Mage Network

Chapter 1112

“Mr. Yuan Zhen, there are two urgent things we need to report.”


“The first thing, the sorghum of the next generation disappeared. His place of residence is still there, but he himself has disappeared. Moreover, all traces of magical energy inside his residence have disappeared, including the traces of the former inhabitants, even once engraved. The traces of Ming’s array are also blank.”

“There is no trace at all?” Yuan Zhen listened, suddenly realized that it was not good.

“Yes, there is no trace at all. This is not something that general ability can do. At present, we have not found any implements that can be done.”

“The second thing?”

“One of the people we monitored, Qin Feng, he just changed his name and changed his name to Tang Shidao.”

“Great Curse Emperor?”

“Yes. According to the information we swindled, he is the Great Curse in the intelligence. It is basically certain that the disappearance of Gaochun is related to Tang Shidao. We have been counter-infiltrated with some chess pieces, and Tang Shidao is one of them. Tang Shidao’s Force is only the downstream of Failing’s dominance, obviously not in line with his position in the next life.” The monitoring department does not value everyone, except for special names.

In the last life, the words of the Great Curse are meaningless.

However, he is famous in the next life.

“He deliberately cut away from his own Force and deceived the team that the eyeliner lured.” Yuan Zhen understood it as soon as he heard it.

However, he does not care.

After all.

The characters of the next generation are famous, and the people who are living in the world are second to none. That kind of arrogance goes deep into the bones, and it is basically impossible to change. The dusty world is too superior, just like heaven and the world, people in heaven can see the talents of the world. Even the name of the Great Curse is meaningless to the people of the world.

“Would you like to take the shot?” the monitoring department asked.

“Do not.”

“He lied to lure the team, we have to ask him to interrogate.” The members of the monitoring department made a second suggestion.

“I will report it to the top, but I don’t want to find him for the time being.”

“Why?” The monitoring department did not have the imaginary awe, and asked questions directly if there was doubt in the heart.

“I admire your work. But our work also asks you to understand. There are three reasons for not moving Tang Shidao for the time being. The first one, if he has the courage to change his name, he will prove that you are not afraid of knowing it. I am not afraid that you will know that you are not afraid to find it. Trouble. Can remove the sorghum without a word, prove that Tang Shidao’s ability is greater than we think.”

“Just like this?” The monitoring department also has combat power and is completely unscrupulous.

“The second reason. We have acquiescence rules in our lives. Those who can enter the world, whether they want to fall in or swindle, or someone to lead in, can come in, do not ask the origin. Of course, we do not give special The treatment is not particularly suppressed. If you take the initiative to Tang Shidao, you may have a huge wave. You know, some peace people don’t like this kind of behavior.”

“What else?” The monitoring department is still insisting.

“The third reason. Tang Shidao has other values. He is the maker of Kun Peng. He knows a lot of information. When he deals with it, he kills it. Since he took the initiative, we are more likely to monitor. He has done it. What? Who is in contact with him? How does he live? We all need to know. If you can conquer, let him control the void, I believe it is better than the ancestors.”

“Oh, this… well, we accept.” The last reason, the members of the monitoring department were finally convinced.

This is a bit of a problem.

However, in the final analysis, it is still an abnormality of the next generation of residents.

Compared to the mortal world, it is like a tribal chief who comes to a modern metropolis. The chieftains make things happen, and the metropolis will ‘focus on’. The arrogance of the world is always there. It is too difficult to change this attitude just like changing the attitude of a tiger to a pig.

on the other hand.

Entering the dusty world is equivalent to getting into control, so they don’t care too much. Moreover, Tang Shidao did not leave the monitoring, they have confidence to look at.

At this moment.

Tang Shidao changed his original name, and he officially stepped on the dust.

Leave the registration hall.

The second step.

Tang Shidao came to the most important place in the dust world: the resurrection pool.

Dust has the purest energy and the most stable substance. The dust cloud of the Netherland will not only generate the void, but also be associated with various minerals. Energy gasification, liquefaction, solidification, reorganization, shaping, this process of generation Tang Shidao has been seen in consciousness, dust on earth is equal to a realistic generation process.

The resurrection pool is the most common building on the dust.

Semi-naturally generated.

Semi-manual construction.

It is a natural energy vortex on the dust, built by a powerful Mage, or built by a powerful instrument, and finally used as a resurrection pool for everyone. These resurrection pools are in the hands of the major clan and are available to all living residents.

Of course, it is not free, nor is it omnipotent.

The reactivation pool needs to be logged in.

After the record, no matter what life can be revived to record the intensity of that moment. For example, when the landlord logs in, the strength of training rises to the supreme, and the resurrection will return to the main level. What are the benefits? If this is the supreme, the practice is wrong, the strength drops to the landlord, and the death is once again resurrected or supreme.

It sounds like the dust will always rise and fall.

Not in fact.

The resurrection pool can only return to the Mana level, which is the sum of the energy, and cannot recover the lost magic and skills. In other words, supreme 9 can’t be higher.


