Mage Network

Chapter 1131

The three ears are not the mercenaries of the Lantern Festival, they have never been.

A long time ago, the three ears owed Tang Shidao a favor. When Tang Shidao is still the ‘first saint’, the three ears ask Tang Shidao to deal with one person: the king of the rat king, the upper must. It is unclear whether the three ears are hands-on or the collaborators of the three ears. Anyway, they must be finished. For follow-up transactions, Tang Shidao asked three ears to investigate one thing: void meta-soil.

Looking for someone who has research, who has the most hands.


The three ears began to look for it, looking for it, and finally found the dust on earth.

The gods also have a lot of void meta-grains, but when it comes to research, I am embarrassed to say that no one really can study void. Even in the dust, the study of void meta-soil is also a study, and there is no substantive result. Dust on earth can carry out research because there is another thing here: void.

It is much easier to study dust clouds than to study void minerals.

Why does Yuan Zhen believe in three ears?

Very simple.

Because the three ears have come up, I don’t know how many years before Tang Shidao. When Tang Shidao was still the first saint, the three ears began to look around. When it was in the dust of the world, Tang Shidao was still working on void. It can be said that in the industry of searching for treasures, when the three ears became famous, Yuan Zhen had not heard the name of Tang Shidao.

Who can think that they had an agreement early.

“Don, can you listen to all the spirits?” After listening to Tang Shidao’s explanation, the three ears also knew that there was a problem with the ‘selling’ to the Lantern.


“Are you not listening to the Lantern Festival?” The ears are very strange.

“Yes, but only the batch of instruments.”

“Because you have touched your hands and feet?”

“Well. Let’s just say that the Great Soul can’t take effect on the ‘soul’ of the average person, because the definition is different. Before I created the Great Soul, there is no definition of this kind of soul in the world. Therefore, it is a brand new thing. I use the Great Souls in general, as opposed to translating a magical summon beast.”

“Mage’s energy body is not a soul?”

“Strictly speaking, it doesn’t count. It can be said like this, but it is not the same as my great soul. In simple terms, Mage is dead, material, energy, and the message will become three. void, nothing world, The creation of the cloud maps each part, or all of them. Mage death enters the world of nothingness, only energy enters, or a small amount of information, the material is absolutely isolated.”

“What is different about Great Soul?”

“The real perfect effect, if it is the soul that I have shaped, death does not need to enter the virtual world, you can save yourself in the void life. Again, this is a real death, no longer a state of life. The disadvantage is that you need energy to maintain yourself. With very little energy, if you want to fight, you need more energy.”

“Don’t die?”

“Yes. It’s a bit like the feeling of the celestial tree, it’s there, and it’s not. The big soul is dead, but not dead.”

“Can you violate the rules of the world of nothingness?”

“No, I can’t fight the void and the void world. I just “protected” the soul to some extent. So, it must be the soul I shaped. Generally, the energy body of Mage is not listed here. The instruments sold to Yuanxiao have After the soul mark becomes a spirit, I can know its existence. Even use it to become a signal tower and monitor everything around.”

“I tracked him.” The three ears suddenly said.


“Yuan Lan ran to find a big man named Yuan Screen.”

“I heard the conversation.”

“He seems to have found something?” said the three ears, and was again said: “Absolutely not me. Only the Scarecrow, Oring and you can be sensed.”

“Yes, it is a matter of instrumentality. The Yuan screen itself has not been discovered, and there is no induction. But his instrumental inspiration should be different from the spirit of the Yuanxiao, so he took the initiative to alert the police. Rest assured, he would not find it. This kind of The illusion ‘may be a lot of strong people, but want to find out the truth, unless you have the same ability as me.”

“Is it convenient?”

“You are not suitable to know, telling you too much may ruin your progress.”

“So, is this a higher level? Well, I will continue, find the instrument first to send you a ‘soul mark’ right?”

“Well, I just have to touch it. There is no Great Perfection in Great Soul. Once the practice is successful, I can build these towers more easily and more secretly. If you don’t mind, you can bring a piece at that time. In this way, you can also know who’s spirit has a soul mark.”

“Do you believe me?”

“Of course. If you reach this level, you can understand it.”

“Well, wait for your Great Soul to say Great Perfection.” There are not many words in the ears, and they disappear when they are finished.

It really doesn’t know what it is.

However, it knows that some people’s ability cannot be figured out and can be used without understanding.

Tang Shidao is also very relieved.

This unusual ‘soul imprint’ cannot be inquired because it consists of three parts: the soul mark of the Great Soul, the wisdom mark of the eyes of the omniscient, the great perfection of the Yuanzu, the bystander… Strictly speaking This can no longer be called the soul mark, this should be called: soul network!

The Yuan dynasty could not find the soul network, and it would not be ten times stronger.

The same is true for the three ears.

Really want to gain insight into the soul network, at least, you have to have a ability to surpass Great Perfection, a bystander. Such a character, Tang Shidao, has heard of only the ‘dominant’ of the Olympics, the ‘Freelander’ Bai Shengnan and the ‘Redeemer’ witch. I believe that the Scarecrow and Zen Nine are also here, but I have not heard what their abilities are.

The old level of the Yuan Screen, the hehe.

Second point.

