Mage Network

Chapter 211

The latest chapter of the Master Network, Chapter 211: The Master, Astronomy

Tang Shidao left Turtle City and traveled alone through the water stars to find the beasts of the mythology Legend.

The content of the negotiations between the two sides was quickly passed back to the Emperor, and it immediately triggered an uproar.


The generals of all forces are expecting the emergence of the turtle’s breathing method. Now, just slag, gray ash, there are three kinds of health methods above the three breathing methods, there are three kinds of three health methods. The life extension method… The ghost knows that there is no more arrogant skill on the life extension law. Upon hearing this news, the major forces did not know the reaction.

In secret, a special organization group began to invite members to talk.

It is called: Freedom Club!

“Friends of Zulongguo, the first time in our four-party federation, I also ask you to explain honestly: Have you been exposed to the Liu’s sect?”

“No.” Zu Longguo also changed twenty dead rings and sent 20 people to participate in this most special meeting.

“Are you finding a clue?”


“Can you please say in your own faith, you are not lying?”

“I would like to swear by the souls of the ancestors’ five thousand years of history, no!”

“Okay, we believe. The next topic is… What do you want to do in the Liu family? Where are they? I swear that in addition to the Zulong country, we have turned over the entire land star, and the result is still There is no trace of them. Friends of Zulongguo, you told me that you have not found it. I believe that your ability is stronger than us, and I believe that you are not lying. Well, please, where is the Liu’s sect?”

“Liuyuan Temple recently opened two portals, can you make a bold guess, Liu’s ancestral door can be done before.”

“We really thought about it, friends of Zulongguo. So we have to think deeply about what they want to do. By force, even now they have the ability to conquer everything. Even if they try to resist, they will eventually find bad luck. Still us. By age, Liuyuan Temple had already had all the strengths before we were born, why didn’t he do that?”

“Is this topic an assessment of good or evil?”

“We have to make a malicious guess, a friend of Zulongguo.”

“For example, are you afraid that they will snatch our gold? Oil? Diamond? Water? Is it a dirty banknote?”


“Fellow friends, have you thought of another question, such as Shuihuaxing?”

“Friends of Zulongguo, what do you mean?”

“I mean, Shuihuaxing has four brother sisters, and I don’t doubt you.”

“Of course, there are nine different Worlds behind the Black Gate.”

“I am a little bold. If the Civilization of the other four brother sisters is different, what should we do? Can you understand that the water star is equal to the ancient society we were more than a thousand years ago, then the other four will have one Is it the interstellar Civilization of our ‘After a Thousand Years’?”


“Fellow friends, if there is such a possibility, we will find the portal. What will the price be? Please don’t make a joke about the story of saving the world in the movie. We all know that it is impossible. When high Civilization and Low Civilization collision, we will be crushed. Water Huaxing has no Liu’s sect, we only need dozens of tanks to flatten the water star.”

“What do you mean, is it possible for Liu’s sect to protect us?”

“Maybe, I am not sure. The sociologists who went to Shuihuaxing have suggested this possibility. They think that the other four planets are not necessarily low-Civilization. They are also boldly guessing that the people of Liu’s Zongmen must have seen Interstellar Civilization. So, maybe they don’t know what is behind the portal. Instead, they think that our royal star is not ready for these unknown dangers.”


“Please don’t be silent, all the federal friends, we also need your opinions. Now the portal to the moon emperor is open. I think the competition between us is already a brother fight. Now we may face the gate. The guests, even the sinisters, come to the door. Remember the earthquake predictor that Tang Shidao brought back? We studied it a bit and found it to be an Ultra-Grade alloy.”

“Have you studied it?”

“No, just know, it’s like the backward countries of the Earthly King see us launching satellites. Just know that distance analysis, research, manufacturing, mass production, etc. are still far away. It may take decades, maybe hundreds of In short, I honestly stated that it is seen with our ‘distance’, and ‘giant’ is the technology we can’t see the distance.”

“Friends of Zulongguo, do you suspect that the seismograph is something that you snatched back or bought back?”

“Maybe. Whether it is, it is definitely the worst technology of the Liu family. Do you know why we are against the attack on the water star? Because we don’t know what the other four planets are. If one of them is Interstellar Civilization, then we The annihilation of their brother sisters, the consequences are unimaginable. Now, at least we are still friends.”

“Indeed. Although we are not aware of whether the other four are malicious, at least we are friends with their brother sisters.”

“Looking a little further, you are a federate friend. After nine black doors, there are nine Worlds, and Shuihuaxing links four new Worlds. So, in the universe, do we really add them to fifteen life planets? Since I know nine Daohemen, I believe that everyone no longer has the idea of ​​’the only emperor’. If there is a Liu Zongmen, at the very least…”

“They are still our shields.”

“Yes. Destroying the base of the Black Gate can make it invalid and last for a while. Once the death of the dead is endangered, we can transport a group of people into the other nine dangerous Worlds, retaining the last ignition species. Dear Federal friends, you think What?”

