Mage Network

Chapter 1117

The first to stop the Tang Shidao competition was the big gambling dealers, because they could not hold it.

They can’t limit the audience to bet, so the business doesn’t have to be done. However, they are able to ‘limit’ other players not to challenge Tang Shidao. No one challenges, naturally there is no competition. Can the players not listen to the major dealers? can. Really. Do not believe you try. Look at your neck is hard or sharp.

The audience opposed the voice, but it didn’t help.

Unless Tang Shidao actively challenges some players, no one challenges Tang Shidao to be ‘reasonable’… you can’t force the players to die. With so many games, the field is completely destroyed, and there is no courage to be stupid.

“Mr. Tang, this is a gift from the major dealers. They hope that you will not challenge anyone in the short term.” Wei Luo is very busy recently.

The major dealers desperately inquired about the news, and the small clans desperately submitted their plans.

One person became famous and the whole family was graced.

Tang Shidao Only Wei Luo is a trainer, no clan, no ally, no team, and Wei Luo is a spokesperson. The players in the fighting pool are not athletes and need huge forces to support them behind the scenes. The dusty pool players in the world are themselves ‘big engines’. The higher the Mana level, the higher the status and strength. They don’t need to support Force. They are Force.

“One-time ancient instruments, a valuable gift.” Tang Shidao smiled.

“three item.”

“Well, I don’t move for a while. But, do they advise me not to challenge the usefulness?” Tang Shidao gave it to Wei Luo and glanced at him not to take it.

“Useful.” Wei Luo is also accustomed to this reaction, knowing that people in front of him can not sell this thing: “You have no opinion, just do not fight again recently. The major dealers need some time to adjust, soon Can make new plans. Even if you are sure to win, you can press other items after adjustment. For example, can an opponent support for a few minutes? Do you need to shoot?”

“It turns out that.” Tang Shidao understands that winning can also bet on the length of time.

“How do those small clans return?”

“your opinion?”

“In places like the world, you can either rely on the big clan or join the small clan. They can not only provide a lot of training resources, but also provide a lot of news. At the same time, when you have difficulties or danger, they can also Help each other. Because the various families not only invest in a player, but also a lot, they can also help each other.” Wei Luo illustrates the normal state here.

“Too lonely player, don’t you like it?” Tang Shidao knows.

“Yes, unless you can win, the audience can’t do without you.” Wei Luo nodded, saying that uniting everyone is a kind of sharing, and eating alone is annoying.

“Well, I don’t mind, just some conditions.”

“Of course, you said.” Wei Luo listened as expected, and the small clan wanted to sign the card could not be paid.

“The first article, I am very interested in the ancient artifacts. No physical objects, drawings and paper records can be used. Or damaged, Fragment, even the remaining dust, as long as it is related to the world’s antiquities. I can ask how much I can collect. But they want me to do things, to participate in the adventure group or something, they have to pay for my satisfaction.”

“Do these things and materials pay for it?” Wei Luo was surprised.


“What about magical materials such as source iron or source iron crystal?”

“You like what you want, I don’t need it.”

“Okay, I understand. There is no problem in this respect. There are very few antiquities in the world, but there are many ancient pictures and clichés, or Fragment. Mr. Tang, I have to remind you. If you plan to respond quickly to Mana, you need some It is better to practice resources. In addition, the ‘antiquities definition’ of the ancient antiquities is often very simple. When an era and a civilization are cut off, they will be listed as antiquities.”

“Well, I like these things that pass on the generation.” Tang Shidao nodded.

“What else?” Wei Luo also nodded, I believe that this condition is easy to meet.

“The second condition, my adventures on the past is strange. This place is huge, but it is always limited. However, there are more adventure activities than the void. I am very surprised, where is this adventure? If there is Maybe, I want to participate. If there is a need for confidentiality, I am not reluctant,” Tang Shidao said.

“No, not reluctant. About this… um, sorry, I am negligent.”

“What do you mean?”

“I should explain it earlier, because I didn’t care about your identity and ignore it. In fact, this is very simple, the place of adventure is random. I simply said. There is a danger in the void called ‘Void Crack’ right? In the last life There are similar things.” Wei Luo expands the light screen and explains it while playing.

“Similar?” Tang Shidao heard the key words.

“Yes, similar, similar but not the same. In the past, there is a saying of ‘three pools and one door’, which represents the overall impression of the past. The three pools are the resurrection pool, the birth pool, the fighting pool, and the one is the outer gate. It is with the void. The crack is similar, but it has signs before it appears, and there is a closing time after it appears. The adventure team will be ready before opening, then enter, and come out before closing.”

“If it doesn’t come out in time?”

“You can hold it and wait until you can’t hold it. The chances of repeated opening of the outer door are not high. Maybe for thousands of years, maybe hundreds of millions of years, everything is good luck. But there is a guarantee in the past: if you can’t wait You can also commit suicide and then resurrect in the resurrection pool.”

“The meaning of the outer door, open is the outside world?”

“Yes, Mr. Tang, you understand the outside world. In our mouth, all are called the next generation.” Wei Luo did not ridicule the meaning, the living inhabitants really looked down on everyone. This habit has been engraved in the bones and cannot be changed.

“How to judge the strength of the outside world?”

