Mage Network

Chapter 1184

“What about you, the Los Angeles elder?” Tang Shidao turned his head and whispered.

“Mr. Tang Feng, we are happy to trade with you. However, we need to study for a while. Although we don’t have ‘mechanical eternal life’ magic, we are also confident to study related technologies. So please forgive us, we also have our own technical needs. Rosen smiled and said that the alert was not the spokesperson of ‘Tang Feng’ but the unknown person who helped him.

“Really sorry.”

“Mr. Tang Feng, we are not going to fight with you, we are still allies. It is better to unlock the channel of the Rubik’s Cube. I will ask them for your love on your behalf. If you concentrate on treasure hunt, don’t vomit. Don’t let it go. You hand over the murderer, you pay a sum of money, let them have the opportunity to resurrection, how?” Losson blinked and said, who would listen to his command.

The presence of different hunting spirits in the secret world of the world has different main genres, and no one listens to the opinions of outsiders.

Rosen said this.

Rather than helping, it is better to lie to Tang Feng to speak out behind the supporters.

“On the scale, I am only the ruler of the spirit. In terms of ability, I am only proficient in mechanical eternal life. In actual combat, I have no record. In your opinion, I am just a mad man with overestimate one’s capabilities, right?” Tang Shidao Lightly said with a smile.

Looking at this smile, everyone can’t help but feel a little confused.

It’s too calm.

A Failing lord faces a group of ancestral elders, equal to a sheep facing a group of wolves… Is this still laughing?

“You said that we are still allies. Well, this sentence is not bad. I try to kill you with good hands. Other people, just a little, I will give you one last chance: hand over all the widows, I don’t follow You are in trouble. Otherwise, I will search back from your body.” Tang Shidao said calmly, not like the ‘weak’.

Hearing this, all the elders are paralyzed.

They have lived for so long, and for the first time they have seen such ‘arrogant and ignorant’ characters. A district is dominated by a spirit, dare to threaten a group of ancestral elders?

Is this person broken brain?

at this time.

On the other hand, the magic pavilion suddenly spoke up: “Do we have anyone to find this thing. If anything, hand it over.”

“The elves are elders, no. But why should you ‘obey’?”

“There is no reason, maybe, because this kind of person is very bold, it is worth encouraging.” Magic Court said with a smile.

Their conversation is not too quiet.

Everyone listens.

at this time.

Wei`s stepped forward and shook hands: “The elders of Yuanxiao are not as good as we will first…”

“Roll, retreat.” Yuan Zhen shocked lightly, but did not listen to this opinion.

Because this little young man spoke, the people next to him wanted to laugh at it.



When will the ancestral elders need to give in.

“I think that what you need most now is this…” At this time, the head of the demon hunting spirit group moved, enchanting, an ancestral elder who is also good at body skills and long-range attacks. He is more brave than the average ancestral elder, because his speed is too fast, and it is almost too late for the opponent to react and end the battle.

When he raised his fist, the other party had already made a move.

No tricks.

His attack is faster than the average opponent’s imagination, and no thoughts are over.

and so.

When everyone saw the enchanting fist movement, the magic energy has already oscillated, the sound has blown up, and the other side of ‘Tang Feng’ has already flew 100 meters away. The ancestral strongmen are better at the “Legion” battle of the gods, but they are also the culmination. The ancestral elders who passed away only seldom fight themselves, not without fighting ability.

a punch.

An action.

The spirit of the lord can also fly a hundred meters away… This operation is normal, everyone is expected.

Tang Feng, a fanatic, really needs someone to “wake up” him.

At this moment.

The enchanting punch is over, and the opponent steps back and instantly returns to its original position. The body is non-destructive, harmless, and has no traces, as if it had not been hit. Seeing this situation, the enchanting does not care at all. Such a mad boy, no one can bear it.

Raise your hand.

The fist did not hit, the opponent had already flown out… Five ten meters… The back-off distance was less than half.