The resurrection pool needs to be paid. The more powerful Mage resurrection, the higher the cost.

For example, the resurrection of Mage in the Holy Land.

At least he needs to pay 100 million points of Mana energy, as well as other resurrection pool owners to ask for compensation. One hundred million Mana is the guarantee that the resurrection pool will never decrease, but will not increase. Other rewards, depending on the ability of the resurrection themselves, are generally not too high. The only advantage is that the inhabitants of the world do not worry about death, and they can repay their debts after the resurrection.

Ordinary Mage also uses the resurrection pool, no ‘money’ can owe first, rest assured that you owe.

Because no one can escape the debt.

Even if you use dead debts, they can also resurrect you, forcing you to practice and then pay the amount of Mana that is owed. Even the punishment is doubled.

Mana is commonly used in the dusty world of money, but it also has magical materials, instruments, and even magic. As long as it has a relationship with Mage, everything can be used as money.

“Hello, you are… Mr. Tang Shidao. Excuse me, do you have someone who needs to be resurrected?”

“No, I need to log in.”

“Okay, please.”

The staff smiled and did not take the initiative to inquire about the guests. The more people use the resurrection pool, the greater the benefits, so they like any guest. The resurrection pool not only revives itself, but also resurrects the people you want to resurrect. The premise is that the person has also logged in.

“Is these resurrection pools universal?” Tang Shidao asked.

“Well? What?”

“I mean, if this resurrection pool is destroyed, can I resurrect from other resurrection pools?” Tang Shidao asked.

“Hey… are you a resident of the next generation?” The staff member stunned and sighed, and then replied with a smile: “Sorry, I just couldn’t understand your question. Yes, GM. Just log in, all the resurrection pools can Resurrection, this one is only a priority. And I have to correct you one thing, the resurrection pool will not be destroyed, at most the energy is temporarily exhausted. In the past, in addition to homemade architecture and homemade items, everything naturally generated is a void For the material. Void, it has never been completely destroyed.”

“But the void may be crushed.” Tang Shidao smiled.

“Well… you are right. But the resurrection pool is a natural thing. Even if someone breaks it, it will remain the same, it will automatically be aggregated into a prototype. So, please don’t worry, the resurrection pool can’t be destroyed.” There was a little more shock in the eyes of the people.

This country soil bun actually said ‘crushed’.

It seems that his knowledge is not low.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, welcome again.” The staff is not a mantra, and it is common to resurrect in the dust. Especially at the ordinary level, the resurrection is more.

Tang Shidao experiment is completed.

It turns out that…the resurrection pool cannot record everything about the creation of the gods.


It is far less than the role of the creation of the cloud, so it is completely “shielded” by the creation of the gods. Everything recorded by Tang Shidao is fake, just a record of the creation of the gods. On the contrary, because the resurrection pool is universal, Tang Shidao also immediately senses the resurrection of other places and remembers where they are.

The first step is to register your identity.

The second step is to resurrect the pool login message.

The third step… hanging out.

The dust in the theory is a very busy place, because the use of ‘money’ is enormous. Resurrection requires money, and life requires money. Dust is different in the world, although this area is super large, but there are many people gathering. It is like the top of a pyramid, even if the area is bigger, it will fill the population.

Originally, there were not many tycoons who were qualified to come in, and it was difficult to fill the population.


The tyrants who are qualified to come in will multiply and have descendants of their children.


As time goes by, there are more and more life races on the dust. Of course, Mage above the landlord, it is very simple to build a private Plane. However, the private Plane is much worse than the dust. The Falun lords here have to raise their talents a little, and they must go into the dust. Therefore, the competition here is fierce and almost cruel.

There may be a relationship with the resurrection pool, and an ordinary fighting competition will hit death.

In the dust, the loser is zero income and zero dignity.

Tang Shidao Don’t have to be busy for a while… Yeah has money.

Super rich.

Formally set foot on this ’emergency’, Tang Shidao found that there are some differences between this and the gods. First of all, the dust is more numerous and numerous, and it has a myriad of virtual planets. The god is only like a giant city. Here is the planet, the land mass, the giant island, and the smallest is the city.

of course.

It is not that every road in every room is a void, and there are also self-made houses of the ‘poor version’.

Occasionally an explosion.

Half of the city’s buildings are turned into ash, and the other half of the city’s grounds, the Magic Academy, the Magic Nest, and the main thoroughfare are safe. There are also troubles in the dust, and their power can easily destroy a planet. However, because it is a void material, they can’t destroy a single hair.

Finished the fight.

The winner is only responsible for laughing.

The loser… pays compensation, including reconstruction costs, resurrection and mental damage, and so on.

The living residents welcome the fight.


Because the compensation is doubled. Furthermore, energy diffusion can be absorbed by the emptiness of the meta-domain, indirectly enhancing the star… Although it is extremely small, it can be slowly accumulated in a few times and energy. Therefore, Mages has more racks and everyone can get better.

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