Mage Network

Chapter 1109

“What, sorghum captain?”

“No, it’s okay, it just feels a little weird. It seems that there is something repeating… Well, nothing. It’s impossible for someone to find it in this place. It’s my heart. You should pay attention to it, be careful and behave in a normal way. Those adults promise us. One person is an ancient instrument, this is a rare opportunity. Now the void is a heart, we must not let people know that we are leaking.” Gao Wei is the leader of the new eyeliner, but also the strongest one.

“Well, you are the captain, listen to you.” Others are following suit.

“Don’t say this, we are all allies. We can’t keep up with the tide of training, we can only find another way. Anyway, we are not betraying the void, just use intelligence to earn some benefits. Everyone checks and checks to see if there are any around. Traces. If not, everyone will be scattered, and the next time you summon, you will be given new information.”

“Good.” Everyone looked at it.

The new eyeliner outside the wall was sold by ancient instruments, which is really not an accident.

Good things, everyone wants it.

There are countless Mages who want to rely on their own efforts in the void, and naturally there is Mage who wants to hold the thigh. Especially in the tide of training, the failure of racing, falling behind, this person’s mentality has changed. Coupled with the ‘foreign enemy’ lure, they did not hesitate to vote. Of course, the role of these people, let him raise the flag to fight the chaos, let them destroy the attack and have no ability.

at best.

They just steal some information and intelligence, and then sell out the wall to earn some benefits.

Not enough.

More than enough to defeat.

It is such people.

Soon, Gao Song took a group of people to check it out and found that the surroundings were as calm as usual, so he was relieved to leave. When they left, the entire area was broken like a mirror, and a group of blurred people were on the scene. These people can’t see the true face, but they are faint but familiar.

“Why don’t you kill it?” The angry voice sounded.

“Because they did a good job. It is recommended to put ‘a group of people outside the wall. This is really a pie in the sky.” Calm and a smile.

“I am going to fight?” The voice of the old man.

“Now is not the time to understand the enemy first. These people are very useful, so check their identity. The best effect, send some people ‘join’ their ranks, it is very likely to be rewarded with them and enter the wall In addition, the other group must cooperate with the pawn, march in, and then expose it under the eyes of the war faction outside the wall. Too strong, do not need strong and capable candidates.” Still calm voice.

“This is very dangerous, it is the enemy’s nest.” Less contact with the voice of the elderly.

“When you are suitable, go in, don’t be stubborn.” The calm voice continued.

“I really want to kill them.” The angry voice.

“Don’t you, the explorers, don’t be as tempered as the war factions. They will die, in their happiest paradise, we will send them on the road when they are most happy.” The calm voice also took Cold, there is no good feeling for this traitor.

“Okay, let them live for a while.” The anger is flat, but the hatred remains the same.

After the conversation is over, the figure dissipates.

as if.

Nothing happened here, everything is an illusion, and even the most powerful Mage can’t find a trace. It is like being in another space, like another world, more like a dream. What happened before, what happened now, there is no connection between the two.

When everything is calm.

after that.

There was no ripple in the void, and everything was left as it was.


In the dark, a group of more than a dozen people were placed on the desk of the various giants. Seeing the crowd above the data, all the ethnic capitals are cold and angry. In another place, the Peng Peng Xinghe, a large number of representatives of the Peace Port Alliance, gathered to participate in a top secret meeting. The principal of this time was an elder who was convened in the name of ‘neutral’ in the original jurisdiction.

Now there is no war in the void, and the war factions have turned into a pioneering group looking for a new void.


The ‘neutral’ reputation of the original jurisdiction is still the highest.

“Sorghum, one of the lords of the beasts, but not the head of the family, but the number two. In the beast family, there is one more above the sorghum: smashing hands! ∫ 髟 髟 髟 玖 玖 (2) 鹄 K 牧 牧 牧 牧 洌鄄嘏猓诔≈谌 仓 仓 仓 仓 仓

These days the beast family is famous.

Everyone knows about it.

However, the dysentery of the diverticulum

“Don’t gossip, we talked with the handcuffs, swearing, swearing, stalking, smashing, smashing, smashing, smashing, smashing, smashing, smashing蠊婺P Unloading P 蝗菀 蝗菀 骄 骄 骄 骄 骄 矗颐 矗颐 矗颐 矗颐 矗颐 矗颐 矗颐 矗颐 矗颐 矗颐 矗颐 矗颐 矗颐 骄 骄 骄 骄 骄 骄 骄 骄 骄 骄 骄

“What the elders said is.” A lot of representatives agreed.

“The sorghum can’t die. If they can kill, they will just start when we come back. They can kill them at random. The Emperor uses the three unique magic traps of ‘magic lost, life illusion and yin and yang’. I also used space to clean up the space. Now, everyone in Gaochun does not know that we have found him.”

