Mage Network

Chapter 1114

Formally entering the battle pool, Tang Shidao found that the dust is so simple!

First of all.

Here, in addition to a handful of Mage who are unwilling to be born, the database of the fighting pool includes 99% of the strongest people on the dust. A large part of Haoqiang will hardly participate, but they all have records. For the people here, the fighting pool is like a strength list. You can’t play, but you can’t stop on the list. If you don’t go to the list, it means low strength.

There is no low-key in the dust.

Even if you don’t like to fight, come and log in, occupy a quota, and your peers will not be angry with you.

Second point.

The residents of the dusty world do not have much right or wrong, and always only favor the strong.

Being weak here is a mistake. It does not help the clan, the followers, the admirers, the weak Mage. Whether Force is strong or powerful, you must be strong to do things. The weaker Mage is getting worse, and even an action leads to disaster. Therefore, residents of all ethnic groups do not consider right or wrong, and when you have insufficient ability, you will be on the sidelines, and you should not hinder the person who has the ability to appear.

The third point.

The dusty world’s inhabitants despise the next generation of visitors, most of the reasons are… timid.

No one likes timid people here.

No matter how strong or weak, no courage will be despised by everyone. The main cause of this concept: the resurrection pool … has the conditions of ‘not dead’, at most, it will lose some money. Are you so afraid of death to be worthy of the audience? Is it worth your clan? Is it worthy of admirers who adore you?

Can not forgive, but timid is absolutely unacceptable.

simply put.

You are strong enough and all problems are not a problem.

“Mr. Tang, fighting players only record grades, do not remember personal magic and ability, including races are not recorded. So, you must explain to me before you accept the challenge. I am your coach, I will help you find opponents. Information. If we have a surplus of funds, we may also buy the opponent’s good and weak information.” Wei Luo is very careful, because he is also close to the end of the road.

“Yeah.” Tang Shidao didn’t care, professional things were handed over to professional people.

“The fighting game is divided into a level competition, a pressure level game and an infinite level game. The first type is the same level of player duel, the second is to use some method to limit the strength to the same level competition, the third is regardless of the level. Full-level battle. The level game is easy to understand, not much to say. Most of the pressure level is for ‘promotion.’ For example, the genius of the Holy Land 1 wants to challenge the players of the Holy Land 2, and the level of the game can be carried out with the consent of the other party. ”

“In general, people with high ranks know too much. Does that mean?” Tang Shidao smiled.

“Yes, but the pressure level is more practical in order to earn the public gambling money. The level game is easier to judge the outcome, it is also difficult to make a fake. The pressure level game is difficult to say, create no fake, add a few pieces of instrument equipment to a certain party. It is possible to change the outcome. The greater the fluctuation of winning and losing, the easier it is to make money.”

“Unlimited level is from lowest to highest?”

“Yes. Infinite level is no level, anyone can. It is also a gambling game, the mechanism is more special. For example, in the Holy Land and the landlord at the same time select 100 players, all invested in the same battlefield, the final victory individual or victory team for Winners. Infinite level games have ‘random selection’ instruments, which must be random. However, the winning and losing volatility is greater.”

“If 99 Sacred Mage meets 1 landlord, 99 people will join forces?”

“Yes, it may be that several landlords join forces to kill others. Generally speaking, the higher the level, the better the random selection. However, if it is isolated, it is not good. The infinite level has a full level and a limited sanctuary. Or the landlord.”

“Well, ask a question?”

“You please say straight, Mr. Tang.” Wei Luo gently gestured.

“Sacred 1 is a ring?”


“Is the Holy Land 2 a second ring or a ten ring?”

“10 Rings. The Lord 1 is a boundary, the Lord 2 is the Ten World. There is no such algorithm in the next generation, but the Extreme 1 and the Extreme 2 are ten times the gap. You should know this. Their algorithms are the same, the Holy Land 1 The Holy Land is two times ten times different, and the Holy Land 2 is ten times worse than the Holy Land. If it is an infinite level game, the Holy Land 1 to the Holy Land 9 may be drawn.” Wei Luo explained in detail.

“Well, what do I need to mention?”

“Be careful of all the players who have passed away. Although it is apologetic to say this, it is a great honor to defeat the next generation, so every player wants to challenge you. There is no challenge message because you have not yet determined the Mana rating. Once you pass the ancient spirit The level of the monument is confirmed, and players of almost the same level will send a lot of messages to fight for the first time.”

“Are you accepting it?”

“Yes, let your own mind. But even then, if you have not accepted the challenge, others can sneer at you. In the past, timid players are extremely unpopular. Especially you are a next-time guest, ridiculed It’s more serious.”

“Is it a big influence?” Tang Shidao is a bit strange, ridiculing this thing without attack.

“Great. For example, if you want to buy magical materials, group adventures, even eating, drinking, and playing, you may be turned away. It is convenient to have money in life in the world, but it also needs fame. Too bad reputation, life will Extremely unsatisfactory, and the same Hao Haoqiang does not cooperate with you.” Wei Luo cautiously reminded that you must be mentally prepared to take this road.

Tang Shidao nodded, actually just want to know this place.


Honestly, I didn’t care too much.

After logging in, you will confirm the Mana rating, which requires a special thing: the ancient monument.

It can be accurately recorded and no one can hide the Mana energy. Another reason to use it is that ancient monuments do not record your other messages, such as blood races, magic skills, or instrumental equipment, etc. are not recorded.

