Mage Network

Chapter 1118

Tang Shidao In the dusty world, all the emptiness is known.

With so many batches of ‘fascinating’ teams entering the dusty world, it is not Tang Shidao that is the only one to inquire about the news. The number of tens of thousands needs to be low-key, and millions of activities are open, and hundreds of millions of people have already lived normally. They are not bold enough to change their name, enter the fighting pool and fight with the players of the past, but daily life is no problem. Some people monitor and do not affect their lives.

After accumulating a certain message, one person returns one way.

If there is any chance to come back later, the void always needs someone to dedicate his time.

“Why don’t the emperor build a portal?” Some representatives of the ethnic groups did not understand.

“Building now, the probability of failure is not to say, success will be removed by the dusty people. I feel that the emperor’s classmates ask for the antiquity of the world is somewhat unreasonable, he likes knowledge, but the value of the ancient artifacts is too low, no Like his urgent need to learn knowledge. If he did not guess wrong, he deliberately used this reputation to conduct research. If the portal is studied from the ancient world, the existence will be more ‘reasonable’.”

There is no fool in the presence, I can understand this.


At this stage, the ‘powerful’ of the dust has not yet been shown.

Lawling level.

The qualifications to enter the shrine in the void are not enough, and it is definitely in the middle of the dust. All the big voids are infinitely dust-proof, and the dust is also everywhere to guard against the big voids. Its way of doing things is also guarded against the opposite side of the outer door.

Read the information.

The hearts of the people first thought of the resurrection pool. This ‘strategic weapon’ is too powerful and desperately destined to die.

The birth pool, the dust resources on the earth.

Fighting pool, the guarantee of talent training.

Coupled with the extraterrestrial gates that may collect resources and talents, the natural conditions of dusty worlds are too favorable. It has the material basis of the void and the purest energy. This place can really despise all the ‘lifetime’.

“The person who brought back the message will let him go in the next priority. If he does not want to go or does not have time, he will give priority to the person he recommended.”

“it is good.”

There is not much information, and there is not much discussion.

The void is still in the midst of a big practice, and the reverse osmosis against the dust is also a plan. If it is not suppressed, the major voids do not want to fight back. From another angle, it is more to learn the new knowledge and the new Force. The Fleming level has been fully constructed, but the ancestral level has not yet been officially opened, so the void requires more mature experience and information.

Over time.

Everyone believes that one day, all the suppressed hands can be cut off, so that all the voids can develop freely and freely.

at this time.

Tang Shidao is also searching for some information in the dusty world, such as the army that invaded the void.

The answer is not complicated.

Most of them are war-fighting Mage who are close to the limit and can no longer rise. The few are neutral and no one. The information is very “confident”: these Mage are not malicious, just think of the next generation to find some matching opponents. Work together to make progress and strive to break through the limits of both sides.

If they are living in the world, they are not a group of war madmen, but a group of teachers.

That’s right.

These Mage daring to the next generation is to find the best genius, they try their best to guide, lead higher, and win the future… Of course, the unfortunate death in the guidance process is not their business. They work hard to point out and select some excellent seeds that are eligible to enter the world, so that the seeds can get a better environment. This is very good at heart, it is a pity that the excellent seeds of the big voids can not understand this kind of painstaking efforts and resist the end.

So this is not the fault of the war faction, but the genius of the void can not understand this kind of good intentions.

Tang Shidao try not to look at it without the emptiness.

On a neutral perspective.

It feels like a group of hunters say to a group of tigers: You should not live in the wild forest, you should enter the zoo. It’s delicious, good to sleep. You guys have abandoned them. You don’t need to worry about eating, drinking, breeding and old-age problems when you enter the zoo… It feels neutral.

If you look at the perspective of the void:

The strong come, open and kill.

Can kill all killed.

If you can’t kill, you will open your mouth and become a person.

The Scarecrow, Zen Nine, the original Taichu, Da Kui Huang, Da Jiu Shi these people will refuse, the reason is clear. Estimate and regardless of whether this is an assessment, the opposite direction thinks: Who will give you the qualification for assessment? Killing the genius of the void, leaving the qualified seed to kill, what is the assessment?


Tang Shidao began to understand why there are people like ‘mad gods’ behind the outer door.

There is no reason, that is revenge.

Maybe they also know that they can’t resist the dust, but they just have to take a breath and take a bite. It is hard to say who is right or wrong between the strong and the weak. The counterattack is the last roar of the weak.

“Mr. Tang, you have a huge crisis.” Wei Luo’s face is very poor.


“The Yuan clan secretly organized a challenge, which was a non-level limit. From Fringe 2 to Falling 3, the number of participants was 10,000. They sent you an invitation and the game was within ten days. I and all the sects have worked hard and placed about 400 people. However, when the lottery was selected, it was a million in total, and 100 people were drawn, and 10,000 people were drawn. So, four hundred people can be pumped. A few of them are hard to say.”

“You also sent someone to help me?” Tang Shidao smiled.

