Mage Network

Chapter 1172

Tang Shidao started the plan, resurrected and reformed the machinery to become the first manager of the current generation of the magic machine civilization, and the new plot began.

The first First Step.

Did not say, the beasts make money, buy wreckage, resurrection, and gradually increase the number of races. Because the first thing to start operating with the spirit, the mechanical phase also needs a ‘body’ action. So, a small grandson of Don old man was selected.

His name is Tang Dou.

“Lord Tang Feng, this…this… is it dangerous?” Don old man has been unable to adapt recently because World has become too fast.


“No, Lord Tang Feng, I mean, Tang Dou is just a big kid who is just sensible. He won’t fight at all. You gave him this instrument and he didn’t use it well. It’s better to change someone, save it.” Your instrument.” Don old man is not worried about the little grandson, but worried about the instrument. In the wilderness of the world, life is not worth anything.

Compared to some valuable instruments, mortal life is similar to a plant.

When I heard this, Tang Shidao really smiled.

“No, you have misunderstood, the mechanical phase is not only a musical instrument, but also a spiritual. If you don’t understand it, it is equal to a magical couple. It can help the collaborators fight and guide the collaborators. It has a lot of knowledge. Especially in terms of practice, it can guide Tang cultivation and protect him when Tang Dou is wrong.” Tang Shidao explained that everyone in the room was very eye-catching.

Don old man Do not ask everyone is not clear, one question, the answer is amazing.


Tang old man has done one of the most correct things. If he is just grateful, the initial appearance of the machine may not be so bright.

After listening to the explanation, Don old man no longer has more words.

The timing and rhythm are very good.

Explain some.

Keep some.

More attractive to want to understand it.

At this time, Tang Dou did not have the right to refuse. To be honest, when he heard that Tang Feng said that he was the best child of ‘Innate Skill,’ he felt that Tang Feng is the best person in the world and always the best. In his sorrowful life for more than ten years, he never really had enough to eat, and it was the Lord Tang Feng who made him and his family full. For more than ten years, life has never been praised. It is the first time that Lord Tang Feng praised himself.

In addition to hard work, he has not thought of anything else.

“It’s very simple to use. You can do it as a small partner. It will teach you cultivation and it will help you fight. But you also need to work hard, otherwise you will reply to the ordinary people after it leaves.” “Tang Shidao indicated.

“Yes, Lord Tang Feng.” Tang Dou nodded hard.

Reaching out very seriously.


It was only the mechanical phase of the state of the instrument that was broken down. In the absence of Tang Ji’s excitement, he quickly passed his hands and climbed onto his shoulders. Finally, he covered it like a half-baked, and opened two golden glittering blades on his back. wing.

“Hello, partner.” The weapon knows what it needs to do. This is the First Step of the revitalization of the magic machine civilization.

“Ah… you… hello, gang… partner.” Don Dou sang.

People are almost paralyzed.

Sound is mechanical rather than mechanical.

“Sorry, please authorize to check your body. I need to know your Innate Skill and physique to order a cultivation program. If you don’t need cultivation, I can also teach you knowledge.” The machine is interpreting the ‘Physical Partner’ Role, after the emergence of a new clansman, everyone will know how to deal with it.

“What… what do you mean?”

“I just need your consent, partner. My rules don’t allow you to actively investigate all the partners, unless you get your authorization.”

“Oh… hey, agree, I agree.” Tang Dou could not agree.


“You have a great Innate Skill, partner. Although you have no magic energy at all, I am confident that you will make the first Mana in ten days. One hundred days will let you enter the rank of Upper Level Mage. You can choose not to cultivation, I can also help you hunt. According to the activity mode here, I can help you collect two thousand to three thousand Mana in one day. However, I do not recommend you to do so.”

“Ah… Why, isn’t it better?” Tang Dou really doesn’t understand, but the problem is just right.

“Because your Innate Skill is great, partner. If it is not the influence of the secret spring, I am confident that you will enter the holy world within five years. However, the impact of the secret spring is so great that it cannot be accurately estimated. Probably estimate, seven Years, I can help you advance to the Holy Land within seven years. If you choose to let me hunt and help you stack Mana, I can help you for a year, then I will leave.”

“Why?” Tang Dou was anxious.

“Because you are not worthy of my stay, partner. Remember, I am not your subordinate, I am your partner. I hope to go higher and further with more powerful people. Now you are in line with my choice, but It may not be necessary in the future. Perhaps, when you are better, you will let me leave, and then look for a better instrument.”

At this moment, everyone around me is crazy.

Innate Skill.


Ten days a Mana.

Five years into the Holy Land.

Seven years will be guaranteed.

This instrumental spirit… Is it omnipotent?

Although the dust has been circulating for many years, it has never been heard that the spirit can be approved by cattle. Lord Tang Feng said that ‘it’ has a name, the name is ‘fat phase’, and it is still a race, just like the lost race. What does it mean? Lord Tang Feng is the spokesperson of the magic machine race? Has this ancient race reappeared?

