Mage Network

Chapter 1122

“Sorry, the monitoring will be very difficult in the future. Tang Shidao, he has already established himself.” The monitoring department once again reported that Yuan Zhen’s face was extremely poor.

A consecutive victory in the fighting arena.

A huge harvest of daily tasks.


This kind of strength and ability needs to stand on the emptiness for a long time, because the void is not only the strength and ability but also the character. The dust is different in the world. There are resurrection pools and birth pools. They all look at the ‘money’. What is the difference between a big clan and a small clan? Is the sovereign stronger? The site is bigger? The possession of the instrument is more powerful? Do not! These are not!

The biggest difference between the big clan and the small clan… there are more fighting talents.

Where are the talents coming from?

Developed using magical materials.

What is magic material?


So it is very superficial to understand that the only difference between the big clan and the clan is: more money!

The more money there are, the more talent there is.

The more talent, the more money you have.

This is a benign cycle, a cycle in which small clans cannot catch up with each other. By the same token, why can the fighting pool last forever? Very simple, make money. Not only can the big players make money, but all the players can make money. The more resources you have, the stronger the clan is, so earning ‘money’ is the common direction of all people.

Nowadays, the work of the monitoring department is difficult to carry out. There is only one reason: Wei Luo and those members of the Zongmeng are obstructed.

There is no official in the dust.

The bigger the clan, the louder the voice.

For example, Yuan Zhen can let the monitoring department conceal the message of Tang Shidao, just because of the word ‘Yuan Yu’. In the past, Tang Shidao did not have that value, and Wei Luo and Zong Meng would not be as hard as the monitoring department. It’s not the same now. Tang Shidao’s strength and ability are extremely good. They naturally can’t let the monitoring department “obstruct” Tang Shidao’s life.

This is the same as the stars of the ordinary world.

No one cares about your life and death until you are famous. Notorious, a sneeze is a concern.

Role change.

Once the obstacles hindered Tang Shidao’s life becoming a hindrance to us making money, Wei Luo and Zong Meng did not give any face. The major bankers lost money and rushed to the monitoring department and Yuanxiao. The same is true. In the dust, no one can hinder them from making money, nor can they harm them. Anyone who does this does not have a good end.

The monitoring department sent a person to follow Tang Shidao, and Zongmeng sent ten people to talk to you. Are you trying to be cool?

“No war Zongmeng?”


“What does this mean?”

“In fact, it is not too complicated to mean that it does not take the initiative to launch an invasion war against the outside world. Because Mr. Tang Shidao does not like the clan of the outside world and does not cooperate with those clan. Therefore, those Zongmeng will jointly establish a major alliance. I have a name called ‘No War Zong Meng’. You also know that you can do this in your last life…”

“There is money.” The lords understand very well, too understand.

To jointly establish a Zongmeng, or a Zongmeng with a name, you need a ‘collective structure’.

In other words.

Every small clan draws a sum of money. This money is the additional cost of the Zongmeng joint ownership and spending. Under normal circumstances, no clan says that he has ‘money’ redundant. There are also investments to train talents, or emergency backup. Being able to unite multiple clan and inject capital to build a new Zongmeng, prove that… this group of people has money.


Once a named Zongmeng is established, they will watch for help for a long time.

Unless there is any internal dispute, everyone will lose money.

Otherwise, this ‘new force’ will develop steadily and even become a giant. In the dust, there are many things that can be done by having combat talents. Newly emerging outside gates need someone to compete for a place, and the outside world that needs to be abandoned needs a strong group to collect the surplus. The fighting pool needs talents to advertise, and the birth pool needs talents to guard the treasure.

The Birth Pool and the Outer Gate are two major mines. The Fighting Pool is a universal billboard… These places are only occupied by a large number of strong people.

The development of the big clan is better because there are more talents.

The biggest role of the small clan alliance: joint Force, focus talent, and strive for more resources.

“They must have done something we don’t know.”

“Yes, the outside world is so skeptical.”

“Let’s do it, you will try to investigate again, even if you expose some of the pieces, you can spare them. Rest assured, we can keep them. The establishment of the Zongzi League is not normal. According to the information, those small clan are very poor. They do not like invasion. The outside world does not plunder resources. Therefore, their Mage strong individuals are very strong, but the total amount is very small. Without resources, it is impossible to set up a Zongmeng, and the operation will not work.” The lords are not idiots, in the dust It’s clear how they lived in the world.

No money? Say ideal? You wash and sleep.

The existence of the resurrection pool is that the ‘resurrection of money’ guarantee is not dead. The construction of Zongmeng must be sufficient for storage resources. No money? Mage Haoqiang did not dare to fight, saving thousands of years and still not clear debt.

The intelligence groups obey the orders.

Divergent hands.

Deliver resources.

In the case of sacrificing certain pieces, they really got it.

“Sovereign, this time we exposed a lot of people. We won the war and won us a lot of ‘loss fees’. If we don’t pay, they will seal the dark spies and will not let them have any activities. The intelligence team first paid attention to the members of the intelligence team because they felt the same. The clan does not save, and they will end up in the future.

It is not a big deal to be resurrected when it is dead in the dust.


Unless the two clans turn their faces and fight back, you will always sleep in the seal.

