Mage Network

Chapter 1182

Tang Shidao knew a thing early: the more you advise, the less they listen.


Wei will continue to give various ‘favorable’ suggestions, and guide these arrogant people to the opposite side and let them walk into the route they need. In the mind of Tang Shidao, Yuan Zhen and the others are never the protagonists. Their brute force is enough, but their brains and skills are not enough. Mage’s World, not enough brains, is a very serious matter.

Generally speaking.

Mage is more than the “God” mixed with the Lord. A god may touch the Milky Way and even touch the end of the distant universe.

At this level, everything is under the eyes, and it seems that no intelligence personnel are needed.


Is that true?

In fact, no… the dust is not attached to the intelligence personnel, Void is the opposite. God read the induction, it just saw a book, not the contents of the book. Of course, Mage can hear more information than intelligence personnel, but… you don’t have time!

Take the landlord as an example.

Want to thoroughly understand a planet, a god to cover the whole star … but this is not intelligence.

You can know what people eat.

Can you know what people think? Do not!

You can know what level the cultivator has.

Can you know what new ideas are in the cultivator? Do not!

The landlord itself can also inquire, and even one of the incarnations is integrated into it, know everything… But are you so busy? A Plane World has countless life planets, countless life races, and how much you can understand. That kind, let alone into the inquisition, the name of each planet has been heard for tens of thousands of years.

Therefore, the race leaders of all major Voids, the power giant, Plane Master, all need intelligence groups.

You can even say that.

With a strong intelligence team, the racial forces can do the trick for results for half the effort.

in contrast.

The loss of intelligence warfare, you are no different from the embarrassing.

This situation is just the opposite on the dust… The intelligence personnel are not important at all, and they are optional. Because the dust has a resurrection pool, it can live and die, not afraid of making mistakes. It also has a birth pool, a myriad of materials, rich in oil, and not afraid of the lack of clan resources. Having a Force here has everything, technology and intelligence are superfluous.

The use of intelligence analysts in the world is just a facade. In fact, they have always decided on their own.

In the Yuan clan Guardian `can not be in the first place.

However, the same family ‘elegance’ of the slag level of Yuanxiao can be reused again and again. The reason is that … the clan does not need intelligence at all, as long as it is clansman. Compared with Wei, who has excellent intelligence, Yuan Zhen’s flattering is indeed 100 times better.

Entering the Rubik’s Cube, the group still has a photo.

Once it becomes a personal action, the result is terrifying.

“Have you found anything good?”



One day is coming to an end, Yuan Zhen, Luo Xiangyun, Wu Yuan, Luo Sen are asking their team.

As a result, the answer is consistent: no.


In fact…some, everyone has found something. Even if they come in for a moment, they can choose the mechanical door for the third time and re-enter the treasure hunt. It’s a weird thing to find something for a whole day. However, everyone is so ridiculous, and everyone says they have not found anything.

More terrifying is that everyone is so serious, no one asks for this to happen.

Get used to lies.

Used to selfishness.

Used to cheating.

However, they also have the highest level of force, and they are responsible for all things in the world.

“Is there a one third person who didn’t come back?” At this time, Yuan Zhen also noticed that the number is not correct, and everyone is not blind.

“Yeah.” Some people are very calm.

“What happened?” Yuan Zhen looked a little unnatural.

“If you don’t come back, what else can you do?”

“Someone was attacked?” Yuan Zhen is the leader of the team and naturally wants more.

“The intelligence team is all right, and there are attacks.”

“Hey…” Yuan Zhen listened.

At this moment, the atmosphere is paralyzed. Obviously, Lantern now needs an answer, but no one wants to answer him. The same team is the ancestral elders, the strength is almost there, do not need to give him face. Another group of people, intelligence officers, who knows that Yuan Zhen does not like the intelligence officer, who will take the initiative to open, look for it?

Seeing that Yuan Zhen couldn’t take it, Xiao Xiao lost his face, and Luo Xiangyun said: “Wei, what happened?”

Wei. He heard the light step forward and arched his hand: “The space behind each door is different. Some people come out early, some people are late. The fastest is only one minute, probably just a small Mage Chamber. Then two Minutes, four minutes, eight minutes, sixteen minutes… This is about calculation, I guess the space behind the door is doubled.”

“Is this completely random?” Luo Xiangyun asked again.

“For the time being, yes. Because I haven’t entered yet, and everyone has not shared the information, I can only guess the analysis.” Wei said.

When I heard this, all the ancestral elders did not speak.

They didn’t react at all, and they didn’t feel anything wrong. They are the ancestral elders, and Wei is just a small agent of intelligence. They share information with the intelligence officers.

Need for analysis?

Oh, no need. Anyway, Force is at hand, and you can try it right and wrong.

“How long will it take depending on your approximate assessment?”

