Mage Network

Chapter 1132

The path of the Spirit is open, self-segmentation is the most objectionable, and the division of the spirit makes the major clan sighed in relief. Subsequently, the fusion of the beasts was supported by countless weak races, and the expansion of the momentum was unstoppable. Even so, the major clan still secretly resisted the research and promotion of Tang Shidao.

just now.

There is no resistance in the appearance of the Lingling suit.

Even said.

All the major clans worked hard together, not only sent a large number of Mage to participate in the experiment, but also provided a large number of instruments. Of course, everyone is not a fool. The top implements will certainly not be sold, but the low-end implements don’t matter. They were allowed to buy without the clan, and then they were researched into suits and sold to the major clan at high prices.

This is not a war clan, but he made a fortune.


The major clan does not matter, what they need now is the actual results. With these low-end suits, they can study for themselves, and secondly, they can take advantage of the members of the family. Third, they can be used as a kind of storage materials. The appearance of the Lingling suit has to be said that it is simply the benefit of tailoring for the ruler. In order to support Tang Shidao to speed up the research, all the major clan collections have been brought out.

of course.

No war Zongmeng can’t eat all the low-end instruments, and they don’t dare to eat alone.

The major clan and the non-war Zongmeng private agreement … how much we sell to you, how much to sell back to us. We allow you to eat a ‘processing price’, but you are not allowed to control this market. No war Zongmeng can only agree, because the fists of the major clan are bigger, and the fists are bigger and more natural.

Tang Shidao studied with one heart and completely ignored the external reaction.

The three ears also often appear in the delivery, but also mention the dust on the earth, some people say that you are a fool, but also ask the potential seeds who need to find void to explain.

For this matter, Tang Shidao is naturally too lazy to explain.

Return to void.

“No explanation is explanation. The Emperor classmate is not a fool. Is he so stupid? Even if the Qi Ling suit is the only way, he can also study for himself for a period of time, and even collect a large number of implements, and slowly open this. “The market.” He certainly has a reason for doing this. We don’t need to ask, we are not afraid of hard work and development.” Once the elders received the news, they sent representatives from all walks of life.


The representatives of the major voids are not fools, knowing that the Emperor will not be so stupid, certainly for another reason.

Less than a month.

The news of the update passed down, and the wind direction of the dust changed slightly.

The experiment of the Lingling set was very smooth, and Tang Shidao also used the big scorpion to expand the amount of experimentation, and also processed more 铠 法. However, the subtleties of subtlety are subtle in the word ‘quantity allocation’. Speaking of the Lingling suit, in the case of Mortal World, it is roughly equal to the army soldiers. The sect master is the king. The clerk is always a general. When the soldiers are in the ‘quantity allocation’, who is the majority?

As it should be by rights.

Sect masters should take up more, and the old members agree.

But what is more?

Sect master can take half, and the old ones are divided into the other half?


Absolutely not!

The sect masters dare to do this, and they have to climb out of the resurrection pool tomorrow. Not to mention the sect master, the clan leader of the Lantern Festival does not dare to take half. Ever since, the new contradiction has come. The king and the generals competed for the number of soldiers, and everyone felt that their needs were greater and no one would be modest.

The most terrible.

This is not the top equipment of the source iron.

The source iron implement is the top match, as it should be by rights is the sect master and the big masters master more, in order to protect the top level of the clan competition Force.

What does the low-end instrument mean?

Not heavy cavalry, nor heavy infantry, just peasant soldiers.

In the perspective of the veterans, we are less likely to take the cavalry, and we will take less of them. Now you are also a peasant soldier. Are you doing this in the first place? However, from the perspective of the sect masters… the quality we want is the best, the quantity we have to be the most, that is the way, no problem.

So care.

“Today’s meeting will be scattered first, and then it will start when it is noisy.”

“Every calm, calmly discuss things.”

“Everything is in our hands. How to divide them is an internal matter. Don’t make it look like an enemy.”

Sect masters have a good word, the truth is said.


You can do less if you don’t do it?

Do not work.

Ok, we continue to argue.

“Tang Shidao This guy is really sinister, actually playing this out.” Yuan Zhen has just come out of the conference hall, did not negotiate, probably will never talk about it, and at most want a way to reluctantly let everyone accept.

“We are the same, Wei Liqi roared, the result has not changed, talk about it.” The defending snicker sneered, as if I really like to see the old man’s old face.

“You said can you pause?”

“What is suspended?”

“Experiment.” Yuan Zhen thought.

“Impossible. Yuanxiao, you have to dare to suggest this. You must be killed by other members tomorrow. You stop, other clan can not stop. Even if Tang Shidao does not scale experiments, other clan will study and mass-produce. Tang Shidao gives The complete information, the beast and the spirit, is not easy for the little ones, and the ability of the ancestral law is not difficult.”

“So we are led by the nose?”

“Noisy will always be solved, this kind of thing is the same everywhere.” Wei Wei does not want to give up his own interests, you are not old, I am.

I have a share.

Don’t be stupid with your big Young Master.


The defending did not think of one thing: this kind of thing is not the same everywhere.


The representatives of the major voids laughed when they saw the news.

“Is it really noisy for this?”

“Just kidding?”

“it is true.”

