Mage Network

Chapter 1159

The elders who are on the dust are not stupid or jealous. They all know what kind of level can be called the ‘ancestor’.

This battle shadow is the true level of the ancestral spirit.

Although, it just just stepped into this level.

Listening to the emperor’s words, and then calculating the approximate intensity, the elders were shocked to find out… Yes, very close to Xun Changqing’s ‘30%’ degree, just a few more points. Without guessing, the points are the emperor’s own, and 30% of them are Xun Changqing. So, what ‘native magic’ really ate the 30% ability of Xun Changqing’s wear, with the promotion of the ancestral realm.


This is not the point.

At this moment, anyone feels that the Emperor does not care about the ancestral level.

He is learning.

Fighting, winning, and reputation are meaningless to him. He only wants to learn from the battle. I heard him say before: no matter who the opponent is, all pass. It is not arrogant, he is just screening the right candidates. He is more disappointed than dust, not hatred.

“You retire.” The battle shadow is still the voice of Yang Mo, but everyone knows that this is the emperor talking.

“Only for the Force level, you are only half the size of me. Do you think you won?”


“You are too small to look at the old man…”

“If I shoot, you can’t hold it.” The battle shadow was interrupted and said: “Retreat, or, finally, work hard. If you want to do it again, please note that you only have one chance.”

“You…” Xun Changqing angered, but could not attack.

War or retreat, only two choices.


The chance of winning is small.


The face is lost.

“As a living person, I must try my best to stop you, even if I take a life.” Xun Changqing glared at the shadows, for a while, he suddenly turned his voice, as if he had thought about something. At this moment, he seems to be a warrior, stepping forward, concentrate on all of his Force, and prepare for the last move.

At this moment.

His mastery of the court reopened, and countless gods and spirits emerged.

At this time, the gods of the court did not have their own camp, they gradually concentrated on Xun Changqing. One after another, soon, a Force burst, as if the ‘monster’ that could not withstand the space appeared. The audience can even feel that the stadium in the void is shaking, and there is a feeling that it can’t be controlled at any time.

Of course, the void has not been completely destroyed.


Being able to produce such an impression, it can be seen that Xun Changqing is powerful at this moment.

Xun Changqing’s old man’s model changed when countless gods’ spirits were attached. He slowly grew spiritually, and the body became a state of magical energy. This is not a gaseous state, nor a liquid, but a special solid. At this time, in his with the body, the massive ‘floating dust’ of a small planet is interwoven into a network, and then forms a large whole in a network mode.

These ‘small planets’ are not real planets, but rather the activation of each and everyone.

Ten breaths are not.

All the gods of the court are returning to their place, and Xun Changqing has become a giant of the Ao Neng. As soon as I raised my hand, countless flashes of light. One thought, one move, that is, there are countless magics to take effect. There are no mistakes, no delays, and no interruptions. In the twinkling of an eye, Xun Changqing’s biggest Force has been in the palm of his hand.

The battle shadow did not move, only looked at it quietly.

Xun Changqing has the last resort, which is not surprising.


“Come on…” Xun Changqing’s magic sound exploded, and the giant palm fell at the same time. Under his giant palm, the battle shadow is just like a small bug.

Face this move.

There was no movement in the battle, and I was still frowning at this time. Xun Changqing was not intentional.

The giant palm is pressed.

No energy bursts, only space vibration. It seems that there is an endless amount of energy to open. However, because the energy is too large, this space cannot be carried at all, and they have been passed to another space. Because the wife is huge, the vibration of another space also transmits the induction, resulting in multiple vibration effects.

In the mind of the general Mage strong, this is already incomprehensible.

That formidable power, they can’t imagine it.

At this time everyone believes that no one can survive under this formidable power. Matter, energy, magic, rules, space, nature, everything can’t resist, this blow must destroy all existence. The Emperor can’t escape, this simple is a bullying of the level ‘bullying’ people, it is the most effective way.

Big bully.

Heavy bullying.

This is the natural truth, no one can reverse.

“What a pity…” Xun Changqing, who became the giant of Ao Neng, sighed softly, and people were about to cheer for him. Suddenly, the giant’s palm was ‘clouded’, and it slowly dissipated like a haze. People were too late to be surprised. At this time, Xun Changqing’s arm slowly clouded and spread slowly to the shoulders and body.

See this scene.

The cheers of people running into the throat stopped, leaving only panic.

Less than three interest.

The cloud of smoke dissipated by the giant’s palm slowly reappears, interweaves, reorganizes, and shapes into a human war. Still the same position, still the same expression, is still the same enemy. The shadow of the attack by Shenwei, there was no surprise on his face. It seems that the Mana rank is twice as large as its Xun Changqing, and the shadow is too big to hurt people.

“You won…” Xun Changqing’s Ao Neng giant’s body is slowly disappearing, and the cloud smoke slowly gathers on the edge of the battle shadow.

“Are you deliberate?”

“Actually, I think I can win.” Xun Changqing did not deny it, but also liked to talk to himself.

