Mage Network

Chapter 1119

“Do you dare to hide such important information? Do you know how much money we have lost recently? Those are all important resources, the most advanced magic materials. You squirrels, with our money to develop the monitoring department, actually reversed It’s not going to end our money. It’s useless to tell anyone. Don’t think that we’re just a ‘businessman’ and you can’t do it. Everyone waits and sees who is crying to the end!”

The major bookmakers only had the voice and did not show up at all.

They are not jealous.

This is a real warning.

Dust on the earth.

Money is the magic material, magic material is the basis of practice, the basis of practice is the battle Force. So, money = Force!

Offending the group of merchants who control resources is actually offending the Force community.

The group of businessmen can be more than just businessmen, they are also the body of delegations that are sent out by the major clan to make money and gather intelligence. In other words, they have a huge backing behind them. Even the representative of the topmost clan.

One can’t do it well, and a big chaos is possible.

“We will find a way to compensate.” The monitoring department must not back the pot, and the Lantern Festival can only carry it on its own. The Yuan clan, who concealed the intelligence, even the war clan, must compensate. Otherwise, next time they want to buy or exchange some important resources, the major merchants must deny and delay. Even Guangming Zhengda sent resources to support their ‘competition’ clan or ‘cevin’ clan.

Even if you don’t rely on the forces behind you.

It may be difficult to master the resources, but the bad things must be easy.

“You are miscalculated.” The defending champion did not directly participate in the matter, but he was only a bystander. However, the relationship between the major clan is intertwined, basically you have me and me. Sometimes, a clan has several factions, each of which has its own allies. The defending champion is the Wei’s clan, but it is obviously not the same as Wei Luo.

Therefore, the defending champion did not want to see the Yuan clan defeat.

The alliances that are too deep to each other are often glory and glory.

“Yes, I didn’t expect the creation of the gods to be so terrible.” Yuan Zhen did not deny.

“A Force is weak or not, you need to see your personal cultivation. If you have a skill, Mage, even a small fireball can be upgraded to Great Curse, which is an extraordinary power. I have heard of the creation of the world, in the hands of the general Mage. At most, it is a super library, there is no possibility of too much lethality. Tang Shidao can do this to prove that he is an extraordinary wizard.” The defending is not too optimistic.

Terrible ability.

Terrible Mage.

The latter is more worrying than the former. Because every kind of Force has a fixed foundation, and personal progress and achievements are endless possibilities.

“Now he is adapting to the world, and he may become his own.” Yuan Zhen nodded.

“It’s hard to say. It’s hard to impress such people unless you give enough benefits. The more people with Innate Skill, the more proud they are, the more they have their own beliefs. Those who are recalcitrant, which ones are easy to persuade, are basically not bent. Temper.” Wei Wei does not object, but thinks that things are not so easy.

“Those people didn’t come up, but Tang Shidao came up.” Yuan Xiao laughed.

“Well, this is a difference.” The defending champion also nodded.

The dusty people are proud, and they are confident. Mage who didn’t come to the world to die, they can’t help, but when they enter the living Mage, they have the confidence to ‘convincing’ or ‘convincing’. In their view, entering the world is a kind of signal, showing weak signals.

For those who show weakness, they are more confident to win.

“When he really knows the benefits here, he will naturally become a person here. When his children’s blood spreads, they will naturally cherish the resources here. Wei Lao, there are countless such wizards in history, now they are all born. The patriarch is a patriarch.” Yuan Zhen is very confident and believes that there are no people who are ruthless.

“Hope.” The defending also has confidence.

He has been seen for a long time, and he has seen countless examples of integration… The Great Curse Emperor Tang Shidao is no exception.

Just look at the length of the integration time.

At this moment.

The external fighting news spreads like a storm, and instantly attracts countless people. For example, in this way… In the fighting arena, a next-generation guest wins a few games, and immediately swears at the slogan, defying the superiority of the world, not knowing the heights. Now I urgently need a hero from the past to send this madman to the living pool and let him rest for tens of thousands of years.

The news is mad.

However, no one mentioned the level of Tang Shidao, the ability and the number of people he won.

It’s like a big pit.

It may have been dug by the major dealers, or it may have been dug by the audience who lost money. In short, we will sing this thing and not describe this person. In the unlikely event that someone is blindly charged, it is not possible for everyone to make a small profit. As for the face of the dust, Oh, who cares. This year, it is Dad who can help him win money.

“I am coming. The next generation of madmen, I want to blow him with one hand.” The news spread, naturally someone came to the challenge.

Tang Shidao’s intelligence is easy to find.


Some people will deliberately ignore and pretend to be ignorant fools.

Behind the stupidity, there must be deeper reasons.

“This time the opponent is called the Cobalt Wolf, the supernatural wizard. He has a perfect Fleming Force, which can be called the Falun Lord. He is the pressure level to fight against you, the surface is fair, in fact, the weakening of the physical strength is very weak. Less, far superior to summoning Mage and the turret Mage. The Cobalt Wolf got the promise of certain clan, and in case of defeat, his resurrection costs were paid and there were additional rewards.” Wei Luo sent the information for the first time.