“Hey? This is the point, come back.” The enchanting doesn’t care, it’s just warming up.

The third punch.

The earthquake retreated 25 meters, and then step back.

The fourth punch.

Only about 12 meters.

The fifth punch.

Six meters.

The sixth punch.

Three meters.

The seventh punch.

About a meter and a half.

The eighth punch.

Half a meter.

The ninth punch… No shocks, no swings.


The enchanting waving fist was caught. Within a half meter distance, his fist could not be beaten at all. The opponent ‘Tang Feng’ grabbed his fist, said with a slight smile: “very interesting ‘铳型打’, I learned. Need to explain? My mechanical eternal life has a derivative called ‘eternal rhythm’, it May imitate all rhythms, including the rhythm of body and magic.”

“Maybe you should learn how to die.” The enchanting is not unexpected, and the fist blasts directly.

The energy is amazing.

There wasn’t even a single voice at the scene, as if everything was only bursting in silence, and annihilated in silence.

at this time.

Other ancestral elders did not evade, and held up the protective cover slightly before the battle to isolate the damage. This level of engagement, they are not in the eye, it is just a warm-up. In contrast, the Tang Feng, who is the master of the spirit, should die, not dead or seriously injured.

“Learning, is this called ‘铳爆’?” The sound of the energy storm slowly sounded, and there was still no injury.

See this result.

The enchanting heart was slightly unexpected. As soon as I read it, thousands of gods and spirits flashed around me, forming the imposing court of Legion. Each of these Falings is similar to ‘Tang Feng’, but the number is over 10,000 times. The scariest thing is that each of them has a different Force that may target any enemy’s weaknesses.

Why is Failing’s dominance not as good as the ancestral elders? The reason is that the ancestral elders are in the Legion mode, omnipotent.

The single Faling ruler is powerful and has the potential to be targeted.

“very powerful.”

“hehe, are you afraid?” The enchanting is very satisfied with this reaction.

“I have to say, I have a little understanding. This is the Force of the ancestral elders, a comprehensive and versatile Force. In theory, I have a ‘mechanical eternal life’ magic, similar to summon Mage, also has a strong physical ability. However, in the face of the ancestral elders, summon is not my good at. Because of this level, the competition consumption must be my loss.” Tang Shidao indifferently said.

“Fortunately, you still know what level you are, not stupid enough to be saved.”

“I wanted to compare with you for a while.”

“You are not eligible.”

“After all, life and death confrontation is more rare, especially at your level. You can gain a lot of experience by playing a few games. Unfortunately, you didn’t think that you flipped the cards so quickly. No way, it is difficult to win with only mechanical eternal life. It’s not worth it for too long. So, I don’t play anymore… you guys.”


Everyone listened to stupid again, thinking that you are a fool?

You can’t even beat one.

“Because you are going to die soon, I will explain it. I am not as good as you at the Force level. Skills are not as good as you. Resource instruments, etc., not as good as you. But I have a different bloodline…”

A group of elders frowned, and Rosen and the others listened more carefully.

They want to know why the magical race chose Tang Feng’s contemporary speech, and he has any valuable bloodline.

From the holy land Mage to the spiritual master.

After decades of growth, what is the secret of Tang Feng?

“It’s very special, the whole endless Void is only owned by me… um, at least, as far as I know, I only have it, and I have never heard of it. In history, it has never appeared.” Tang Shidao Speak slowly, at this time, the body is slowly energized.

this moment.

The energized body has a little star-shaped miniature, but it is definitely not the appearance of the universe.

All of them are at the vertex level.

It can be inducted: this looks less like the epitome of the universe Plane, it is more like… the epitome of endless Void! It seems that there are countless Planes, there are countless spaces overlapping, there are countless energy infusions, and there are countless rules interweaving.

“This is called the Void body.” The sound vibrates.

This speech is no longer a sound, it is only a natural perception.

