Mage Network

Chapter 1165

After more than ten years, no matter how bad the world is, the major Voids have undergone tremendous changes.

Regardless of the elementary practice or the study of the spirit, the various forces are not slow after learning, and everyone is eager to study and practice. However, as Tang Shidao collected information on the soul network and life network, the dust is still a ‘slow’ step. It’s not that Void Mages is stronger or harder, but the dusty world’s strongest people have studied to a certain extent, and they stop.

There are two reasons.

First, after having a certain effect, the first successful strong will begin to actively show themselves, perform themselves and promote themselves.

Because they became stars, they had to suspend their studies.

Second, after a certain degree of research, they began to be confused and did not know how to move forward.

The spiritual route provides several methods. However, after the hard-working powerhouses have studied all of them once, there is no new idea. It seems that how much is provided by themselves, they never think about whether they can make new things. In this case, the study has to stop. There is no new road, and there are no scholars who are willing to waste time studying the new road. The road to the spirit is naturally suspended.

In Force, the dusty powerhouses still dominate.

Because they are stronger.


In terms of instrumental applications, their research practices are moved toward ‘formidable power’, and the major Voids are moved towards ‘acting’. The former only pursues combat power, while the latter pursues various effects and new paths that are not discovered. Therefore, in the eyes of the dusty world, they are ‘better’ in this respect, ahead of the next generation.

Whether it is short-sighted or not, the result is like this.

Tang Shidao also asked Tie Yunzhai and Luo Wei before going to the world’s wilderness, the path of the spirit, how can the elders of the world go.

Tie Yunzhai is very frank: they will not study. However, there will be new research results outside the world or in the next generation, they will grab.

That’s right.

They want to maintain the advantage of force and use force to plunder everything.

Tang Shidao did not ask again.

Stay for a while and build a large number of Soulstones for sale to get more clan to get this material. Then, the shadow of the side of the summon Yang Mo, officially went to the wilderness of the world. This time no one is accompanying, the realm of the ancestral spirit, no war Zongmeng can not find one. Moreover, Tang Shidao does not want anyone to accompany him.

Everyone is scattered.

Luo Wei did not return to the Roche clan, he knew that Luo Xiangyun would not allow him. However, there are people who are righteous and righteous. Even if he has not returned for many years, he still has friends sheltering and seclusion.

Tie Yunzhai and Yang Mo stayed in the Zongxie League.

They are all small characters, and the best way to go is to stay and continue to guide the growth of Void Yuanye Beast ‘Golden Dragonfly’.

Because Tang Shidao has not been ‘positive’ by the ‘right way’, they are not currently moving, lest they give Tang Shidao an excuse. I heard that Tang Shidao is preparing to enter the wilderness of the world, and countless hunting spirits have also dispatched to prepare for a big drama. It can be said that Tang Shidao has not acted yet, they have already started ahead of schedule.

During this period, the major Voids also have arguments.

“The Emperor has been promoted to the ancestral spirit.”

“Well, he is already one step ahead of us all. But will it be too risky to enter the world’s wilderness? Mr. Yuan Zugui, do you know about the world’s wilderness?”

“No, I only know that it is the oldest outside world.”

“I have a bit of information, which was provided by Mr. Taichu. He said: The wilderness of the world is a place where robbers are plagued by disasters. It is also a place where only the weak and the robbers are left. There, the cruelty and brutality are the truth, no Any kindness is eloquent. I don’t know why the Emperor’s classmates are going, but he must have something very important.” The elders gave a brief explanation.

“Why is the hunting spirit group staring at the emperor? Is it dangerous to deal with the emperor? And it is not necessarily good to win.” Dagan Luo did not understand.

“No, the benefits are great.”


“Because of the soul stone.” As soon as the elders are affirmed, they say: “The soul stone of the past is being fired at a very high price, and it is still in short supply. Someone once cultivated a giant soul stone, and then shredded it into small pieces for sale. It’s still almost the same, but the effect is very far. Most importantly, the Soulstone Fragment that grows up can be used, but it can’t grow up.”

“In addition to being made by the emperor, if others cultivate and then crush, they cannot grow up?”

“Yes. Not only is the effect worse, but it can’t grow. More importantly, the broken soul stone may also be integrated into the soul. No one knows whether there are any unknown things left. So, the highest price is still the prototype. If the hunting spirit group If they can win the Emperor class, they will have a production machine.” Once the elders finished, everyone understood.

No wonder, such dangerous hunting operations are still rushing to participate.

Money is moving.

The hunting spirits of the secret world are also the people of the world, and the greed character is more or less left. What’s more, the secrets of the past world were originally the robbers, and greed was one of the essences of the robbers. They care more about the benefits than the dangers.

The same issue, the Shang clan is also discussing and analyzing.

at this time.

The Hunting Group is asking for huge sums.

The right way organization also asks for huge sums.

The elders are very angry, but they are helpless. At this moment, they also know the intentions of the hunting spirit group and the right path organization, and promised to attack Tang Shidao only for the living machine of the “soul stone producer”, their task is only secondary. However, the patriarchs did not want to take their own shots and had to pay huge rewards.

Because of the threat of the Emperor, the resources and instruments that are required are still within the acceptable range.

