Mage Network

Chapter 1116

Anyone knows: this is just an opening!

However, this is also the beginning of the whole world that most people don’t want to see.

The next generation has won.

The heroes of the world have lost.

More important… the money and instruments that everyone bet on are lost. Life and death are not important, winning or losing is important, and Laozi鈥檚 money is gone. As a player, your strength and weakness are all about my ass. I made a bet, you helped me win the money, this is the value of your life. If you lose, for whatever reason, you are a junk.

The audience is not only off the court, but also off the court, far away.

They may be led to squat.

In the same way, they may also turn against the water. For example, now, ten seconds ago, they also cheered for Yuan Teng. After ten seconds, they all became Yuan Teng’s enemies, dead enemies, and Baishi grievances. Not only cursed Yuan Teng, but even the Yuan clan was smashed.

They don鈥檛 care whether the Yuan鈥檚 clan tests, and it鈥檚 a big thing for Laozi to lose money.


You are fooling us to support Yuan Teng does not matter, the key is to win money. Will lose one, who will take care of you.

“And slow.”

Of course, there are plans for Plan A to have Plan B. Although Yuan Teng was inexplicably defeated, the failure was also in the plan. When the first piece is sacrificed, the next move must continue. Whether the chess piece itself is willing or not, as long as it is planned, no one can veto the decision of the clan. Unless you don’t participate at the beginning, once you participate, you must continue whatever you face.

鈥淒o you have something?鈥?Tang Shidao looked out of the field, and the external Wei Luo鈥檚 gesture could continue or refuse.

“I am also called Yuan Teng, Faring 1. But I have two activation magics.” The one who opened the door showed his identity.


“I know that you are a visitor to the next generation. I don’t know the rules of fighting in the world. I can play with you, and even let you limit the number of equipment. If you feel uneconomical, I can wait for you. One year, ten Every year will do, until we have two spirits, we will fight again.” The same name is Yuan Teng, but the meaning is not ordinary.

People present know that this is a legion.


This is a training group and is very optimistic about the training group. Dozens, or hundreds, thousands of people use a name at the same time, and let the name ring through. No matter which one loses, the rest will make up the position and help him finish the work he has done. With this complete and proper function, the name will slowly spread, making it more valuable.

One yuan is dying, and another Yuan Teng challenge is in line with this mode of military operations.

鈥淔aling 1 is 1 to 9 activated magic?鈥?Tang Shidao asked.

“Well, you don’t understand it.”

“You have two algorithms, and it sounds like we are different.”

“I can wait for you.”

“it is good.”


“Let’s wait a moment.” Tang Shidao interrupted, exhaled, and then took a deep breath. At this moment, the entire stage space is not normal. As if the state of a punch just now, the energy is alienated, the space is curved, the spell is disordered, and everything goes into a chaotic state. Yuan Teng subconsciously defended, and thought that the stadium had long been separated, and he was not at risk.

I want to talk.

“Okay.” Tang Shidao long inhaled, the whole person is flying, and the power of the body is multiplied.

no doubt.

This is also the level of Faling 1, but there are already two sums of energy that activate the magic.

“Now we are the same, are you ready to start?” Tang Shidao said.

at this time.

Yuan Teng was arrogant and completely unaware of the reaction.

The same is true outside the court.

All the audience in the dusty world are stupid.

Of course, they also know that there is a kind of player who is ‘deliberately cutting off’ energy and downgrading to a lower level competition. This character has the most sacred hierarchy, then the Lord, and then the Supreme. The higher the energy, the less I will give up, the self-reduction is easy, and self-repair is difficult.

Even if the ancestral level of the rumor, losing a total energy to activate the magic will take some time to recover.

Faling level.

The sum of the energy of the Supreme 9 is 100 million times that of the Supreme 1 and 100 billion times the Boundary of the World.

Such a huge amount of energy… can you replenish it with just one breath?

“I took all the energy of Yuan Teng just back.” Tang Shidao looked at the new Yuan Teng and explained a little. Tang Shidao did not lie, this space does not capture himself, because the creation of the gods, but also because of the virtual blood of the Yuanzu Yuanling.

on the other hand.

In fact, Tang Shidao does not cut away from Force, but instead transfers all his energy into a private ‘small void’, ready to transform the ancestral universe’s life gift package. If Tang Shidao takes back the energy of the small void, he can actually recover his full strength.

Tang Shidao does not need to do this because of his infinite magic.

“Do you actually have this means?”

“I have the ability to do things that don’t seem to do you. Do you want to fight? Don’t hit me. Jun Bi, Kang, old, hearty, bald, Meng, pepper, stepping, squeezing, suffering, holding vegetables, sputum, sputum, sputum, U 閶?, 0Force state is worse than mortal.

“Hit.” Yuan Teng bite his teeth.

He knows that he can’t.

Because of the plan, because countless viewers are watching.

According to the plan, I lost, and there is a resurrection pool. If you don’t follow the plan, even if you go back alive, punishment may be worse than death. He is more than one person, and the whole team needs him to face all challenges. Once the name of Yuan Teng is damaged, other Yuan Teng will also want his life.

Off-court gambling is too late to start betting.

A new round of fighting started.

This time, Yuan Teng can choose not to melee attacks, long-range gathering, and flashing.


Yuan Teng is transformed into a cloud of smoke and dissipates the air.

