the younger generation?

Tang Shidao can’t understand.

But already know the method of comprehend.

Sit still and settle.

The mind is fully open, and I completely enter the role of the sorcerer in the same way, and feel the rhythm of the magic spring in the same way.


Tang Shidao enters a wave of turbulent waves, ear shocks, dizziness, shaking, and dynamism, feeling like a leafy boat. At this time, Tang Shidao also knows that his own magic can shock the wind and waves, and the consequences are that he will have nothing to gain. Press the strong repression of the mind, slowly endure, slowly adapt, slowly adjust, slowly integrate, slowly communicate, slowly familiar, slowly refined, slowly integrated into one.

I don’t know how long it has been.

Tang Shidao Look again, this piece of World has been calm, all the sounds have entered a wonderful harmony, giving people an unimaginable comfort.

If you were a squid in the sea, you are now a herring in still water.

No longer amazed, it is as comfortable as a fish.

at this time.

Tang Shidao has a message in his mind that he inadvertently generates an aura: Magic Power Harmonic Aura! It has the effect of calming magic, and the best effect is the ‘immune’ Magic Power backlash spell. It can be said that it has a resistance to all the magical riots, so that the magic can be broken, so that the magic can kill the spell.

Calm, this is what people say to people.

The role of Magic Power Harmony Aura is to say to your own magic: calm!

With meditation practice, it can more than double the effect of meditation. A little understanding, Tang Shidao thinks that the biggest role of Magic Power Harmony Aura is fighting. As long as you have Magic Power Harmonic Aura, you never have to worry about Magic Power, and your own ‘position’ is always safe. 1% is in compliance with your own orders.

Think about how Devil-Beast, who is only good at brute force, is killed by a ‘madness’ or ‘mental confusion’ spell.

For the Master.

Magic Power Harmony is a very important thing.

There is no sale of the ‘Quiece Aura’ in the area where you can’t see it. It is only an exchange-like spell, and the exchange conditions are extremely demanding. The Magic Power Harmonic Aura is far better than the calm aura, and it can also be immune to the magic. Therefore, its function is similar to the Great Mantra. The more powerful the Master is, the more it needs this aura.

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