For hundreds of millions of years, the more you sleep, the less valuable you are.

“Yes, redeem it. Intelligence?” The patriarchs of the major clan also expected a loss. It is not unexpected to hear that Zongmeng’s claim is not.

“These are the latest information we have received.”

“The secret of the wild war?”


“Wait a minute, the desert… I remember this name, but his information…”

“We re-examined the Sovereign. The Wilderness was once in the ten-member list of the Falun level, and was known for driving the Magical Corps. In the fighting pool, he belongs to the second class, second only to the Lantern Festival. Yan Shi, Luo Xiangyun and others. It is rumored that he had handed over with Luo Xiangyun, and there was no open competition. The result was a big defeat. After that, the desert war disappeared.”

“When did he die?” The lords have always forgotten the ‘losers.’

“I don’t know, it may only be known to Mr. Tang Shidao who got the ‘secret of the wilderness’. The news of the war is not dead: the wild war has indeed died, there is no resurrection of death. The secrets he left have been found, including one A very powerful magical couple and an unactivated void.

“What, the void of the sky beast?” The lords listened and finally changed color.

This thing… very troublesome.

The dusty world is the foundation of the void, so the entire area is not destroyed. The combat power of the Voidal Beast is not too high for them, but this guy can’t die. Even if it is powerfully killed, it will sleep for a while, sucking energy, and finally may wake up. This ‘enemy’ can only be sealed or imprisoned. In the dusty world, some of the cells in the void are holding the emptiness of the beasts.

“Yes, this is its model.” The intelligence team sacrificed people and naturally collected better intelligence.

Magic screen display.

A emptiness element of the ‘Golden Dragonfly’ looks like a still sleeping state. Look at it, it will wake up for thousands of years or even hundreds of years.

The lords frowned.

The Voidal Beast is a kind of use that is not very useful for its own use, but the enemy uses it with no headache.


A certain array of sects can be engraved on the emptiness of the emptiness of the beasts. Then, ran to the enemy’s site, let go, make a big noise, and then take back and sneak away… The result is sour and cool. First of all, you can’t kill it, you can only stop it. Furthermore, possessing recycling methods can be used repeatedly. It’s like an invincible soldier in the game, killing is not high, and nausea can kill you badly.

more important.

Some environments are very special, the danger is extremely high, and your entire team is finished with a little carelessness. At this time, how much cool are you running out of a void?

Tang Shidao has an inactive virtual sky beast, who knows how he will use it.

“The sovereign, its size is trouble.”


“Sovereign, look at the ratio.” The intelligence team continued to show that one person, one dragon, one island, one sea, one planet made a comparison. The end result is that the small planet is just about the size of the eyes of Kim Min Jong. In other words, it can easily swallow a small planet. Even the planet of the Netherland can swallow it, chew it but can swallow it.

The undead monster is still huge, which is very unreasonable.

“The wild war killed it?” The lords thought of the secrets of the wild war.

“It’s possible. But even more likely, the wild war is also ‘killed’ by it. This is not necessarily a battle death, maybe it is a wild war trying to carry out some kind of experiment, but it is unsuccessful and eventually died in the experiment of Kim Min Jong. If it is the general situation, the wild war will not be resurrected. In the past, the characters who will leave ‘secret’ are not only rich in resources, but must also die from incredible death.”

“What do you mean?”

“We suspect that this golden cymbal is not as weak as we think. It is a void emptiness beast, and it has an undead body. In addition, the wild war was a member of the ten-member list of the spirit level, ten people. 1. If the wilderness is defeated by Luo Xiangyun and wants to reinvigorate the prestige, this emptiness Yuan Beast is his turn-around card.”

“He failed.” The lords understood this feeling.

The potential of Innate Skill that can enter the 10-player list is unimaginable.

Again, this kind of arrogance is unimaginable.

“We prefer another idea: he can’t win the gold. Even if he wins and kills, the experiment he wants to carry is not successful. In some respects, he lost to Kim Min. The master also played against it. If you pass them, you will know the strength of the void. If it is normal, the wild war should not lose, and at least it should be alive.”

“Yeah.” The lords listened to more headaches.

At the beginning.

They didn’t care about Tang Shidao, the next generation. Even if the force is good, it is a lonely man.


In just a few days, the slap in the face was loud.

He not only has a foothold, but also finds out the most secretive and unforgettable ‘secret’ of the people of the world. Even more ridiculous, he also found an unactivated emptiness meta-beast. Upon hearing this news, the lords could not help but wonder: Are the luck of the past life gathered on this next-generation guest?

“Go ask, can we cooperate?”


“Is there a problem? We also have a lot of living artifacts in our hands. They are owned early. They can all be used as traded goods. Good cooperation, why not? Go, redeem the people, then ask for cooperation. Remind you, We also have some information on the ‘history secrets’, but it is necessary to open up the genius to open up. Understand, be careful, don’t offend people.” The lords are very realistic.

I was despised by the next generation and I couldn’t look down on the Xiaozong.

However, there are benefits. The dog’s eyes can be raised a little.

What is the face, the benefits are more important.

As for Tang Shidao, I don’t stand, I don’t take root… I’m only concerned about my ass.

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