Mage Network

Chapter 1135

The secret bridge of the world is about to open, and countless talented heroes wait quietly. At least on the surface, countless tyrants are eager to try. In the time of flight, just five months later, the door to the secret bridge of the world has finally revealed its true form. During this period, the major clans purchased a huge amount of soul stone from Tang Shidao, as if they were to eat once.

The recent situation is somewhat unreal, but everything is as calm as usual.

The secret bridge opens.

Countless Mage Haoxiong assembled, colluded, organized, hundreds of thousands of people. Only Tang Shidao is accompanied by Tie Yunzhai alone. Wei Luo came to see him off, and his expression was a little bit different.

“Mr. Tang, please take care.”

“Well? You have something?” Tang Shidao was a little bit strange.

“No, just have some emotions. Actually… Mr. Tang, have you mentioned the things of my mother with you? That thing… well, in fact, my mother is also very good Mage, Innate Skill is excellent. Unfortunately, she and you The same, from the next life. So… um, it’s okay, take care all the way.” Wei Luo’s words are a bit odd, but there is nothing wrong with this move.

Tang Shidao is also lightly nodded.

Tie Yunzhai first entered, Tang Shidao followed. Before disappearing, Wei Luo made a very unexpected little movement, very small and very small, just moving his lips. There is no Mana fluctuations, no physical movements, and no trace on the surface. Because of the proximity and snooping around, this little action is unnoticed.

In Tang Shidao’s opinion, the little action is like saying: flee!

Tang Shidao disappeared calmly, as if nothing was seen.

The two disappeared.

at this time.

All of the surrounding Mage tycoons relaxed in a moment, just like a group of enthusiastic adventurers who were poured a bucket of cold water on their heads and calmed down. Or, they are just performing.

“Well, let’s go.”

“Tang Shidao, the dangerous place in the secret bridge of the world, actually does not doubt, what is his brain?”

“Wei Luo played so well.”

“The words are not bad. A neighbor in the district, he can only believe Wei Luo. He probably will never know, Wei Luo was recalled by the Wei clan, deliberately dug such a big pit waiting for him. Zongmeng really hates it, and has to protect an outsider, otherwise we don’t have to spend so much effort.”

“Let’s go, there is nothing to look at, he must be finished.”

The sarcasm sounded and the crowd quickly dispersed. What group adventures, all are fake, the real entry of Mage is very rare.

For the dusty Mage Haoqiang.

The secret bridge of the world is extremely dangerous, and the general genius elite can’t play. If it is so easy to get the benefits, it seems that Yuan Lan, who has the ability to ‘open’, goes to Shiyan at least one day, and is more diligent than going to the toilet. In fact, the strong who dare to sneak into the secret bridge of the world, more or less have a taste of ‘live impatient’, or will not easily take risks.

Does Wei Luo have deceived Tang Shidao?


“You just said the benefits of the secret bridge of the world. You didn’t make the danger clear. So, you didn’t lie to him, don’t figure out how to sell friends. Good job, remember you.” Wei’s clan, Yuan Zhen is proud Looking at Wei Luo. There is also a group of familiar old people, including the defending and the resurrection of the dead.

At this time, Wei`s reply to the arrogance of the past.

“You promised, let go of my mother’s clansman.” Wei Luo’s voice is very cold, there is no winner’s joy: “You want me to do things, I did. Now, you should fulfill the promise.”

“Of course, we must…” Yuan Zhen proudly smiled, and the heart never put those little people in his eyes.

The words are not finished yet.


The pressure of the entire family hall is congested, one… No, it should be said that an unrecognizable energy cloud flashes. In this small energy cloud, barely can see the silhouette of a tall and majestic man. As soon as the coming of the people came, all the people, including the Wei Lieqi, the old man, became old and subconscious.

“You are lying.” The energy group heard the tremolo.

This is not a normal sound, just a sound produced by energy vibration.

as if.

He dismissed his labor and opened his mouth to speak.

“Yuan Yu elder, what do you mean?” Wei Luo’s body is a little trembling, can not help but feel the shudder.

The first step of the fighting pool.

One of the top powerhouses in the world.

At this level, Wei Luo is not qualified to look up, let alone dialogue.

“This thing is stupid, he shouldn’t believe you. You ask for it, shelter your mother’s clansman. In fact, you don’t care about their life and death, even say, you hate them, hate them for not your mother. The death of the voice. You agree, because you want to ‘send’ the little guy. Tie Yunzhai deliberately accompanied, actually want to send him away.”

“Mr. Yuan Zhen, this is just…”

“Yes, it’s just my personal wishful thinking. But as long as I say it, it is the truth. You know that Yuan Zhen intends to deal with the little guy, so he deliberately accepts the threat. Because you know, there is still 1 left from the secret bridge. % chance, if you stay here, the little guy will die.”

“…” Wei Luo’s body trembled, and his heart seemed to think of something.

“Yes, I have sent more personnel to pursue, you have not guessed wrong. The Wei clan needs help because of the injury of the defending division, so I bow down to cooperate with me. You protect the little guy and deliberately pretend to be a mother’s race. You are all very good, have your own persistence and partiality. Unfortunately, you are standing in the wrong team. The little guy is the next generation, we are the people of the world. At any time, we can’t make a next person rise.”


