Mage Network

Chapter 1134

“The secret bridge of the world?”

“Yes, Mr. Tang. Recently, some people have discovered the traces of the secret bridge of the world. I believe that it will be reopened within a few years. If Mr. Tang is interested, you may need to wait. Because the opening time of the secret bridge is Unsure, no one can judge.” Wei Luo rumors that Mr. Tang wants to rest, this is not a means of promotion, Mr. Tang really wants to retreat.

“I am a little curious, what is the secret bridge of the world?” Tang Shidao asked.

“Mr. Tang, I have not been to, and I have no ability to go in. Regarding the secret bridge in the world, I only know historical materials and outside rumors.”

“You said.”

“Good.” Wei Luo took a deep breath, I believe that Mr. Tang must be interested: “Recalling the secret bridge of the world, I have to say about the creation of the cloud map. Mr. Tang has the creation of the god, the creation of the cloud map will not say much. First of all, in the mouth of the world, the creation of the cloud is called ‘wall’, and the secret bridge of the world is called ‘bridge’.”

“Is there a magical image?” Tang Shidao suddenly asked.

“Hey, yes, yes.” Wei Luo quickly opened the magic video, and the display screen explained: “This is not the original image, because it is impossible to record, this is a simulated imitation image. Look, Mr. Tang, the secret bridge of the world is like this. The place.”

Tang Shidao stares at the air.

The picture in front of you.

A lonely cloud bridge leads to an unknown distance. Clouds and oceans are up and down, like a white snake passing through the clouds.

“The secret bridge of the past, the rumor is related to the creation of the cloud map, but no one confirmed. The only thing that can be affirmed is that it is a ‘Knowledge Promenade’, suitable for all Mage’s knowledge corridor. Enter the secret bridge of the world, you You may encounter a large number of dangerous creatures along the way, or you may encounter a large number of friendly elders, and you may not encounter anything. The secret bridge of the world is also known as the biggest gamble of fate.”

“Why?” Tang Shidao asked.

“Because of two reasons. First, the secret bridge of the world may enter a special destination. The ideal paradise in your heart, or the nightmare hell in your heart, or the place where you are completely unfamiliar and unrelated. This destination is Random, maybe even imprison your cell forever.”

“The bridge has its end?”

“Yes. The second reason, on the contrary, the bridge may not have an end. There is a rule in the secret bridge of the world: you can only move forward, you can’t go backwards. In rumors, as soon as you step back, you will be farther and farther away from ‘return’. There have been some examples of some super-strong Mage retreating in the secret bridge of the world, and as a result they quickly lost their Force, downgraded and downgraded, and even changed back to mortal.”

“The process can’t be interrupted?” Tang Shidao was slightly surprised, and he was sure that Genesis Cloud had no such effect.


The ‘destroyed gods’ created by the Scarecrow are similar.

“It may not be interrupted, or it may be interrupted. As soon as the rumor is retired, you will go back and go up and down to the left and right. All the Mage stops somewhere and does not dare to move. It is very likely that you will fall into this situation. Under normal circumstances, entering the secret bridge of the world has been going forward, you will see a door when you reach a certain level. Open, step in, you will come back.” Wei Luo indicates a return The picture is basically returning to the original place.

After reading the video, Tang Shidao reluctantly understood.


This level is far from enough.

The simulation is just a simulation, too far from the actual record.

“The secret bridge of the World can not be recorded, can you call back?” Tang Shidao suddenly asked.

“All things will not work, completely isolated. Of course, your message may be known to others, and will be brought back when they return. Mr. Tang, entering the secret bridge is a challenge, it is best to have a team. Can not Backward, this is very important. This means that no matter what dangerous creature you encounter, you must win or rush.” ​​Wei Luo carefully reminded, but he believed that Mr. Tang would not be afraid.

If Mr. Tang chooses not to go, Wei Luo is not surprised.

Mana’s rank, Mr. Tang is still a bit low.

“Only one bridge?”

“No, Mr. Tang. Entering the secret bridge of the world will usually be with people around you. However, there are countless starting points. Similarly, there are countless end points. In the process of advancement, the secret bridge may be automatic. Splitting, from one to two. Sometimes, the secret bridge will become dozens, hundreds, thousands of is probably no upper limit split.” Wei Luo then show the picture, or return to Mage’s re-image.

“Where is knowledge?” Tang Shidao cares more about it.

“On both sides of the bridge, or the people on the bridge.” Wei Luo adjusted the picture. There is an image, the secret bridge is divided into a small section with a spire on the pedestal base. Other pictures, stone monuments, or bookshelves, or tables and books: “Sometimes you will meet old people, ancient beasts, tree people, and spirits. They may all communicate, or they may fight.”

“On both sides of the bridge is the sea of ​​clouds. What happens when you fly in?”

“There is no difference. It has always been a sea of ​​clouds. It has been flying for too long, or you have experienced some unknown situation. You may encounter the bridge again, or you will encounter the door directly. The sea of ​​clouds is just the road without a bridge, just like the secret bridge. Also pay attention to one thing in the sea of ​​clouds, no matter what you meet, you can’t go backwards. It must be dangerous to retreat. “Wei Luo once again mentioned that ‘can’t go back’, this factor is definitely the most important.

“Have anyone been trapped? Celebrities in this place, are you?”

“The first place on the fight pool list is empty.” Wei Luo said, a lot of meaning.

