Mage Network

Chapter 1121

“He is a newcomer to the next generation? Impossible! I am fighting, I am taken away even if I don’t notice it. I am Faring 4, he is Fa Ling 2… This is totally unreasonable. Are you hiding? What? From him to when you are talking, there is no time for the final time. There is no trace of the entry and exit of the outer door. This is inevitable…”

The surrounded tiger man dominated the return of peace, but his mind was chaotic.

The same is true for the 186Mage strong people who are together, they do not know when they were taken away.

The clan patriarchs explained the creation of the gods.


The creation of the gods can not explain this incredible speed. A Mana ranks higher and is easily taken away, not aware of it. It is conceivable that if the two sides fight, the result will be swayed into what it looks like. Even if Force is stronger and more aggressive, the speed can’t keep up with the other side.


This was originally a temptation and the help was spread.

From the encirclement of the source iron beast, save 187 Mage miners in seconds. Not only did it move quickly, but nothing was missed. Such amazingly good results, naturally, have been blown up. Wei Luo and Zongmeng members are vigorously promoting, because this is different from the competition in the fighting pool, the daily ‘work’ represents personal value. The fighting arena is desperate, everyone has the strongest ability, even at the expense of the device.

However, daily work is not necessarily the case.

Can save the province.

For example, the Cobalt Wolf is ‘wasting’ an elemental ban against Tang Shidao, which he has collected for 63219.

Whether winning or losing.

Once the one-time ancient instrument is used, it will be gone.

In normal work, is the Cobalt Wolf used to use this good thing? Do not! Absolutely reluctant!

and so.

The more you work, the more you can reflect the true skills of the Mage. Even in the ordinary world, the weapons of the greatest power are often in the possession, and all the weapons that can be produced are conventional weapons. The fighting field is a collection of treasures, and daily work is a routine ability. Tang Shidao’s rescue operation was successful, and this achievement is daily.

Some people suspect that Tang Shidao used a collector’s instrument?

Do not.

No one is so stupid.

A rescue operation in a district, a small remuneration of an antiquities, a fool is willing to waste. You know, you can do more than once a day, maybe thousands of times. Tang Shidao As long as he is not an idiot, he must have done it with his usual abilities.

Two days later.

Wei Luo once again undertakes a new mission: a labyrinth rescue.

“There is only one target. It is dominated by the eagle, trapped in the enemies of the source hornet. It has no war, only hidden, because the opponent is too strong. Now the small league is guarding the outer door, not letting the source bee The eagle dominated and grabbed two special one-time ancient instruments, so it was chased by the source nectar. The labyrinth of the area is inside the source crystal planet, each gate has guards, and the task is quite difficult. “Wei Luo introduced in detail.

“Can the big army go in to save people?” Tang Shidao asked.

“Yes, but you may sacrifice too much Mage, so please ask for rescue first, and then send the army back.”

“Well, wait for me.” Tang Shidao nodded lightly and smouldering.

Everyone knows that this time is not as easy as it was last time.

The source crystal beast is different from the source iron beast.

Moreover, the maze and the blank ground are different. Even if there is no source crystal bee guard, it is not easy to find someone in the maze. More importantly, the Eagles dominated ‘hidden’ their own whereabouts. It can’t be found by the source crystal bee, so it tries to hide its whereabouts. A master is deliberately invisible, and it is difficult to find it.

“Even if you are fast, I am afraid… ah…” The representatives of the small clan have not finished.


Cloud smoke reunited.

One person, an eagle, a pile of broken source crystal bee corpse exploded. The crowd was scared and retired. The eagle’s lord was also a face-to-face. There was a kind of doubt in my eyes, ‘Why am I, where am I, what am I doing?’

“And slow hands!” Wei Luo rushed, and the eagle who intended to cast back the enemy dominated Daxie: “Nothing, you are back. Don’t do it, it’s okay.”

“Oh…hey…” The eagle dominated the familiar clan representatives and calmed his mind.

Even if something is different, the ruler is still dominant.

Adapting is faster than anyone.

“Well, another magical antiquities.” Tang Shidao reached out to pay, but also because the second magical antiquities agreed to help.

“Okay, your reward, Mr. Tang Shidao.” The clan representatives were naturally sent.

Looking at Tang Shidao disappeared, they also breathed a sigh of relief.

This kind of rescue…

Honestly, it seems like a few seconds to make a lot of money, it is very easy and simple. In fact, this kind of reward is reduced. The task of working in the dust is not as long as possible, but the sooner the better. The first point is that the outer door has a closing time limit, and the slower the more dangerous. The second point is that there are a large number of people entering the collection of resources. The more people there are, the faster they need to be. A slow rescue may kill one every few minutes.

The miner of the first mission.

Every time you die, you lose a large amount of source iron minerals, which is equal to cutting meat for small clan. The quicker the recovery, the less the small clan loses.

Of course, blindly speeding up is not right.

Fast and safe, the perfection of both is perfect.

the second time.

