Mage Network

Chapter 1157

From beginning to end, Tang Shidao only does one thing: learning, training, ascension, progress, and exploring a higher unknown.

It seems that Tang Shidao really does not like the idea of ​​’I feel that I am the highest.’

On the power.

The sex trader scarecrow is still cultivating, and Olin is thinking about continuing the breakthrough self-death experiment. Tang Shidao believes that the past is the ‘highest’. From Mage, to the void, to the world of nothingness, Tang Shidao has always had something to learn. Entering the dust and earth, learning has become a luxury. People here only speak fists, and other farts don’t.

In the depths of the heart, the word barbarian has already given face.

to be honest.

It is more like a thief.

In addition to looting the outside world, the dust has also sent or bought the next generation to order false information and grades. For example, let the masters of the void believe that the ruler is the highest. The strange thing is that the people of the world deceived people to lie too much, even they believed. They let the next generation believe that Fa Ling dominated the highest, which is false. However, they also believe that the ancestral spirit is the highest and the ruler is the strongest.

This feeling……

When a fool fools a fool, when he laughs at someone else’s stupidity, he doesn’t realize that he is a fool.

just now.

The stadium entered a suspended state.

The gods of the spirits attacked, and the ancestors pointed to the gods. However, in the end, it is to help the Emperor’s war shadow to raise the upper limit, and send a head. Now that the outcome is not over yet, it is understandable that Changqing’s ‘frustration’ is awkward.

The ancestral spirit is strong and loses.

In the hearts of the audience, things that have been faith have broken apart. The ancestral elder who once believed to be invincible, was beaten today, and still slaps a slap in the face, a real pain and a loud slap.

“Is it a space technique to eat the gods of the gods?” Chang Changqing controlled the entire space, and the entire stadium was his master of the court.


Tang Shidao’s within the body does not fall into this category.

Dominating the court is so powerful that it is impossible to control the scope of others within the body.


Tang Shidao No need to explain, the last ‘information’ leaked, the world has already known what the Great Curse is good at.

Large space surgery, this skill can not be known to the world.

“Very good, no wonder you dare to fight openly. However, this means is not enough. The ability of the ancestral Spirit Realm world can not only be this degree.” 荀 Changqing gently waved, no need to use the instrument, just a command: “Element still.”


All the energy in the stadium solidifies and becomes a full depletion space that cannot absorb energy recovery.

This is the ban.

Its effect is exactly the same as the ‘element ban’, creating a space without magic. However, Changqing does not need a one-time ancient implement, he can do it by the power of the ancestors. It is not only a gift but also a plunder.

The audience outside the venue did not cheer.

They know that the elemental ban can’t deal with the emperor.

“Original deformation.” The shadow of the battle, the energy of the stadium once again swayed. Elements and elements are similar, but the order of rules is different. It’s like flames and frosts are magical energy, but the means of forbidding the flames can’t stop the frost.

The elemental ban does not limit the elements.

Naturally, the element still can’t change the element.

“The element is still.” Chang Qingqing seems to have been expected, and the first order, completely cut off the energy supply of the stadium.

It can be said.

Now there is no magic world in the arena, only consumption, no reply.

at this time.

The audience still did not cheer.

They all know that the Emperor has the Great Perfection of the Yuanzuo: the infinite magic. This contest is nothing more than the first emperor’s card to turn out, and then slowly find a way to deal with. As long as you turn over the cards, it is much easier to think about them.


“Ao Neng Fa.” The movie is instantly covered with a layer of something similar to the universe, which is the true state of infinite magic.

The audience saw this scene and sighed inside.

Austrian can be physique.

Yuanzu Olympics.

Honestly, getting them is not difficult. In particular, the ancestral spirits that can ‘find things into gods’, as long as they have contacted and studied the olfactory physique, the ancestral spirits can always refer to the new gods who are absolutely absent, so that they have the Austrian affinity at the beginning of their birth. constitution.

Because of its power, the ancestral spirit is very easy to make such a bloodline.


What is the duration of the Mage, which is generally auspicious and physique, after it has been built into the ‘Owen’s body’?

The answer is: 1 second.

and so.

The general Austrian law body is just a ‘1 second infinite turret’. Even if you practice hard and improve your time, the result will be limited. Those who want to get the ultimate magic of Great Perfection, without exception, all blew the end. As if, their foundation is not enough to withstand this ability. Just like a boat catching a giant whale, it is always the boat itself that is being crushed.

The people of the world have also cultivated the ancestors of the Yuanzu, but the 媲 祖 祖 blo bloodline is just a bloodline, not equal to having unlimited magic.

Not to mention the past.

There are also a lot of masters in this big void to do this, but there is no great magicion that can’t have unlimited magic.

at this time.

The emperor opened the cards, but everyone did not have a good way.

For a time, the elders were frowning.

I do not know how to deal with it.

“Natural suppression.” Changqing is not an ordinary person, but also a leader at the level of the ancestral spirit. With this move, all the elders look great. No need to attack, no skills, just bully people.

At this moment.

Tang Shidao can also feel that his energy is shrinking.

Although it is slow and slow, it is happening constantly.

“What happened?”

“Yeah, why don’t you move?”

“What does this mean?”

