Mage Network

Chapter 1115

“How did he do it?” Tang Shidao moved, and the people in the monitoring department didn’t know. As soon as he left, Yuan Zhen and others came over.

No face, because they still don’t want to do it.

Since the person being monitored joins the fighting pool, it is too easy to get started, and there is a chance to be more famous. At the same time, the monitoring department also informed the upper level of the Wei’s clan. There are countless clan in the dust, and there are high-level and low-level. The Wei’s clan is undoubtedly a high-level, otherwise it will not be so arrogant.

“I am also curious.” This time the Wei’s clan came to be a member of the old club, and the defending, known as the ‘Iron Screen’ defending.

In the dust, you can have a name, not a simple character.

The result of the test.

Tang Shidao is the level of the Falun, and with the intelligence of Yuan Zhen, the Wei clan naturally does not dare to neglect.

Now everyone is wondering one thing: How did Tang Shidao do it?

Wei et al. were all abolished.

The affected people asked for compensation. If they did not say anything, they could not find the answer. There are no attacks and no traps, although the strength levels of the two sides vary greatly. However, even if the move does not count the means of recruiting, it is too strange to abandon hundreds of thousands of people at a time. Switch to them and cause more ‘harm’ during the fight.


It seems that this kind of ‘silent and no interest’ means they can’t do it.

This is not a matter of power.

This is not a skill skill.

The people at the scene did not understand at all how this ‘harm’ was achieved.

“Do not care, when does this person’s game begin?” The defending champion knows that there are many strange things in the world.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand.

Look at it, try it more, and always find the result.

In the Force world, the person who is most afraid of not shooting, you never know what means he has hidden. As long as the other party enters the fighting pool, it is equal to making everything public under the eyes of everyone. Therefore, the fighting pool is not only an honorary field, but also a database for controlling the world.


“Start today? Doesn’t he have to find out the opponent first?” The defending champion was shocked. Is this really a next-time visitor?

Is this courage so big?

Directly open?

“Yes, to be precise, the game officially started in ten minutes. Wei Luo also persuaded him, but Tang Shidao listened to Wei Luo’s words and knew that it was necessary to prepare for it. He just did not do it.” It’s very tight, because Tang Shidao is the first person to deliberately change his name and reveal his identity to the next generation.

Such people are either cowards or really confident.

“Let’s go and see.” The defending glanced at the Lantern Festival.

“it is good.”

At this time in the fighting arena, the snoring sound has already exploded.

A new next generation guest joins the fighting pool.

A super-powerful at the level of a spirit.

A brand new entertainment explosion.

“Mr. Tang, since you have accepted it, I will not say more. This is the intelligence of the opponent, a mobile fort that is good at magic bombing. Please believe that the battle style of the past and the next life is absolutely different. Here, the equipment is like Clothes are just as usual. So, no one knows how much equipment a Mage has. If you don’t count the loss, you can use a large number of instruments, and the players who defeat the high two or three levels at the same level are all possible.” Wei Luo is speechless.

This player is not unbelievable.

He believes that he understands that he just did not do it.

Because of the previous ‘cough’ power, Wei Luo believes that Tang Shidao is a strong visitor. However, the past is not the same.

Here, the equipment is the king.

“Yeah.” Tang Shidao was very indifferent. He looked at the information and didn’t care too much.

strictly speaking.

Tang Shidao is not unbelievable, but has been observing all the way. He has found that the material’s ‘description’ is very small and misleading. All of this is for the gamble, so the player’s information is biased towards ‘estimation’ rather than ‘real’.

Really want to know someone.

In fact, a glance is enough.

The opponent has been there.

In order to provoke, the atmosphere is active.

He self-reported the name Yuan Teng, which is also the level of the spirit. It is about the stage of the promotion of the Supreme 9, which is stronger than the students on the other side of the source. It is hard to say whether it is possible to leave the school gate, but the strength is obviously not as good as the veterans who are fighting the source of the iron beast. In other words, the weapon equipment that goes to him is not counted. This Yuanteng is not as good as the beast of the source iron beast.

This level is even full of cosmic wonders, and it is full of ten fingers and ten toes, and even the teeth are studded.

Faling level.

It is relatively late at the time of vaping, and often comes with the word ‘master’. But in fact, the dusty world’s ‘Faling level’ is really a big word, and the perfection and greatness are already in the late stage.

In some ways.

Yuan Teng estimated that it was sent to ‘send death’ to test himself.

“Mr. Tang, you are careful. Yuan Teng has no fame in the database. It may be the post-approval of the Yuan clan. It is temporarily sent out. However, the more such people are more troublesome, they often carry different equipment. Individuals It is recommended that you do not expose too much, keep some cards, and the days will be smoother.” Before the game, Wei Luo once again prompted.

“Good. Wei Luo, in fact, what is the real meaning of the competition?” Tang Shidao asked.

