Mage Network

Chapter 1170

The world’s wilderness is very poor, because energy is concentrated in the secret springs, and only the top-ranking powerhouses who can enjoy the secret springs.

With them as the apex, the radiation spreads.

The next level is ok, every other level is a hundred times different. Once it reaches the low level of the holy land Mage, Mages can’t even talk about food and clothing. Why do they rarely use magic, because magic is too difficult to reply. In the world where the magic is almost dry, they consume magic and are equal to losing blood. Although it can be replied, the response time is too long.

Therefore, saving food is a daily routine.

The sacred Mage is still the case, the situation of the small Mage and the mortal people can be imagined.

In the wilderness of the world, the secret spring stone was made into a coin, also known as the ‘spring coin’. This secret spring currency is not calculated according to the size of the light, but according to the energy it contains. For example, a spring coin has 1 point Mana, which is the value of 1 point of the basic unit. The same size and weight of the spring coins, 10 points is ten times the value.

What is the value of 1 point Mana?

Tang Shidao estimates that the food eaten by mortals in this place is almost one point a year. One person, eating for one year, is about 1 point. This ratio is hard to say because the magical animals and plants are cheap. However, the magical beast is expensive and horrible.

Half of the robbery, the price is only two thousand.

A minimum of Warcraft, more than 20,000.

The former is hundreds of tons, the latter is only a few hundred kilograms, which is far from each other.

“Lord Tang Feng, this is a stored value instrument, which is a tool made by the secret spring stone. It can exchange Mana directly with the same kind of implement, and can be used as a purse. This is the general shape, the appearance of a wrist wheel. If you don’t like it, we can change it to other appearances, such as rings and necklaces, or your favorite shape.” The buying and selling group belongs to a certain city, for example, this one belongs to Blue Crystal City.

For Tang Shidao, a good hunter, the business group is struggling.

The manufacture of the device is not easy.

However, in order to be a good customer, they must invest capital.

“How much is it?” Tang Shidao took it and slowly put it on. In the twinkling of an eye, the secret spring stone wrist wheel showed a mirror-like glare.

“3257180 points. Starting today, Lord Tang Feng, you already have a million-level sage face card, others will be awesome when they see your instrument.” The business owner carefully introduced, the actual level and Mage Network same. One hundred is the Mage of the Upper Level of the junior high school, the thousand is the Great Mage, the million is the Ancestor Mage, the hundred thousand is the Magic King, the million is the sage, the million is the Legendary, and the billion is the epic.

More than three million points.

Mana who can eat and use it directly, naturally represents the level of the sage.

The merchant mentioned the ‘face card’, which means the surface display. He knows very clearly that ‘Tang Feng’s lord’ is far more than the sage level. Those who are not in the holy place are afraid to enter the 2-Layer hunting World of Warcraft. Therefore, the lord of Tang Feng must be a holy place. The deliberate reminder of the business owner refers to the treatment of ordinary and ordinary hunting groups: with such a face card, the small hunting group will ‘see people’ with eyes, and dare not disturb.

The rays of light on the wrist wheel are very strange. The more Mana points, the stronger the rays of light.

Fortunately it is not glaring.

Otherwise, a million points can brighten the eyes of ordinary people.

“…If you want to trade with other people, he can also give money directly with this kind of implement, which is very convenient.” The business owner explained in detail, but did not mention the correspondence of the mortal. In his mind, mortals are not considered to be trading objects. Not worth 1 point of Mana’s things, such as some herbivores and beasts, just grab it and give it.

“Yeah.” Tang Shidao knows that Secret Spring is the biggest feature here.

and so.

The secret spring stone is used most often.

“The light on the stored value instrument represents the quantity. The higher the stored value, the stronger the light. So, you only need to look at it to know the other party’s approximate price, which can reduce the conflict. If you don’t like it, you can close it and you can’t open it. The thief, the bright storage method can also repel them. In addition, our various business groups will record your deposit and calibrate your height. If you are not convenient at one time, you can borrow money from the business group. Second, the interest rate is relatively high.”

“What about the Holy Land, is this kind of thing?”

“Well, the stored value method is still made by the secret spring stone, but the mode is different. Add some convenience magic or attack magic. Those instruments are more Upper Level, we can’t use it, we can’t make it. Just hear it, holy. The stored value instrument above the border is also a weapon, a good thing that can attack and defend.” The business owner carefully compensated.

“In addition to the stored value instrument, what does the small pile trade use?” Tang Shidao asked more.

“Mages only uses the secret spring stone, because it only protects the value. If you ask those ordinary people, they will use metal blocks, hard things, corners, teeth, bones, etc. No fixed, they feel the value between them. In addition, some Mage will create some healing potions, or detoxifying potions, which will also be used as money.”

“Okay, look for you next time you have the goods.”

“Thank you, we will try our best to serve you, I wish you a long-term companion.” Business owners are all sent to each other. It is a stinky face to the weak, and always a charming face to the strong.

Exit the Blue Crystal City Commercial Office.

Tang Shidao returned to the low-lying trading area outside and found a group of people beating Tang old man.

Just one listen.