“There is no reason. The dusty world is the place with the most resources, which is many times more than our surplus.”

“The more money you have, the more you love money, not surprising.”

“I think so too. The Emperor must have seen that they have too many resources, so I guess the more they have the more they are. The result is obvious. A small number of top implements are not in dispute, and the massive low-end implements break their heads. For them, the Lingling suit is also the rope that controls the clansman. You can definitely have one less one.”

“I want to laugh.”

“You don’t laugh, change to the same as before. Because of the iron miner plan, the big voyage plan, the peaceful port plan, etc., we don’t need to worry about these things. Cooperation, distribution, leasing, we have the complete early The system does not need to be questioned at a reasonable way.”

“Really. The two interests are good, and the two are defeated.”

“We don’t have to worry about it. Anyway, the purpose of the Emperor has been reached. It used to be the lower level of resistance. Now it is the struggle of the old people. It can be lively for a while.”

The representatives of the major voids are all laughing.

In fact.

There is still one thing in their hearts that has not been said: once these dissatisfied seeds are buried, even if the distribution is successful, there is resentment.

Whether the sect master or the old.

They all feel that they have less allocation, and no one feels that they are satisfied.

A clan.

The top layer can’t be united, and the combat power is at least half. Even if the actual combat power is not reduced, but the phrase ‘attendance does not contribute’ is over. If the strongest king hangs up and gives the head, he is no different from bronze slag.

Dust on the earth.

All the major clans are complaining about Tang Shidao’s ‘sinister intentions’, but at the same time they are increasing their efforts to sell materials and try to experiment with some of the spirits. The current distribution is definitely not enough, and one person is not enough. Therefore, you can only deliver material to the sinister Tang Shidao, and let the sinister Tang Shidao create more scorpion suits.

That feeling…

Tang Shidao is not a good person, it is too bad!

Is the spirit set ready?

Um, really fragrant.

At this time, everyone does not know one thing: the true goal of Tang Shidao has never been the clan internal consumption.

Soul network.

This is the point.

R&D mid- and low-end kits are simply a history of technicians reversing, so it is a waste of time to do so without purpose. Outsiders think that Tang Shidao induces high-level infighting. In fact, this is only a side effect. Tang Shidao needs to misunderstand the effect.

It feels like…

I did not say.


Is that true?

it is good.


You are right.

You are amazing.

I am serving.

In fact… I haven’t said anything about it, I haven’t said anything, it’s just your own brain that’s all. Now that the secrets of the past world have not heard anything, Tang Shidao does not want to take the initiative. There is a feeling that the thing that has been ‘stared’ is not over yet. Of course not personal stalking, they can stare at the whole place and analyze themselves from the changes in the place.

and so.

I don’t know what fish is under the water, and it is the best way for anglers to turn on the ‘waiting’ skill.

If someone touches themselves, it makes sense to do anything.

such as.

Like Shiyan and defending the ‘smart people’, Tang Shidao likes them to be smart. There are a lot of little tricks, and it’s fun to talk, all of them are talents. I really like it here. It is impossible to engage in things, and it is impossible to do things in a lifetime. The secret world of the past is unknown, and the war faction does not show up. It can only engage in the soul network to maintain life.

As for other clan research cracks.

Well, yes.


With complete information, it is not difficult for other clan to make a spirit. However, this adds one but… When they find that the ‘effects’ are different, they will know that no big soul is not so easy to play.

Technology is for you.

The experimental product is for you.

I don’t charge for patents, but I don’t have anything to hide with anything that makes me only 50% effective.

Your piracy is not working well.

Blame me.

“Mr. Tang, the Wei’s clan wants to re-create a group of 铠灵套装.” Wei Luo’s face is lower laughed, I believe he has smashed a few knives on his original clan.

“Is my test product unqualified? Free reproduction.”

“No.” Wei Luo couldn’t hide his smile and showed a large amount of materials. These are all money: “The Wei’s clan tried to make it himself, but the effect was not very good. Originally, it was fine to use it. But you know The sect master and the old people are too noisy. So, no one wants to have this instrument. In the end, it can only be sent back to us to reproduce it.”

Tang Shidao laughed, all this is being planned.

50% efficacy is not bad.

Can be used.


However, this kind of thing can be used if there is no arguing in the clan. Once the dissatisfied seeds are buried, don’t say 50% of the effect, 90% of the effect of the spirit set they do not. They are in the mood… sect master You are so great, you want, anyway, we don’t want to. Why do you need 100% of the goods, we have to have these goods? You gave it to me, are you looking down on me? It’s a big deal for the tribes, and everyone has their own.

Can you solve the problem?


The world has never solved problems with ‘arguing’.

“Well, I will reproduce it, the material…”

“There is no problem with the guarantee, as much as the original experimental materials.” Wei Luo laughed and had a cramp.

“There is still 50% available here.”

“Because it is Wei’s, I have to ask for 100% of the materials. I told them, I don’t agree to take it back, and I waited in line to see me.” Wei Luo smiled with a hint of hatred. I can feel that this is just his smile for the mother to retaliate. For the Wei’s clan, he only has hate.

Tang Shidao can imagine.

Now the Weismen must be very sorry, and they gave up their lives to save an outsider.


Regret medicine.

Nowhere to sell.

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