“This is the foresight of our ancestors. He left us nine roads.”

“Reversely think about it?”

“Our ancestors have long known that there is such a danger, so… yes, Liu’s ancestral gate also knows. Friends of Zulongguo, do you mean that they are doing the same thing with our ancestors?”

“It’s very possible. In short, we haven’t seen the hazards yet. Strengthening, youth, longevity, these are all benign things. Sociologists have argued this way if Liu’s sects provide a more advanced technology, such as Let’s make a spaceship, then do we want it?”

“This must be… Wait, slow, don’t you say…”

“They have a counter-argument. If we have such a spaceship, there is no matching strong military force. Once this spacecraft is spy on by higher Civilization, what do we do? In a sea, the sharks that will surface will always It’s easier to see if the spaceship is more like a shark?”


Everyone at this meeting is silent.

Yes and no, there is no answer. It’s like suddenly an alien came out and said: Send you a flying saucer.

If you want to do it, you can’t choose it.

The longer the hand stretches, the easier it is to be discovered by others. This is for sure. It is not safer to lower Civilization, but half a bucket of water may be more dangerous. To put it another way, the aliens discovered the Emperor and the Shuihuaxing, and they didn’t bother to fight back. Which one is more likely to remain… 1% Hundreds, Shuihuaxing, because the environment there is so great.

“We still need the shield of the Liu Zongmen.”


The first non-Official meeting of the death-free club ended. Everyone agreed.

In fact.

They are not guessing wrong.

Tang Shidao has sent Far Ancient Devil to look for life races, including the ‘immigration’ taken by the snake mage. In a large plane universe, Tang Shidao does not believe that only the Emperor Star has someone. In addition to the Water Huaxing Star and the sister 4th Star, there are certainly countless life races. Since there is, it is possible to have a higher degree of Civilization.

On the strength of Science, Tang Shidao is not worried about what the aliens are playing.

In the Master Network.

The spell is the boss, and it is not the technology to speak. Even if the technology is strong enough to end the entire plane World, a strong person like the Scarecrow can easily return it to the original. Or, when technology is developed to the extreme, it is no different from spells.

and so.

Most people think that aliens are dangerous, and the Master will not think so. Tang Shidao not only sees aliens every day, but also sees ‘outside faces’ every day.

Get rid of all the chores.

Focusing on the trails of the snake master, after a few days of flying, Tang Shidao still did not find anything good. In the mythology Legend of the Shuhua Kingdom, Azure Dragon White Tiger Vermilion Bird Black Turtle has existed in unicorns, and there are also sacrifices in some places. This is the most reliable clue no matter which angle you look at.


Tang Shidao flew through the mountains and forests, and searched the famous mountains and rivers. The results were still nothing.

In the wilderness of the water blooms.

It’s not uncommon for all kinds of giant beasts to be seen. They don’t reach the level of ‘Devil-Beast’, but they are far beyond the average beast. It is a pity that they are not comparable to the imaginary beasts, and the body has not been ‘optimized’ by the creatures. Obviously, these Ultra-Grade beasts are not their goal.

Tang Shidao now has two doubts.

The problem of the snake mage, whether this ‘answer’ is to find out by yourself, or to make it yourself.

Find and do.

This is two different options.

In terms of ability, Tang Shidao is not worried that he can’t do the beast. With a living chisel, plus yourself is the Grandmaster, the five spirits are really just the length of time. However, it is not necessarily the correct answer. The madman of the snake mage cannot use common sense. The most important thing is that if nothing happens, it is just five more toys.

“This Young Master, your turtle is not for sale?”

Staying at the lake and catching the water turtle, Tang Shidao’s ‘goods’ also attracted special questions.

Tang Shidao saw a fat businessman and smiled and threw it at him.

The fat businessman took over: “many thanks Young Master, the swearing is disrespectful.”

Tang Shidao smiled: “It’s just a turtle.”

The fat businessman arched with a smile: “This is the chance. The monk looks at the Young Master catching the turtle, the clothes are not wet, the shoes are mud-free, I believe it is more than ‘catch’? In fact, two words, fortunately, Right? Look at Young Master’s eyes with worry, but my heart is bored? Since Young Master has the gift of the turtle, the monks also have a word. In the old country of Beihua, there is one person who can solve the knot.”

“Hey, who?”

“The sergeant.” The fat businessman shook with the water turtle and said: “A very special favorite of the turtle, a very effective sergeant. Young Master actually does not know the name of the sorcerer, it makes people strange, 瞽The teacher is supposed to be famous in the world.”

“I just went out and didn’t know the world.” Tang Shidao smiled.

Spells also have divination, but the spell is just a joke.

In the eyes of the Master, 100% can be rewritten in the future, and it is hard to find it again. The person’s efficacies are generally a kind of deception, observing the micro-expression experts. The strange thing is that the word “瞽” of this 瞽 是 is blind, is it a blind bud?

If it is blind, it has nothing to do with observation.

A diviner who likes turtles.


“Can the business owner bring a long experience with brat?”

“Of course, please.”

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