Mage Network

Chapter 1164

Tang Shidao Return to the dust, everything is calm, as if nothing has happened. The “sniper” guessed by Tie Yunzhai and Luo Wei did not happen. Even the major clan seemed to be invisible, and there was no reaction at all.

Go back to the Golden Globe.

The screen retreats left and right, and the members of the Zongmeng League do not explain why: “Mr. Tang, the Shangshi clan is secretly organizing a ‘right way’ team, it is aimed at you.”

Tang Shidao is strange: “Since there are such people, why are there no shots?”

The old staff explained: “Because the team has not yet been formed.”

Tang Shidao lightly nodded, next to Tieyun Temple and Luo Yan also laughed and said nothing. They have already reacted. In fact, this team needs to be organized when it is difficult to say. Maybe one year, maybe ten years, and more probably one hundred years. In short, the major clan feels when they are organized and when they will act.

To put it another way.

The public knows that we have this plan, and we will implement it. We will slowly discuss it and slowly consider it. We will act cautiously.

“Since this is the case, we don’t need to pay attention to them at all?” Luo Wei raised his doubts.

“It was originally. However, a group of Warcraft and the beasts joined in. Later, there were some strong secrets from the past. So, now the ‘Zhengdao’ team is huge and has concentrated a lot of resources. Mr. Tang, You must be careful, the right way organization is not like Force does not deal with you, more like deliberately dragging, to provide resources for the major clan.” The old people have the same opinion.

This team owns Force.

However, it is not the first time to go out, but to find someone to extort a pass.

Tie Yunzhai is expected.

Luo Wei was laughing.

Haven’t come back for so many years, has the dust on the earth fallen to this point? If you really threaten the emperor, the sooner you start, the better. If you don’t want to start, what do you mean by asking for the resources of your allies? Deliberately destroying allies? The Shangshi clan was not considered to be united, and then a team like the Taoist organization was organized. This ‘dao’ did not ‘just’ come over, and the road to the world was first smashed.

“Is there any appearance of the hunting group in the secret world?” Tang Shidao suddenly asked.

“No. How, Mr. Tang want to inquire about them?”


“We can’t contact you, sorry. However, Mr. Tang, you can rest assured that the hunting spirits will not be free to shoot, at least not here. It is only when you enter certain circles, or the environment of the past, they will start. Here, everyone generally only fights in the fighting pool.” The old men explained.

“No, you misunderstood.”


“I just wondered what team they are, and I want to ask them to inquire about the environment of the secret world.” Tang Shidao indifferently said.

“I will explain it.” Tie Yunzhai said, the old people nodded: “Now the secret world has intervened in this matter, Mr. Tang, you really need to be careful. We don’t know much about the secret world, we only know It is a very bad environment, and most of the population is calling for a ‘poor’ place. The last generation has only heard a rumor that the secret world has something called ‘secret spring’, which is the ‘devouring’ magic energy. Special existence.”

“The opposite of Magic Spring?” Tang Shidao is trying to gather intelligence.

“Yes. The secret spring is the opposite of the magic spring, it will only be swallowed and will not be given. Because of the existence of this kind of thing, the secret world of the world will always be in a low devil state. However, because of the existence of the secret spring, the Mage strong can get it quickly. Great energy. There are rumors that there is a secret spring in the secret world of the world, which is equivalent to our Aujin, and Shengjing, used as ‘coin’.” The information of Tieyunzhai belongs to popular information, most of the Mage strong know.

The money of the secret world of the world: the secret spring stone.

A thing that can ‘eat’.

Moreover, it is equivalent to obtaining the sampled energy. For example, the secret spring stone worth 100 million points of Mana, the mortal ‘eat’ can also get the energy of the epic Mage, the height of the pseudo-sacred environment. Of course, the premise is that this mortal has not been blasted by huge energy. In short, the secret spring stone is the energy point that can be used. Use it yourself, give it to others, trade the instrument, it is the best currency.

“In the secret world of the world, the strong can ‘eat’ out. If you have money, it will be strong, and that is the secret of the world.”

“It sounds better than here.” Tang Shidao listened and smiled.

“All the secrets of the past world have no resurrection pool, no birth pool, only secret springs. Mage strong death, unless resurrected by his companions, it is more likely to be swallowed by the secret springs of the secret world, become secret Part of the spring.”

“Is there such a thing?” Tang Shidao listened a little embarrassed.

This secret spring is enough for cattle.

The energy of the dead is generally the emptiness of the world. Void and the creation of the cloud can not grab much, can it actually divide one?

“Yes, the secret spring may indeed engulf the energy of the deceased. However, it is limited to the death of Mage in the same space. The death of our superiors in the world, the secret spring of the secret world of the world does not work. Another rumor, in secret There is a ‘living world’ inside the spring, and there are countless magics, artifacts, and even activated spirits inside.” Tie Yunzhai explained in detail that Tang Shidao does not think of Long

Because he must be reasoned in such detail.

Listen now.

“Original, the hunting spirit group refers to the ‘jointly enter the secret spring to find the team of the spirit.’ From the secret spring may get a variety of things, magic, musical instruments, life flesh and blood, magic materials, including the law left by the spirits strong Ling. It is rumored that the ancestral strong will die, and some things may be left behind. Therefore, the hunting spirit group is the treasure hunt expert in the secret world.”