Even with the Bystander’s transcendence of Great Perfection, the soul mark of the Great Soul is exactly the same as the Spirit, which is difficult to distinguish. To find the difference, you need to be proficient in both big life and big death. Plus, even if they are all qualified, the wisdom of the eyes of the omniscient is unclear. Three difficulties, ordinary people can’t even pass a level.


Tang Shidao hopes that someone will find out the soul network. If this is the case, this person must have some understanding of the seven legacy of the past, otherwise it is impossible to know the wisdom mark.

When the three ears left, Tang Shidao also returned to calm.

The conversation between Yuan Zhen and Yuan Mu showed that they still have the value of ‘utilization’ in the eyes of the dust, so they will not do it for the time being.

Of course, it is not empty.

Void The news of ‘the secret of the world’s secrets, Tang Shidao is not unexpected. In the world of fire, the waters of the upper world, the world of the world, the existence of the earthly world is very reasonable, and it is not irrational. If there is only the current situation in the dust, the Scarecrow and Zen Nine can do it anyway. There is no need for defense and no compromise.

As for the strength of someone, the Tang Shidao is not unexpected.

Zhaizu dared to challenge him, but did not dare to challenge the scarecrow, showing that there are still some differences between the two sides.

One day later.

“Wei Luo, Yang Mo.”

“What do you have to order, Mr. Tang?” Wei Luo recently said very well. In addition to everyone’s attention, the cultivation aspect has also greatly improved. Yang Mo is known as the lucky one. An ordinary unnamed player, lucky to be picked by Mr. Tang, personally helped him shape the spirit, and also pointed to his cultivation.

“I need some experimental instruments and voluntary experimenters.”

“What do you mean, Mr. Tang?” Wei Luo did not understand. He was a successful person with respect to the spirit, but he did not understand the thing at all.

“It seems like Yang Mo, I need a lot of. First, let me explain that I recently studied the magic machine couples and found that these magical warriors may be applied to ordinary people. For example, let me explain it to you? , Yang Mo?” Tang Shidao To start the layout, the soul network needs a signal tower, the more the better.

Treating dust on earth is not like void.

Here, Tang Shidao needs his own secret channels.

“Of course, Mr. Tang.”

“Okay, thank you. Take Yang Mo as an example. He has his own spirit and divides some of his soul. However, his instrument is not too good, and he does not help him very much. In terms of battle. Yang Mu’s skills are not very mature, sometimes overlooking a lot of details. In a word, the fighting instinct is not enough.”

“Yes, many thanks for your guidance.” Yang Mo naturally did not dare to refute, because this is the truth.

The level of the landlord.

It is also a fool to open the rebuttal of the spirit.

“I found a benefit when I studied the magical machine couples: their battles were only limited by the instructions and were not affected by the environment. Without the emotional influence, the magical machine couples could be more focused. However, they also lacked the combat instinct, only the scheduled Pattern. I used Great Soul to create a new kind of spirit called…铠灵. They are not perfect, but they can make up for some of the shortcomings of Mage novices.”

Wei Luo and Yang Chen listened to their eyes.

Is it good?

Regardless of the size of the benefits, as long as there is.

“I originally studied and wrote the application method of ‘铠灵’. But because of the previous study of the beast, I found that the beast can make up for the lack of spirit. With Mage’s own control, the three may produce a larger formidable. Power. On the other hand, some Mage don’t want to split their souls, only the combination of the beast and the spirit, to create an ‘automatic battle’ suit.”

“Ah… But, Mr. Tang, this way, the suit has nothing to do with it, can it be obedient?” Wei Luo listened to a joy, and then knew where the shortcomings were.



“I want to solve the problem myself. I only provide information. I will talk about several methods and choose oneself. First, I will divide a little soul and control myself. Second, use my more powerful deterrent to control, just like a beast. III Through cooperative means, such as communicating with the beast, it costs to help its clan. Fourth, it is made by the more powerful Mage, and then handed over to the descendant Junior.” Tang Shidao said four methods.

Wei Luo and Yang Mo have a bright eye.

At this point, they did not pay attention to the details.

According to the instructions of Tang Shidao, they spread the news. In an instant, countless people rushed to sign up and wanted to join the experiment. They all know that Yang Mo is lucky, and everyone wants to be the second third. The information of the Lingling suit was spread, and there was no objection to the accident. At this moment, the sect masters of all the major clan are silent, making Wei Luo and Yang Mo inexplicable.

After half a day, they knew the answer.


All clan chose the ‘fourth’ approach: the sect master and the veterans personally made the scorpion suit and handed it to the descendants Juniors.


Fools understand… in order to control the youth within these tribes.

Obedient, give the suit.

Do not obey, do not give.

These two sentences will not be explained, but everyone knows it.

They used to want to use the device, but now they dare not make trouble. Because of the relationship between the spirits, the major clan can construct a better ethnic control network. Although elites don’t need much, they are all needed for slag. But with this network, sect masters can get more support sounds and do everything convenient.

“Tang Shidao is really a fool.” Yuan Zhen listened and smiled.

“Don’t say this, he is just a pure researcher, he doesn’t know how to manage and control. When the notice goes on, he needs any experimentation, and he supports him.” Yuan Zhen is also laughing.

“The information of the public spirit set, he has done everything at least 50%, 100% stupid.” Yuan Zhen is still joke.

“Scholars are like this.”

“White to send us ‘network’, I want to say a silly cute?”


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