Mage Network

Chapter 1133

The recent dusts are very busy, and the major clan are busy studying, busy distributing, and busy experimenting.

Tang Shidao is also very busy.

The cultivation of Jin Yu, the construction of the soul network, and the cultivation of the self all take time. It is relatively easy to train Jin Jin with Tie Yunzhai as a member of the old staff. What Tang Shidao has to do is to create a complete soul for Jin Yu. The construction of the soul network, using the big scorpion can help mass production, but you need to be personally involved, very sleepy.

Self cultivation.

To be honest, Tang Shidao has never stopped cultivation. Outsiders can’t see it, because Tang Shidao has his own ‘small void’, which can already shield outsiders from prying and independent cultivation in their own world.

Small voids are much smaller than void.

However, it is billions of times larger than the average private Plane, and has different energy and architecture than private Plane.

Inside the small void, there are countless activated Falings, and there are many repetitions of the same kind. Because of the practice of the ‘Life Universe’ in the creation of the cloud map, Tang Shidao has moved toward the ‘ancestor’. On the other hand, other people who enter the dusty world need to separate their own Force and become a non-threat of Faring 1.

Tang Shidao doesn’t need it at all, just split Force into a small void.

The private Plane can’t bear the Force, the small void is easy to accommodate. Its nature is the same as void, even if it is a hundred billion times more, a small void can accommodate it.

“Wei Luo, help me to send a message.”

“Okay, please, please.”

“I have trained the Great Soul to Great Perfection and created a skill called ‘Infinite Soulstone’. It can shape the energy stone that can be grown and can be used as a core tool for making the spirit. At the current level, it probably has the source. The firmness of the crystal.” Tang Shidao explained slowly.

“Soul Stone? Soul Stone?”

“Well, it can be said that it is also reasonable to call it ‘Soul Stone.'”

“What is its role?” Wei Luo subconsciously put a light voice.

“It is empty.” Tang Shidao signaled that Wei Luo was busy recording. At this time, Tang Shidao reached out and spread his palm. The palm of his hand quickly condensed a small crystal of energy. The soul stone: “It generates gas from magical energy, then turns from gas to liquid, and finally turns from liquid to solid. This one Things are pure energy bodies, the hardness of homologous crystals. Its role, loading the soul.”

“Oh… please forgive me, Mr. Tang, I don’t quite understand.” Wei Luo has some thoughts inside.


The video is for publicity and must be asked more.

“In simple terms, it is the same as the instrument, but the effect of loading the soul is more perfect. As long as the soul is loaded, it can become a living consciousness, that is, the soul itself. After the complete match, the individual can play its role. Use Soul.” The last sentence of Tang Shidao is the focus.

“Soul… surgery?” Wei Luo also realized what, can not help but be shocked.

“Yes. At present, no one has successfully practiced the Great Soul, so I made a tool that can use ‘Soul.’ Note that it is Soul, not Great Soul, and the Little Curse is not the same as Great Curse. This kind of soul stone, craftsmen and scholars can use the soul technique to make the spirits easier. I will remind you once again that the little curse and the Great Curse have different effects. It can only help you to create a spirit, and you cannot learn the soul. “”

“Well, I know.” Wei Luo also understood.

Use and study are two different things.

The Great Soul is a combination of great life and great death, with a focus on ‘derivatives’.

and so.

With the same magic, no same Innate skill and luck can be achieved. During this time, countless people have studied life and death. As a result, no one has successfully completed it. Even if there are some strong players at the top, they have experienced the world of nothingness, but they are still unsuccessful.

they do not know.

Tang Shidao has a total of five conditions for casting a great soul.

Great life.

Big death.

As a void Yuanzu Yuanling.

As a emptiness Yuan Yuan Yuan Ling.

Life weaves.

The first two conditions are not too difficult, and the last three, especially the last one, cannot be owned by others.

“Soul Stone has three advantages. The first is to make Qiling and research related technology, and the second is that Soulstone can grow bigger. As long as there is enough energy and enough soul, Soulstone will grow continuously. Soul stone does not limit the soul of the dead, but also the living. For example, if you divide 1% of the soul into the soul stone, you can use it.”

“Ah?” Hearing the last benefit, Wei Luo was really shocked.

“To illustrate, the soul is not only indifferent to the soul, but also one or two. If one hundred Mage is used, each person injects 1%, and one hundred Mage can use it.”

“The upper limit is…”

“No, there is no upper limit. One hundred thousand, one thousand or one hundred million can do. I said, the more energy and soul are injected, the bigger the soul stone. Now this is a small point, but after it grows into a rock, it becomes It is possible for a mountain to become a planet. It does not require a large purchase, and a clan can use one.” Tang Shidao This is a deliberate stay.

“It’s actually used, how to use it?” Wei Luo gestured video, here needs an advertisement screen.

“Would you like to try it on?”

“Okay, of course.” Wei Luo is already familiar with splitting the soul.

Split a glimpse.

Inject soul stone.

Suddenly, Wei Luo seems to have some kind of resonance. Call out a skeleton and then embed a soul stone. Soon, this one made exactly the same movement as Wei Luo, as if one person was divided into two. After a few activities, he experimented with the spirit set. The experiment was successful, but the Lingling suit was not perfect, only about 70% of the effect.

One is that Wei Luo is not a craftsman, and secondly he is not skilled.

most important.