“Oh, these guys are best to die with the emperor.”

“The right way to organize people with us, why do you still have such a large amount?”

“They usually want to hang more points, and now they don’t want to take advantage of the opportunity to blame.”

“Well, bear it, you can kill the emperor.”

“Into the place of the wilderness of the world, plus the sniper of the hunting spirit group, the emperor can not come out again. In addition to the hunting spirit group and the right way organization, I also joined some friends in the wilderness of the world to ask for reinforcements. If you don’t die, you have to die.” Yuan Zhen finally spoke, sounding like he did some means in advance. Because his ancient instruments fell on the hands of Tang Shidao, he had to do more, otherwise he would have no chance to get it back.

at this time.

On the other side, the world is in the wild.

Tang Shidao’s first feeling of footing: This is within the scope of the Great Depletion… No, it is more terrifying than the depletion effect.

Feel at this time.

I can’t even use the Great Perfection.

Standing on the ground in the Void Yuantian, Tang Shidao feels that there is a huge pool of energy in the far north, and it is constantly picking up all the energy around. The most shocking, because of its existence, its capture, its distortion, and the surrounding induction are all confusing. Originally, with his own feelings, you can gain insight into thousands of Planes with a little thought. The maximum inductance, even a part of the Void can be blurred.


It is completely different here. After sensing the different secret springs of the east, south, west, north, upper and lower, the sensor can no longer detect further.

In other words.

The maximum induction is only the distance of a secret spring, and it is impossible to forcibly pass through the environment and things after the secret spring senses the secret spring.

The secret spring is like a versatile black hole.

Energy, induction, message, everything is captured and distorted by it. At the same time, it is like a wall. Before you climb it, you can’t know what’s behind the wall. No matter how hard you try, the maximum limit of perception is the first secret spring of the surrounding position. After farther, you can only fly or pass them to be aware.

Unlike the dusty workers in the wilderness, not all soils here are Void.


Stars are just ordinary materials, because they have the core of the Void domain, they can form a complete structure. However, this does not mean security. Because of the existence of the secret spring, nothing is safe here.

At this time, Tang Shidao did not think much.

Slightly sensed.

The closest place around, a giant city built by red flame crystal.

“Come on, stop here, here… ah…”

When the evil guys blocked the road, Tang Shidao shouldn’t just slap a palm. At this time, the rest of the accomplices did not dare to go forward, but instead they were horrified, and some clever travellers took the opportunity to break into the road and save a toll.

Tang Shidao paused, not because someone blocked the way, but because of another vision.

at this time.

The evil man who had just been shot hit the wall rock and the blood splashed. He subconsciously protected himself with a Cure Technique, but the problem was big… his Cure Technique was very ineffective, and the magic energy was taken away in an instant, flowing to an unknown pillar in the center of the city.

Tang Shidao is right beside it, and it is clear that when the evil man casts a spell, the magic is disturbed and unsuccessful.

After the cast, the energy is taken away and the effect cannot be generated.


The wounds of the evil man are bloody, because the magic effect is not enough, but it is doubled.

“No, wait… no, I am wrong… help me, save me… I don’t want to…” The “wound” of the evil man can’t heal, and the blood is constantly flowing. At the same time, because of his spell-casting relationship, his Mana inventory also opened a gap, and it kept drifting.

At this time, the surrounding partners are only away from him.

No one dares to approach.

In less than a few seconds, the evil man has lost all his energy like dried seaweed.

However, this is not the end.

When Mana’s energy was hollowed out, his blood was also full. It can be said that his ‘energy’ and ‘life’ are losing, but the energy loss is faster. When the energy is emptied, his life is also accelerated and lost. In less than twenty seconds, he has only one human skin and skeleton. Now in this wreck, Tang Shidao can’t find something ‘useful’ with great life.

This skeleton has no life after a drop of life.

Basically, it can be said that such a wreckage, thrown in the wild and even the dog does not eat, even the bacteria are too lazy to waste time.

at this time.

Naturally, the wicked gang of the accomplice rushed over and quickly snatched the sword and the smashing tool. As soon as they left, the people who were watching were rushing up, taking clothes, and even not even using the cloth inside. It was clear, and later people did not grab it, and they kicked it to the side with anger. After that, no one took a look.

Tang Shidao looks back.

At this time, the evil men who blocked the road in front of the city were bent halfway, and they looked like a sly look.

They still dare not rely too close, for fear that Tang Shidao is not happy to take another shot.


The leading captain also handed a hand to pass the toll… Yes, I dare not accept it, but instead sent it out. I don’t know how many whip they smoked on the civilians before they received so much. In short, they didn’t dare to stay, they all offered it.

Tang Shidao ignored it.


This group of people is the highest in the holy world… No, it should be said that the maximum is less than a million Mana.

More than 99% of the roads are mortal people without magic.

A very small number of people with magical powers, they are dressed in a beautiful and unconventional dress, sitting in a very beautiful Warcraft car, with a look of a face… a crying face. Tang Shidao entered the city and looked at the giant high platform in the center of the city. I knew why they all had this expression.

Because these people are sacrifices!

The giant pillar in the center of the city, it is the stone pillar of the secret spring.

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