I immediately knew that it was a ‘tax payment’.

In the low-shed trading area, there is a group of evil-handed individuals who collect taxes and collect more and only enjoy them. The old wolf hunting group of Tang old man is over, and a group of people have not harvested. However, only Tang old man made a fortune alone. As a result, his companion sue him, only five pounds of lamb and five pounds of mushrooms.

Tang old man took out 90% of the money, but the tax officials are still not satisfied.

All grab the light.

Also beat the stopped.

Tang Shidao approached, a group of evil men quickly stopped, respectfully bent over and retreated to both sides. They don’t know ‘Tang Feng Lord’, but they know the stored value and know the light above… that rays of light, they estimate that there are several hundred thousand or more.

At least Magic King’s strong, they can not afford to offend.

“Lord Tang Feng…” Tang old man is covered with injuries, but not fatal, leaving no trace. It is estimated that the evil guys feel that this old man has luck, and he can grab a stroke next time, so he has no heavy hand, and it is not a disability to fight.

This is a coincidence.


The evil guys heard this shouting, and half of the people’s pants were wet. Some of them have practiced around a few thousand points, which is more mature than the young cultivators.

But what is the difference between a few thousand points and a few hundred thousand points?

hundred times!

Don’t wait for Tang Shidao to do it. Not far from the blue crystal merchants, they rushed out of a group of people, and it was arrogant to mention the evil guys. Although it is not fatal, it is absolutely devastating and bloody, and it looks so bad that it can no longer be miserable. The defenders of the business were not only embarrassed, but also searched the money of the evil guys and sent them all to the Tang old man. Not only did they take it earlier, but the bad guys also sent it out from other people.

Even the healing potion collected by the evil guys was found and handed to Tang Shidao.

Because the Tang old man is old and long-lasting, many business guards have heard of him.

the most important is.

He is surnamed Tang.

Mr. Tang Feng is also surnamed Tang.

How many millions of Mana are stored, how many worse are the thousands of evil guys?

Thousand times.

“Forget it, save time.” Tang Shidao waved his hand and flashed a flash of light. Tang old man has a good trauma, and his broken arm has grown. Healing, broken limbs, and simple low-level magic, everyone can see it.


Casting on the ground, casting a spell not far from the secret spring stone altar… Do normal people dare to do this?

Businesses are afraid that the guards will also be shocked by a cold sweat, as if they were as dangerous as their own.

far away.

The business owners were also shocked. They couldn’t believe that some people dared to cast spells in public, and there were no mistakes.

Tang old man is even more shocked.

I am not familiar with Tang Feng, why is he so adventurous to help yourself?

“I have one thing that needs your help.” Tang Shidao signaled that Don old man climbed up quickly. Because he replied to his arm, he still swayed inadvertently for a half circle before he stood still. He listened: “I need to buy some murals from the ancient times. It is not a slate in the ground. It is a replica. I don’t know much about the market, I don’t know. How to get started, trouble you to collect these things for me.”

“Ah… yes, yes, Lord Tang Feng.”

“You have something to say.”

“Yes, that… the murals of the ancient times are in the center of the earth, and it is generally difficult to obtain. Therefore, the price may be more expensive. For such a large piece of extension, it may take 5 to 15 points for Mana.” Tang old man reached for the stroke. About it, it is about the size of a square meter.

“Is the picture the same price as the text?”

“Yes, completely rubbing, not completely printing you do not have to pay, do not give money with a little fake.” Tang old man bowed his head, used to be mean and knee-high.

“There are about three million points here. According to this money, you collect as much as possible.”

“Ah, Tang Fengge first, don’t you leave some emergency?” Tang old man was shocked. I was amazed at this huge sum of money and I was surprised by this expenditure.

“No, I don’t have to make money to go to 2-Layer.”


I heard the words 2-Layer, Tang old man understood, and everyone around him understood. Not a sacred place, going to 2-Layer is to die. Strong people of more than 100 million yuan, naturally do not put millions in mind. They are just strange, when did the ‘Tang Feng Lord’ come out? How have you not heard before?

at this time.

Tang Shidao took out another ring and threw it to Don old man.

“This one……”

“A certain positioning thing, I can find you at any time. It can also communicate. If you have any news, you can leave a message at any time. At the same time, if you are dead, I can know for the first time. When I am not in trouble, I will Resurrect you until you finish it for me.” Tang Shidao hasn’t been able to figure out the anomaly of Tang old man, so he changed his mind.

Since he has so many ‘coincidence’, he blends himself into the way of normal life and normal activities.

Take a look.

Walking into his own coincidence, Tang old man can bring himself a coincidence.

“Lord Tang Feng.”


“If you have Force and don’t want to do it yourself, you can buy some magical couples. If you are interested in research, there are some old-fashioned magic couples, broken, recalibrated, and reorganized. You have Money can be bought and played.”

“Mr. Tang, why are you saying this?” Tang Shidao smiled. Is this a coincidence?

“Ah… that… Lord Tang Feng, you… don’t you like the cultural civilization of the ancient times?”

“Well, thank you, I bought it to play.” Tang Shidao really laughed.

This is a coincidence.


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