Mage Network

Chapter 1171

Tang Shidao blended with the identity of ‘Tang Feng’ to join this new World, and blended into the life of the Tang old man, which itself has produced some changes. This kind of change Tang Shidao can’t detect, and the ‘mortal’ like Tang old man is even less likely to know. He has some sort of chance, but he has no feelings. Even said that even if the old man man’s performance is up, I can’t understand it.

Right now.

Tang old man The first time he mentioned the ancient devil, Tang Shidao’s mind immediately flashed.

this moment.

Tang Shidao first thought of technology and combat power, not Legion, but a term that was deliberately hidden by himself: mechanical eternal life.

At everyday times, unless there is absolute certainty to erase the traces.


Tang Shidao doesn’t mention Forbidden Curse or life weaving for anyone. Of course, Oling is an exception that he has long known. To a certain extent, he has always regarded the two as secret protection. However, it may take too long to protect, and I have to forget a little… they don’t need protection themselves. On the contrary, they are extremely powerful.

It is now.

Entering the ancestral Spirit Realm world, you don’t have to deliberately protect it. Because even if they don’t borrow their Force, they can cope with the threat from the outside world.

and so.

Tang old man reminded himself of a right thing to do in a very ‘coinciding’ time.

this matter.

For itself, it will also be a huge change.

“Welcome to the Blue Crystal Chamber of Commerce, Dear Mr. Tang Feng, what do you need?” The old land is coming back, and the responsible business owner is more polite.

“The magical or wreckage of the ancient times, are you here?”

“There are some, of course, there must be, respected Lord Tang Feng. Just a little bit of a problem, sir. Of course, it may not be a problem for you. It is like this, lord. The wreckage of the ancient times has Certain technology. Therefore, no matter whether it is a wreck or a heavy product, they are very expensive. The monks have a little explanation about the price. About the cheapest genie wreckage is about 100 million to 200 million. The monk has been doing business for so long, no see. It’s cheaper.” Blue Crystal’s owner lost his smile and said that your financial resources are temporarily insufficient.

“I want to make some money, you have to prepare one.” Tang Shidao does not take shortcuts. Joining this World is based on the gameplay of this World.

“Of course, serving you is our greatest honor.”

Tang Shidao doesn’t have much to say.

Enter the underground cave to start a new round of hunting.

Because of the reservation, the Blue Crystal Group was extremely active and secretly prepared dozens of them. The business owners are not fools. They believe that this Tang Feng will not only buy one, and there will definitely be new transactions in the future.

At this moment, the Tang old man who accepted the commissioning task became a red man.


He has a big order of 3 million Mana in his hand.

In the ancient times, the murals of the ancient times did not exist. This thing, saying that you are deceiving, a dozen points of 20 points, mainly by the number to win. Millions of big orders, no one wants to swallow, can win 10% has been laughing. You know, once the business is done, the same murals can’t sell. So, who is fast and who is profitable.

These days, the old man family was very happy and felt the days when there was meat eating every day.


This good day is just the beginning.

When Tang Feng’s billion-dollar big singles came out, Tang old man instantly felt the feeling of being surrounded by happiness. Originally, poor children in the family had no education and no training. In the past few days, major commercial houses have been rushing to recruit and have also been trained in key talent projects. Growing up or still no one cares about the granddaughters, these days were robbed and asked to marry, as if Mage’s aristocratic woman.

Tang old man knows very well that these people have been… shameless for the billion-dollar big list of Tang Feng.

Raise a few children.

A few girls.

How big is it.

For the big family, this is just one more mouth to eat. 1 point of Mana’s purchasing power, enough for one person to eat a year. What is the concept of 100 million? One hundred million people can eat one year, or one person can eat one hundred million years. The blue crystal merchants grabbed the first order, and everyone couldn’t help it. Who told people to invest the earliest? However, the second single third order, the subsequent list is not necessarily obtained by the blue crystal merchant.

The world of the wilderness.

Everyone is hungry, who is not short of money.

Even the Blue Crystals itself does not dare to eat a few orders in a row. If this is the case, their business is burned, and even Blue Crystal City may be set on fire.

Two days later.

Lord Tang Feng returned safely, and his body was harmless and brought back a group of well-preserved Warcraft.

Calculate the price, more than 20 million points.

Equivalent to…

In the two days, Lord Tang Feng created the degree of ‘two Legendary Mage’. Even if the ridiculous wreckage is so expensive, he can buy one in about ten days.

I heard such awesome news.

Tang Shidao was not disturbed, but Tang old man was drowned by the visitors.

At the time of the ‘Tang Feng Lord”s second hunting, less than half a day before and after, the old man’s three million big order was settled. It is not difficult to buy anything from the ancient murals. The major conglomerates joined forces to integrate themselves, negotiate and distribute them, and then handed them to Tang’s old man. Don old man didn’t play much at all, everyone was all done, just waiting for him to sign his name.

during this time.

The sons and grandchildren of Tang old man also quickly added a lot of ‘new friends’, with their eat, drink and bemerry, to enjoy the new friends of life.

In short.

The family is soaked in the ocean of happiness, even the southeast and northwest can not be distinguished.

