Mage Network

Chapter 1163

Tang Shidao thinks that the biggest difference between the elders of the past and the Void’s heterogeneity is that the former pursues power and the latter pursues.

In the eyes of the elders of the past, Force represents everything.

Force is right, and Force is wrong, so they don’t hesitate to share their body with evil spirits. Because they think so as ancestral spirits, the clan clansman thinks the same way. In the dust, no one pays attention to technology and scholarship. Not saying no, but saying that they don’t pay attention.

Void’s alien characters don’t care about Force.

As early as when they reached the Supreme Realm, they lost interest in the word ‘accumulate’.

Even said.

Even if they are not ordinary geniuses, they are interested in the ‘breakthrough’ 9th limit, rather than desperately trying to get more activation magic. The people of the world have the best environment, the most resources, but they are the most embarrassed and least willing to share. Void environment and resources are not many, need to compete, but only some people compete for, most of them are trying to open up new areas.

To deal with Void’s race, you need to outweigh them in many ways. Force, technology, resources, all aspects must win to win.

To deal with the clan of the past, you will win if you have a bigger fist.

Tang Shidao On the way to the ‘Retreat’ of the Secret Bridge of the World, there were many major events in the dust.

The first thing.

Because of Xun Changqing’s defeat, the ancestral strongs were slap in the face. After that, no one challenged, and indirectly caused Yang Moi to dominate the battle field. At this time, in addition to the reputation of Yang Mo, another partner, not the Zongmeng, also received great benefits. We must know that the Emperor’s Void Yuan beast ‘Golden Dragonfly’ is still in the cultivation of Zongbang League.

As long as the Emperor still recognizes this person’s sentiment, there will be some advantages in not being a war.

At this moment.

Numerous small clan requests to join, hoping to embrace the ‘small thick legs’ of Zong Meng. The Emperor has already advanced to the ancestors of the Spirit Realm world, and it is already a great risk to suppress the sniper. It is very likely that all major clan will turn a blind eye. Therefore, if the emperor stays in the war, then a new big clan may be established.

There are elders who have pillars.

With pillars, there is a future.

When the members of the Zongmeng League did not look at this situation, I was very happy. All of a sudden… I cleaned up some activists inside the Zongmeng.


Instead of desperately increasing, they ran away some of the indiscriminate.

What is the reason?

Very simple, everyone knows that it is possible to rise without the Zongzi League. Are the old people stupid? No, everyone is smart. In order to be more likely to hold the Emperor’s golden thighs, it is of course clean and internal, and maintain a higher degree of purity. Otherwise, it’s a mess, even if it’s bigger, it’s also disgusting. On the other hand, the pillars of the elders are gone.

Of course, it is not a madman to fight against Zongmeng. It is impossible to refuse everyone to join.

Now it’s just that the selection is more rigorous, and there is no demand for refinement.

Such a reaction.

Other elite-level clan saw it, but the heart felt very reliable. The wind has started, there is no wave, no drift, it is the material of the major event. Added, waited.

The second thing.

No war Zongmeng sent an intelligence officer to travel to Tieyunzhai.

One after another.

Tang Shidao has another news of the battle shadow, and the dust is once again stunned. There is no one in the fighting arena, no one dares to fight, do you have one? The same paragraph? The same ability? We haven’t killed one, you have one, and this is still tidy?

In fact.

No one doubts that this battle shadow is very scum, definitely the same or similar.

The Emperor has already meditated on retreat and dared to hand over the security to the shadow guard. The confidence in it can be imagined. To know that the place is the secret bridge of the world, a place that is unreasonable, the ancestral elders do not necessarily dare to say safe places. Can be entrusted in this way, proving that the Emperor fully believes that War Shadow is enough to protect himself.

at this time.

In the minds of the major patriarchs: the Emperor should be pitted by Xun Changqing.

However, no pits are too bad.

The emperor’s meditation retreat is a period of struggle, and it is possible to ‘kill’ Xun Changqing once again. Therefore, evil spirits may not be able to swear. In time, the Emperor succeeded in getting rid of or eliminating hidden dangers, and the strength may be even higher. Even if the internal combat, the air consumption is detrimental, can also grab Xun Changqing’s several Force. At this height, no elders want to fight.

It is the legion that dominates the court, and the legion is most afraid of hard-wearing.

and so.

Xun Changqing Pitren’s backhand probably didn’t succeed. Fortunately, he at least got some time for everyone, dragging the emperor to meditate for a while. This time is too short for 180 years, certainly not enough. The elders estimate that the Emperor wants to remove the legacy and rebuild it. It has not been possible for thousands of years. If it doesn’t go well, it will not be too small.

The final result, yes, the emperor was dragged.

The third thing.

The hunting spirit group in the secret world of the past began to take action. If you don’t want money, you will start to inquire about the news. Because the Emperor defeated and killed Xun Changqing, the neutrals were unhappy, and the secrets of the past were also worried about the rise of the little people. Therefore, both sides secretly made small moves. In addition, in addition to the human race, other heroes, beasts, magic machines, spirits and other ethnic groups are also concerned about, and they do not like things too big.