Tang Shidao nodded.

I understand that in that environment, treasure hunt experts also represent the most upstream group of people in force.

People who have no force, who are willing to go in and die.

“Later, the Hunting Spirit team began to accept tasks from other forces. For example, killing, participating in war, destroying enemy groups, etc. Slowly, they also opened in other secrets of the past, and they can say that things happen everywhere. Then later They also participated in the clan struggle of the past. Because they have strong military power, the offer price starts at least from ‘1 Fa Ling’. Therefore, they are still the name of the ‘hunting spirit group’.”

Wild dog-style mercenary.

Tang Shidao heard the first thought of the explanation.

The Hunting Spirits was originally a treasure hunt warrior, and later became a wild dog mercenary for money.

“The elders of the past are rarely hands-on, and they usually invite the hunting spirits to take the shot. Mr. Tang’s thing is not that the hunting spirits are retreating, but that they are increasing their prices. Moreover, the fare increase is too much, and the elderly do not want to Pay, so I dragged it down. Please believe that the hunting spirits are mad dogs, as long as they have money, they bite.” Tie Yunzhai reminded again.

When I heard this, Tang Shidao was relaxed.

The Shang clan is not complicated.

Wu Lisheng wins.

The secret world of the world is not complicated.

It is probably a very poor world, because the secret springs have taken everything around, and the rest are exhausted. The secret spring is like an energy black hole that collects all the energy around it. Except for the most upstream Mage strong, the average person can’t take advantage of it. It is possible that the practice around the secret spring can also take some energy.

However, the place away from the secret spring is definitely bad luck.

Tang Shidao can also think that if the secret world is an activation space, then each secret spring is a cancerous point of death.


The birth of evil spirits may also be related to it.

Tie Yunzhai hinted at these things, but he wanted to explain one thing: the people of the world did not give up on themselves. Moreover, the Force with the ancestral spirit is not necessarily okay, only to make everyone jealous. If it is too big, the hunting spirits may hit like a mad dog at any time.

Think of it here.

“In addition to the world of fire, the world’s water world, the world’s wind world and the world’s land, what is the secret of the world’s secrets?” Tang Shidao suddenly asked.

“Mr. Tang, what do you mean?”

“I want to go see.”

“Ah…” Tie Yunzhai and a group of old people were shocked, thinking that you didn’t listen to a word just now.

Outside, countless people are waiting to kill you.

It’s okay to stay here. Once you’ve left the dust, the mad dogs outside are unscrupulous. In the face of this situation, you actually want to enter the secret world of the world?

“The wilderness.” Luo Wei suddenly opened, as if to understand the purpose of Tang Shidao.

“The last days of the world?”

“Yes. Although it hasn’t come back for a long time, is there no mistake in this information?” Luo Wei looked at the old people and the latter all nodded. At this time, Luo Wei said: “The four worlds in the world are unified areas. Each has a race to rule, so the overall strength terrifying is unpredictable. In the wilderness of the world, the first outside world in the record is also the most chaotic outside world.”

“The earliest?”

“There is no record earlier than it is, so it counts as the earliest. The wilderness has the largest number of secret springs, and it has the largest secret spring, the oldest secret spring, and some secret springs that no one can explore. There are many Mage strong people in the world to enter, venture or trade. Some people have set up kings, but they are quickly annihilated. Simply put, the wilderness is a robber world.” Luo Wei seems to support Tang Shidao adventure, deliberately elaborate .

“You are so clear?” Tang Shidao was surprised.

“Our ancestral veins have a ‘ghost’ word because of the world’s wilderness. I don’t know the specific reasons. Only the clan pillars know. But there are rumors that we have escaped from the past world’s wilderness. That is one. It’s a big problem, we can’t be spared for some reason. Mr. Tang, if you wonder why we all have a ghost word, the wilderness of the world may find the answer.” Luo Wei does not mention the word.

“Yeah.” Tang Shidao knows who he means: Hey.

The same person with ghost characters.

However, it is not necessarily a member of the Roche clan. Because you only have one word, the name is the last name, and the last name is the name.

What is the relationship between the two sides, only one person left in the Roche clan ‘maybe’ know.

“I went to see the world in the wilderness.” Tang Shidao thought for a while and decided to visit the oldest outside world.

“You have to pay attention to one thing.” Luo Wei reminded.


“Can kill, never merciless.” Tie Yunzhai and Luo Wei at the same time, the members of the old people are also the same words. A little bit, Luo Wei added: “There may be many people in the secret world of the world. But any sympathy is a weakness. The poverty of the secret world is a natural influence, and it is also intentionally made by the Mage strong. You must Remember, there are only robbers in the wilderness of the world. Some people may have a bit of benevolence, but they are still robbers.”

Tang Shidao nodded and understood it.

Why are there some smart people in the past, they still do not want to go to the secret world of the world.

after all.

The truth is not that every secret world is pursuing an ideal. Rich and evil, poor and evil, human nature and good and evil have nothing to do with the rich and the poor, the nature is that kind of human life and what environment has changed. The people who work hard, the kind people, are in the same position.

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