Fighting pool.

The first person on the leaderboard entered the secret bridge of the world, but it did not come back. No one knows that it is dead or alive, and there is no news. Because it is not certain that life and death, the leaderboard did not cancel its position. Another hint: no one can replace it even if it has been missing for countless years. Even said that no one dared to occupy its position.

If someone is confident that I am over it, I want to be the first.

Really recognized, it is ok to replace that position. But obviously, there is no such person, no one can replace it.

Tang Shidao lightly nodded.

I can understand why the secret bridge is so sought after. It turned out that having such a person is missing in this place. Regardless of the first person in the fighting pool, or the first person trapped in the fighting pool, the secret bridge of the world must be extraordinary. If you have some lucky harvest in this place, I believe it is more useful than cultivation for hundreds of millions of years.

“I am waiting. When you open it, let me know.” Tang Shidao finally said.

“Okay.” Wei Luo nodded.

Then, the news spread, everyone knows that Tang Shidao is not joking. He really wanted to retreat, because the secret bridge was postponed. At this moment, representatives of the major clan rushed to order. Soul Stone is only a thing that can be done by Tang Shidao. They must buy a lot of money. Even if one of his own clan is not used up, stocked up, or sold, how can it not.

In case Tang Shidao can’t come back, hehe, this thing is definitely a price blow.

Don’t say that you can’t come back.

Even if you return later, the soul stone may be expensive. One of the universe’s hearts is replaced by one. This price can be purchased in large quantities. On the other hand, they also know that Tang Shidao makes it easy to make this, as long as it consumes its own Mana energy. It is not clear how much it needs to be consumed, but certainly not a cosmic heart.

If you lose money, the fool will not do it. A universe heart will definitely make up.

In fact.

The Mana energy required by Soulstone is very small, and a universe heart can make a soul stone ‘lake’. When Mana is counted as money, Tang Shidao will make more than 100 million times. The major clans are ordering crazy, and Tang Shidao is also easy to make. He knows what the group is trying to do.

Soul stone becomes a ‘currency’.

In this way, the architecture of the soul network is even larger.

at this time.

Yuan Zhen once again met with the defenders and other ally, and the opening directly explained: “The secret bridge of the world was opened by me, Tang Shidao was fooled. The method is very simple, using the things made inside the secret bridge, or picked up. Things can do the same. As long as you keep up with the secret bridge, activate it, it is easy to open the passage of the secret bridge.”

The defending staff, old and others, couldn’t help but look surprised.


The key training is to focus on training, and all these things are known. For us, only the big players know.

“I contacted Mage in a number of leagues and prepared three major projects. First, Wang Shidao, let him use it for us. Second, if he does not agree, seal him, imprison him, shut him down. Let him be active. Third, murder in the secret bridge of the World may not be resurrected, so the third is to try to kill him.” Yuan Zhen gave a plan, including a list of people in the action plan.

“The first is the best?” The defender was taken over, the first one.

“Of course, if you can accept the service, you will receive it. If you can’t accept it, you will be shut down. If you can’t shut it, you will kill it.” Yuan Zhen did not think about the fourth possibility, because he felt that there was no fourth possibility.

“It is not easy to deal with him.” Some allies raised objections.

“Is it because of his creational body?” Yuan Xiao’s face has a smile, and seems to have known this concern.


“You are right, I feel a little difficult. However, one person in the next generation also has the creation of the god, she is called Oling. I am not too well understood, I only heard that she is almost invincible in the next life, may only be a few People can be comparable. So, we studied the characteristics of the creation of the gods and found that it is very easy to deal with it.”

“What?” The crowd hurriedly asked.

“Ancient instruments.”

“Hey.” Everyone realized. Ancient instruments are rare and rare, even if they are dusty. However, this is not much relative.

Dust on the earth.

There are a lot of one-time ancient instruments, because the environment here is very easy to generate ’embryo’. The resurrection pool, the birth pool, both are created by the void earth dust cloud. Similarly, countless ’embryo’ will be born in nature, they just need to find and walk away. On the other hand, some people have studied ancient instruments on the dust, and they have some achievements.

The same ancient instruments, research scholars can not replicate.


Imitation… No, it should be said that forformable power is the same, but there is no imitation of the special effects of ancient instruments, some people can make it. For example, the famous defensive instrument of the next generation, Tianmen shield. It was broken by the club, but the Fragment did not completely disappear. These Fragments have been brought to the dust, and research scholars have produced a large number of ‘imitation Tianmen shields’.

The defensive power is exactly the same, but no celestial shield is more resistant to the higher defense.

“Is it a copy?”

“Oh. The effect of the creation of the gods is clear, the imitation is also made by the ’embryo’. The effect of the void meta-domain is beyond the limits of the creation of the gods, absolutely no problem. Now, as long as Tang Shidao stepped into the secret bridge of the world There are only three choices waiting for him: drop, prisoner, and death.” Yuan Zhen is full of pride, as if to solve a big task.

All the troubles of the past have been swept away.

He didn’t know.

A person.

a cat.

The two are sitting silently, listening to this paragraph ‘speaking words’. There is an appreciation in the cat’s eyes: your sillyness deeply touched me, please continue your performance, I will see you in the stupid list on the list. I would like to tell you about a person with a brain disability. Everything you do is guided by us.

Think about it again, with your intelligence, probably do not understand what is called throwing bricks to attract jade.

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