The emperor is the next generation, and this identity is the diaphragm.

Even if you become an ancestral elder, it is still very difficult to truly integrate into the world. It takes countless hours for everyone to forget your original identity.

Therefore, the Emperor also provoked more ‘hate’.

These messages.

Every short period of time, such as one month or two months, will not be sent to Zongmeng. It was conveyed to Tieyunzhai and also conveyed to the shadows. Tang Shidao can’t know if they are not sure, but they must be reminded.

After such cultivation and communication, it took fifteen years for Tang Shidao to officially “wake up”.

In this period of time.

Tang Shidao succeeded in creating the Almighty Universe, an activated Planar Space. However, it is similar to the pattern of a world leader. This omnipotent universe is still ‘young’, just a seed. It is not like the mature fruit inside the creation cloud, it forms a decisive foundation just like the cosmic heart. Before the growth, its Force is still limited.


Force is limited to Force, this is just the Mana level that Tang Shidao doesn’t care about.

In effect, in effect, it is complete.

Tang Shidao did not spend too much effort to cultivate it, because the second soul universe soon grew up. Next, annihilate the universe, the space universe, the shadow universe, the Honglian universe, the phantom universe, the eternal universe, the source iron universe, the source crystal universe, the ancient universe… even the ordinary curse is planted, such as the crow universe, the gravity universe. And the gods of the universe and so on.

In particular, Tang Shidao also opened the universe of the Holy Beast and the universe of beings.

The most important.

Impossible to ignore, the original eclipse, the original eclipse and colorless, the three Forbidden Curse is the most carefully perfected card. The colorless universe, it is also the most time-consuming and most difficult to succeed. If there is no chaotic seed in the past seven days, Tang Shidao suspects that he cannot succeed at all.


These ‘seeds’ are planted, just wait for them to grow slowly.

Now it feels like a seedling of a world tree in a seedless planet, it can’t occupy the planet, nor grow up. However, it is in a non-competitive environment, free to grow, and ultimately will become the largest world tree.

Tang Shidao didn’t want to pour them.

This can be faster.

However, what Tang Shidao needs is ‘dao’ rather than ‘force’. More pure research experiments may find more and better things.

Promoting growth and promotion may not be in line with nature.

of course.

After more than a decade, Tang Shidao has not made any progress. After all, Xun Changqing left a lot of Forces, purifying, consuming, absorbing, strengthening and strengthening, and then expanding the new. In terms of Mana rank and storage volume, the previous Xun Changqing three are not as good as they are now. The progress is so fast, one is that Xun Changqing itself is doubled, the other is the blessing of purification, and the third is… the secret bridge of the world.

The secret bridge of the past is not to provide Force, but to provide implementation.

For example, if you are afraid of a giant dragon, it will come right away.

Who do you want to find, it immediately arranges the road.

Tang Shidao is thinking about cultivation, cultivation, and the nature of the results for half the effort. Why is the secret bridge in the world so dangerous that everyone is still willing to come, this is the reason. If you go to danger, don’t say that it is possible to realize your wishes and dreams here.

The cultivation of the activation space.

It can be said that Tang Shidao has once again reorganized himself.

I used to have the creation of the gods and reorganized the magic. In the current generation of Spirit Realm, the magic of ‘activation’ has been reorganized. This kind of rearrangement does not improve the force, but it can make people better understand themselves. Now, the small Void contains all the activation space and the activation magic, plus the Yuanzu spear and the book of the law, the three become the surface of the three forces.

Three Forbidden Curse, the seven legacy of the last life, the weaving of life, they form three hidden forces.


These six items represent all of their own.

The most feared creation of the gods, it has become the cornerstone of the ‘all-round universe’. Of course, the bloodline and physique will not disappear, but the effect adds a new effect. As far as Tang Shidao is concerned, the omnipotent universe is only force, and the real road is the creation of the god itself. However, I have not been able to further advance the transformation of the creation of the gods.


“Let’s go back.” After Tang Shidao woke up, the first sentence was to return to the dust.

“Ah?” Tie Yunzhai stunned, thinking that you dare to go back?

“Mr. Tang, although fifteen years have passed, the elders of the separatist clan may not have dispersed, and still wait to ambush you. Moreover, these years of things, such as new ones…” Luo Wei wants to say new enemies, but There is no real evidence yet.

“Neutral and the secret world?”

“Yes, they may be involved in dealing with you. There is no action at present, but the message is spread a lot.” Luo Hao nodded.

“It doesn’t matter, I am trying to understand the secrets of the past world. They are better. If you are worried, you can go your own way and don’t have to accompany me. There are still some things I have not found out in the dust. For example, The wild war and the Void Yuan beast ‘Golden Dragonfly’ is what happened. For example, who was the first to discover the secret bridge in the world. Also, I am also interested in those surviving relics.” Tang Shidao said with a smile.

“Hey… Mr. Tang, do you need to change your identity?” Luo Wei asked.

That means.

If you pretend to be another person, the elders may be “intentionally” pretending to be ignorant.

“No need.”


“I don’t say the cards, but my ancestral battle force, unless there are hidden characters, otherwise, this fight pool, one can play no.”

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