Mage Network

Chapter 212

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 212: Resonance Harmony, Astronomy

The businessman surnamed Jin Mingxian was originally a cloth dealer with a hand-eye. Tang Jun swept the world, he lost the backing; the emergence of the loom, he lost his competitiveness; the emergence of Bu Yiwei and Huang Yiwei, he lost the means of money to clear the way. After several heavy blows, the gold merchants were basically interrupted by the backbone.

“Tang Young Master, terrifying is not losing money, but losing power.” The two walked along the way, Jin Xian Da spit bitter water.

“Because you took care of your Lushan King was taken?”

“Oh, of course not. In the old state of North China, the people who hope that the king of Lushan died early, there are no 100 million and 80 million people. The monks are the most hopeful one. If you are not afraid of the disorder of the cloth industry, the people will have no clothes, and everyone wants to The opposite is made by the monks. The potential is the ‘technical, material, and road’ three things. The business is gone, and the monks still have a lot of money. But when the situation is gone, the business is broken.”

“Does the domestic cabinet of Shueihua seem to have no restrictions on technology circulation?” Tang Shidao has one sentence.

“Yes, no limit. Just because there is no limit to circulation, the old state of North China is difficult to do business. The weaving technology can be introduced, but it is difficult to cultivate. Even if it is cultivated, the materials are not as good as those of Donghua Nanhua. Originally. With the road to the mountains, the foreign goods are transported at an expensive price, and we are still reluctant to continue. But the Golden Fairy has an order, and the Shuhua country must pass the road. Then there is a Clipper entering the sea, and the road is no longer there.” Jin Xian exclaimed .

“Does the gold merchants not like the national policy of the Chinese nationality?” Tang Shidao does not matter.

“No, Tang Young Master is too small to see people. Lutong world is the wish of every businessman, only the road to the world can be goods to the world. Jin Xianzi this national policy is a good thing for the Wan Family Buddha, of course, the monks Support in my heart. Other places are unknown, there are Clippers entering Hong Kong in the North China, and food is no longer a disaster. Even in the bad years, people are not worried about hungry.”

“In this case, the gold business owner is still afraid that the business can’t do it?”

“Because the North China’s states are poor. Here are the years of war, joining the foreign tigers. The road is very good, the influx of goods, the people here do not have enough financial resources. The most terrifying, the world is set, the local chiefs Xiping Taiping has been comparing, regardless of whether people have enough ability to bear. This time, the monks are trying to ask a question.”

“What about business?”

“Yes. The deaf person is the old man of Beihua, and he has always been concerned about the township. Now the chiefs of the Zhuzhou do not care about the actual introduction of the goods, and the essence fails to develop the people’s livelihood. The monks have a dilemma, join the carnival, gather the wealth of the villagers; or stay out of the way, Let the outsiders plunder.”

Tang Shidao heard no words.

He understands this.

Keep up with it, keep the hometown as a wicked person; don’t follow, watch the outsiders plunder.

I believe that this is not only the mind of Jin Xian, but the merchants of the old states of North China have this dilemma. The Shuhuai Cabinet has put most of the people’s livelihood resources into regulation and control, ensuring that the people can afford the most basic needs. Exceeding the part, hehe, no one can manage the business circulation. The demand for cabinets is already very stubborn, and it is impossible to manage luxury goods.

In the gossip, a group of people entered a large ancient city.

At this time, the city is being rebuilt, and even the city gate has been demolished, and it is ready to be expanded into three or four times the super-large passage.

“The neighboring northern Xinjiang, there is no squad in the city. Tang Young Master, this is the status quo. If the northern barbarian is coming to the defense line, only five horses can burn this city. Lutong is not bad, but ignore it. All blind expansion will definitely lead to trouble.” Jin Xian is not worried.

“Yeah.” Tang Shidao did not explain that Tang Jun had already had a dense line of defense. All the whistle rides were equipped with telescopes.

Some experts from the Zulong country also copied the transmitter.

It can be said that the foreigners have not yet entered the water blooms, and the garrisons thousands of kilometers away are understood.

That being said.

Tang Shidao frowned as he saw the dismantled gates and the ragged road. Even if the ten gold giants Puppet are rolling, it will take a long time to get here. This practice is not only useless, but a kind of destruction.

A thought.

Tang Shidao informed Xiao Jin to let him check about such things. Only follow the trend, not practical, this is not what the local governor should do.

Jin Xian leads the way, and everyone goes to a quiet manor.

Different from the bustling downtown.

There is an extraordinary tranquility here.

The bluestone roadway is quiet and quiet, and it is isolated from all the glitz. The green creeper on both sides spreads on the ancient wall, and the green color shines. The manor is covered with a layer of fog, originating from the adjacent Qinghu Lake, inexplicably adding a hint of immortal realm. The boat in the middle of Qinghu floats and there is a silver bell laughing. Occasionally, I don’t know who is showing a half-baked white wrist, half revealing the curtain, and I’m half-short and shy.

Outside the manor.

The queue is Jackie Chan, and the end is not seen. Or a family member, or a warrior, or a merchant landlord who personally went into battle.

They are all waiting for the emperor’s summons, all cautiously waiting.

No noise.

Even the conversation is extremely light, mostly with gestures. Even if an acquaintance meets, it is a ritual, and there are no more words. At this time, there are still galloping horses on the remote roads. The people came to walk and did not dare to disturb this quiet.

“Which is the Jinxian business owner?” This is the only loud voice, the loud voice of a beautiful maid.

“The monks are Jin Xian.”

“Hey, you…the body is fat and strong, the voice is pleasing and straight, the face is buddy, the eyes are hidden, it seems that you are right. I heard that your cloth is closed, and half is taken out. Does the family care for employees who have lost their jobs?”