The rescue of the maze is just as good. The eagle dominates and fights for two pieces of disposable ancient instruments. If it is indeed life-threatening, it is likely to give up two pieces of the instrument and exchange it for its own peace. This kind of thing is very precious, but it is not as precious as the life that is dominated. Quickly rescued, people are safe, and two things are safely in the bag.

“He will become the new darling, the new darling of the aid mission.” The representatives of the Xiao Clan are lamenting.

Although it is not clear how Tang Shidao did it, this speed and achievements must be seen in the eyes of all the clan.

most of the time.

The aid mission is not only to save people, but also to fight for materials and materials.

Faster, more harvest.

Mage, who is most familiar with the outer door, knows that the life race outside the world is not the greatest danger. According to the average rate, self-disintegration or self-destruction is more dangerous. There are many good things in that state, but there are as many dangers, but the opposite is less. That kind of action, a little faster and slower teammates are hundreds of times different.

The outside world in the collapse is not a good thing for you, and the magical disorder and whirlpool may easily fall off one dominate.

Therefore, not only does it require fast action, but it also needs to guarantee the strength of peace.

Tang Shidao only did two missions.


It is said that the evaluation of the clan of all sizes is extremely high, and it is blown up and blown up.

After the second rescue, Tang Shidao did not take the source of the source crystal bee smashed, and stayed beside the outer door. The small clan alliance naturally does not dare to greet, collect it by itself, and then hand it over to Wei Luo. Wei Luo is his own master, in exchange for the information and Fragment of the ancient artifacts. In this process, the representatives of the Clan Alliance calculated the number…the wreckage of about 637 source bee beasts.


This is only the number of wreckage brought back. Between the three and four breaths, Tang Shidao may have more to kill in the outside world.

Not counting the inside, the pieces that are brought back can count 637.


Kill the enemy.

Find the hidden eagle to dominate.

Take it away safely.


After the three-four breath time, these were done, and at least 637 source bee beasts were killed. It is conceivable how strong the daily working ability of Tang Shidao players is. That is the source crystal bee, even if it is far less dominant, it is much stronger than the general Faling. At this time, finding the way, finding people, killing the enemy, and saving people are all perfectly achieved. It is difficult to think.

Tang Shidao went back to reorganize the magical archaic artifacts, but Wei Luo received a lot of invitations.

Without exception.

These tasks require ‘fast speed’ and ‘extremely strong’ regular Force. The reward is also very high, but…

“Sorry, everyone, I can’t answer.”

“Hey? Mr. Wei Luo, can you talk to Mr. Tang first? Maybe he will agree.” Now more than a small clan, the big clan is also looking for it.

“Sorry, everyone, this is not my deliberate martyrdom. To be honest, Mr. Tang is not interested in magic materials. Your price is no longer high, and Mr. Tang will not listen. The second rescue, if not the magical antiquities Mr. Tang will not participate. Do you understand? Mr. Tang only likes the materials and fragments of the ancient antiquities and is not interested in ‘money’.”

“Then we go to find some ancient artifacts as a reward, can we?” The people quickly asked again.

“It can be, but this ‘commitment’ is useless. The second mission, the Beasts found the object in advance, and then passed the magic image to me. I took it to Mr. Tang, Mr. Tang finished watching I agree. You are only making promises now. What do I have to give to Mr. Tang? First find something, then pass the image to me, I can ask Mr. Tang.” Wei Luo said that there is nothing to say a wool.

“Okay, we are ready soon.” The big and small clan understands.

The sects and horses acted and tried to find information and fragments of the ancient artifacts. However, they found that… these things have raised prices early.

Not only raise the price.

Moreover, it has rarely appeared on the market, and it has also been snapped up by the Zongmeng of Weiluo.

“what happened?”

“They started in advance. Those who support Mr. Tang’s small clan, they spend a lot of money to collect these things. Because Mr. Tang does not need resources, he only needs to learn things. So, they are desperately collecting these things as traded goods.”

“He doesn’t want resources at all?”

“Yes. According to our secret channels, Mr. Tang has helped the small clan to carry out the task. It is all the collection task of the disintegration area, a total of 16 tasks, the total amount is equivalent to the income of the Zongmeng for about 400 years.”

“What do you say?” The patriarchs of the major clan were shocked after listening to them.

“Yes. It is the information sent back by the most lurking chess pieces. It is at the top of the Zongmeng. Why are they so rich and mad? The reason is that Mr. Tang’s harvest is huge, they are already rich and explosive. Now those on the market. It’s all Mr. Tang’s eyes are not eye-catching, otherwise they would buy it early, and there’s no way to have a surplus.”

“It turns out that we are fooled. They have already started early. No wonder, some days ago someone secretly purchased the right to use the dangerous door.”

“Yes, there is such information.”

“Why don’t you say it earlier?”

“Intellectual information cannot be transmitted. Only a few of the lords know about the things of the past few days.”

After listening to these, the sovereigns of the major clan were silent.

More than fighting.

In the daily tasks, some people deliberately put smoke screens. They surfaced Tang Shidao on the surface. In fact, they secretly called Tang Shidao to do the task. In just a few days, they have already harvested the biggest benefit.

What is going to happen in the world, it is daddy to make money.

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