Mage Network

Chapter 1124

“I can finally do something about myself.” When this matter reached this point, Tang Shidao was really ‘quiet’.

Now the people in the monitoring department are scattered.

They will not leave, and the old members of the Zongmeng League will have to fight.

The whistle of Yuanxiao also disappeared.

At this level, it is not afraid of the Yuan clan. After all, everyone is not an enemy, and no one wants to turn a face for a person. The small clan alliance and the big clan are torn up, and they are all harmful to them, and they will never win or lose. Even if the Yuan clan is more dominant, but the real bar, there must be countless people secretly supporting the non-war Zong Meng, dragging the Yuan clan to prevent it from developing.

In the dust, there are very few good people to help you, but there must be a lot of yin to help you with bad things.

There is no true ally in the world of resources.

Everyone is a competitor.

The wind has changed, and it’s hard to fight the Zongmeng. A hard air, naturally more small clan joined. Small clan members join, and the group is naturally larger. On the other hand, even if those predatory small clan cannot join, they can cooperate. No war Zongmeng did not invade the outside world with them, but they shared the resources of the birth pool and played very slippery.

More important.

With the protection of Tang Shidao, the ‘fire brigade captain’, their actions can be more ‘莽’.


The adventurous team is in danger and self-help is not effective. The leader of the team can say this: “Everyone will insist that Mr. Tang will come to save us.” In a word, the players exploded. With protection, it is natural to have work efficiency, which is the effect of one plus one and more than three.

Tang Shidao’s research is not mentioned.

Outside the wind, Tang Shidao is quickly becoming the savior of the adventure group.

at this time.

The same members from the void are still hiding and it is difficult to maintain their lives. What are the fighting pools, they are not close to them, afraid to be targeted. When I heard the legend of Tang Shidao, they all sighed: People can’t compare with people, and they will die.

Coming in the same level of the spirit of the first spirit, everyone did not even sleep, the emperor has already established a foothold, but also flew a non-war Zong Meng.

What did you do yourself?

Nothing is done, even the mixed days are not well mixed.

“Everyone, do you say that Kim Min Jong is similar to Kuang Peng?”

“Even if you don’t mix well, you usually read more books. Kim Min Jong is a void meta-beast, and he can’t kill it. Kuang Peng is just a special tool with life characteristics. Kim Min Jong is more like an animal, or a demon. Occasionally, it is rumored that this void meta-beast has the ability to ‘learn’ and is the result of the experiment of the “hidden treasure” of the hidden treasure master. If it is true, then there will be an undead warrior in the war.”

“The Emperor gave it to others to teach, is he serious?”

“You are afraid? Who can imitate so many technical products? I think that Jin’s ‘story’ may not be true, or it may be compiled by the emperor himself. The wild war is so powerful, why do you even have yourself? In my opinion, the wild war is only a beginning, and the follow-up is more important to the completion of the emperor. However, the emperor himself does not recite this reputation, he needs to be a warfare as a shield.”

“No way?”

“Xin Peng was also the reputation of Yuan Ding Master. You forgot? Holy Ring, that is the product of Yuan Ding Master. The Emperor personally admitted. But wherever Peng Peng came, the Emperor did not say it. You came to the dust and earth.” How long have you forgotten the habits of the emperor? He does not want to be honorary. He only needs to be profitable. Anyway, the wild war is already dead, and the golden sorrow is the emperor.

“It seems… right.”

“Of course. The elders have already instructed us not to take the lead. Today is the emperor’s appearance, standing at the forefront and taking all the pressure alone. Our mission, silently learning and developing. We only need one person to go back.” The situation is clear. Everyone remembers that unless the Emperor is in danger, we need our help. Otherwise, we will definitely not show up, and the grandson will first take Force to practice and come back.”

“Yes.” Everyone should answer.

But, it’s weird.

The emperor rushed to the front and took all the pressure. Everyone secretly developed silently… but the mix was so good, but he did not move.

Who is under pressure?

People are so far worse than people?


Void All walks of life also received news that Tang Shidao is firmly established and not established. Similarly, Kim Min Jong also attracted attention. Void Yuan Beast can ‘tame’ for his own use, this news is not trivial. On the other side of the source, many places are guarded by void meta-beasts, and ordinary forces simply cannot enter.

If you can tame… No, don’t say tame, you can ask them to make way, and the big voids will go a lot.

“Three things.” A group of elders called representatives from all walks of life.

In the recent period, entering the dusty world is the first major event.

No one is slow.

“First, the Emperor and the classmates have been safely standing. At present, we do not need everyone to worry. We also collected the information of the fighting pool. The most important are the two names: Yuan Zhen, defending division. The former must be a dusty war faction. The latter may be neutral, but it is more closely related to the Wei’s clan. Here we must remind everyone that we don’t know about the dust. These two people do not necessarily represent the highest, but the first echelon on the list.”

“Yes.” All the people should be celebrated in unison.

“The second thing, Kim Min Jong does have the possibility of ‘education’, which proves that the void meta-beast has some way to tame. The biggest possibility is to kill them and then reactivate them by some means. The current intelligence is only so much, there are Confidence can be found in the void meta-beast. But try it a bit further, don’t bother with void.”

“Good.” Everyone answered again.

