Mage Network

Chapter 1158

Because there is no change, the atmosphere of the whole stadium is very different.

The emperor seems to be waiting for peace, and he does not resist at all. Although this effect is useless, everyone feels that it is normal for the emperor to go crazy and to scream for mercy. This kind of plain and watery attitude is really abnormal and uncomfortable.

We all think that you should be scared. Why are you still not alarmed?

This is not reasonable.

At this time, not only the audience is strange, but also the Changqing is very strange.

In the face of too calm enemies, everyone feels uncomfortable, and horror and panic are what the winner likes to see. The current effect, the dominating court is perfect, no matter whether it is a war or a shadow, both sides are slowly weakening in this natural suppression. In fact, the natural world is not suppressing people, but moving in a multi-directional and low-flowing manner. This is a natural sharing and integration.

荀 Changqing accelerated the effect, and the exchange and decay between man and nature became a kind of suppression.

“What will he do?”

The elders outside the stadium are waiting for the results, but they don’t want to win Changqing. Such a huge glory, so easy to get to the hand, everyone who does not shoot is too bad. At the very least, you have to sacrifice a little more, or lose some of the gods, and everyone will be more balanced.

Although the Emperor has no way to do it now, it’s good to look back and bite.

On the field.

There was no movement in Changqing, and there was no movement in the battle. The two sides were deadlocked. As time passed, it was obvious that even the audience outside the audience could feel… the shadow was weak. Moreover, Yan Changqing also has the same result, but he is more bulky and therefore not obvious.

At this time everyone knows that the Emperor will not fight back, only the dead end.

under these circumstances.

The more hesitating, the smaller the hope.

After a while, the two sides further weakened, and even the evergreens were obviously attenuated. Of course, this is not too much, it is probably only one in ten thousand of him. It is certain that this attenuation can be distinguished by the general Mage.

Seeing that the battle shadow still does not move, people slowly feel a sense of uneasiness.

This is not normal.

The emperor is not a fool, it is impossible to die in vain. Even if there is no hope at all, it is necessary to slay an enemy bite. You know, the battle shadow is not the Emperor’s deity, but also a tool of his instrument. Even if you really want to lose to Changqing, the emperor can’t be killed, and the dying counterattack is the right choice.


Now he really does not move, it is like waiting for death.

There is no movement in the stadium.

After a while, the state of both sides has dropped significantly. Although far from being a big loss, Chang Changqing himself has a 10% decline. For him at this level, 10% is a super huge number. At this moment, Chang Qingqing must doubt whether the Emperor deliberately hangs himself, using a device to consume part of Force.

At this moment, the battle shadow still did not move.

as if.

It just wants to die, not dead.

The audience and the elders were amazed and did not believe that there were such a good enemy in the world, and they would automatically die if they were unfavorable. Don’t talk about people, magic workers will not be like this. For the enemy of life and death, it is the truth that you can’t beat it.

“It’s weird.”

“Well, the emperor is not a fool.”

“But what is wrong?”


The elders have been talking about it, but they can’t think of the answer.

This situation is too strange.

“Unless the decay is good for him, the fool will silently endure this weakening.”

“It is also possible that the Emperor is deliberately arrogant.”

“Hey Changqing has no hatred with him?”

“He is a neutralist. He does not do anything about the next life. He certainly has no hatred. However, Chang Qingqing is going to kill him. Maybe the Emperor wants to pull up Changqing together with bad luck.”


“Yes, this is a crazy bite.”

The elders have no answer, but they can make an answer.

Everyone can’t refute.

After all, the situation at the moment is not normal at all, and it cannot be guessed in the normal way. There is no more reasonable reason than pulling a bad luck. Not to mention the elders, the audience are the same. Even Yan Changqing himself has the same idea. This kind of coincidence is too strange to die, except for the pit itself, there is no second possibility.

Time is slowly passing.

It’s not easy.

Finally, the battle shadow has been very weak, and Chang Qingqing himself has passed 30% of his strength. At this time, Yan Changqing made an amazing move: he took the initiative to stop the effect of natural suppression. Originally, bullying by level can empty the shadows, as long as you grow up and then ‘sacrifice’ a little more.


At the last minute, he stopped.

“Why don’t you continue?” The battle shadow is still the sound of Yang Mo, gently swaying, and there is no feeling of weakness.

“With your current level, I can seal you easily.”

“I am not asking you, I just ask why you don’t continue to suppress naturally? You want to seal me, and you can do it while keeping this effect.”

“It is no longer necessary.” Yan Qingqing is full of confidence.

“I lost your life with one life, is it a loss?” The battle movie topic turned.

“You have already lost.” Yan Changqing was slightly stunned and knew what the other party meant. To continue natural suppression, there is only one result: the two sides attenuate Force together. That also means that if you want to kill the enemy, you must sacrifice a part of Force.

