Mage Network

Chapter 1113

Tang Shidao has been hanging around for a long time, and there is still not much understanding of the dusty world. I don’t know why, the creation of the world’s “function” has become lower, as if everything is unfamiliar and difficult to control. It has the purest energy, the most stable substance, and because of this, things without combination and non-intersection are harder to remember by the creation of the gods.

The simpler it is, the harder it is to capture.

“I will tell you about the 100 gold coins. To be honest, I don’t like the next generation. But if you have money, um…”

There are also regular groups that have information on the dust.

They are like libraries.

However, they are not free to open and require appropriate permissions and fees. Tang Shidao This kind of next-time visitor is only the minimum authority, and there is money and authority.

After the private gift of one hundred gold, the librarian’s attitude changed slightly.


The information obtained is still very few, and it is the daily knowledge, the customs of the world. In these cases, I can only say that it is better than nothing.

First of all.

It is necessary to know that there is a ‘three pools’ in the dust.

The first one, the resurrection pool.

This place is the most important, always in the hands of the major clan, is an indispensable configuration in all regions.

The second, the birth pool.

“…It is similar to the resurrection pool, and it is also the energy vortex formed by the cloud of the void. After a certain amount of energy, it will enter a special mode. For example, it seems like this…” Librarians show magic images The picture is a huge energy vortex. No reason, a group of big fish spewed out, filled with air.

At this moment.

The librarians showed another one. The energy vortex was a flying bird, not a big fish: “Is it visible? There are also… such as trees, flowers, fruits, and even minerals. The birth pool will spew. No one knows, completely random. It is like a treasure, and occasionally it will spray Mithril and Auchin, and even the magic spring ice crystal.”

“Will there be Warcraft?” Tang Shidao asked.

“Yes.” The librarian showed another picture and said: “The birth pool is generally regarded as a treasure, and occasionally there will be an accident. Some of the birth of Warcraft may cause certain harm. Of course, there is no fear of a resurrection pool. Anyway, The birth pool may spew anything, and it must be a single one. When its energy is sprayed, the birth pool will disappear.”

“Does the birth pool repeat?” Tang Shidao thought of life weaving, but the surface was quiet.

“Generally not. It is random, it depends on where the dust cloud is formed. The more the birth pool, the more people pay attention, you want to make some money, it is best to keep those small. Years, decades, When it comes to eruption, you can get some benefits.” Librarians also regard Tang Shidao as a poor person. After all, Aujin materials are not big money.

“Yeah.” Tang Shidao doesn’t have much to say.

In front of this kind of character, Force is not high but the heart is very high, and it is almost arrogant.

I am sorry to be sorry for him.

“The third type, fighting pool.” The librarian re-displayed and said: “This is not a natural place, but a man-made. Fighting pool… I don’t know if you are a latecomer. Let’s just say it. The fighting pool is a performance place for a fighting league. We call it a fighting pool because it records the data of countless powerful people, just like a database.”

“I know.”

“Well, you can understand.” Librarians also regard Tang Shidao as the weak, because the dust is really equipped as the king, and everyone in the living world has equipment, just like clothes and shoes. No, either poor or weak: “The fighting league is the most common activity in the past, almost everyone participates, even if you don’t participate in the competition.”

Speaking of it.

The librarian passed a message and said: “Any hundred euros, do you have it? This is the list of players in the Fighting Pool Holy League, and there are some famous analysts. If you look good, you may earn them. A reminder that the player’s level is not necessarily high, and sometimes the skill is more important than the level.”

Tang Shidao paid the money, but some were speechless… This product simply used to be an idiot in battle.


Although the librarian is very annoying, the information is still useful.

Dust on the earth.

The players in the fighting pool are big stars and the only stars. Because Force is the most representative of this place, the powerful Mage player stands for everything. Strength, honor, fame, resources, wealth, fighting pool players have everything… the premise is that you are strong enough to win often. If you often lose, then you are no different from the disaster star.

The major clans are not opposed to fighting.

Change the angle.

Fighting is like a ‘sprinkling’ behavior. Because the energy of the battle will be absorbed by the fighting platform, transforming the growth energy of the virtual cloud. Therefore, the more powerful the Mage battles, the more benefits they provide to the natural environment. Energy is money, fighting is money, no one does not like the strong people to sprinkle money.

Compared with the mortal world, Mage’s strong confrontation is no different from the two gods.


The benefits of fighting for their wealth are borne by the natural environment.

Tang Shidao did not leave immediately after listening, but found the librarian’s superior, and gave another one hundred euros as a service thank you fee. So the superior knew about it. Smile sent Tang Shidao, the guest, and immediately found the staff member, beaten the guy who sold it at a high price… mainly to confiscate his illegal income of 200 yuan.