“It’s the reality of Void bloodline. You didn’t get it wrong. The bloodline I have is called: Void bloodline!”

Still not a sound.

Just like induction.

“At some time, some kind of opportunity, a miracle, I have Void bloodline. After countless hard attempts, I created the ‘Void body.’ Now I only take the First Step, I call this state the ‘Void prototype. ‘, the distance to completely dominate this Force is still far away. Because I am now a Void god, so your little means is invalid. One of the skills of the Void god, Void quarantine … it can immunize all curses, weaken, Prohibition, restrictions, and even positive blessings and enhancements can be decided, as long as I want to veto.”


“Because my Void body is not completely perfect, Void’s natural environment can also produce ‘temperance’ effects. However, all ‘human effects’ are ineffective. Can you understand, including your secret spelling now, secret space traps? These little tricks are invalid. In front of me, in addition to the most basic energy strikes, I can even invalidate the heat of the flame, the frost of the frost, and the flash of the rays of light.”


“Now I am part of Void. I can sense everything from Void’s methods of learning and application, and all of them can be invalidated. So, you only have two means of ‘energy group’ and ‘fist’, everything else. It doesn’t work for me.”

A touch of explanation.

Do not.

It’s not so much a description, it’s a feeling.

The magical machine spokesperson ‘Tang Feng’ did not speak at all. These may just be his thoughts, and then everyone naturally accepted and understood in their own way. That feeling, as if you saw the fire, you know that the fire is hot and you don’t need fire to talk. When you see the ice, you know that the ice is cold and you don’t talk with ice.

“If you go beyond Force outside of Void?” There was no sound in the audience, except for the Magic Pavilion.

“You try.” This sentence is indeed a voice.

“There is a chance.” The Magic Court has no fear, but has an inexplicable intent.

at this time.

An aurora ray shot instantly hits Tang Shidao’s ‘Void God’. At the same moment, the aurora ray hits… it drifts away.

Like the weakest lights of the rays of light.

It didn’t produce any effect, just a touch.

Almost the same second.

Tang Shidao’s space is distorted, like four transparent people swimming, wrapped in a transparent shackle around Tang Shidao. However, in just a blink of an eye, the effect of this space imprisonment disappeared. Not a collapse failure, it is better like… can’t find the target.

Everyone was amazed.

To prove this, a ‘target missile’ sprinted.


The target missile could not lock Tang Shidao, like a headless fly that lost its target, and the random flight crashed and crashed into one of the ancestral elders. It was originally aimed at the ‘Tang Feng’ lost in an instant, although he clearly stood there.


At this point another blast fell, however, it directly ‘penetrated’ the Void body.

Did not hit the target.

Just like the rays of light penetrates the glass, it has no effect.

At this moment.

The spokesperson of the magical machine race, “Tang Feng”, stood there and let everyone test it. The result is still…effective.

“I said that in addition to the most basic energy groups and fists, I can immunize all the human effects in Void. If you are not good at fists, the energy bomb is probably the only way you can attack. Come on, I will send you back to the living pool. Your brain should also be washed and cleaned up.” Tang Shidao slowly waved.

“Compared with the body, do you think that the spirit of the spirit can win?” The enchanting heart panic, but not fight.

look up.

Fully rushed and punched.

The fist hit the arm of the Void, and sure enough, the enchanting found that its Force was better.

However, the smile did not arise.

Next second.

The magic rays of light flash, a simple ‘energy transfer’ magic show, the enchanting strike Force all ‘transfer’ back to himself. Surprisingly, the enchanting heart can not help but yell at it: Say good ‘invalidization’? Why is our magic invalid for you, and your magic is still useful to us?

At this time, the magical machine spokesperson ‘Tang Feng’ only had a calm face.

As if to say.


Your magic effect is ineffective against the Void body, but you don’t have a Void body. So, my magic effect is still valid, is there something wrong?

This is my personal stage.

There is no fairness you want.

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