“It’s hard to say, about ten to twenty days. Luo Xiangyun, the data is not accurate, I only evaluated this wall, other walls have not seen. And, I know very little. “Wei” analyzed.

“Good, very good. Average?”

“Two hours or so, it is estimated that this time limit is the most common.” Wei is still not sure.

“That’s enough, thanks.”

“No, this is my job.” Wei` has always been a professional person.

Yuan Zhen sent people to communicate.

at this time.

Other teams also heard the news: Tang Feng has opened four doors, found a lot of magic metal, and the remains of nearly one hundred magic machine clansman.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, my inner feelings are the same… In fact, we also have very good results.

Only, we don’t say it.

“Well, we don’t have to think about it. The other forces’ teams started to enter, and everyone is careful. We have agreed that we should not make troubles first. Everyone follows the previous method, one door and one door, and try to find some good things. ”

“I think…” Wei is about to talk.

“You don’t want to comment first. Now more than just the right way to organize and the hunting group, other teams in the world have come over, we must speed up the search. In case of being robbed by others, there are very few things we can divide.” Yuan Zhen interrupted the road.

“Okay.” Wei’s arched his hand.

At this time.

Suddenly, a sensation of heat rose, and the whole space seemed to enter the state of iron juice cooking. This kind of heat seems to ignore the magic defense, which seems to be naturally generated, and there is a feeling that the more resistant it is, the more hot it is.

The sound is heard.

As if from a far distance, it is like a shock from a personal heart position.

“It’s funny, little guy. Analyze, I really want to hear what you want to say.” Sounds, silhouette Now, this is a silent intrusion, even if the ancestral elders don’t have much consciousness. Only a burst of heat has emerged, and a new group of people are already around.

For the first one… No, this group of people is the same.

Red skin.

Sharp long angles.

Snake-like big tail.

Animal shape tooth decay.

Behind a pair of iconic giant wings.

“Self-introduction, little guy, my magic club, from the world of fire. Excuse me, your name?” The introduction of the introduction, Yuan Zhen and the others are subconsciously back a few steps. Because they know very well what the words ‘the world of fire is’ represent.

Primitive Demon Race.

One of the oldest races in the world, it occupies one of the four worlds.

Really true, dominate the secret kingdom of an independent kingdom.

The average person who passed away only knows that the Primitive Demon Race in the world of fire has a strong military power, and no one can shake a point from birth to today. Yuan Zhen and other ancestral elders know more. They know that there is a special rule in the world of fire.

The meaning is: in the world of fire, only the flame magic ability can be used, everything else is invalid.

The most terrifying place.

This ‘effect’ is artificial and made by Primitive Demon Race. In other words, Primitive Demon Race has the ability to ‘disallow all non-fire magic’. Maybe they can’t be used anywhere else, but they must have this effect inside the world of fire.

and so.

The world of fire is the paradise of Primitive Demon Race, and the other three circles can not invade the ‘only fire, the law does not use’ of the world of fire.


“A very good name, like the meaning of some kind of jade stone, and like a kind of sacrificial device. In fact, we have a lot of flint fire crystals in the world of fire, and they are often used as sacrificial devices. Well, say the topic, what do you want to say? “The magic pavilion is not violent. On the contrary, as an elderly person of the Primitive Demon Race, it looks very wise and looks like a very learned one.

“I just think that once you have entered the mechanical door, you can squat again.” Wei`s keep calm and feel the pressure of the big man.

“Repeat entry?”

“Yes, it is possible to find the truth by repeating it and even opening it many times. I think this place is not so simple. It can’t be just a warehouse. There is nothing else to finish the item. Although I don’t know what Mr. Yuan Tianshu has. Ability, but as the creator of the magic machine civilization, he can’t leave a warehouse. Mr. Magic Court, aren’t you coming to grab the material?”

“No, we have zero interest in materials, and don’t send them. We are interested in other things, such as emperors, such as mechanical eternal life, such as the relics of Yuan Tianshu.”

“Sounds, Mr. Magic Court has seen Mr. Yuan Tianshu?”

“Are you setting my words, little guy? Ok, I can say. Yuan Tianshu once broke into the world of fire, and he retired. Yes, we failed to take him and could not stop him from leaving. So, the Rubik’s Cube is like a stage to us, we are watching the drama. The materials you cherish, for us, it is like the dust on the stage, we are not interested in dust.”

“…” Yuan Zhen is silent.

“Mechanical immortal magic reappears, we are very interested in its ‘performance’. And you, all are just actors on the stage. Besides you, little guy. I can give you the original magic blood, do you want to join the world of fire?”

“I reject.”

“Hahahaha…” The Magic Court laughed. In the laughter, the heat disappeared and the Primitive Demon Race entire group disappeared.

The heat is retreating.

It’s like…it’s not happened.

It’s just an illusion!

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