A group of people nodded and did not doubt the effect of these magic.

It is too easy for the strong to deal with the weak.

“From the population such as Gaochun, we asked something. The Emperor used the illusion of life to ‘restart’ a meeting. Although it is impossible to find out who the members of the War Party outside the wall, the whole process of the whole process is reopened. It is the detailed information. Let’s take a look at it first.” As soon as the elders waved, countless spots of light flew out, each taking one.

Just one touch, the ‘meeting’ of the sorghum and the war outside the wall was replayed.

This is not a memory theft.

This is the second repetition of the same action, Tang Shidao played the re-inquiry of the war outside the wall, and the sorghum re-answered it again. Therefore, even if he checks himself, he can’t find anything. He has no invasion and stealing. The next time I was invited, the war party outside the wall could not find the exception because the sorghum did not lose anything.

After reading the audience, there was no speech.

At this moment.

As soon as the elders spoke, “Everyone has read it and understands how things are. There are not only enemies outside the wall, but also neutral and even friendly people. No matter what attitude, we are self-improvement is the right way. At the same time, the emperor suggests ‘accepting’ This trap is preparing to select a group of people to go outside the unknown wall. Of course, this is not the number of 100 people, it may be 10,000 people, millions of people, hundreds of millions of people. After all, we do not know how the enemy intends to attract, so we need various arrangements. ”

“We agree.” There is no representative on the spot.

The frenzy of the big void has not yet passed, but people’s confidence has risen and they are no longer afraid of the wall.

The war factions outside the wall are going to fight, and the void is not awkward.

“There are no specific plans, but it is estimated that the team is the most suitable. Small groups with people of all ethnic groups, with the guidance of the older generation, with the followers of the younger generation, this team is most likely to be lured by the other side. Another thing, the Emperor will openly study Members of the group made a secret to crack the secrets outside the wall. In other words, the Emperor will become their main goal.” As soon as the elders slowly explained, the delegates heard the ears hurt.

Facing the war party outside the wall, he took the initiative to stand up as a target.

This guts…

A number of representatives also understand that the Emperor is to attract firepower and make things smoother.

As long as someone studies, the war party outside the wall must accelerate the plan.

The more urgent, the more chaotic.

“We don’t force anyone to join, intentionally, provide a list later. Then, everyone will discuss how to proceed. This matter needs to be carried out without wind and waves. We don’t do anything about Gao Hao and others. Even, we There is also a need to ‘join’ their plans. Remember, our goal is to get out of the wall, not to deal with this group of traitors.”

“As soon as the elders enter, the risk of entering does not matter. What information can we bring back?” At this time, some of the representatives asked.

“It depends on your efforts, because everything outside the wall is unknown. The Emperor went to the superstars of the Devil’s Devil, creating a new portal for the Void Door. If the wall can be constructed, we may make a portal. The door of the void may not be effective. Don’t expect too much.” The elder explained.

“A look at the elders, can you ask…”

“No. Mr. Taichu had talked to me. They had an agreement with some peace people. Just like between the void and the void, everyone does not interfere with each other. Those people said that someone can explore their secrets, welcome, and not block. However, the original Mr. Taichu could not voluntarily disclose it. According to them, the secret outside the wall can be contacted by qualified people.”

When everyone heard it, there was nothing to say.

In fact.

This practice is very common, and the same is true in the void. The source of students on the other side of the source, the technical products of Kunpeng and the superstars, all the important things need a premise: qualification. Those who are not qualified can not be used indiscriminately. For example, the most powerful source of iron shovel has been sold, but not a child can buy it with money.

It is very important to use qualifications, otherwise the void will be messed up.

Hearing that there is no obstacle to the inquiry, there is no ability to divulge it, and the delegates have no opinion. Even if a clan has a secret, the clan family needs a certain identity to inquire.

“What is the war faction outside the wall? They are not quite like intruders.” The delegates spoke again.

“Unclear. The Emperor’s estimate is that there are important things outside the wall, such as technology, materials, resources, etc. They don’t want to share, the less people use the better. So, those people don’t welcome us.” Shaking his head, no answer, this is just a guess.

Everyone in the room is not stupid.

The enemy outside the wall is far from the war madman. The void is not occupied by the weak hour, but it does not want the various people of the void to become stronger. Therefore, they must have any reason. It is probably the most reasonable explanation for having important things and not wanting to share them.

“It seems that everyone has no problem. Then let’s get started.”

“it is good.”

Recently, there have been countless alliances among the various groups of the Nether, and it is not necessary for a general negotiation to take place. It will soon be agreed.

What is outside the wall?

do not know.

However, I believe everyone will know soon.

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