Mage Network

Chapter 1183

The same level, there are strong and weak. The Holy Land 1 to the Holy Land 9, the Lord 1 to the Lord 9, the Supreme 1 to the Supreme 9, each level has strengths and weaknesses. Tang Shidao Just knowing the characters of the Magic Pavilion, there is a simple concept for the level of the ancestral elders.

You can also say this.

The pillars of the original jurisdiction, originally too early, he is more concerned about such characters as the Magic Pavilion, not the characters such as the Lantern Festival. As for the Great Nine and the Big Phoenix and the others, they may be more concerned about the real giants of the four worlds. In the final analysis, the real pillars of the major Voids are still too few. If you are hard-pressed, winning or losing is not a good thing. If you fight to win, you need to recuperate for a thousand and a hundred years, and Void’s defense will be finished.

The number is small and you can’t afford to rest.

Like the Scarecrow, they must be ‘no injury’ and ‘not rest’. In the case of a very small number of people, this requires a more powerful Force to do.

Say it.

This time Tang Shidao deliberately fell into the dust, actually a defensive strategy: offensive defense.

As long as the dusty backyard is on fire.

Then, they must reduce the Force that invades the major Voids. In this way, the major Voids can also get a chance to recuperate. In fact, Tang Shidao had also successfully used the ‘Artifact Spirit’ to delay. I just didn’t think of it, the people on the dusty world didn’t make sense at all, and they turned their faces in the blink of an eye.

In the face of such a barbaric crowd, there is no way, only to respond to the barbaric method.

Magic machine race.

Tang Feng cultivator.

This is the response of the barbaric nature. Only Force is hard to fight, and you are tired, and you will be afraid of it.

The door of the Rubik’s Cube is open.

Strong participation from all walks of life.

At this point, the stage in a plan is also perfectly formed. The magic cabinet and the others are not the only audience. They have sent people to the four worlds of the world, and even some mysterious secrets of the past. They don’t have a treasure hunt, just want to see what changes will happen to the second reappearance of the magic race. Just like the Magic Court said, they are watching the stage performances and are not interested in the dust on the stage.

100-day time limit.

Everyone has calculated the pole and not wasted a little time. It took only a dozen days to determine the largest Mage Chamber, and each Treasure Hunt team started another program: the Hunting Plan.

In the dust, the robbing is always the theme.

impossible to avoid.

“The elders of the Lantern Festival, Luo Xiangyun elders, there are two bad news.” The members of the intelligence team still do not enter the mechanical door, only running around, communication and messaging.

“Is there still bad news in this place?” I couldn’t help but frown when I heard this.


“Let’s say. Is it true that Wei has gone in and found out what is not good?”

“No, it has nothing to do with Wei. The first bad news is that some members of the major hunting groups have disappeared. They have not returned to the team for more than a month, nor are they within the original Mage Chamber. Their disappearance has no traces and no fighting. , 90.00% may have been intercepted by the Emperor.”

“Killed in the Mage Chamber?” Yuan Zhen heard a glimpse.

“Undetermined, it is estimated that this is the case. Because these hunting groups have no cooperation with us, they are almost independent lone hunting groups, so we want to get information is difficult. If they are not open to the public, we don’t even know anyone. Missing.” The intelligence officers are very tragic. Their strength is too low, and they have no authorization. They simply do not dare to inquire about the ancestral elders.

“What about the second bad news?”

“About Mr. Tang Feng, he made a relatively crazy move.”


“In these few days, Mr. Tang Feng collected the fastest materials and harvested the most. Originally we only waited for him… Well, anyway, I was waiting for the original plan. However, he suddenly called the intelligence team to send a message.”

“what news?”

“All the people are required to trade the widow of the magic machine.” Mr. Tang Feng said: All the widows in this place belong to the magic machine race. Although the magic couple is dead, the will has to be bought back. Mr. Tang Feng doubles The price requires all treasure hunt groups to leave the widow’s widow and trade to the magic machine race.” The intelligence officer bowed his head.

“hehehehe, not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth. What is the result?”

“No one cares about Mr. Tang Feng.”

“Hey. This is not a bad thing. I don’t know children. It should be a lesson. So, is it reasonable for someone to shoot him?” Yuan Zhen thought more, this time Tang Feng took the initiative to provoke people. It is normal to attack him.

“Yes, our plan can go smoothly. But the key point is not here.”

“What else?”

“Mr. Tang Feng also said: If everyone does not respond within three days, he will ‘close’ all mechanical doors.”


Yuan Zhen and Luo Xiangyun and the others listened to it, thinking that this Tang Feng is mentally retarded?

Everyone is in the treasure hunt.

Do you want to close the door?

Even if these doors are opened by you, you can’t say that they are off.

This is the last life.

Who tells you the truth.

At this moment, Yuan Zhen and the others know that… the bad thing is coming. It is not only them who want to move Tang Feng, but also other teams. It should be said that the hunting of the ‘threat’ and the treasure hunt may be hands-on. Lessons for this kid let him know what is called the ancestral elder, let him know what is called respect for the elders, let him know what is called the justice of the world.

Other areas.

Some of the hunting spirit groups were completely unmoved and only heard that they did not hear. Some are only scornful and ridiculous, and people directly reply to ‘no time to care about you’. Some of the heads were uncomfortable and decided to send someone to ‘learn’ about the little Junior of Tang Feng.

