Mage Network

Chapter 1123

Regardless of the proud and arrogant’s living inhabitants are willing to admit, the fact is: Tang Shidao is indeed the fastest standing visitor in history.

This foothold does not only mean normal living, but also means not only working and living smoothly.

In the dust, the foundation is stable and rooted. To be more succinct, you need to meet three important conditions.

First, someone will help you.

Second, some people are afraid of you.

Third, someone asks you.

More strictly speaking, this person’s ‘person’ often refers to a clan. The big clan can be a small individual. It can’t be a single individual. For example, Wei Luo ‘Help’ Tang Shidao players do not qualify for the ‘help’, and it is not helpful to help the small clan of Zongmeng. The second one is afraid, needless to say, has a certain prestige in the fighting pool.

The hardest part is the third point, someone asks you.

There are several possible ways for this ‘seeking’ word, such as the technique of the refiner or pharmacist, and the teaching of skill and skill, for example, the most common outside hunting and birth pool. In short, this request does not refer to one person, but to a clan. Of course, the top Mage ‘seeking’ as a super celebrity is also counted.

The key is how high your importance is.

If the effect is not big, the small clan ‘seek’ you to team a plundering resource is not a request.

Tang Shidao is based.

A big one is not to fight the league’s ‘help’.

The fighting pool is at the level of the “fear” of the people’s list.

And, the ‘question’ of various rescue missions.

After the foothold, it is more direct manifestation… The monitoring department cannot directly monitor, because the Zongzi League has not obstructed. Similarly, the war faction who wants to make a bad idea is hard to do. Because of Tang Shidao’s combat power and the mission needs of the various clan, it may only be backlash. In the dust, money and money can be father. People who can’t get along with money often end up miserable.

“Mr. Tang, is the void Yuan Beast ‘Golden Dragonfly’ able to activate?” Wei Luo and Zong Zong Meng only care about one thing recently.

Void The activation of the meta-beast.

This kind of thing is not too big, but the deterrence is extremely high. If you don’t kill anything, even if the damage is low, it will be bad. Once Tang Shidao activates the Golden Jubilee and attaches the Rehabilitation Array and other effects, the Golden Skull becomes a ‘Perpetual’ card. The same benefits, everyone belongs to the non-war Zong Meng, this card will also become a bonus point.

“I have activated it.” Tang Shidao In a word, everyone is petrified.

Wei Luo opened his mouth and couldn’t speak.

The representatives of the non-war Zongmeng are the same, and they do not know how to respond. Sleeping void meta-beasts are generally difficult to activate unless they wake up. The average person’s understanding of this kind of thing is like understanding the void meta-domain… that does not destroy the bad attribute, which prevents all scholars from studying and may understand it. Even if you reach out and help, this kind of activation is also ‘following’, completely looking at luck.

“Golden cockroach has recovered, but it is not offensive, nor is it a guardian. It is a wandering type.”

“Oh.” Everyone can understand.

The offensive type is a madman, who catches who bites.

The guardian is the guard, guarding some places to live and die and not giving way.

The wandering type is a tourist. Generally, you don’t provoke it. It is as safe as a lamb. However, you have to trouble it and you may be chasing you. Normally, you find that the offensive type has to flash early because it bites everyone. The guardian only keeps the place, and you don’t invade it is the door.

Wandering, the safest type, unless you die by yourself.

In most circumstances.

The wandering type meets in a vast place, even if you stop in front of it, it may bypass you, pass you, do not fight. Of course, if there is only one channel, you have to stop it and not let it pass, then it may be a big fight. On the other hand, the wandering Force has high or low, but it must have a special ability.

and so.

Really playing, the wandering type is more trouble than the first two.

Hearing that Jin Jin is a wandering type, everyone is not disappointed. On the contrary, this model is more suitable for the current Zong dynasty. Even if Tang Shidao himself, he just needs a ‘harmless’ void meta-beast.

The needs of the big tribes are the best.

The demand for a single small group, the offensive type is the best.

The newly established non-war Zongbang needs to be low-key, and the wandering type is more in line with current interests. A new Zongmeng is most worried about initial cooperation, and it will be easier after the initial stage.

“there is a question.”

“Hey, what’s the problem, Mr. Tang?” Wei Luo quickly asked, and everyone was nervous.

“There was nothing left in the wild war, but it is not within the hidden treasure. I remember you said that the wild war is Mage that became famous a long time ago. I need you to investigate him. The more detailed the better. Not only his Force, His habits, his clan, his place of life, his loved ones and friends, all the information I have. Jin Hao’s state is very strange, it is like a baby,” Tang Shidao said.

“What does this mean?” Wei Luo did not understand, and the rest did not understand.

“It seems to have died once and the previous things have been cleared. Now Jin Yu is more like life, like a baby just born, I don’t know anything. Similarly, what I teach it now, what it learns. Very clumsy, But the learning ability is good.” Tang Shidao The last sentence, everyone is shocked.

“Mr. Tang, what do you mean… Jin Hao can… can teach it to learn?” Wei Luo is also amazed.