Stop, in fact, is… no longer want to lose.

To put it another way.

This ‘stop loss’ is a kind of concession.

“I thought that these neutrals are still the same thing. It turns out that the same is true. If you really want to protect the dust, you can’t feel this Force. The elites of the clan challenge me, from death to resurrection. Losing all the skills and skills is obeying. You, even their soldiers are not as good.”

“We are the pillars, they have the responsibility of charging.” Chang Qingqing once again called the court of the spirit, and encircled the enemy.

“Well, this is the idea of ​​the superior. Well, it doesn’t matter, anyway, what I want to do is already done.”

“…” 荀 Changqing frowned.

Is the other party bluffing?

Obviously there is only one weak mode, but dare to speak wildly?

“In the cultivation path of the Yuanzu Olympics, this Austrian law body is the most primitive cornerstone.” Suddenly, the battle shadow began to change an attitude, as if an instruction, but also a kind of warning: “Ao can be the same body It is a skill and a carrier of infinite magic. The longer it lasts, the greater its effect. However, cultivation has no vertices, and the magic can be reborn or returned to ancient times. Therefore, the second step is the primitive form.”

“What do you want to say?” Chang Qingqing was a little uneasy.

The battle shadow is ignored, just like talking to himself: “Of course, the primitive form is immature, it has multiple directions. For example, the elementary element. For example, the elementary deformation. They are the direction of the element, also The complete state of the original form of the element. I have the skills of ‘Olympic Body’ and ‘Original Deformation’.”

荀 Changqing did not speak, only listening.

Do not mean to do it.

Because, he can’t figure out what crazy this guy is doing.

“However, the two skills are still not the end. On the basis of the Austrian law body, someone has stepped into the 3rd-layer. After the element Force and the original Force, she realized a new level of things: self-generated magic.”

荀 荀 愕 愕 愕.

He once heard of this term, but did not care.

People in the world don’t care.

That name is very loud in the next life, but there is no shadow of her life. Therefore, the people of the world automatically enter the contempt state. In their minds, the famous characters in the world are called powerful. Those who dare not come are weak.

Self-generated magic, sounds too superficial, is not worth paying attention to.

“I didn’t understand the meaning of self-generated magic. I used to think that the self-generated magic is the complete ban of energy in the whole void. It can also be used to generate magic. In fact, yes, it does have this effect. But, I I only know that one does not know the other. In fact, it is more important, it is the second effect.” Speaking here, did not continue.

Tang Shidao didn’t want to say.

That is the secret of Oring, and the powerful people of the world do not deserve to know.

Really true.

The full definition of self-generated magic: it not only provides self-sufficiency, but also has its own upper limit. What do you mean? The meaning is… Oring has a ‘level modifier’, she can upgrade her level anytime, anywhere. Even if it is resurrected, it is only a realm of the world. She can also use the self-generated magic +1 to ascend to the second realm. Then, level one level of promotion.

No need to practice.

No need to accumulate.

No curing is required.

The self-satisfied magic is the ability of the void itself, and she is not allowed to possess the gift of the Yuanzu Yuanling relatives. In nature, only the void can be self-generated, and Oring is the copy of her mother’s modifier.

No wonder.

Zen played nine games and was confident that he would die, even if Oring is a ‘dominant’.

However, in the tenth game, Olympus had conceded defeat after possessing the magical power. In fact, it is not Zen Zen that can’t be played any more, but she thinks… Oring can be a good mother, but she can’t. Therefore, Zen Nine volunteered to lose.

on the other hand.

Such awkward traitors do not dare to look down on Olympus, it must have guessed.

“I can’t do it. The effect, I feel that I don’t have enough capacity to carry it.” The sound continues, in fact, Oring may also be too high-level to explode, and he killed himself: ” However, the demand for self-generated magic is insufficient, and the original magic is fully qualified.”

“What do you mean?” The uneasiness of Chang Qing’s heart suddenly magnified.

“It’s very simple. The original meaning is… all the original things in the world. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand. I use examples to illustrate that all the original things in the world are born and destroyed, but in fact, all deaths have a fate. Or give back to the void, or reincarnate it, or register the creation of the cloud. In other words, everything has never disappeared.”

“So…” Evergreen has already thought of it.

“The ‘magic power’ that I was naturally suppressed and attenuated did not disappear, but I returned to my hand in another way. In addition, your loss has not disappeared, it has been owned by me. In this space, you think you are in charge of control. The court, in fact… it is the original pool of my ‘native magic’. Everything in this consumption belongs to me. So…”

Speaking here, the shadow body has a strange light.




荀 Changqing consumes 30%, enough for Tang Shidao to take it one step further… Step into the Spirit Realm world!

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