Tang Shidao breathes again, and the energy sensor on his body rises again. However, this time Tang Shidao left half, fluttering into the outer shell of the void, giving back to nature. The second Yuanling’s two spirits, Tang Shidao only digested half… Yes, the other half is ‘let’ to the void, and the void is not able to grab Tang Shidao.

after all.

It is not a void and a void world, it is only the first material.

鈥淚s there anyone else to challenge?鈥?In the quiet arena, Tang Shidao鈥檚 voice is quiet and sounding.

At this moment.

People even weakened their breathing sounds.

The sound is ringing and no one is talking.

There are plans for Plan B, of course, there are plans for C, and even DEF and so on. However, the third Yuanteng did not appear because Yuan Zhen hinted that the order was terminated.

“No? It doesn’t matter if the level is high, I don’t mind.” Tang Shidao asked again.

The players grinned.

The audience was red-faced.

At this time, the fools saw it: this next-time visitor is not bully. On the contrary, he is likely to turn over and bully the past.

The same is true of Yuanxiao鈥檚 stop.

He must admit that he has looked down on the Great Curse. Compared with the impression of the master of technology in the intelligence, the people in front of the eyes are too far apart. Even if the cut-off energy becomes a small point at the level of the spirit, his combat power has not been reduced too much, and the self-estimation has maintained at least 30%. Such a person may need to fight hard to kill himself.

It may be uneconomical to sacrifice hundreds of people as planned.

The invitation is not available.

Natural exit.

At this time, Tang Shidao also noticed the attention of Yuan Zhen and defending. Only, the heart does not care. The level of the two is limited, and what they can see is what they deliberately let them see. People who can’t even distinguish roles and actors are not worthy of attention.

“You are famous, Mr. Tang. But… trouble has come.” Wei Luo went forward and wanted to laugh but could not laugh.

“what’s wrong?”

“There are people with Fa Ling 2 and Fa Ling 3 who invite you to play the level game.” Wei Luo showed a list.

Faring 2.

With a level of activation magic of 10 to 99, Faring 3 is ten times the next. Even if such a character is pressed, his skill skills are superbly burst. On the other hand, the higher the level, the higher the combat power, and the adventure task group’s treasure hunt is also higher. Dust on earth equipment such as clothes, high grade natural equipment and more.

Yuan Teng has only one-time ancient instruments, and it is ten times as many times as it is. It may be a true ancient instrument.

This kind of character challenge, Wei Luo is naturally worried.

“Are they blind?”


“I just didn’t finish it, can they understand what I did?”

“That one鈥︹€?#8221;

“Since I don’t know what I did, why should I rush to death? Wei Luo, you are a trainer and a former player. Do you know what I have done?”

“I don’t know.” Wei Luo really does not know that its own strength is far from the level of the spirit.

“Then think about it, why do they still want to challenge me?”

“This… Mr. Tang, you are a visitor to the next generation. If you challenge and win, you can gain a greater reputation. Besides, everyone has a different card. Maybe they also have a chance to win. Especially at this moment, everyone needs someone to come. Wei Luo can only think of so much, after all, he really does not know how strong Tang Shidao is.

鈥淛ust like this, blindly charge?鈥?Tang Shidao suddenly understood.

Dust on the earth and the void are not the same.

Wei Luo nodded, which confirmed this conjecture. A long time ago, Tang Shidao went to a special area: the land of eternal life. Taking the position of Mr. Long, the Mage in that place is also acting strangely, because the environmental guarantee will never die. If you really want to interpret the mentality of the dusty world, you must add two basic conditions.

First, the resurrection pool is guaranteed to be able to be reactivated.

Second, the birth pool, to ensure that resources can be practiced.

In other words.

In the dusty world, the reputation is greater than life and death… The white point is to be famous!

This kind of situation is also in the mortal world. In the online game, the level 1 trumpet rushes to the 99-level large, and it is a knife-second. It continues to climb and continue to charge. It doesn’t matter if you die, it doesn’t matter anyway. In the competitive game, the head is made, let alone the brainless. In the dust, the world does not look at the strength to do things, look at the character, the character determines that they will have no brains.

Not a big death, another hero after 18 seconds.

Don’t be jealous, just do it.

In the fighting pool, the more powerful the person, the more confident he is to repay the account. In their minds, life is very fun to play.

“I understand.”

“Then you are careful…”

“I accept it all. The pressure competition is right, I accept it. In addition, I buy me to win, win all. If you believe me, you also bet me.” Tang Shidao opens the communication record and responds to the invitation to the pressure contest. ‘Accept’ and immediately fight.

Wei Luo is dumbfounded.

He felt that he had done a stupid thing, and the people in front of him did not understand where the dust was.

ten minutes later.

He did the second stupid thing, he really took it.

Half a day later.

He felt that… he was not stupid.


I won myself… No, I should say that my training player Tang Shidao won. Near attack, far attack, summon, curse, all Force is useless, as long as you touch Tang Shidao’s body, the other party must be turned into a cloud, no one exception, no one escapes.

From start to finish.

Tang Shidao didn’t move, the opponents all killed themselves.

More terrible.

No one has figured out until now how this is done. Yuan Zhen and defending are also stupid, they faintly discovered: this person seems to be unable to deal with himself. Previous estimates have underestimated the goal and overestimated itself.

The audience cheered.

Cheer for Tang Shidao.

Because…winning money… Whether you are alive or alive, you can win money.

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