Another two days.

Lord Tang Feng once again returned to peace. This time it was not 20 million, but 50 million. The heads of the major commercial houses were shocked when they heard it. Hunting is a very troublesome thing in the wilderness of the world. The main trouble is… reply to the magic.

Even if it is a physical operation, the magic consumed is not low.

and so.

After a series of hunting, even the holy land Mage is difficult to maintain. Under normal circumstances, it is not easy to maintain the speed of hunting before, and it is not getting faster and faster. Now the situation of Lord Tang Feng is obviously not the limit, but it seems to be the feeling of ‘exploring the map, harvesting it’.

Two more days.

Lord Tang Feng brought back the income of about 80 million, and asked Tang old man a sentence: “I observed it and found that the biological balance of Warcraft is a bit wrong. Then hunting like this, some Warcraft races may be extinct. So, I need to reduce the number of hunting. Do you have any better proposals for making money?”

“Minerals, magical minerals are more valuable.” Don old man subconsciously responded. He did not expect that the mineral origin is closer to the core, in a more dangerous place.

The average person will never recommend the main thing, but also be careful to propose.

“Good.” Tang Shidao nodded.

People are not necessarily surprised.

Another day, Mr. Tang Feng returned safely and brought back about 300 million points of magic minerals.

What is the concept of 300 million points?

Three epic Mage.

You don’t have to practice, just eat the secret spring stone.

At this moment.

The first product of the Blue Crystal Chamber of Commerce, a humanoid wild magic show. The quotation is very high, more than 200 million, but Tang Feng’s eyes are not jumping.

The rest of the business owners look at the natural envy and hate.


In a word, they are happy again.

“I still need more. Now I don’t have enough money to make money first. You are ready for the magic couple. I have to go to the next planet to make a turn and see if there is any better magic mineral. Don’t worry about the money, try to Prepare the goods, I will buy the goods immediately after I earn the money.” Tang Shidao knows that everyone knows that the closer to the secret spring planet, the more minerals.

Because the core is the Void meta-soil, the secret spring can absorb the magic, but it can’t help the Void.

and so.

The presence of a star can have a solid core to protect itself, and it can also gather more magic from nature to gain itself.

I want to make big money.

It must be that the closer to the secret spring, the better the planet.

Tang Shidao gives a guarantee, but also allows everyone to arbitrarily mobilize the magic couple. On the other hand, deliberately going to another planet is not only to make money, but also to expand the reputation, so that the name Tang Feng slowly spread, slowly rooted in the wilderness of the world. The right way organization and the hunting group will not find themselves in such a place. This low-devil place, the holy place is not left, let alone the ancestral level.

The secret spring will hinder the spread of the news, and it is suitable for you to open another plan and restart the path of the predecessors.

The career of Snake Mage and 72 people is under their own responsibility.

First Step.

Let the magic machine civilization be born again.

After leaving the planet, Tang Shidao immediately took out the reborn wild devil. The technology of this thing is very characteristic. It is not based on force, but instead seeks humanization and intelligence. It is a pity that it has been damaged. After the re-production, it is even more unrecognizable. Otherwise, Tang Shidao feels that he is likely to awaken a ‘smart person’ of an ancient era, rather than a nondescript.

“No matter what, it doesn’t matter, what you lack is just a soul. Now, rebirth.”

What Tang Shidao needs is a civilization, not a war or a wisdom. Before civilization was established, it needed an order. It needs an architecture before order is established. Before an architecture is built, it needs a foundation.

A leader at the beginning of the journey.

A commander at the time of development.

A guardian at the time of war.

Tang Shidao removes the impurities of the ancient devil, leaving only the core part. Then, apply the mechanical immortal magic, and attach it to the effect of great life and great soul, let it connect the life network and the soul network at the same time, and become a new branch of the life network and the soul network.

“Mechanical phase, your name.”

“Yes, my master.”

“From today, you are the first life of the current generation of the magic machine civilization, and the first executor of the revival of the magic machine civilization. You can learn from the small Wisdom Tree, it will pass on some relevant knowledge. Next I will re-architect the magical civilization step by step, and you will follow me and rebuild the new empire with me.” Tang Shidao began to issue orders.

Mechanical eternal life is not only a magic, but also an instruction. It can be attached with special effects and can be retracted.

among them.

This ‘eternal life’ does not refer to the body, but to the record.

The mechanical phase is attached with magic, and the heart immediately understands… Its eternal life is recorded and backed up, just like a document is cataloged, and the depositor is the supreme master. In front of him, whether he is eternal or eternal is only between one thought.

“I need a body, master.” Now the weapon is not a magical couple, just a mechanical implement.

“No, you now need to be an instrumental device to assist a certain person to fight. The magic machine empire begins with the spirit of the instrument, so that it can grow smoothly. I can not completely shelter you, you also need to work hard to grow. I use ‘ The Everlasting Archive ‘records your existence, even if it dies, I can easily restart your life. In addition, I authorize you to use the ‘Eternal Life Password’ to control the rest of the clansman. Any mechanical eternal magic blessing clansman, you are They can be perceived as the collective wisdom of everyone.”

“Yes, your command is my glory.”

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