After the elementary practice, there is a lot of confidence in the head of the void meta-beast.

The opponent will not die, it does not mean that you can’t be hard.

“Third, the emperor’s classmates are safe and secure, and they will probably begin their own research. It is best to be prepared. If you can open the portal, all of us must be prepared for war. From the intelligence point of view, the dust is strong. There are a lot of people. However, their strong reasons are often… a lot of equipment. If you look at the information, are you familiar with it?”

Everyone took it and checked it out.


They all saw a familiar shadow… 鲲鹏’s source iron armed army.

“Everyone is fully equipped.”

“The equipment on the whole body, including all kinds of weapons and staff, these guys are really rich.”

“There is a birth pool, can you have money?”

“In addition to the characters such as Yuan Zhen and Wei Wei, other second echelons are not much stronger than us. This is really strange and unreasonable. If only this level, do you need big phoenix and big IX to guard the void? ? Going to the first echelon is not counted, the second echelon these people add up to not enough Zen and a man to die?”

“Now is the beginning, who knows how many people are hidden in the dust.”


There are many people talking.

In addition to strength, the most is to discuss the number of ‘equipment’ in the dust. In void, even if you have an iron ore master plan, the source iron implement is still the top configuration. You know, there are too many Mage strongs in void, and it’s just that some of the legions can be fully equipped.

People also pay attention to the point.

Birth pool.

If this thing is ‘spray’ stone, if you ‘spray’ the source of iron… a pool will pay you tens of thousands of years of income.

The birth pool of the dusty world is not one or two.

is everywhere.

There are a lot of birth pool eruptions every minute and every second. Even the longest eruption is uninterrupted for several years.

If the magic material is ‘money’.

Then, the dust on the earth is ‘壕’.

You can add the kind of shackles of the gods.

“Looking over it? In the future, everyone needs to get used to it: against this kind of equipped opponent. It is not possible to face it. If you continue to improve, one day you will go to the ‘battlefield’ to support our unsung heroes. This kind of opponent. We don’t have a resurrection pool, so we can’t fight infinitely. However, the witch h clan expressed help, and her ‘big resurrection’ may support some people.”

When you hear this, everyone knows the theme of today.

Every big void also needs a fighting pool…even if it is not as good as a prototype, imitation.

Practice and improve.

The best in combat.

Although the fighting on the dust will die, it is also the fastest place to cultivate talents, and it is better than the effect of the array. Life and death, this kind of improvement is faster than any other way. Void has no similar conditions, but everyone needs to work together to create this condition.

Everyone can also imagine.

From now on, the resurrection will probably rise wildly, and the resurrection division will return.

at this time.

Dust on the earth, not the new base of Zongmeng, a void Yuanyang planet ordered by ‘Golden Stars’, Tang Shidao has just interpreted a ‘hidden treasure’ picture. The living treasure is the legacy of Mage’s strong, depending on the value of the strong. The wild war belongs to the second echelon and is qualified to be called the important hidden treasure.

This one.

The third step is equivalent to the level of Yuanxiao.

“I don’t know what’s going on, nor open the door. You take it back, Wei Luo, this is the hidden treasure of your Wei’s clan.” Tang Shidao deliberately chose one of the Wei’s clan’s seniors. . How many things does a third-level Mage have? do not know. However, the point is that … any strong person in the dust world is embarrassed.

Even if the rookie generation of the Lantern Festival, the collection time is not long, all his deposits can countless people.


There is no such thing as a hidden treasure.

“Mr. Tang, this…”

“Your mother has left a piece of instrument that has been peeped by the Weishi clan. This is not good for your daily activities, but also indirectly affects my mission. This hidden treasure is a condition, you trade with the Wei clan. If they do not accept You will give it to others and see if they are reluctant.” Tang Shidao interrupted and smiled.

Wei Luo was stunned and then laughed.

The hidden treasure of the Wei’s clan… no matter how high or low, it must not fall into the hands of outsiders.

The Wei’s clan must agree.

Suddenly, Wei Luo comprehends a sentence: those who have the strength do not need much clever strategies.

Just like yourself.

The outside world blows how versatile it is. In fact, it is wrong, because his partner is Mr. Tang. Mr. Tang’s fighting is unbeaten, the task is perfect, and the puzzle is also brilliant, so it is right for him to do what this trainer does. Switching to a weak Mage, even the best trainer can’t save.

The king can surpass himself, but he does not move his teammates.

The same reason.

A sheep is accompanied by a tiger, and the sheep can let the wolf roll away… This does not require courage, because the tiger is behind, the wolf has to roll.

just now.

Wei’s hidden treasure is in hand, no eloquence, no need to be convinced… Wei’s disagreement also agrees.

Mr. Tang shot.

Well, as always, a blow is fatal.

Unconsciously, Wei Luo has returned to the clan gate of the Wei clan. Habitually, he wants to bow his head and walk in. However, a scroll in his hand brought a Force, Wei Luo looked up and raised it slightly. Because of this attitude, the guards of Zongmen did not dare to stop it for a time, and even did not dare to swear.

They also look at their faces.

With a confident face, they really can’t stop.

Wei Luo laughed.

I thought of one thing in my heart: Can Mr. Tang interpret the hidden treasure map of the Wei’s clan, what other clan?

Want to know?

Oh, come and ask me.

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