“Yes. It may die, but once the Alliance has been established, it must not give up the companion. I admit that they have not fully supported you, but the current level is also exhausted. After all, they have to retain some money for the clan. Mr. Tang, my personal suggestion … You give up the competition. Because you are the first to be invited, and the number of the 30 spirits of the Falun 2, you do not participate in the most laughed for a few days, and soon passed.” Wei Luo dignified.

“I have some suggestions, will those allys listen?” Tang Shidao smiled.


“That’s good. I suggest that you call the 400 people back and don’t participate in the random lottery.”

“Mr. Tang…”

“I want to play with 9999 people. And, I want to take all the magic materials I have earned as a bet and bet on me to win. At the same time, I hope that you will post a message after my victory: as long as this difference is ten times Mana I can’t accept the level of the infinite game. The number does not matter, 100 people, thousands, thousands, I don’t mind.”

“Mr. Tang, you are this…”

“Wei Luo, what is my intention is not important. Since some people want me to die once, I will give them a chance. The same level can’t, one-on-one courage is not enough, I will give them the opportunity to stand up together. You talk Tell the confidants, then inform me of the time of the game.”

“This… well. Mr. Tang, I hope you know what you are doing.” Wei Luo nodded and hoped that Tang Shidao would be safe.

Five days later.

At the beginning of the new round of competition, everyone knows… this is not a chaos.

This is 9999 against 1 one.

More terrible.

This time, most of them are Fa Ling 3, holding more than a hundred Fa Ling Mage strong. The next generation of Tang Shidao is only about 30. This time the audience did not cheer for Tang Shidao, no one was a mortal person. The major dealers have some special handicap, for example, Tang Shidao can kill a few people. Ten, one hundred, one thousand, or other numbers.

In short, there are all trades in the game.

The only one is unsightly.

Tang Shidao himself took his own, and the bet was all the money he earned after he entered the dusty world. Wei Luo and the Allies of the Alliance did not take it. They were only praying for peace.

One-on-one does not, the unrestricted game may be a draw… as long as both sides don’t want to die, they may draw.

Game start.

This time, all the weak and the weak can’t believe the ‘accident’.

No attack.

No defense.

Tang Shidao is just like the previous game, standing still in the field.

the other side.

9999 famous players of the past generations have accumulated power, prepared for encirclement, and ready to join forces to kill. However, when the first person had just applied and had not yet formally attacked, he turned into a self-destruction and dissipated as a cloud. It’s like being overpowered and self-destructing that it can’t bear. The first person died without fighting.

Of course this is just the beginning.

The scene is like the ‘corpse explosion chain’, the first self-destruction, the second person did nothing, just because the strength is closest to the first person… he also exploded.

Then the third, fourth, fifth…

At this moment.

No one attacked the whole process, except for the first person preparing to shoot, and the other 9998 people did not move. When people reacted, all the players except Tang Shidao blew themselves and turned into clouds. In the history of the fighting pool, this is the only game that has no attack and defense, and even has no surrender.

On the surface, Tang Shidao did nothing… win.

Another 9999 players struggled to prepare for the fight and died…dead.

The battlefield of Void Yuanyang shows: 9999 players died and 1 player survived! The survivor wins!

This paragraph is irrefutable.

Ironclad is like a mountain.

At this time, the scene was dead and silent, and even the breathing was gone. As a resident of the world, the audience has seen countless surprises. However, they have never seen the ability to kill everyone without doing anything. The most important thing is that the players did not start at all, and even the reason for ‘touching and hurting’ was not established. Jokingly, the 9999 people are like a collective self-destruction.

“Sorry, I won again.” Tang Shidao said lightly.

There was no sound at the scene.

The audience, the clan, no one has to open his mouth to speak.

“Slightly frank talk. Some Mage I can’t win, it’s hard to beat. So I’m still trying to improve, try to climb higher and challenge those who feel stronger. But, I’m sorry. Say: Among you, I have not found such a person.”

After a word, the whole scene slammed.

Too arrogant.

No, this is beyond the realm of arrogance.

“I am from the void, the next generation of visitors in your mouth. In your eyes, I am the subordinate Mage whose level is limited to come in. Right? I don’t mind your opinion. I came to learn and seek new knowledge. Because you challenge too much, I am a little bored, so I will make things clear once a day.”

Everyone is silent, but his eyes are unhappy.

Win, can.

The next generation of guests want to be arrogant, no.

“Some insiders should hide my information, for example… I have a creational body.”

In a word.

Feeling uncomfortable turned into a horror.

The major bookmakers are angered by some people.

“Don’t mention the development breakthrough and expansion of the creation of the gods, only its foundation: the sum of all the known! The people who are still in this range have no meaning to me. Now I want to remind people who want to make money, The ruler of the perfect Failing is only an ant in front of me. Among you, the patriarch of the patriarch may be able to do it, otherwise it will be a cloud of smoke.”

In this sentence, all the bones of the people are born with coldness.

“Last reminder, the master who has a perfect spirit is not able to win me. Send these people… Well, you can die more dignified.”

The sound fell and the audience rang.

Do not accept roaring ups and downs.


Now on Tang Shidao’s challenge message screen… there is no new challenger.

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