Mage Network

Chapter 1162

“Mr. Yunzhai, Mr. Luo Wei, how long has it been? What happened here?” Tang Shidao recovered from meditation and found that the two of them were guarding the left and right, as if after a battle. Obviously, it is not serious and does not affect oneself at all.

“After five months, Mr. Tang.” Tie Yunzhai relaxed slightly, should be said.

“Before there were a group of unknown people coming to test. But they found that you have unknown enchantments around you, and dare not disturb you in the past. So, I used to fight with them. They are probably not the ancestral level, but they are very strong. Just don’t want to fight. It feels like they are more like intelligence agents,” Luo said.

“The intelligence officer of the secret world?” Tang Shidao heard something in his words.

“In any case, it is not like the intelligence officer of the last generation clan.” Luo Wei did not answer this question positively, but the meaning was obvious.

He hasn’t gone back for a long time, and he is no longer familiar with the past.

In his opinion, it is not like the intelligence officer who passed away.

“What are you planning for Mr. Tang?” Tie Yunzhai was still very worried, but thought that Tang Shidao had entered the ancestral Spirit Realm world, this identity has a greater protection. Although Tie Yunzhai is not an ancestral spirit, he also knows that there is very little war between the ancestral spirit and the ancestral spirit because of the relationship between the lord and the ancestral court.

The Legion against the Legion, there are also losses in the victory, and must suffer losses.

If you can not play, the relationship between Zu Ling and Zu Ling will definitely not be dealt with. Or a small test, who is smarter, who negotiates a little more.

“I have to carry out a cultivation for a while, right here.”

“Then we…”

“No, I have it guarded.” Tang Shidao signaled that another battle appeared, exactly the same as the battle of killing Xun Changqing in the fighting pool. In fact, this is just to make Tie Yunzhai and Luo Yu feel at ease. Even if there is no one to guard the meditation, the outsider can’t help himself. The effect of large space surgery, no one can touch themselves through the twisted space around them.

Unless the other party is likely to win the class of the four.

Even if you can attack yourself, it is not easy to kill yourself. The effect of the creation of the gods is not so easy to die.

“Well, okay.” Tie Yunzhai also knows the record of War Shadow.

He is just weird.

This kind of thing actually has two?

“The time for meditation may be longer. If you have something to do, you can leave first. If you want to come over again, you should try to get close to this battle shadow. It is easy to find me. If there are enemies coming to me, like ancestors. The spirit level is strong. You just hide, this battle will deal with it. As far as Xun Changqing is concerned, a group can’t win it.” Tang Shidao explains in detail.

“It doesn’t matter, we can also meditate cultivation.” Luo Yan shook his head and said that there is no place to go.

“I am the same.” Tie Yunzhai accompanied, originally did not acquiescence to the Zongmeng.

Tang Shidao doesn’t have much to say.


Then wave the next enchantment, and the battle shadow is guarded outside the circle.

Entering the state of meditation, Tang Shidao immediately began to try to activate the universe. Muzugong said it was difficult, but it did not know that Tang Shidao was different from everyone else. Tang Shidao not only has great life, big death, and the great soul that has been derived. At the same time, it is the Yuanzu Yuanling of the void bloodline, and the Yuanzu Yuanling of the virtual bloodline.

Life and death, life and death, Tang Shidao knows, and personally experienced.

more important.

Tang Shidao still maintains these two states at the same time.

To activate the space itself, Tang Shidao also has the similar basic ability of large space technology. In addition, Tang Shidao also has something that no outsider has, such as one of the seven legacy of the past, chaotic seeds.

Of course, the vital ability… life weaves.

Life Weaving has eight basic skills.

Nirvana is born again.

The creature is chimeric.

Wisdom revelation.

Soul painting.

Energy shaping.

Life evolution.

Elemental evolution.

Time and space evolution.

The role of the former does not say, the latter three, is actually the most suitable means to activate the life universe itself.

Tang Shidao can even guess that snake Mage has long guessed or directly reached this step. So, it and the things left by 72 people will be so suitable for real cultivation. Xun Changqing The group, they are cheating others to lie too much, they believe. Snake Mage and others are just the opposite. They don’t believe anyone, but they try to make their own works, which is the most suitable for the real route.

Olympus said before, the actual is also to remind myself: the real strong is not lacking Force, only lack of ideas.

in fact.

She has two meanings.

First, she has her own magic, open, and the level can be added.

Second, Force can accumulate and can also be obtained, such as Xun Changqing, a person who cooperates with evil spirits. However, this approach is not advisable.

Force is not missing, what is missing is just an idea.

This ‘idea’ can be either knowledge or savvy. In short, something different, others can’t think of anything. Of course, it cannot be a blind dream, but an idea that has a way to find it.

“The first one is you… the all-powerful universe.” Tang Shidao decided to start from the easiest.

The real appearance of the creation of the cloud map.

Why choose it?

In addition to the reasons, there is one more: I have encountered some characters and animals in the creation of the cloud, and I have spoken to them.