Soul is really no more than a great soul. What’s more, the “tool” of Soulstone is too far from Tang Shidao. If Tang Shidao hasn’t really worked hard, the market is all ordinary, and Wei Luo’s works are farther apart.

“I… can I make it?” Wei Luo is a little unbelievable.

“This one I have added the ‘technical process’ engraving, so you can make it. The general soul stone can’t be done, it’s completely blank, you need to learn the refining technique yourself, or find the soul of a craftsman.” Tang Shidao Explain.

“Oh, of course, of course.” Wei Luo naturally understands that the blank word is the key point.

The blank is to make everyone feel at ease.

Adding materials, other talents can’t believe it.

Wei Luo himself does not matter, Mr. Tang can not hang himself, and bring his own technical skills.

“Tell them, I sell this soul stone, and change one universe heart. The clan really doesn’t need to buy more, and one person can use it together.”

“Yes.” Wei Luo nodded.

After half a day.

A large group of clan representatives watched the video. They and the big guys behind the magic video were shocked. No one spoke for a while.

Tang Shidao This fool actually made the ‘production tools’.

Also widely sold?

Doesn’t he know that a unique business can do it?

This kind of good thing is the best thing in the hands of a person. Is he stupid, actually selling this production tool?

“We have a hundred million Wei’s clan.” The scene was silent, and suddenly a shock rang.

An opening.

One hundred million.

Tang Shidao said that a clan can share one. Add energy, add soul, it will automatically grow bigger, do not need to buy too much. However, with the same clan, can you really work together? Do not! No! Don’t say that a clan, a side branch, or even a family can hardly work together. Does Wei’s purchase more than 100 million pieces? Do not! Too little!

Clan sect master, each member is old, every branch is Patriarch, and even two of the two seats are wanted.

Clan needs unity?

Not too much?

it is good.


The one of the clan, I am paying 0.001% of the soul, quite a lot? I am divided by my own, I inject 30% of the soul, not much? You said that I was mistaken for the first time, and I did not pay attention to the clan. Ok, I am 99.9% in the clan, do you dare let me do this? The soul stone I have the largest share, do you let it? Do you dare to let?

Don’t dare?

Then you still say a wool.

A cosmic heart is replaced by a soul stone, and it is so cheap that which clan can’t afford it. It is a strange thing that this kind of thing really wants a clan to share one. Selfishness, this thing, everyone.

“You said, what is Tang Shidao going to do?” Yuan Zhen once again met with allies, and the latest state of affairs is running out of control.

“He doesn’t dare to swallow alone.” The idea of ​​defending is the easiest.

Tang Shidao is just a visitor to the next generation. He can only make fine products, and others are imitations. He can’t monopolize this business. Now that we have just started, everyone is too late to see this new thing. Once Tang Shidao has no new research results, his role will collapse instantly. At that time, the black hand that divides him will appear.

In order to avoid suffering in the future, he can only ‘share’ technology and tools, so that others have manufacturing capabilities.

“There is this reason, but not only that?” Yuan Zhen did not believe that things were so simple.

“In order to collect money?” Someone tried to open.

“A universe heart is replaced by a soul stone, which can’t make big money. Although the sales volume can be earned, but the strong spirit of the spirit level, a law spirit is the total amount of Mana of the supreme 9, so that it is actually a small amount of money. Unless he has a special purpose for the universe, Yuanxiao shook his head and believed that making money is not the point.

“Do you protect yourself?” Someone spoke.

“Self-protection? There is such a possibility. Great Perfection, Infinite Soulstone, only he knows how to make Soulstone. If you kill him or seal him, someone must be resurrected to save him in the future. Unless there is a second person who can produce it, Otherwise he is irreplaceable.” Yuan Qiang nodded, but this is only a possibility.

There are several ideas for everyone, but they are not reliable.


Yuan Zhen gestured to the meeting.

At this time, an acquaintance brought new instrumental goods.

“Good job, three ears, you are indeed treasure genius.”

“My money.” The three ears have always been cold, and they have refused to be thousands of miles away. The more such a Yuan dynasty is more reassuring, too enthusiasm is rather suspicion.

“Of course, we have been working together happily.”

“The number is correct, go.”

“and many more.”

“Is there something?”

“Ask you a question.”

“A cosmic heart.” Three whispers are amazing.

“Ah? Haha, yes.” Yuan Zhen is also very happy. It is better to use money to get rid of human feelings: “Is it heard about Tang Shidao? Why do you think Tang Shidao wants to do this?”

“If I am eager to end something, this matter is very important, there is only one reason: retreat.”

“Hey…” Yuan Zhen heard a frown.

There is nothing wrong with this sentence.

On the contrary, it is very reasonable.

At this moment.

“Mr. Yuan Zhen, the news came from outside. Wei Luo publicly spread the message, Mr. Tang may take a break, want to buy as soon as possible.”

“Know it, go on.” Yuan Zhenyi.


The intelligence officer quits, and the three ears hand out the cosmic heart, indicating that you can take it back.

“No, it is yours. I want to ask you next time I need it.” Yuan Zhen certainly won’t get it back. This question is worth so much.

“Give money, goodbye.” Three ears flashed.

Yuan Zhen smiled.

At this point, he thought of one thing: Tang Shidao must have important things to retreat, so… destroy it! Do not let him retreat!


What do you use to attract him to ‘busy’?

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