The magic cabinet and the others have also heard it.

A slight accident.

“So started so soon, the stage performance is coming? I didn’t expect that this little nameless guy was the first to appear.”

“There is definitely a backhand for the magic race.”

“Well, such a little guy can’t do anything, the stage performance is just beginning.”

Three days later.

As soon as the time limit is reached, all the mechanical doors that have not entered are closed and returned to the state of the source wall. The rest of the mechanical doors, the internal treasure hunters will immediately close, and even the block can not stop. There is no way to stop it unless it is forcibly destroyed.

At this moment.

Yuan Zhen, Luo Xiangyun, Luo Sen, Wu Yuan and the others have changed their faces.

Seriously speaking.

The magic machine race is still their ‘alliance’.

Now that allies are doing this kind of thing, don’t they offend everyone at the same time?

“The urgent report… The deputy head of the demon bee hunting group died, and the king of the dragon group, the poisonous root of the wild forest group, the silver feather of the ancient group, these one day ago went to question Tang Feng The elders of the gentleman are all dead. It is faintly rumored that the original wind of the magical race did not help, but Mr. Tang Feng killed it alone. They fought inside the Mage Chamber, we couldn’t find out, just some of the intelligence officers who escaped. Say so.”

“Impossible!” Yuan Zhen first did not believe.


“Even if these people are just unknown people, the level of the new ancestral spirits is not long, the ancestral spirit is also the ancestral spirit, and the non-general spirits dominate the comparable.” Luo Xiangyun also roared.

“This…the people are not clear, the information received is like this.” The intelligence officer cried.

“What is the situation now?” Rosen asked.

“The major teams are rushing over and asking what is going on. It is possible that they will start with Mr. Tang Feng. After all, for whatever reason, there are really four elderly people of the ancestral level who have died.” Dao, I have not dared to report it loudly.

A group of elders heard it.

Looking at each other, I will go all out to check the situation.

It is impossible for Faring to dominate the elders of Shengzu Ling. At least, it seems impossible for them to be ancestral elders. The ancestral elders have a dominating court and have the Legion of the gods. Faring dominates only one person, and one cannot fight a Legion. Moreover, the original wind is not good, and the time for Legion’s fight is very long, unless someone surrenders.

The battle of death is not surprising for several decades.


The crowd gathers.

Tang Shidao is also waiting for everyone in a vast underground, and there are no other people around. The first to arrive, naturally is the magic pavilion and other teams, with them standing on the side of the dragon, snake people, phantoms, half beasts, monks, monks and so on. None of them came over to hunt for treasure, just to watch a big show.

“Tang Feng, you said, what happened? Who killed my brother-in-law?” The demon bee named the enchantress, and the tribe of the family was a group.

However, the red bee is called the deputy head, but the actual ability is not very good.

At the level of the ancestral spirit is the bottom of the existence.

“It was him who first moved, I have let him talk well.” Tang Shidao indifferently said.

“I don’t care. Say, who is the hand?” The enchantress has already sacrificed the instrument and is ready to do it.


“Is it by you?”

“Yes, it depends on me. I told you that the widow’s widow is a magical race, and it is also our Senior ancestor. Although they are dead, it is the responsibility of future generations to take back these wills.”

“I don’t care about you, we don’t sell.” The enchanting shouted.

“Then, you will find a way to go out. I have used the ‘magic machine original code’ to close the organization, and at the same time, accidentally activated the magical device of the Rubik’s Cube. So, the road to go out is gone. Unless you can find it. New road, otherwise you can only stay here.” Tang Shidao is still indifferently said.

“A district is a ruler, do you also threaten us?”

“I am trading. Double the price, I think my sincerity is enough. These things are originally a magical race, you have no use. There is no mechanical immortal magic, you can not study. This magic only I own it alone, and these wills can only be studied by me. I pay double the price, what are you dissatisfied with?”

“I don’t care, I don’t want to sell, how can you? Open the passage immediately, otherwise the seat will abolish you first.” The enchanting is more concerned about the way out, and the dead brother is still secondary.

“It is natural for treasure hunters to be blocked. The Rubik’s Cube has a self-prohibited device and I am not obligated to help you.”

“You activated it.”

“Yes, but you have to get salt when you eat salt. I didn’t say that the planet must not go out, you can find a way. I have a mechanical eternal magic, you can easily go in and out. You don’t, it doesn’t matter to me. ”

“So you must be courting death?” The enchanting sorcerer had some taboos, but now they ignore it.

“It’s a very simple choice to trade with me to double the share of the money, or to find a way out. If you think you can use your fists to reason, I will accompany you. However, I will remind you first. Once you start playing, I will never It’s the same for allies, even if it’s an ally.”

“Are you qualified to negotiate with us?” The enchanting anger.

“Too lazy to care about you. The last question, who wants to trade, who wants to fight?” Tang Shidao reached out and pointed to the side.

Left, trading.

Right, fight.

The result is… no one is trading.


No one puts a ‘Fa Linglor’ in the eye, no matter what his identity and ability.

The ancestral elders are so proud.

In their minds, someone must help Tang Feng, otherwise it is impossible to kill four ancestral elders in one day. Maybe not killing, just using some method of imprisonment. Just take this git boy and everything is clear.

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