“Before opening, everyone needs to check the strength of the outer door. The stronger the energy sensor itself, the stronger the internal world. Of course, this is not absolute, but the overall judgment. The general judgment is accurate, and in rare cases, it may be particularly powerful. Individuals, the adventure team is in trouble.” Wei Luo continued to show, one by one.


The strength of the outer gate is a general assessment, and the estimates are probably correct.

However, ethnic creatures within the outside world do not necessarily have ‘average’ Force strength. In terms of 100, it is possible that 100 are almost level, and it is possible that 99 are weak but one is strong. The former is the norm, and the latter is a rare accidental risk. This is also why the adventurous team needs to be highly equipped and needs support if it is in danger.


The creatures outside the world will also lurk in the dark. Waiting for the adventure team to return to them almost once to save, dragging the adventure team away.

Sometimes they also avoid it, let the adventure team harvest resources.

Just ask for no sacrifices.

Behind the outer door is a new world, no one can be sure what will happen. At the lowest level, the outside world is just a mortal world, and even a good thing can’t be collected. This is similar to Mage Network, but not the same. The world that Mage enters knows the roots, and even the restrictions are clear. Out-of-bounds doors are random and have no restrictions unless the natural environment is inherently special.

After Wei Luo explained it, Tang Shidao also heard it.

Dust on earth.

It sometimes plays the role of a ‘grabbery’.

The more powerful individuals and clan, the less they need to be, because resources are abundant, energy is pure, and strong people have better resources. However, weak individuals and clans need resources from outside. The time when the outer door is opened is not long, and it is certainly impossible to produce and operate, and the exchange of goods is also difficult. More importantly, people who are dusty on earth are arrogant, and they are robbed to save time.

Wei Luo also explained that this is very detrimental.


The big clan does not share too much resources, and the clan wants to develop and must snatch it. This is a fact that cannot be changed. Wei Luo also mentioned that the past life has been retaliated. There have been many people like “mad gods” in the dust. They were all looted and then self-cultivated, and after the second or third reopening, they desperately slaughtered revenge.


The mad god can wake up some rules, and these people can’t.

The first point: the resurrection pool.

With its existence, people who are on the earth are not afraid of revenge.

The second point: the void.

Most of the important planets on the dust are made up of the voids. Even if there is revenge, death and destruction are also weak groups, and the void can guarantee the upper middle class to live well.

For these two reasons, it is impossible to learn from the dust.

“Remove those clan who like looting and slaughter. I am not sympathetic to the outside world. I just don’t want to cooperate with the short-sighted clan. The landlord has a private Plane. I don’t think the resources will be insufficient. The ancestral realm, even the life universe. It can be built completely, saying that lack of resources is just an excuse. Greed is a short-sighted, short-sighted, I don’t like short-sighted collaborators.” Tang Shidao made the last request.

“Good.” Wei Luo is not strange.

There are strong reasons for being strong in the dust, and there are also weak reasons for being weak.

Sometimes weak is not because of the lack of resources, but also related to ‘lazy, stupid, greedy’ and so on. Many players do not like to cooperate with short-sighted people. People with defective personality will infinitely enlarge because of their long life. By the same token, the clan is the same, and the shortcomings are infinitely magnified because of the perpetuity of eternal life. The impression of the thief, tens of thousands of years of good deeds can not be washed.

Wei Luo listened.

Going out to convey the meaning of Tang Shidao.

Everyone hears the ancient things and adventures are relaxed and happy, but the third, half of the small clan directly walks away… looting is their way of survival.

However, this did not give Tang Shidao a penalty.

Instead, the next day, a group of small clan representatives came in… They all liked the third article.

They are willing to develop slowly, but they don’t want to mislead their children.

At this moment.

Yuan Zhen and Wei Wei listened to the latest news from the monitoring department, and also know that Tang Shidao is slowly adapting to the dust.

“What do you say about the peak?” What Yuan Zhen is most concerned about: How did Tang Shidao do it?

“There is no answer, they can’t analyze it. The adults only say: Tang Shidao’s weird means are probably related to the creation of the gods, because the creation of the gods is the state of cloud. In addition, the adults rejected your request for killing, they think Your chances are not high. Say, if you are sure, kill the best on the stage. Do not start in the future, not only will not end in the future, but also those who talk about the rules.”

“Yeah.” Yuan Zhen nodded, in fact, it was also a question, not too much hope.

Killing under the stage is a dead end.

No, it is an eternal and incomprehensible hatred. Even if the deceased is resurrected, the two sides will not die, and the possibility of reconciliation is basically equal to zero. In the extreme case, the deceased is resurrected, unable to stand on the ground, rushing into the outer gates, and entering another world of practice. Suitable for the opportunity, returning to the dust, and ruthlessly killing all the members of the enemy.

It can be said.

The resurrection pool is a mirror, a mirror of humanity. The more vicious you are to deal with others, the more serious the compensation you get.

Why is it all right when it comes to dust?

Because the three pools are one.

Their existence is a hidden rule, and everyone must have a scale.

“Let’s observe first. If you find weaknesses, remember to inform me the first time.” Yuan Zhen is the last generation of residents, and the natural contempt for the next generation is inevitable. Again, the two sides can’t talk about hatred… At least Yuan Zhen thinks that he has not offended the void, and he feels that he is doing it for granted.


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