Then, earn your own pockets.

Here, it is only natural that the last generation of residents will eat the next generation. It is also a resident of the last generation. It is only natural to eat too much.

After Tang Shidao left.

The first time to find a birth pool in the harvest.

“Please stay, this is full.” Every birth pool has a Mage guardian periphery… In fact, it is occupied. Once in the harvest period, they refuse to let all outsiders approach, but do not rule out that you are watching… that is, you envy and hate.

This time the production of the birth pool is very good: ancient wood.

All the old trees sprang out.

There is no second thing.

No beasts.

No birds.

Not even an insect, just a pure old tree. The same variety, the same survival state, the same magic material, just like the clones are copied, there are only some differences in size. Because it is a magical material, this time the income is quite good… It should be said that it is very good for the ordinary clan, and the big man still does not look up.

There are many reapers in the birth pool, but the division is still rich.

This is not a well, nor a lake, or even a planet. It is like a small galaxy. The center eruption point is several million times larger than the sun.

Such a huge amount, even if the material is not good, can make a good return.

Tang Shidao paid for some.

A little touch, I found out that this thing is really ‘copy’. The birth pool is like a one-time factory, gaining energy, entering special key data, and then copying the items at once according to the data. From minerals to plants, from plants to animals, even complex Warcraft can be copied. After the completion, the birth pool naturally disappeared.

What is the reason for this is temporarily unclear.


The creation of the cloud map can do the same thing, only need enough energy to cooperate.

After reading the birth pool.

Tang Shidao no longer watches the other. There are too many birth pools, and some really need to guard for hundreds of years before they break out. Other next-time visitors may be surprised, and Tang Shidao, who has the creation of the gods, is nothing.

The three big pools, now only the last one is unseen.

“This Mage, please stay. Take my 26391 combat coach experience, you must be a rare battle genius. I know, I am Wei Luo. Senior fighting pool coach, a total of 3149 years of experience And 26391 coaching experience.” Before coming to the fighting pool, there was a more person on the road: fighting coach.

Similar to the mortal world of the scout + broker + professional coach.

“My name is Tang Shidao. I want to ask, how many times have you used this rhetoric? How many times have you succeeded?” Tang Shidao smiled and looked at the only person in front of him.

In front of this, ‘Wei Luo’ coach listened.

Then smile.

Raised a finger and said: “I have used more than 10,000 times, and I have not succeeded.”

“You are honest.”

“See who is Mr. Tang Shidao. I like honest people who are frank and I don’t tell the truth about the old fox. My problem is that the strength is too bad, no one can afford me, so no one asks me to be a coach. Your question, Mr. Tang Shidao, you are a visitor to the next generation, other famous coaches will not look for you. The past is biased towards the next generation, including the audience is also biased.” Wei Luo said more straightforwardly.

“Then you look for me, is it weak and weak?” Tang Shidao smiled, and now he really needs a thoroughman.

“No, I am a weak person. This is undoubted. But Mr. Tang Shidao, you are not.”


“Because you are a visitor to the next generation. In the past, more than 90% of the next generation visitors will not approach the fighting pool. Don’t want to, don’t dare, don’t want to. Unless you live for tens of thousands of years, or get a higher qualification. Places, even the strong ones who have successfully entered the world do not mention the old things, save you from being despised. You are different, Mr. Tang Shidao, your backbone is straight, not bent at all.” Wei Luo smiled.

“You are not bad. Although the attitude is very low, you can smell the taste of ‘I only rely on myself.'” Tang Shidao’s reason for returning, the people in front of him are not humble.

Wei Luo a glimpse.

Immediately, the smile reached out: “So, we cooperate?”

Tang Shidao also reached out: “Do you know that I must come to the competition?”

“Yes. Because the objective warfare in the next generation is very low-key, even the positive road does not go, only the side road and the side door. If you don’t mind, I walk in front, you can save you some trouble. You know, some people here like to find The troubles of the guests. For example, deliberately block the road.”

“Yes.” Tang Shidao really doesn’t mind.

“Your mentality is very good, Mr. Tang Shidao, I hope you can keep it. Because of your identity, there will be countless challengers after you log in. Even the audience will not be friendly.” Wei Luo prompts.

“It doesn’t matter.” Tang Shidao smiled.

“Since we cooperate, can you tell me why you are doing this? Please forgive my curiosity. There are very few people coming to the fighting in the next generation.”

“The reason is to find the right person to fight.”


“It’s as simple as finding someone who can fight with me.”

“Oh… please forgive me, I don’t quite understand this. But the fighting pool will satisfy you. It includes countless wizards, enough for you to advance and challenge for hundreds of millions of years.”

“Well, I hope as you said.”

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