In other words.

Perhaps the all-powerful universe has existed for a long time. There are no shortage of strange people in the big voids, not only scarecrow and Oring, but a group of creators of the Mage Network, the Great Nine and the original Taichu, or the people who can win the teacher’s four crossings. Therefore, those people and things inside the creation cloud map may not be fake. It is very likely that they just can’t identify, they are really real in a certain sense.

The ‘death’ of the world of nothingness is life, so the falsehood seen may be the reality of another meaning.


The creation of the world’s “fault tolerance rate” is the largest.

Because there is too much, the experiment is wrong in the middle of the experiment, and the lack of a little bit does not affect the result. Even if it is not successful in the end, it does not matter, the tolerance of the creation of the gods is too high, and will not easily cause problems.

The experiment begins.

Tang Shidao seems to have returned to the creation of the cloud map, or once again into the place of the secret bridge of the world.

A new Planar Space is another sea of ​​clouds.

Refers to the god.

Tang Shidao has already fought, and the creation of the gods has also replicated this ability. However, it is closer to magic than to the object, and has nothing to do with space.

What is space?

Its existence, where does its change start?

The reason for Tang Shidao is… rules.

I don’t know why, when thinking about the activation space, Tang Shidao first thought of the original jurisdiction, that is, the outside world! However, the outside world is not like the space of activation. Instead, it seems to be: a space that was activated but died for some reason.

A little easier to understand.

The activation space should be like the ancestral power of Muzugong and Muzupo: self-customization rules.

There are rules outside the world that are different from the void.

However, it cannot be reordered.

In other words, it was once customizable, but it later lost this ability. If you take a person to imagine, it is easy to understand: Oring. She has her own magic and can self-modify the level of promotion. However, now she can’t do it. why? Because she is dead. The role of self-generated magic has not changed, but lost the owner who uses it.

The role of the outside world has not changed, but it has also lost its owner.

and so.

The true ancestral Force is the exclusive space that dominates the entire world and can customize itself. It is possible that this kind of order can only be related to the direction of activation. For example, the soul universe can only customize the rules related to the soul. It is impossible to modify the water and the wind infinitely. If that’s the case, just a real ancestral spirit is invincible.

Even the omnipotent universe of the creation of the cloud, it is also known to all.

Unknown, not in this column.

on the other hand.

Tang Shidao feels that this ability is as low as the inanimate universe of the landlord, and it takes a long time to cultivate and grow. Scarecrow never stops cultivation and may be related to this. In the eyes of ordinary people, the master of a boundary is the dominator of the Plane universe.

In fact.

This idea is wrong.

The master of a world, who is not qualified to be the dominator of the Plane universe, can only be called the ‘king’. Strictly speaking, what is hosted by a world is called the Cosmic Heart, a ‘rule customizer’ and ‘energy source’ of the Plane universe. As the rules become more and more detailed, as the energy becomes more and more, as the Plane universe becomes larger and larger, the power of the landlord will gradually become stronger.

Changed to Mortal World, the world leader is like ‘the tiger is the owner of the forest’.

The strongest is you.

Rule is you.

But not everything is controlled and controlled by you.

A ten-boundary master enters the Plane universe of the main boundary, and it is too simple to slap the palm of the ‘Plane master’ with a backhand. Therefore, it is only the ruler, not the dominator. Muzugong is not as good as scarecrow, but he is more confident in the secret bridge of the past. Although I did not say that I can win, this environment must benefit him. Therefore, the activation of the universe is certainly not the same.


It seems that the ten world guests are flying to the realm of the masters, and the activation of the universe will not exist.


Tang Shidao feels like a small void, no matter how powerful Xun Changqing is, how many evil spirits there are, and one’s own thoughts, the energy and rules of the small void naturally limit them, and there is no chance of resistance. In principle, the same is true of the void, and some places that are forbidden are not immune to Oring. why? Because the void is stronger than Olympus, its rule, Oring, cannot resist.

Oring wants to go beyond the void and finally die to death. It can be seen that this rule cannot be challenged.

The private Plane of the landlord is just a safe place to hide.

Revitalizing the universe is definitely the place that we control. It is like the ability of the void to control its own special area. Entering the activation universe of others can not guarantee anything except yourself. The image says, don’t say that energy doesn’t supply you, even breathe a breath, hear a voice, and see a beam of light that may be your enemy.

Time Elapses.

Tang Shidao just kept thinking crazy… Yes, no practice!

Or, you don’t need to practice.

To this extent, progress only needs to ‘find everything that is unclear, organize everything that is messy, and turn all unknown combinations into known architectures’. The elders of the past have lived for so long and still don’t understand the activation space, not because they don’t accumulate enough, but because they don’t have enough brains.

After you have Fa Ling, you know how to think, and Mana naturally understands improvement.

It is like the ocean.

When it is so large that it does not need to find a source of water, the water source will automatically find it.

Cultivation ? accumulation?

For Tang Shidao, those are already behind.

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