It only records one thing: the total amount of your Mana.

The players in the fighting pool need to re-record after they have improved their strength. Otherwise, the outcome may be cancelled, and the losses of all viewers and opponents shall be compensated.

Of course, the improvement in the battle is not counted.

Came to the record hall.

Trivia is a sudden birth.

“Hey, it’s Weiluo, haven’t you given up? You haven’t cultivated a player for so many years, but you’re still doing this. Everyone is a clan, listen to your brother’s advice, go back. Stay at home and eat well. It’s not very good to drink for a lifetime? Your innate skill training is also a waste of material, obedient, and what is the right way to govern the planet.” Stepping into the hall, the strange voice suddenly sounded.

have to say.

Tang Shidao did not encounter such people in the void. Everyone is Mage, no strength and no brain power, not stupid.

However, the environmental conditions under the dust are different.

It is easy to develop a big master of ‘confidence bursts’ here. The most important point is that seeing a poor and sour person in his body is definitely a visitor to the next generation. His intention to ‘taunt’ is even more obvious. It feels like a brainless spray encounters fake news, not squirting.

“Wei, my business does not need you to control.” Wei Luo obviously does not want to talk more.

“You thought I wanted to manage, this is the face of the clan. You are looking for someone. We are the famous Wei’s clan, don’t smear the clan outside.” Wei` only looked at Tang Shidao with his eyes. Silk does not hide that contempt.

“I can’t use the clan to divide resources.” Wei Luo screamed.

Wei `a glimpse.

At this moment.

There were a few well-behaved old people who came along, and one of them said: “Your surname is Wei, this is the resource.”

Wei Luo has a double fist.

Fingered into the palm of the hand, but did not dare to collide on the mouth.

“Yeah, your surname is Wei, this is the resource we give. Wei Luo, my brother, I don’t object to you doing this. Training talents, every clan needs. But you have to polish your eyes, don’t want any clowns. Accepted. Although we have a lot of Wei’s clan resources, it is not wasted for those who are born in the next generation. Otherwise, I will introduce you to this one. Yuan, the Yuan’s rookie descendant of the Yuan’s clan, the metal of the landlord 3 Mage. I have a loss and let him give you a practice.”

“You will be so kind?” Wei Luo sneered.

“Of course, we are clan. But you have such an important partner, and certainly have no time to do anything else. Your mother left it to you…”

“Hugh thinking.” Wei Luo immediately refused.

“I am also a clan…”

“Don’t think about it, I would rather die with the same death and die.” Wei Luo interrupted again and again.

Wei `愕然.

At this moment.

The old man who is headed once again said: “Wei Luo, that is not something you are alone. Your mother is married to the Wei’s clan, and her things are ours.”

“Including her life? Do you want to take it?” Wei Luo cold channel.

“We didn’t kill her.”

“You didn’t save her, just watched her die.”

“We have our considerations, that thing…”

“Because my mother is not worth mentioning, but the nobles of the Yuan clan are more important. So you save him, regardless of my mother’s usual role, right?”

“We are for the clan.” The old man screamed coldly.

In his eyes.

Everything he does is taken for granted… I think so, I am right. It is entirely reasonable to save more important outsiders and give up unimportant ones.

“I am for my mother. You can kill me, but I don’t want to get that thing.” Wei Luo’s eyes are dead, but they never give up.

“Do you think I dare not?” The old man was furious.

The body exudes glare.

A god of honor.

That model, as if the whole world is angered together, others do not immediately bow to worship.

In front of the old man, Wei Luo is as small as a helpless cock.

At this moment.


With a soft click, it feels like a slight discomfort in the throat, and you need to cough with a light cough.

There is no power.

There is also no energy fluctuations.

The cough sounded and the feeling of a little discomfort subsided. At the same time, everyone on the scene fell down, like falling down on the dead wood, lying down. Their instruments are turned into powder, their energy is turned into light smoke, and their blood is turned into a stream… no death, more terrible death. With a single cough, everyone was emptied back to the ‘0’ state.

Even said.

They even smoked the Force and took advantage of the heartbeat to regain some vitality.

At this moment, they don’t even know what happened.

Only two people were standing in the field.

Tang Shidao.

Wei Luo.

“Sorry, Wei Luo, your relatives are too annoying, I can only let them take a break. Rest assured, I did not kill them, this… well, it is not worth killing. The next step is to test it? We Let’s get started, start early and finish early.” Tang Shidao ignored these people, just like the elephant never looked at the ant when he passed by.

The people who lay down understood it.

The Wei’s clan people want to open up and say a few more words. However, they found that they had no strength at all, just like a live meat.

Others are stunned.

I wonder what the Wei clan offends you to do with us?


Claims, absolutely to claim … claim to the Wei family clan … the next generation of visitors is even, provoke this monster.

Less than two minutes.

People once again heard a more desperate voice.

“Mr. Tang, your Mana level…Faling level?” Wei Luo was shocked.

“Well. The energy calculation of this ancient spiritual monument is really accurate. Unfortunately, it cannot calculate the strength of personal force.” Tang Shidao is very satisfied with the numerical results. However, this level of bullying is too high. The level of the spirit is the same height as the Supreme 9.

Is this level of yourself?

Ok, let’s just count the dusty grandfather.

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