The audience outside the audience was puzzled, but no one answered. Because the level is different, the members of the staff do not know what happened. The elders definitely know, but they disdain to explain to ordinary people. It’s important to say that everyone is important. In fact, the ordinary people have what skills and abilities can enter the eyes of the ancestral elders.

at this time.

The main group of people outside the court, Yuan Lan and other patriarchs laughed.

“What about the Yuanxiao elders, what about the battle shadow?” Yuan Zhen is not because of his ability because of surnamed Yuan, so he can stand by. Now he knows that it is time to flatter.

“It can’t move.” Yuan Zhen likes to speak in front of everyone.

It is still.

Perform yourself in front of a group of elders of the same class.

“Why can’t you move?” Yuan Zhen is really not aware of it, but also deliberately aggravated his doubts, adding a few points to ask for advice.

“Because the arena is the space that dominates the court.” Yuan Zhen is very satisfied with this curiosity, because he can let him speak in front of everyone: “The ancestral strong can have their own life universe, that is, dominate the court. At the same time, it can be temporarily Turn the surrounding space into a dominating court.”

“Hey.” Yuan Zhen knows that this is nonsense and still looks satisfied.

“In the dominating court, the ancestral masters control everything. Prohibition of elements, prohibition of elements, and even prohibition of casting and movement. As long as the ancestral power has the same ability, he can customize the effect. The opponent must be bound unless it is strongly cracked. Infinite magic is not easy to deal with, but Changqing has better means.”

“Is it natural? Is it a powerful move?” Yuan Zhen knows that he wants to hold it.

Yuan Zhen is very satisfied.

Shaking his head and chuckling: “No, it’s wonderful. It’s not a powerful move. To deal with infinite magic, a powerful attack may be neutralized and consumed, and it consumes the other side. This natural suppression is actually a natural state. Just like life. With the process of birth, growth, aging, death, etc., the energy of nature is also scattered.”

“Junior doesn’t understand at all.” Yuan Zhen died, and the actual heart has already understood.

“hehe, of course you don’t understand, you are still far away. Let’s just say, natural suppression is the change of the natural environment, completely normal evolution. Without interference, a stone will be weathered after a long time. Similarly, energy is also The same is true. The infinite magic of the Emperor has a source of supply, but he has an upper limit. This upper limit is actually a stone.”

“Yuan Lan, the elder, isn’t it, isn’t the emperor a magical patch?”

“hehe, you are still young. This is not destruction, understand. The meaning of natural suppression, 荀 Changqing only maximizes the natural evolution of the dominant court, allowing the emperor to enter this natural debuffing order. This is not an attack, nor an Infinite magic is like suppressing a cloud and slowly turning it into a piece of ice. In essence, the Emperor is not damaged.”

“But what is the use?” Yuan Zhen deliberately, the fool knows the role.

“If you can suppress the emperor to the status of the Supreme and the Lord, it will be useless for him to have more infinite magic. Too weak, seal, exile, imprison, too much means can be dealt with. Even, directly turn this battle into a The device is possible.” Yuan Hao exhaled and finally finished the speech.

In the presence of a group of elders, there is a taste of the big brother, very cool.


Yuan Zhen also knows that his speech will be circulated and become a message to educate the public.

Invisible, it will increase its prestige.

at this time.

荀 Changqing and the battle shadow do not move. The former only needs to wait, the latter can’t move, and the more effective the suppression is. I have to say that if this is not the game, the coup of natural suppression is useless, and a flash can be far from danger. However, in a limited space, in a stadium that cannot be left, such a strong means of bullying people is very effective.

The battle shadow is suppressed.

Similarly, Yan Changqing has no circumvention of this suppression. Being in the same situation, nature feels the same.

However, Changqing is not afraid of suppressing the effect.

His rank is much higher. A score of 50 minus 50 is half of the waist and half of the injury. 1000 points minus 50, no pain or no itching. Therefore, Changqing only needs to wait. Anyway, the shadows must not leave this arena. The result is only the suppression of attenuation, and finally it is disposed of by any means.

the other side.

Tang Shidao knows that this move is very unsolvable, but it is not nothing to do.

I have to say that Yan Changqing’s idea is too much as it should be by rights. Forced suppression is a natural rule, but whoever stipulates that nature must be natural.

For a moment.

Tang Shidao thought of three ways.

First, the big portal, out of the game.

Second, the ancestors of the ancestors are passive, supernatural growth, and flatten the speed of suppression.

Third, the large depletion of self-falsification camouflage, large replacement surgery to change the object of suppression, by the great phantom surgery to bear the real effect, I am outside the game.

In the eyes of Tang Shidao, this ‘coup’ is just smart.

This kind of empiricism…

In fact, the experience of the people of the world is only the set that they blindly believe. It has not been verified whether it is unclear, but even if there is, there will be no more ‘real combat’ experience of Changqing, which is not like the tricks optimized by the temper. It’s more like the trick of ‘I think it can, it can’.

“Is there anything to do?” Chang Qingqing is already the face of the winner.

“No, I am only thinking about what I can learn in this situation.” Tang Shidao is really thinking, not using the three methods.

Hit one.

No gain?

This is of course too bad. The ancestral spirits are strong in this kind of spree, and how to make up for themselves without removing a little gift.

If you win or lose, you will say it later.


I love learning, nothing can stop my determination to learn.

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