“Are you very curious, what is the death of the resurrection pool can not be resurrected. The answer is …” Yuanxiao while speaking, energy cloud shocked.

at this time.

Wei Luo’s body slowly cracked and slowly melted.

“…that’s what you are now, the resurrection pool can’t be sure that your death’s death. As long as the resurrection pool is not recognized, it will think that you are still alive, so it will not resurrect you. Your mother is also the same, although not my start, But it is also the people in our queue. She is the next generation, she should not be in the wind. Identity is her fault, just like the little guy. You are different, but your choice is wrong.”

at this time.

Wei Luo’s last ‘angry’ expression could not be generated because he had broken and dissipated.

In front of Force, the truth and anger of the weak are unobjectionable.

at this time.

At the beginning of the secret bridge of the world, Tie Yunzhai, who wanted to leave Tang Shidao, stopped.

Tang Shidao is called to stop.

“…this is the case. It’s not complicated. Mr. Tang, Wei Luo and we all know that you are in danger. But we can’t stop it, because it is the whole world that wants to deal with you. Real neutrality and peace are just a few people. Both Yanshi and Luo Xiangyun are neutral, but the descendants of Roche’s clan are hateful of you. If you are inactive, you don’t mind your existence. You are too good, they will hate you soon.”

“Is it a plan for the Lantern Festival?”

“No, Yuan Zhen has not been so capable. If it is him, Wei Luo can tell you directly. Wei Luo does not dare to do anything, and he is unable to resist. He can only follow their script. He does not dare to find us. Because we don’t dare to send people, we all guess who is coming. I am personal and accompany you. Mr. Tang, this is not a problem for two people. The person who is ‘offended’ is called the world. ”

Tang Shidao nodded and understood.

in fact.

I am not offending someone, and the identity of ‘the next generation’ and the ability of ‘excellent ability’ offend people.

Before the study is over, everyone will not be eager to do it.

However, once the soul stone is released, everyone will be relieved.

Is it a dusty thing to kill chickens and take eggs?


Is this brainless?

Nor is it!

The people of the world only need excellent people in the world, and do not need excellent people in the world… The excellence of the next generation is a mistake and needs to be corrected.

just now.

They are correcting.

At this time, Tang Shidao understood why those people in Yuanxiao have been calmly right. It turned out that they knew that they would one day be crushed into bigger by Force. They don’t succeed, it doesn’t matter, it’s just a child’s failure, and the adults are making up the pot. From start to finish, this is just a game for them to practice the game against the next generation.

“so troublesome.”

“Yes, Mr. Tang, we need to fight for time to leave. If you can return to void, at least one more security.”

“No, I am not saying this. I mean, there are some good people and some bad people on the dust. It is really troublesome. If all people are the same, I don’t have to think so much.” Tang Shidao Inexplicably, Tie Yunzhai can’t understand. . At this time, Tang Shidao added another sentence: “many thanks, Mr. Yun Zhai. Let’s go slowly and visit the place of the secret bridge. There are assassins and enemies to give me, you can hide.”

“Mr. Tang, it’s very different here. There may be strange changes at any time. We don’t hurry…”

“Anxiety and anxiety have nothing to do with life and death, Mr. Yun Zhai. This time you are giving up your life and returning to me? Since you are not afraid of death, what are you afraid of?”

“…” Tie Yunzhai listened.

Suddenly, he felt a feeling in his heart: life is never dark, if you regard yourself as a torch, you can shine and illuminate the road ahead.

No one can find a way out.

People who light themselves will never get lost.

“Well, old man is accompanying, please.”


The two started, and the bridge in front of it appeared. At the same time, a huge change has also appeared… the space in the world has changed dramatically.

the other side.

another person.

“When you set foot on this, you will be an enemy of the gods.”

A sandalwood table.

A person.

A brush.

A stack of sheepskin instruments.

The opening statement of the late form of the second disease.

“Ah…you…the gods? Are you talking about…the gods of the world?” Hearing such a sentence, and then looking at the scarecrow in front of him, can not help but correspond to one sentence.

“Well? Your sentence is a bit interesting. How did you come? What is the name?”

“Wei Luo… No, I don’t have a surname, I am surnamed Yang, Yang Luo. How did I come? Well, I guess, someone resurrected me, in a separate private Plane in void. I heard of you. Really, the name that the people of the world are scared, scarecrow. But my mother will call you a ‘dead dealer’. haha, I never expected, I will see you. I thought you were strong and scary, but, You look ordinary now.”

“Would you like to fight?” Scarecrow flipped through the book and found that there was a person named “Yangluo” in a privately-owned Plane, only one after another.

This private Plane belongs to Yang Luo.

Because it has a rule.

In the absence of life, it belongs to the original owner: Tang Shidao.

When this private Plane has life, it belongs to Mage Network and life. In other words, this Mage Network Plane has created a new Mage: Yang Luo.

“Don’t dare to fight, I am not a fool. Now I just want to say…” Wei Luo, no, Yang Luo took a long breath: “Thank you.”

“Thank you for me?” Scarecrow naturally understands.


“Thanks to the replacement of Mana for 1 point? I prefer money, don’t like thank you.”

“Oh… you are a dead dealer, my mom is not wrong.”

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