“If Force is sure to win, then the creation cloud will not exist at all, and it will have been eaten by the void or the virtual world. I just said that I have cultivated the original magic, and the normal means can’t hurt me. The creation of the gods represents everything. The sum total is known. You should understand that, plus the original magic, it means that all known Force and magic are useless.”

“I did hurt you.” Xun Changqing also revealed a message, just a blow, there is a wounded shadow.

“Throwing stones into the sea is like breaking the sea. But does this make sense? I feel that you gave Force to me deliberately. Why, are you helping the enemy?”

“Maybe, I am looking for a good home for the gods.” Xun Changqing can’t say too much.

He has slowly dissipated.

The last sentence is very meaningful, and I hear the elders’ brainbeat.

on purpose?

What does this mean?

Could it be that Xun Changqing wants the emperor to become stronger? What is the significance of the emperor becoming stronger? He is the enemy of the world, and he will only invade and occupy the dust. No, Xun Changqing is a man of the world. Although he is neutral, he is also a watcher in this area. He just said that he would kill all the people at all costs. Even if you can’t kill it, there is no reason to ‘send’ your own Force.

It must have been forcibly taken away by the Emperor.

That’s right.

It must be like this.

At this time, Tang Shidao is also strange. Xun Changqing’s last blow was to do his best, but he was too hard to fight as he was before. According to his nature, he will stay a little bit, or the last moment will be reduced. It is too unreasonable to be so brave to die.

“Are you no one challenging?” The shadows shouted.

Outside the arena.

No one is talking.

The elders, including all the clan, suddenly became dumb.

From the spirit of Fa Ling to 30% of Xun Changqing’s new ancestral spirit, and now to 100% of Xun Changqing’s ancestral spirits, the elders have changed from ‘surprise’ to ‘stunning’ and from ‘ The horror ‘becomes ‘frightened’. If there is not a large number of elders present, only one person and two people, they may not be panicked, but panic.


No, the challenge is impossible to challenge.

Xun Changqing is not defeated, and this level is not a white delivery stop. In any case, there are countless clan in the world, and there are countless elders. Even if the emperor enters this level, it is impossible to deal with everyone. Let everyone let it go, avoid it, and the days are still good.

Anyway, the stalwart of the secret world of the past is coming, and everyone is also ‘closed door not seen’.

At most, the emperor came and everyone was quietly closed.

Better than playing now, I am not sure of playing, it is very likely to send a life.

at this time.

The war sent a group of elders to look at Yuanxiao, and there is a kind of expression in your eyes that we follow. However, the surface of the very stable Lantern heartbeat is a bit faster. Seeing that everyone is looking forward to the eyes, Yuan Zhen only indifferently said: “Unfortunately, if my spiritual touch is not taken away, I must go into battle.”

“Yeah.” The elders also agreed that they could hear the Lantern Festival.


Soon, the reactionary Lantern immediately urged: “Right. Just blame Tang Shidao too cunning, deceiving the ancient instruments of the elders, otherwise, the elders must learn it today. Now even, let’s go back Discuss it and come up with a good strategy.”

“Yeah.” Lantern is so difficult to accept this opinion, I really want to end, I have no weapons.

A group of elders also agreed that they were eager to go back to the planning plan.

Yuan Zhen laughed on his face.

The heart is suffering.

At this moment, the impressions of the strong men in his heart collapsed. The only thing that exists is that there is only one hope: the teacher is four.

The first person on the fighting list.

The audience are the same, they faintly guess that no one dares to go.

deep in the heart.

There is only one shadow that can be expected.

“…” The battle shadow did not open, only looking at all the elders and old people disappeared, and the entire fighting field returned to calm. After thinking about it, I waved the stunned Yang Mo. Yang Mo is only isolated, not missing. He finished reading everything and finished watching the battle with the first person.

For the reaction of the off-site elders, Yang Mou is more than sad.

The first echelon ‘retreated’.

Who can fight?

at this time.

In the secret bridge of the world, Tang Shidao reproduces everything with Yunying, and Tie Yunzhai and Luo Wei also read it from beginning to end.

“So, Mr. Tang, are you now…the ancestral level?” asked Tie Yunzhai.

Tang Shidao has a ray of light.

A trick.

A large number of gods and spirits flashed from the surroundings, demonstrating the achievement of the ancestral level.

“Mr. Tang, please forgive me. Now you must be careful. I feel that Xun Changqing is uneasy and he can’t easily admit defeat. It is rumored that the ancestral strong may die. It is possible that Xun Changqing is still calculating. “You are.” Luo Wei is much stronger than Tieyun Zhai, and knows more things.

“There is still such a thing?” Tang Shidao thought of something in a flash.

“Yes, there have been such examples. The ancestral powerhouse who can’t be resurrected has used some kind of power to dig the winner. There are many examples of this in the past. Because of this, there is very little competition between the ancestral spirit and the ancestral spirit. I don’t know why, but you better be careful.”

“Good.” Tang Shidao smiled.

deep in the heart.

The image of two wooden people emerged. They said a very special term… If the situation is not bad, the dead Xun Changqing is playing this idea.

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