“The player’s way out has two directions. The first one, after being famous, relies on the big clan to fight for resources. This method is the best and the fastest, and the development is smooth after the hardship. Second, after being famous, by a group Small clan joint support. Continuous improvement, and then slowly climb.”

“All need fame.”

“Yes, the players have no reputation and can’t do anything. Whether it is a big clan or a small clan, everyone looks at the strength. If they have the strength, they will cultivate. The better the strength, the more resources will be given. It is not impossible, but it takes too long. You may not die in the middle of the road. Mr. Tang, you may not know the situation of the past. You don’t look at the individual Force here, but look at the number. There are a large number of instruments and the same number of talents.”

Tang Shidao glanced at the audience.

Gently nod.

That’s right, there are so many ‘talents’ here. However, mass production produces very few products. There are countless supreme and spiritual spirits in the audience, but there are less than ten people who dominate the hierarchy.

From that faction, these few people are the grandfather mode.

“The defender is old, one of the members of the Wei’s clan, known as the iron screen defender, the magic defense. The next one is called Yuan Zhen, the latest generation of the Yuan clan, is very optimistic. They come Well, probably because you just shot it. Of course, you are a player, they won’t do it, you can deal with you on the stage.”

“Do you have something in your words?” Tang Shidao smiled.

“Yuan’s clan, where Yuanxiao is located, is extremely disgusted with the next generation, often sending people to block the entry. You may not understand the identity of the Lantern, but the elders of the Wei’s clan, Yuanxiao, you must understand.” Wei Luo opened a list and dialed to the top column. He had a name that was Yuanxiao.


There is also a special name next to the Lantern Festival: the defending division.

Yuan Zhen, Yuan Zhen.

Defender, Wei Luo, Wei, defending.

Such a name does not have to be guessed to be highly relevant. The dust is no more empty than the sky, but it is not small. The avant-garde`s ability to take the clan’s fame and say things, certainly depends on it. If Wei Luo does not lie, then this Lantern should be the representative of the ‘war faction’. The defending division is not known for the time being, but it is a marriage with the Yuan clan. I believe that the relationship between the two parties is good.


Played on.

The dusty world of fighting is the model of ‘the place of heaven and earth’. The entire space is wrapped in the ‘shell’ of the void, plus a special array. No matter how the inside fights, the outside people will not spread. At the same time, these energies will be absorbed by the void and become a tonic for dust. At the same time, fighting back to the natural environment, killing two birds with one stone.

“You can surrender in a moment, I will not kill you, I like to see the next generation of visitors.” Yuan Teng proudly spoke, attracting countless audience cheers.

from their perspective.

It is a good thing to hang the next generation.

It feels like a thief.

Tang Shidao feels that something is not normal, and there are some unrealities in the surrounding performance. As if, what deliberately led to this.

The stage is divided into two halves.

No referee.

No timing.

The two sides agreed on a start time, the internal legal array opened, and then two people like how to play.

In addition to the audience, there are countless coaches and players.

Including the gambling dealer.

They don’t care who is playing with whom, they only care who is more likely to win, and who is more likely to make money for themselves.

“Yuanteng is a Mage fort…”

“Tang Shidao is a visitor to the next generation, and his ability is unclear…”

“Yuanteng is known to have 16 instruments…”

“Tang Shidao doesn’t see the implement…”

“Yuan Teng has been awarded the Fa Ling, which has been reduced. However, Yuan Teng has been suffering for 1,500 years and can make up for it…”

“Tang Shidao can also be added to the influence of the atmosphere…”

In addition to the analysis of the gambling bookmakers, the coaches and players are also analyzing. They are very clear about one thing: Yuan Teng is just testing the pieces and may not succeed. Even if it is successful, if the win is not beautiful, others may challenge another knife. Therefore, this battle is likely to start, as well as the middle and the post.

The audience was also provoked and shouted.

Game start.

An accident happened… Yuan Teng flashed in front of Tang Shidao in a flash, and a slap in the face, his power and even the space was distorted.

At this moment, everything on the stage is no longer normal.

Energy alienation.

The space is curved.

The spell is disordered.

It seems that there is no trace of normality in the entire space, even normal and normal defenses will not work.

The audience was shocked and happy.

The eye-catching and powerful people can still be sure: Yuan Teng is definitely a small-looking player, a hidden trump card in the spirit class. Moreover, the boxing that Yuan Teng now holds must be a one-time ancient weapon. He was just a shit, he just wanted to kill, and he didn’t want to spare his life.

The Mage turret became a martial artist.

Everyone is not as pleasant as surprise.

The second accident.

A bang… Yuan Tenghua dissipated as the clouds… The people who were beaten were safe and sound, and the attackers disappeared. At this time, the audience outside the audience opened their mouths and their voices were dumb. The previous ‘half-sounding’ also seemed to be a cheer for Tang Shidao.


The audience looked at the screen of the game: Yuan Teng players, death, the game is over!

Seeing this, the last hope disappeared.


what is this?

One thing that everyone is weird: “How did he do it?”

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