“Little things, not enough.”

“Okay, it’s you. The teacher is waiting, please.” The maid showed.

Jin Xian turned back.

Only Tang Shidao is shown to keep up with the servant.

Into the manor.

Tang Shidao can’t help but wonder: “The gold merchant, you don’t bring a servant to give a gift, why do you care for me?”

Jin Xian smiled: “I am a cloth dealer. I have seen no less than 100 kinds of fabrics, but I can’t recognize the material of your clothes. So, very talented people have something very much, right, Tang Young Master?”

Tang Shidao only smiles and does not speak.


He had a very special feeling, as if the two tigers had not seen each other, but they smelled each other’s Odor.

To be sure, one of the people in the manor feels the same.

A meal.

One retreat.

Tang Shidao stopped and slowly stepped back, and this feeling disappeared instantly. Kim Hyun is questioning, Tang Shidao waved his hand and took another step, which triggered this induction in an instant. Tang Shidao Divergence, instantly know how far the opponent is: 100 step!

This resonance will only occur within one hundred steps of entering the other party.

“Tang Young Master?”

“Nothing, please.” Tang Shidao smiled, knowing that this must be the setting of the snake mage.

It’s no wonder that the whole planet is not sensed by the whole planet. It turns out that the snake master has had such precautions. If you don’t get close to the target, you can’t trigger this kind of induction, and you can’t find the other person’s existence. Unless it is beyond the strength of the snake master of the year, it is impossible to force this presupposition.

The two entered an Accord.

In the pavilion, more than ten officials and nobles are quietly tea.

It’s not surprising to see Kim Hyun, just wondering which Tang Shidao is the one who came out.

At this time, there are two people talking on the second and second seats. One is a Jinpao official, and the other is a woman with a white gauze. From the situation of her seat, she is the Master here!

Tang Shidao sensed that she was really blind and could not be seen by nature, but she had a special kind of thermal vision.

She can’t see the color, but she can see the warmth.

“Wait to die.”

The official of the Jinpao was careful to ask and laugh, but the sergeant was very blunt, as if he was too disgusted.

The officials heard a shock.

Waiting for anger, I immediately became scared.

“Bu teacher…this…the official life…no, it must be you…”

“Next.” The voice of the sergeant was very dull, flat and ruthless. At this time, waiting for the officials to talk a lot, several autopsy officers who had automatically asked for help had stepped forward and dragged the Jinpao officials out. Listening to him yelling and giving him a few punches, that attitude, as if this official is really short-lived, not a problem.

At this time another businessman came forward and offered a water turtle on his face.

The maid took it.

The sergeant only indifferently said: “There was no turning point, now there is, wait.”

The businessman opened his mouth and said that I have not asked questions yet. I thought about it and said softly: “many thanks, Bu Shiliang, swearing forever.”

Soon another person came forward to ask questions and ask questions about the loss of orphans.

“do not know.”

The sergeant gave an unexpected answer, but the presence was not unexpected, and I was not disappointed by the inquiry.

May think Tang Shidao is strange.

Jin Xian’s lowest voice speaks: “Tang Young Master, the 瞽 Bu teacher often has the words ‘I don’t know’, it’s not a panacea. However, all the singers have said that they have a certain efficacies. It’s the test, 1% Bailing. If she doesn’t know, she will never care about him.”

Tang Shidao has come out.

The sergeant is not divination, she has some resonance with the energy produced by the magic spring.

In other words.

She can listen to people and things as if she were listening to music. Whether it is healthy or not, you can know it when you hear it. Whether it is sorrow or sorrow, it can also be heard from energy fluctuations. Of course, she doesn’t know anything that is too unsolvable. For example, horse racing, two strong horses you can’t see, one strong and one broken leg, everyone knows the outcome.

The sorcerer is able to listen to the energy fluctuations and is naturally in the palm of his hand.

If she is a doctor, you don’t know that you know what disease you are.

Is a person healthy?

Is it a safe place?

Whether a war is going well… she can see it all. The energy of the magic spring is like a piece of music. She can hear which one is good and which one is not good. To put it another way, she is equivalent to a global satellite, road monitoring electronic eye, the strongest detective, the strongest analyst, the best doctor and the highest technology perspective scanner.

In the far future, she is omniscient in everything she knows, except for herself!

She resonates with the magic spring of Shuihuaxing, which is far from her own master.

“You are not poisoned. Next time.”

“He is not your son. Where do I know where your wife came from. Next.”

“Mine? Don’t be afraid to buy it if you are dead.”

“The victory and defeat of the South Swordsman and the North Gun King? Nothing compares, I know. I want to rely on gambling to make money, not as good as keeping an eye on your food business, and then I don’t want to wait for bankruptcy.”

“Does the embroidered girl have any meaning for you? I don’t know.”

“Go. There must be a big battle in northern Xinjiang, and it is in the near future.”

The sergeant has always been faint, and his tone is completely different from that of the singer. Even if there is an answer, she will not tell you well.

go straight.

One sentence in the end.

Daguan noble people don’t mind at all. They had enough of the kind of saying that they didn’t come to the idea for a long time, and that the topic was ambiguous. Many people are accustomed to the ‘yes’ and ‘do not know’ of the sergeant, and then listen to the kind of saying that ‘the opportunity has come to understand naturally’.

It is Jin Xian and Tang Shidao.

The sergeant waved his hand: “The Jin Xian business owner doesn’t have to ask, the person next to you is the one who solves the problem. Right, Tang Ma Youro?”

In a word.

Some people are petrified at the place.

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