Because of the alliance of more small clan, Zongmeng intelligence is also more detailed.

Even the inside story of the challenge can be heard.

“Is it strong?”

“Yes. In the fighting pool, the physical and strong callers are very troublesome. Because they are desperate, the former is resurrected and it is easy to practice. The latter, summoning the strong only by summoning the number, so having the Mana rank There is a Force. Fighting game, only the Mage turret and the spouse Mage are more cautious, or people with special skills.”

“Does the resurrection pool clear the original skills?”

“No. It has nothing to do with the resurrection pool. It depends on what I lost when I died. The resurrection pool is just a rebirth, guaranteeing your original Mana rank. If there is no loss in the game, the resurrection pool is reborn and full. So, the body is strong. People often have nothing to lose, they are very hard.”

“It turns out.” Tang Shidao has not died, and has not tried the effect of the resurrection pool.

It seems.

The resurrection pool is not the focus.

The point is how much ‘drop’ when I am defeated, the less the drop, the lower the loss. Physical and summoning classes may be lower relative to falling because they are rarely held. The possessions are also very stable and are not easily abandoned by the enemy. The Mage turret and the stewards are in trouble, and basically some hands will be lost.

“Mr. Tang, you must be careful. The Cobalt Wolf has entered the ranks of the people at the level of the Falun, not the easy-to-follow.”

“Millions of people?”

“Yes, this is a non-public list, just a list compiled by the major clan privately. You also know that the fighting pool has no general ranking of the spirit level, but a refinement of the spirit 1 to the spirit 9 There are some names in the list, and some of them are not in the list of people. We generally call the nine lists a public list, and the million list is called a private list. There are still thousands of people in the private list of the spirit level. List and ten people list.”

“Is there a single person list?”

“That’s impossible. Even if there is, no one can sit still. Any strong person has a bias, and there is a bias in the way. Therefore, the lowest is the ten-person list. The Holy Land, the Lord, the Supreme, the Fa Ling, These have a list of ten thousand and ten.”

“What is the intention of the private list?”

“The public list marks the combat power, and the top rank refers to the most powerful combat power at present. The top of the Falun 1 refers to the most combative one of the spirit spirit. Similarly, the top of the Falun 9 is also the strongest force on the list. The list is labeled with Innate Skill, which usually has a name in the first 10,000. Innate Skill is potential, so the private list is also called the potential list.”

“Why is it divided into two lists?” Tang Shidao actually wanted to understand.

However, there is a need to give Wei Luo a chance to speak.

Including the representatives of the Zongmeng who are present, they all need to see their own ‘learning’ and ‘progress’.

“Because the public list can be faked. It is not a game fraud, but a division of Force. For example, a Mage practiced to Faring 3, with 100 Faring. But he deliberately splits Force and returns himself to the first level. Going back to Faring 1, the fighting power must hang the characters of Faring 1.”

“Well, the level is lower, and the combat power is not too bad.” Tang Shidao nodded.

“Yes. So, the public list is combat power. The private list is the potential of Innate Skill. The former can be self-decreasing, but the latter is not. The potential of Innate Skill is difficult to increase or want to reduce. The list means that the potential of the Cobalt Wolf at the level of the Falun has been 10,000, and only a few thousand people have surpassed him in front of him. Once such a person is desperate, the game will be terrible.” Wei Luo reminded him twice.

The representatives of Zongmeng did not speak, but the eyes had the same meaning.

The cobalt wolf is not a fool.

Even if it is superficial, you must have your own plans. Even if the body is biased, not afraid of death, no one deliberately seeks death.

Two days later.

Before the start of the game.

A strange accident happened, all the audiences tried their best to support the cobalt wolf… no one bet!

“All-in-one Tang Shidao?”

“Yes, big banker.”

“Nobody is pressing the cobalt wolf?”

“No one, big banker.”

“I am stepping into the horse…” The big dealers at every handicap received news, all of them brainstorming. This is a one-sided bet, all-in-one Tang Shidao, screaming their mad madness. As a result, the big dealers also reacted: they were pitted. Those spectators, they are not fools, they in turn bite people.

At this time their voice is just a smoke screen.

In fact, they don’t mind the dusty world, and making money is king.

The cobalt wolf who entered the game also turned blue and knew that he was laughing too early. The audience was on a wave of pits and wanted to hang back this time. Winning for the past? does not exist. Adding weight to your wallet is the right thing.

“Don’t bet me? Hey, you must have lost very badly.” At the beginning of the game, the Cobalt Wolf crushed the top good card in 63219: a one-time implement, an elemental ban.

The element Force was forbidden.

Those who are good at body skills are the hegemony of the game.

Power storage.


The fierce bombardment… Then, the Cobalt Wolf smashed and dissipated itself, turned into a cloud of smoke… exactly the same result.

Ordinary law can’t beat.

It’s not a good ruler.

“Oh…” At this point all the audience were roaring, and the smile on his face burst. At the same time, all the dealers are pale.

Nima, 1 loss of 1.5 is also a loss of vomiting blood.

This business can’t do it.

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