“You… can you protect me?” Tang Dou also knows that cultivation is dangerous and hunting is more dangerous.

“Of course, you see.” The mechanical phase needs a little performance.

Only one second.

The blade wing is opened and turned into a short feather-shaped flying knife with numerous handles. One roll and one receipt, the next stone pillar has been carved into the shape of ‘Dangdou’. Lifelike, there is no difference between myself and myself.

At this time, Tang Shidao also waved, a small hail crashed.


The feather blade spreads again and becomes a shield that protects the whole body.

Tang Dou did not understand, but everyone in the neighborhood could see that a magic of ‘Frost Protection’ flashed on the shield. At the time of physical defense, there is also a magic defense. It can be said that the Tang Beans bombarded by the hail will not have a single vibration and will be properly protected.

“…” The hail was beaten and shattered, and the energy was sucked away by the secret spring stone pillar. Tangdou was shocked and could not speak.

“I can take you on a trip besides fighting and protecting you. Come and try the feeling of flying.”

“That… what should I do?”

“You can do it.”

“Okay, then… I, no, let’s take off.” Tang Dou whispered, and in an instant, the feathers rejoined into wings.

Gently shake it.

Tang Dou has already flown into the sky.

From the beginning of the exclamation, to the later cheers, this big child soon played crazy. Flying in the wilderness of the world, especially in this low-definition area, flying is a luxury, even if Mage will not waste magic flying. Unless things are particularly urgent, you can’t fly, or you will never waste. Moreover, even if flying is a musical instrument, this talent does not want to compete with the secret spring.

A group of people in the underground, in addition to envy and hate, there is no Second Type mood.

Business owners silently remember a number.

Ten days.

If Tangdou can really practice the first magic in ten days, then even if he is a genius, the role of this spirit can not be imagined.

“Blue business owner, Tang Dou is in trouble for you to take care of, I need to go out hunting to make money.”

“Yes, Lord Tang Feng. That, is that the case? Just let him be here, do not need special secret rooms, or magical ingredients? Please forgive, no doubt you mean, Lord Tang Feng. General start Mana cultivation, there A good foundation is easier.” The merchant of the Blue Crystal Institute was surnamed Blue, and was given the name because he had handed over Tang Feng.

Long ago? No surname, no qualification for a surname.

“Don’t let him be hungry.”

“Of course, it will never be. If you are hungry, you will not be hungry.” The blue business owner swears.

“In terms of the wreckage of the magic, you have to prepare more. I have found that the planet in front has more minerals and can make a lot of money in a short time. Besides, you are not surprised where the ‘mechanical phase’ comes from? I can Tell you, those wilderness magicians. They are very suitable as carriers, so the mechanical phase will appear.” Tang Shidao half true half false said.

The blue merchants and other business owners who have listened to have already listened.

In their minds.

Lord Tang Feng has become the spokesperson of the magic machine civilization, and the mechanical phase is one of the messengers who came over. But it can’t… or it doesn’t want to appear alone in front of the public. Therefore, it needs a wild magical doll to be its own carrier.

Ten days.

The words of the business owners have risen again.

They swear that as long as the weapon phase can really be done, they will buy one if they are ruined, and then invite the ‘soul’ to be their own partner. At this moment, have they ever thought about their children? Well, no? What are the children, delicious? In the wilderness of the world, you are important, and everything else is a cloud.

In just one day, the big cities of the surrounding cities and even the surrounding planets came.

Just stare at this ordinary child who eats.

Staring at his cultivation.

Ten days, a time for them to stare at the second hand.


In fact, Tang Dou did not let them wait for so long.

“Seven days…”

“Impossible, how is this possible?”

“Unbelievable speed.”


“We are staring from start to finish. Even he is watching and sleeping. He hasn’t missed a second. From the magic of feelings, to the magic of convergence, to the first magic of condensation, which one we missed. If this is a fake, I have eaten this business directly.”

“Ten days… seven days…”

“This kid’s Innate Skill is really good, not as good as…”

“You are stupid, do you want to fight directly with Lord Tang Feng? Or do you want to fight with the magical civilization that has not been seen for many years?”

“Don’t care about him, the brain is broken. On his level, dare to cut the blade into a white bone directly.”

“Ah, I forgot…”


“The wreckage of the ancient devil’s sorrow… I am stepping on the horse, I forgot to tell the subordinates of the merchants to collect it. Lying in the trough, you chat, I… Wait, wait, what do you rush to run, and leave me some? ……”

Tangdou’s first drop of magic condensed and cultivated.

The magic machine civilization, the first wind also blows up. In the twinkling of an eye, the business of the wreckage of the ridiculous demon smashed, and some unsuspecting people thought that these businessmen were crazy. But soon, they saw the Mage family rushing. At this time they only knew that the merchants were not crazy, but they were too slow.

“Go and ask, what happened?”

“Yes, City Lord.”

“Be sure to find out. If you can’t hear it, you will kill yourself and bring your head back to see me.”

“Yes, City Lord.”

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