“Like raising a child, understand. Don’t make a fuss about nothing. Kim Minh is not normal. It should be something that has been done in the wild. I have no time to take care of it. Now I need you to provide a ‘teacher.’ ‘. Similar to the animal trainer, but don’t train the golden dragon as a beast. I just need to teach it to learn the life of the mentor. For example, you think of it as a wisdom magical couple, you need to guide it to adapt to the world.” Tang Shidao gave an example.

“This… well, no problem. But, Mr. Tang, don’t you mind other people teaching it?” Wei Luo asked again.

“I probably know what it is learning, so it doesn’t matter.”

“Oh, that’s good.” Wei Luo no longer talks.

Tang Shidao left and studied the ancient artifacts.

at this time.

All representatives of the Zongzi League are silent, and no one knows how to speak.

The harvest of the wilderness hidden treasure was unexpected.

More terrifying.

It is still not over, and the desert has hidden something. At present, the nature of the void meta-beast ‘Golden Dragon’ has changed. It is more like life, it can learn. what does this mean? This means that… If the teacher of the War Zongmeng is not well taught, the Zongmeng can have an undead ‘guardian beast’ instead of a not bad ‘weapon’.

The void meta-beast that can communicate and the void meta-beast that can’t communicate are absolutely different.

“I said a few words?” Wei Luo saw that everyone did not speak, so he took the initiative to speak.

“Please, Mr. Wei Luo.” The crowd quickly nodded.

“Talk about the things of our Zongmeng. Before, the existence of those dark chess was not what I thought of, it was Mr. Tang’s thought. Mr. Tang thinks that our information is spreading too fast, and the inside may not be clean. So, all of you are very cooperative. When I caught it, I got a lot of the big clan. I didn’t kill, I didn’t sin, I made a lot of money, and I cleaned the inside. Everyone is cheap.”

“Well, yes.” The people were shocked. I didn’t expect this plan to be proposed by Mr. Tang.

“Further, the hidden treasure is also a clue to Mr. Tang, because the two magical couples. The magical archaic has no information about hidden treasure, but they used to belong to the desert. So, Mr. Tang asked me to check and buy the waste. The information about the hidden treasure. Although Mr. Tang just opened the door, but the actual credit is still Mr. Tang, is this right?”

“Yes.” The crowd also nodded.

“You took the information transaction of the world’s antiquities, and Mr. Tang did not ask for more, but we still lost some compensation, I hope everyone will remember it.”

“Yes, I must not forget.” Everyone dare not forget.

Work and remuneration do not correspond, it is a harbinger of a team collapse.

Not yet, I will return it later.

“Mr. Tang doesn’t mind, everyone remembers. Then talk about the current affairs, Jin Hao’s instructor… My personal opinion, don’t want one person, want a group of people. It is best to send one person to each clan, and then recommend one main The mentor leader.”

“Ah? Right!” The crowd couldn’t open their mouths, and most feared it was the quota.

No one is suitable.

Because this position is too important.

Who is the master of the Golden Chamber, who is one of the substantive pillars of the Zongzi League. In addition to Mr. Tang Shidao himself, this teacher must be the one who can best speak of Kim Min Jong. Therefore, this place is too important. It seems that Wei Luo said that if every clan sends one person and then everyone leads a leader, this will at least guarantee everyone’s share and will not miss anyone.

on the other hand.

Mr. Tang is the person who activates Jin Hao, and theoretically holds the ‘master’.

If one is a teacher, it is suspected of sharing profits. A group of people teach, Mr. Tang can be more assured.

“Now, choosing a mentor is one. Another point, what is left in the wild war, we must find it. No matter what, it must be related to Kim Min Jong. If it is a method of killing rebirth, or some kind of life experiment, its The value will be incalculable.” Wei Luo said that everyone understands.

Kim Min Jong is more like life, this is the point.

Being able to communicate, there are too many things that everyone can do.

“This time must be kept secret, the hidden treasure has been leaked once, no more second time. If there is, don’t blame the League is not welcome, I hope you understand.” Wei Luo suddenly cold, saying that you can not come out again Traitor.

“We only report the sect master and then do it ourselves.” A lot of representatives also screamed.

Dignified A sect of alliance, confidentiality can not be done or mixed.

There were also deliberate ingredients before.

Now, everyone needs to work hard.

Two days later.

Wei Luo and a group of sect masters came in person, and each clan sent an old scholar as a mentor to Kim Min Jong. In addition, everyone jointly recommended one person.

“Hello, Mr. Tang, my name is Tie Yunzhai. Starting from today, I will be the first member of the old club and will be the first member of the old club. At the same time, I am also a mentor. The leader of the team, for the time being, is the base of the old club. Mr. Tang, do you have any opinions?” The introduction of the self, the strength is much stronger than all sect masters.

“Well, yes. Jin Hao is so big, he can build a base at will.” Tang Shidao naturally has no opinion.

“You can understand the best.” Tie Yunzhai lightly nodded.

Zongmeng was first built.

Every step needs to be careful. After all, this is not a one-year group, nor a hundred-year group. If possible, everyone wants to do their best and keep the group forever. Therefore, the more contradictory the better the initial construction, the better everyone will be.

There is no formal establishment of a foothold.

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